Where can I get orders for the designer. How does a designer receive daily orders for logos and corporate identities. Choice of colors for the logo

  • 27.03.2020

Birch juice loved by many people in our country. It is very useful for the body, as it contains the substances it needs, and even in a balanced amount. By drinking birch sap, you can easily improve your health and, most importantly, satisfy the need for vitamins.

It seems that every inhabitant of Russia has tried birch sap. Previously, back in Soviet times, it was made by forestries. Now, it is not often possible to meet a company that produces birch sap. It is much more profitable to produce carbonated water or alcohol.

But Birch juice excellently cleanses the blood, it is drunk for the prevention of oncology, in the postoperative period, it improves the condition of patients with arthritis and rheumatism, and also removes heavy metals from the body.

That's why birch sap harvesting and its further sale is great way earn money, especially if you revive in people's memory knowledge about its benefits and positive qualities.

The best option for a novice entrepreneur is to establish contacts with enterprises that are engaged in logging, with hunters, farms and so on.

You will also need to purchase vehicles with high cross-country ability. Even if you just collect the juice yourself, you can make decent money - you can get up to 10 liters from one tree per day. And if you take a swing and create an entire enterprise for the preparation and sale of birch sap, then the income will be very, very high. Prices for natural juices are high now, so the idea is promising.

In advance, you must find ways to market products. You can sell juice through retail chains, restaurants, cafes and so on.

You should pay maximum attention to the process of processing and storing the finished juice. After all, even if it is stored at temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius, the shelf life is no more than 5 days.

Therefore, if you want to keep it for a longer amount of time, then you need to freeze it. So you can win up to three more months. After that, the juice is often processed into wine or kvass. In this way, finished products you can sell all year round.

Pay attention to the place birch sap preparations. After all, factors such as the proximity of large factories, highways, railways may adversely affect product quality.

We live in the era of "visual wars", when design is significant and, in particular, any element of corporate identity. Particular importance should be given to the development of a unique logo. The logo of the company - the inscription of the name of the company, the graphic sign, as well as the color scheme in which it is filed.

Logo and style development cases

Detailed description of projects, tasks and solutions

Below are some of our work on logos and corporate identity for companies operating in a variety of areas: Agriculture, fitness, software development, cargo transportation and logistics, elevator, oil and gas industry, supply of electronic components and others. Having studied the information on the links, you will not only get to know the projects that interest you more closely. But you will also feel the ideology of our approach to identity design, understand the logic of design thought, feel the associations surrounding the project, feel the emotions that the designer felt. Happy viewing:)

When ordering logo development in our studio, you get

17 year old
an experience

We have been developing logos and style since 2003 - this is confirmed by our portfolio, the chronology of work in which is strictly observed.

Efficiency and

First logo designs within 2-3 business days. The terms are written in the contract. The project manager strictly monitors their observance.

before the result

The number of edits and improvements to the nuances of graphics, as well as color and font solutions is not limited.


We do not use third-party services, templates and blanks. Only unique ideas and solutions for your business created by our designers.

property rights

We transfer exclusive property rights to the created objects under the contract intellectual property. Working with us under a contract, there is no risk of additional financial losses.

High Quality

Before being sent to the Customer, the variants are internally accepted by the Art Director for compliance with the TOR and standards for compliance with all identity rules.

Our logo design principles


We stand for a simple, understandable and eye-catching logo that can increase brand confidence, arouse interest in the company's products, services, offers and activities.

Associativity and attention to detail

We take into account the unique advantages of your company or product, give the image a semantic meaning, taking into account the nature of the future brand.


The logo is perfectly readable not only on the monitor screen, but also on a billboard and a ballpoint pen, taking into account the peculiarities of point of sale branding.

logo price

Corporate identity element/document Rate
1. Brand name (logo) Number of options
A. Various conceptual versions of the sign 1 option 2 option 4 option 6 options 10 options
B. Edits, nuanced improvements in the chosen concept of the sign Yes, not limited
Price 9.000 16.900 23.900 29.900 39.900

*Note. Tariff "1+" is relevant in the following cases:

  • when redesigning or restyling the existing logo of the customer in the event that the idea of ​​the sign is preserved and it is necessary to refine and improve the sign in a nuanced way, to make it more attractive and modern.
  • if the customer has an idea for a sign, as well as sketches, sketches of the idea "by hand".

Features of creating a logo

When creating a logo, you need to take into account the main specialization of the company. It is he who is "responsible" for brand recognition in general and drawing attention to the services/products offered. Respectability, status and first impression also largely depend on the design. Therefore, creating a logo is a responsible and complex job that requires artistic talent and design experience.

Among the basic requirements that apply to the design of the logo are the following: it must be extremely simple for perception, have an original design, and also correspond to the tasks of positioning the organization in its marketing strategy. A harmonious combination of shape, size, color palette among themselves is a must. Finally, the logo should look advantageous both on a tiny key ring and on a huge pavement sign. That is why the creation corporate logo- This is a very responsible and important process, which almost always takes a significant amount of labor.

