So it flies. The meaning of the word fly. The bird flew into other rooms

  • 21.06.2020

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word fly

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal

fly in

start flying. A bird flew in, fluttered. Fly in or fly in, fly in where, fly in, fly in; fly away, skid, hit flying. The owl flew into the chimney. The eagle flies into the sky. Occasionally swans fly here. Swallows fly far for the winter. The crow flew behind the barn. The spark flew into the tow. Dust flies everywhere. Fly (yv) atsya, fly too long. Flying, flying cf. duration zalet m. about. action or state according to vb.

Zalet, also grip, grip, daring dandy. Zaletka arch. fish from the salmon genus, salmon, but smaller. stray, pertaining to zalet., zaletny, zaletny. Flying, prone to flying. Take care of this dove, he is flying! Flying, prone to flying, to long-range, high flight;

arrived from afar;

prone to dreams.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov

fly in

I'm flying, you're flying. Nesov. to fly. Bats often flew into our room.

fly in

I fly in, you fly in, owls. (colloquial). Start flying. The pigeon's sick wing got better, and he flew.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

fly in

    nesov. neperekh.

      1. Flying or flying, to be somewhere.

        Get in, get in.

        trans. unfold To suddenly run in, burst into smth.

    1. During the flight, stop somewhere along the way. with some purpose.

      trans. unfold Enter in passing for a short time; run around.

    owls. neperekh. Start flying.

Examples of the use of the word fly in the literature.

That's why they put it so that all sorts of birds like you won't come here without permission. flew in, - Aggel answered weightily.

Into her nest flies now big bird' said Burbage very distinctly, 'her ladyship has got herself such a pelican that he comes every night to peck her heart until it bleeds.

flew in and sparks also fell behind the double wooden fence, behind which were, awaiting release, the former emperor and empress.

But just in those moments when he was walking along a path trodden along the bottom of a hollow, where flew in stray bullets, Karavaev and Garbuz had already disposed of his fate in their own way.

On my way to the front I fly in to Görlitz, where I meet with my family, then take off again and head for Budapest on the same day when reports on the situation on this sector of the front become especially sad.

They could watch the change of seasons: behind the prison walls flew in gliding in the wind, yellow leaves of birches or maples, or fluttered filigree snowflakes, completely independent of the shouts and bayonets of sentries.

Trees appeared on it, grass broke through, along it, inside it, they ran over it, jumped, flew in

Trees appeared on it, grass broke through, along it, inside it, they ran over it, jumped, flew in, swam, crawled all kinds of animals.

I drove along the roads beaten by timber trucks, opening the windows, exposing my face to the invigorating wind and raindrops, every now and then flying in inside, along winding roads that look like a slalom track, past clearings, past mighty old trees, past forestry farms, carefully watching so as not to fall into a pothole and run into a snag.

You can get there by passing trucks, but if you're lucky, then by helicopter or by AN-2 occasionally flying in to Olkhon on special assignments.

Let's delve, reader, into the characters of the Oryol horses: Capricious, Dapper, Kind, Pavushka, Frank, Eccentric, Slender, Catch up, Sultana, Gypsy, Jealous - these are all mares, but the names of the stallions: Ferocious, Barbarian, Traitor, fly in, Dancemaster, Clever, Leopard, Swan, Bogatyr, Ermine, Man.

Do not come to me in the window flew in pig-like backbiters, three bearded gorillas in combat armor rushed at me, I didn’t even have superficial contacts with the Knights of the Round Table at all.

When I was interrogated by Colonel Heme Colonel Benin, he mentioned that during the period of time when the body of ba Lura could be laid at the sarcophagus, in the funeral rotunda flew six out-balls.

And young people with no specific occupation wandered the streets in groups, recklessly singing a song about money that had lost its value: I'm flying in I'm going to the buffet, Not a penny of money, Exchange ten million nov.

salt spray flew in up, dried up, covering with prickly gray skin.



1. When flying, get very high or fly far. The airplane flew over the Arctic Circle.

3. trans. To be carried away by imagination, dream, daydream (colloquial). "What is the story: in another you will fly to distant lands." Fonvizin .

