Lesson on art Gorodets painting fgos. Summary of the lesson on art on the topic "Gorodets painting". Updating of basic knowledge

  • 27.05.2020

Lesson topic: Gorodets painting.

Lesson Objectives:

1.) Introduce children to Russian folk crafts, talk about the Gorodets craft;
2.) Learn to recognize the Gorodets wood painting technique, its characteristic features;
3.) Introduce the main elements of Gorodets painting;

1.) Develop children's cognitive activity, creative imagination, artistic taste;
2.) Develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully arrange a pattern in a given shape
3.) Develop such qualities as perseverance, attention, accuracy when working with paints;
4.) To form practical skills and drawing skills from a sample;

1.) Raise interest in the study of Russian history and the art of the Gorodets masters, respect for the creative heritage;
2.) Raise patriotism, pride in their homeland and people;

3.) To cultivate the desire to create beauty with their own hands, to enable children to feel like folk craftsmen.


  1. For students:
  • model for coloring "Kitchen Board"
  • gouache
  • brushes
  • jar for water
  • paper
  • napkin
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  1. For the teacher:
  • samples of Gorodets painting, postcards, reproductions
  • poster "Gorodets painting"
  • presentations "Gorodets painting"

Lesson plan (45 min):

  1. Organizing time. Check readiness for the lesson. 3-5 min.
  2. Theoretical part. Introductory conversation with a demonstration of Gorodets painting, presentations. Explanation of the painting sequence. 10-15 min.
  3. Practical part. Self-painted model for coloring. 15-20 min.
  4. Final part. Summarizing. 5 minutes.

During the classes:

Write on the board: Gorodets painting.

Teacher: On the banks of the Volga stands the glorious and ancient city of Gorodets. According to legend, it was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky as a guard fortress. They called Gorodets in those days Small Kitezh. During the invasion of Batu Khan, the enemies burned and plundered Gorodets. But he, like a Phoenix bird, rebuilt.

Gorodets stood in a lively place, next to the famous Makarievskaya Fair. There were barges and ships with cargo along the Volga, and horse-drawn carts along the roads. Rows stretched for kilometers, in which trade was carried out in different languages, thousands of shops and shops were overflowing with goods brought not only from all over Russia, but also from other countries.

They brought everything they knew how to do. Along the bank of the Volga, a row of wood chips sprawled, where they sold sledges made of wood, tubs, troughs, rocker arms, and bast shoes. The inhabitants of Gorodets and the surrounding villages (Kurtsevo, Koskovo, Akhlebaikha) were famous as skilled carpenters and wood carvers. Forests provided cheap and varied material from which everything was made: from children's toys and cradles to ships. Gorodets spinning wheels were especially famous. They were bought with pleasure largely due to the funny painted pictures on the bottom of the spinning wheel. After finishing work, the hostess hung such a bottom on the wall instead of a picture.

Gorodets painting - how can we not know it.

Here and hot horses, valiant to become.

There are bouquets here that cannot be described.

Here such plots, what can not be said in a fairy tale.

Over time, the masters began to paint popular print boxes, toys, dishes, furniture, and even parts of the house - shutters, doors, gates.

Yellow evening, black horse,

And kupavki, like fire,

Birds look from the casket -

Miracle painting of Gorodets!

L. Kulikova.

Thanks to the famous master Lazar Melnikov, in the 19th century, flower buds, roses, and cupavkas appeared in the painting. Rosehips are a stylized depiction of the wild rose flower. Now they are the main elements of the floral pattern in the Gorodets painting.

Let's look at the sequence of execution of the colors of the Gorodets painting.

For many decades, the masters have been practicing the techniques of drawing flowers (rosana, cupid) and have developed certain rules.

First, a colored background is prepared (often yellow, because the tree was previously stained with onion peel), the main figures are applied to it in the form of large color spots. Rozan is usually made in pink, and the kupavka is blue. This stage is called "underpainting".