The development of logos in our design studio goes through the following stages:

  1. Initially, work is being carried out in two or three different conceptual areas according to terms of reference(for example, font, subject, abstract). For each of them, the client is provided with from 1 to 5 sketches of the logo. It must stop in one of the directions.
  2. The customer receives from our designers 2-7 more nuanced variations of the logo (trademark) composition in the chosen direction. After he chooses the most suitable one (the merits of all the signs, their compliance with the requirements are actively discussed with the designers and the client), its finalization starts.
  3. Nuance improvements and edits to any elements of the logo that do not meet the requirements of the client. Approval of the final version of the sign composition.
  4. Detailed drawing. Approval by the customer of the sign in black and white.
  5. Selection colors. Client's approval of the logo in color.

Professional logo design is our quote

Employee business card and letterhead, product packaging and exhibition stand- almost always on the carriers of the company's corporate identity, the logo is the first visual element that occupies its "special" position and is one of the main distinguishing characteristics of the style.

It should be understood that the logo is not just Nice picture. The logo must evoke only positive associations among counterparties-consumers. Thus, filling the logo with the meaning, mission and values ​​of the company through associations and images is the main task of its development.

My advice: do not trust amateurs to create a logo. Only a professional with a certain experience in logo design will be able to perform this work with high quality.

Novik Julia
Art director of Novik LLC, partner

Get a free logo design consultation

Request a call from a specialist - it's free

Creating a company logo design- a very painstaking project, suggesting that the performers have solid experience. And our company has it in abundance - 15 years of work in the field of design and more than 1000 completed projects!

Why is it better to order logo design in our studio?

Logo creation and design development is the specialization of the Novik design studio. We are ready to create any logo, taking into account the specifics of your business, and offer favorable prices. You can order a logo design from us quite inexpensively.

Our advantages:

Key advantage

Logo design without limits, until complete victory! Edits and improvements made to the concept of the sign approved by the customer are not limited in our studio and do not require additional payments.
No more than 2-3 edits to the logo concept when creating a corporate identity - have you come across this in other companies? It's not about us! Corporate colors, graphics nuances, fonts - we work on all these nuances until the sign is fully approved without any restrictions.
Logo design and corporate identity creation is our main specialization.
We do this every day, honing our skills, inspired by new ideas that we find individually for each customer. If for others the creation of a corporate identity is work “in between times”, then for us this is a priority.
More than 700 brand names and logos in the portfolio.
Portfolio is the main result of the activity of any design studio. We are happy to show you our work already implemented cases and ideas so you can make sure it's best to trust us to design your branding.
Efficiency at work.
You will receive the first versions of your logo in 2-3 days after prepayment. In some cases, our designers work on weekends and holidays if, for example, you have deadlines. Further, if necessary, within 1 working day we will make all the changes and finalize the layout.
Protection of intellectual property.
On your initiative, we are ready to take on the obligation to form a package of documents for FIPS - for the registration of company symbols as a trademark.
Lifetime support.
We keep all files with us for life. Thus, in case of loss, you can always contact Novik and get the file with the developed branding again.
Licensed software.
Novik design studio uses only licensed software. With us you can look to the future with confidence!

For reference. What is a logo?

The word "Logo" comes from the Greek "logos" (word) and "typos" (imprint). Thus, the logo is the original typeface of the full or abbreviated name of the company or group of its products.

In theory, a logo should be distinguished from a brand name. So, a brand name is a combination of a specially designed unique graphic image and a logo (company name in the original style). Those. A brand name is distinguished from a logo by the addition of a graphic image.

In practice, most people confuse these concepts somewhat and either equate the logo and the brand name to each other, or consider the brand name to be a graphic image (without a font inscription).

In order not to completely confuse the visitors of our site, we will also conditionally equate the concepts of a logo and a brand name to each other, because and the brand name and logo serve the same purpose, namely to create a memorable and recognizable experience for customers and potential consumers company or product.

A professionally made logo holds the eye, makes a person interested, captivates. A good logo works in the simplest forms. In practice, you can observe logos with animation, gradients, volume effects. But if at the same time the logo cannot be converted into a simple monochrome version for use in facsimile, receipts, black and white images, then it is practically useless.

How can you define a successful brand name or logo? A successful logo must meet the needs of the company and hold target market, must be recognizable and memorable, and can also be used with a limited color palette.

Requirements to be met professionally designed logo(trademark) are similar to the requirements for trademarks:

  • novelty of the idea (originality, lack of imitation);
  • aesthetics;
  • conciseness;
  • ability to adapt (the ability to use the mark for a long time, with minor changes to it);
  • manufacturability (the sign should look equally advantageous on any medium);
  • associativity (the presence of links, associations between the sign and the feature of the goods marked by it);
  • unambiguity.