4. During the flight, visit a place, stop somewhere along the way. The pilots had to fly to Sevastopol for fuel.

5. Flying, getting into, flying somewhere. A bird flew into the window. He was killed by a stray bullet through the open door.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

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    I'm flying, you're flying; St. 1. Fly somewhere. Z. at the window. // Get into, penetrate somewhere. The sound of music filled the room. The wind blew through the window. 2. Fly away; flying, be where l .; fly high. Z. for the line of mountains. Z. for the clouds. Z. for thousands ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Gamancho. Collection of short stories, Pyatkina-Tarkhnishvili Natalia. Settle down in life, marry your boss, fly from a man with a non-sad cutlet, get both a husband and a career in one bottle, successfully marry, successfully marry, make a profitable one ...

A woman becomes a mother - what could be more beautiful than this moment? But for some girls, an unwanted pregnancy turns into a nightmare. And then, already in the head of the young and not very special, a question revolves, which they do not dare to ask in any way: what to do if it has flown?

There are several ways out of this undesirable situation. The use of one or another method depends on the amount of time elapsed since conception. Let's consider all the ways.

Fast reaction

If after sexual intercourse you notice that the condom is torn, you can use the method of so-called "fire" contraception. Most often, girls use a drug called Postinor. In the package "Postinor" - two tablets. The first must be taken within 72 hours after the "incident" (although the sooner you take the pill, the better), the second - twelve hours after the first dose. "Postinor" prevents the release of the egg from the ovary and its fertilization by sperm. But these pills do not guarantee getting rid of unwanted pregnancy (guarantee - 85%), in addition, this drug has a lot of contraindications and it is better to take it with the approval of a gynecologist. "Postinor" contains a shock dose of hormones, which can, at best, simply bring down a woman's menstrual cycle, but can also lead to much worse consequences.

Secondary measures

If you notice that you have become pregnant only after a few days or weeks, then you still have the opportunity to terminate the unwanted pregnancy. There are two ways to interrupt "flights" at an early stage (up to 6 weeks): medical interruption and vacuum aspiration. Medical abortion, or "velvet abortion", is the use of drugs that cause a miscarriage. Of course, this procedure takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Medical termination of pregnancy is effective until the 6th week. With vacuum aspiration, or mini-abortion, the fetal egg is sucked off using a special vacuum suction. Vacuum aspiration is performed before the 5th week of pregnancy.

Major interference

But what if the girl flew into the air, and this became known when neither the drugs nor the vacuum can no longer help? In this case, couples turn to abortion - the last and most dangerous way to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy with a term of up to 20 weeks and a fetal weight of up to 400 grams. Dilation and curettage, or, as this procedure is popularly called, "curettage", involves the removal of the fetus by surgery. The World Health Organization considers this method of termination of pregnancy the most dangerous, since there is a risk of infection and infertility.

For girls and guys who have not experienced a similar problem, it would be much better to prevent pregnancy and find out what to do so as not to fly into it. There are many methods of contraception, more or less guaranteed. In the following list you will see all possible ways contraception, as well as the percentage of guarantee that they give:

  • Intrauterine devices - 75-80%
  • Hormonal ring - 99%
  • Hormonal intrauterine devices - 80-95%
  • Hormonal implants - 100%
  • Oral contraceptives - 96.5-97%
  • Hormonal injections - 96.5-97%
  • Hormonal contraceptives - 99.4%
  • Diaphragm (vaginal cap) - 70-80%
  • Medical sterilization - 100%
  • Calendar method (method safe days) - 55-60 %
  • Condoms - 50-65%
  • Coitus interruptus - 45-50%
  • Vaginal douching - 10-15%
  • Chemical contraception (candles, cream, tampons) - 75-80%

Since ancient times, these creatures have occupied a special place in legends and beliefs among various peoples and tribes. It was believed that feathered creatures were heralds of news and future events.

Folk sign if a bird flew out the window, had several interpretations at once. According to the variety of the bird, the interpretation of the belief changed.

Ancient Egypt equated birds with higher beings. The tribes revered a god with a human body and the head of a feathered creature.

For Muslims, this sign does not carry good meanings, while Hindus, on the contrary, consider it a good sign.

In Russia, if a bird flew into a house, it mattered how she did it.

It is worth understanding the main interpretations of signs:

  1. If a tit accidentally visited the house, this means that one of the inhabitants of the dwelling will soon have a trip. A tit crouched on a bed or chair notifies you of the desired events.
  2. A sparrow that got into an apartment brings disputes and disagreements. Where the elderly live, serious illness can happen.