The next stage is called "shade", because. here darker burgundy or blue paints are used. Designate the center of the flower and the petals. At the rose, the center is drawn in the middle of the flower; at the cup, it shifts to the left or right. The center is indicated by a small circle. Flower petals have the shape of semicircular arches. The color of the arms matches the color of the center of the flower

The final stage of the painting is called "revival", because. it is after it that the whole drawing seems to come to life. "Revival" is made with white and black paint.

Teacher: And now we will learn how to depict the main elements of Gorodets painting in the way that folk masters do. We got acquainted with the elements of painting. To get closer to its secrets, to become a master, you need to learn. What are the master's students called?

Answer: Apprentice.

Teacher: So you are still students - apprentices. Let's start!

Trekhina Evgenia Alekseevna
Educational institution: MADOW" Kindergarten No. 76" combined type
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-10 Synopsis of GCD on familiarization with folk crafts in senior group"Gorodets painting" Trekhina Evgenia Alekseevna MADOU "Kindergarten No. 76" combined type Abstract of the GCD on familiarization with folk crafts in the senior group "Gorodets painting".

Abstract of the GCD on familiarization with folk crafts in the senior group "Gorodets painting"

Target:introduce children to Gorodets painting.


Educational: introduce children to Gorodets painting; learn to highlight the main elements of the pattern.

Developing:develop a sense of color, a sense of rhythm, a sense of composition, imagination; to consolidate the skills of mixing paints on the palette to obtain the desired color;

Educational:educating children of interest and respect for the work of artists - designers who create beautiful things; involving children in folk art; education on samples of folk art.

Vocabulary work: Gorodets painting, animation.

Visual material: exhibition of products with Gorodets painting.

Handout: brushes, paints, layouts of cutting boards from landscape sheets, jars of water.

Lesson progress:

Guys listen to the poem:

Our Russia is great

And our people are talented.

About Russia native craftsmen

The whole world is talking.

Gorodets patterns

So much joy for the eyes.

Craftsmen grow up

Maybe among us.

You play my harmonica

You, friend, sing along,

Masters of Great Russia

Gorodets painting - how can we not know it.

Here and hot horses, valiant to become.

There are bouquets here that cannot be described.

Here such plots, what can not be said in a fairy tale.

Our country Russia is rich in craftsmen. Many, many years ago, in the city of Gorodets, not far from the city of Nizhny Novgorod, which stands on the Volga River, a fishery arose. Hence the name - Gorodets painting.

There were many forests in the Trans-Volga region, and it provided a lot of cheap material from which everything was made: from children's toys to furniture.

Gorodets spinning wheels were especially famous, which in in large numbers were sold at the Nizhny Novgorod fair and dispersed throughout Russia. They were bought with pleasure thanks to funny painted pictures on the bottom of the spinning wheel. After finishing work with such donets, the hostesses decorated the walls instead of paintings. Even the craftsmen sought to decorate household items - wooden utensils, children's furniture, and other things with elegant, bright patterns.

Let's take a closer look at what elements this painting consists of. (Show illustrations of Gorodets painting and elements; leaves, roses, kupava, buds, chamomile - naming these elements.

Look at the children, what color are the lush roses, daisies, leaves.

Now look at the diagram, which shows the sequence of drawing the cup. First, a large circle of pink or blue is drawn, then animations are added - white, blue or dark red paint.

Now look at the painted boards and how differently you can arrange the garlands. I suggest you try to learn how to draw the patterns of Gorodets painting yourself. But before we get to work, let's repeat the rules for working with brushes. Take your brush in your hand, dampen it a little with water, and gently remove any excess water. Now also carefully pick up a small amount of paint on the brush. After washing off the paint, do not forget to wipe the brush with a napkin. Now I will show you how to make a pattern correctly (the teacher shows the pattern on the blackboard). After the show, the children are asked to repeat the pattern after the teacher. The teacher monitors the correct execution of the pattern. Helps if the child is having difficulty.