    The feathered one should not be allowed to sit on any thing - this will be a harbinger of a divorce or a major family quarrel.

  3. A flying black crow has never been a sign of good events. If a bird rushes around the apartment, trying to find a way out, this promises illness.
  4. The swallow has long been considered a harbinger of good news., however, among the Slavic people it is considered that this bird is a symbol of sorrow and death.
  5. swift, making sounds of any nature when it hits the window of the house, speaks of good news. If he flutters and tries to escape, you should expect trouble.
  6. A dove constantly accompanies a person, because he is considered an urban feathered. If the bird visited the house by accident, this does not bode well.

    If a dove sat on the windowsill on the outside of the window and began to knock on the glass with its beak, ancient legends interpret this as the approaching death of one of the residents of the apartment.

Pay attention to the color of the bird: if a bright and beautiful representative of birds wants to fly into the window, expect a new love soon.

The bird flew onto the balcony: a folk sign and its meaning

At any time of the year, it often happens that a winged creature flies onto the balcony. Superstitious people immediately associate this incident with signs and try to find an interpretation of the event.

In fact, apart from beliefs, it is worth noting that some birds, living in the city, often need food. That is why they are able to accidentally or specifically fly into the loggia.

Note! Many are interested in the question: what to do if a winged creature got into an apartment?

To begin with, try to drive it away on your own, if this does not work out and the bird cannot fly away - take an unnecessary piece of textile and try to wrap the feathered one, and then release it from the balcony.

It is necessary to consider the main interpretations of the signs of a bird flying through the balcony into the room:

What does a bird flown into other rooms mean?

In addition to the premises of the house, birds can easily get into other places.

It is necessary to consider in more detail the meaning of signs when a bird flies to other territories in different ways:

  1. It is believed that if a sparrow got into the car, this is not good.. Many superstitious people immediately advise to bless the car in order to avoid unpleasant situations and accidents.

    In fact, this sign was noticed even before the advent of cars, so it's worth arguing about its relevance.

  2. If such a phenomenon occurred at work and the bird got into the office through the window- this indicates the imminent dismissal of one of the employees who visit this office daily.
  3. If a feathered one flew into a greenhouse where the future harvest grows, you should not immediately think about the bad.

    It is necessary to immediately drive the guest away so that he does not physically harm the plantings, and then carefully check the greenhouse.

  4. Bird flying through the chimney, which also could not fly out into the pipe, but went to the exit through the door - symbolizes an imminent death.

The birds that got into the store, the oven bath, the veranda, the entrance and even the garage do not say anything. It is worth accepting the fact that winged creatures need food, so they are constantly looking for it.

To help the creature survive - periodically pour some grain into this room on the window from the outside.

Important! You should not approach a sick bird - it is better to try to drive it away with improvised means.

If a winged representative flew through the ventilation, this is an excellent reason to check its serviceability. If a bird feather flew into the house, it is worth honoring the memory of departed relatives.

What is the dream of a bird flying into the window of a house?

Birds are the messengers of goodness and prosperity, but according to popular beliefs, their representatives who fly into the house bring trouble.

It also happens that this phenomenon can occur in a dream. Why such an event is dreamed of is described below.

Note! Women are usually the most superstitious: when a girl constantly says that after a feathered flight, trouble should happen, it is worth telling her the meaning of this event from the point of view of the physiological needs of the animal.

The dream book interprets this incident in different ways: it depends on the color of the bird, its behavior and appearance.

Consider the most popular values:

It is good or bad to see this event in a dream- It's up to the individual to decide. It is from his attitude to the phenomenon he saw that further events will be built.

It is noted that if the feathered one died in a dream, then you should expect minor troubles. If the dream shows that the bird has spoiled, expect an increase in financial position.

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A butterfly is an amazing creature, it amazes with its fragile beauty, grace and lightness.

But besides this, there are signs about butterflies, various beliefs and other mystical knowledge. A lot of superstitions, legends and traditions are associated with this unusual insect.

In various nations, the butterfly is associated with different things- some peoples considered it a messenger of death, others associated it with windiness. But most cultures equate this creature with a symbol of rebirth, evolution and a new, beautiful life.

No wonder the clumsy and unsightly caterpillar turns into a beautiful winged creature. Today, many signs are taken seriously by people - especially those associated with nature and living beings.

What does it mean if a beautiful butterfly suddenly flew into the window, came to the house, sat on a person, and so on? What do such rare accidents promise, what does nature want to suggest in this way, what to expect from fate and the future? All this is not a secret, and it can be found out quite simply.

What did you bring on your wings?

There are a variety of signs among the people - but it is clear, even intuitively, that the butterfly does not bode evil and trouble. This beautiful divine creation cannot be associated in a person with something unkind - and rightly so.

It rarely happens that a butterfly flies into an apartment or house through a window, even less often that it sits on someone. If this happens, it's no accident. What this portends, you will find out further.

1. A butterfly flies into the apartment for happiness and well-being.

  • If it happened in the morning, she fluttered through open window, expect great luck in business and finance - well-being awaits you!
  • If the guest came through the window into the house in the evening, after sunset, happiness in the family and harmony in your personal life await you.

2. There is also a belief that this charmer flies through the window into the house to fulfill the desire of the tenant. In order for the cherished dream to come true, the butterfly should be caught very carefully so as not to damage the wings, and whisper your dream to it.

And then let go out the window, into the wild, and believe with all my heart that the dream will come true soon. Such a beautiful ritual will definitely help you achieve your dreams, if you sincerely believe in it!

3. There is another curious sign - if a butterfly with very bright, colorful wings flew into the house of an unmarried young lady, her future husband will be jealous.

The same can be said for men. If you happen to see a multi-colored, bright butterfly in your own home, the spouse will be jealous.

4. In addition, the sign says that if the butterfly not only flew into the house, but also “dances”, there will be an imminent wedding. For the married and married, this portends great happiness and love in the family, mutual understanding and harmony. Good and bright sign!

5. The sign says that if a butterfly flew into the house through the door, it is worth waiting for pleasant, long-awaited guests. A joyful meeting awaits you in your house with people dear to your heart, pleasant fun, a feast, a family holiday.

6. Also, you can’t do without such a sign that says: if a butterfly sits motionless in a room, this means that harmony, tranquility and a peaceful life in harmony await the residents.

7. What does it mean if a butterfly sat right on a person?

  • If the guest sat on her right shoulder, expect a pleasant meeting or a visit from a kind person with whom you sympathize. Someone will visit you and you will spend very pleasant hours with a loved one.
  • And if she sat on your left shoulder - probably a new acquaintance. New meetings are always surprises, new opportunities and adventures. So, who knows, maybe you should expect something wonderful?

What color are the wings?

All folk omens, even common people, nevertheless agree that the butterfly is a messenger of happiness and love, good changes and good luck. But you can know your future in more detail if you pay attention to the color of the wings of this guest - our ancestors knew what their color promises.

1. It’s great if the flyer had wings of yellow, orange shades, and even better - golden ones. This is a clear and accurate sign that the well-being of residents will soon improve significantly.

2. Red, pink wings are a symbol for you of happiness and good luck in amorous affairs.

  • If their color is delicate, pinkish or crimson, lilac, light scarlet - this is a hint of romantic happiness, dates, walks and courtship.
  • And the richer the red shade of the wings, the closer the likelihood of a passionate romance and even a wedding!

3. Butterfly with wings of green, blue shades - a messenger of harmony and tranquility in life. Difficulties will pass, as belief promises, problems will disappear - and the time will come for joyful peace and rest.

4. The brighter the wings of this insect, the more happiness and good luck should be expected in fate - such is superstition. If they have a colorful, unusual pattern, pattern - this is evidence of a rich and vibrant life, a lot of pleasant adventures and events.

5. Some signs, however, say that a black or dark butterfly that has flown into a room is a messenger of sadness.

To avoid this, you should carefully catch the butterfly and release it outside, out the window, while telling her after: “With what you flew in, fly away with that!” Such a simple conspiracy, according to the experience of ancestors, will help ward off sorrows and troubles from the family.

One has only to look at this creature of divine beauty to make it clear - she simply cannot promise anything terrible and bad with her appearance! And that means everything will be wonderful.

Even if you met a butterfly on the street, in nature, and even more so if she flew in to visit, be sure that great happiness awaits you.

And do not hesitate - it will come true, and the stronger your faith, the faster your wish will come true! Author: Vasilina Serova