After the children draw the base of the bathing suit and leaves, offer to go out on the carpet so that the base dries up and spend a physical education minute:

Fizminutka "Flower"

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

(stand up, hands on waist)

Moved, stretched

(pull left, right)

Soared up and flew

(run in place)

The sun will only wake up in the morning


Butterfly circles and curls.

(wave hands)

(can be repeated twice)

After a minute of physical education, the children sit down in their places and continue to work. The base has already dried up, we will decorate it with animations. And for the animations, what colors will you take? (white, red, blue, green).

Animations are painted with the tip of a brush. Independent work children, during which the teacher reminds of the correct technique of decorative drawing, draws attention to the compositional solution, helps in the selection and arrangement of elements.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to put their work.

- Well done, children, they all turned out beautiful boards. You are real craftsmen.

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Lesson topic: "Gorodets painting"

Grade: 5

Lesson Objectives:

    Acquaintance with folk crafts of Russia. Acquaintance with the works and history of the development of the Gorodets painting. To acquaint with the motives, the main stages of painting.

    To form practical skills in drawing Gorodets flowers and decorative elements of Gorodets painting. To teach children to make a flower arrangement based on the Gorodets painting.

    The development of cognitive activity of children, creative imagination, artistic taste.

    Raise interest in the art of the Gorodets masters, respect for the creative heritage.


For the teacher: multimedia equipment,samples of Gorodets painting, presentation.

For students: album, brush, jar, gouache, napkins.

UUD formed in the lesson:

Subject UUD

    Know: history of Gorodets painting.

    Be able to: perform fragments based on the Gorodets painting.

Personal UUD

    Formation of value orientations in the field of fine arts.

    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards creativity, both one's own and other people's.

    Mastering various methods and techniques of visual activity.

Regulatory UUD

    Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

    Learn to distinguish the right task from the wrong one.

    Learn together with the teacher and other students to give emotional evaluation class activities in the classroom.

Cognitive UUD

    Get new knowledge: find answers to questions in the text.

    Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result joint work the whole class.

    convert information from one form to another based on given algorithms, independently perform creative tasks.

Communicative UUD

    Be able to listen and understand the statements of interlocutors.

During the classes.

Folk crafts are the pride of Russia. The people said: "Whatever the craft, then the craft." You already got acquainted with some folk crafts at the lessons of fine arts.

What? (children's answers)

Today we will continue our acquaintance with folk crafts. We will consider another type of painting, which still amazes with its beauty and elegance of forms.

Slide 2. From the letters on the slide, try to guess the name of the industry, which we will meet today.

Slide 3. Gorodets painting.

Slide 4. Using the words on the slide, formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Slide 5.

On the banks of the Volga stands the glorious and ancient city of Gorodets. According to legend, it was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky as a guard fortress. They called Gorodets in those days Small Kitezh. During the invasion of Batu Khan, the enemies burned and plundered Gorodets. But he, like a Phoenix bird, rebuilt.

slide 6.

Residents of Gorodets and surrounding villagesny (Kurtsevo, Koskovo) were famous as skilled carpenters, wood carvers. The forests provided cheap and varied material, from which everything was made: children's toystoand, household utensils, dishes, spinning wheels, yokes,kolybate, etc.

Slide 7. What are the main features of Gorodets painting using the text and illustrations of the textbook (textbook p. 82)

    What can be seen in the composition of the Gorodets painting? What motives were used to paint the products? (Slides 8-10).

    What color is the main background?often yellow, because used to paint the tree with onion skins)

Slide 11.

    What flowers are the main ones in a flower arrangement?

(textbook p. 82) (rosans, cups, buds)

Thanks to the famous master Lazar Melnikov, in the 19th century, flower buds, roses, and cupavkas appeared in the painting. Rosehips are a stylized depiction of the wild rose flower. Now they are the main elements of the floral pattern in the Gorodets painting.

Gorodets flowers are diverse in color and shape. Flowers in Gorodets painting are a symbol of health and prosperity.

Slides 12,13

Types of flower arrangements.

slide 14.

Name the stages of Gorodets painting and the main colors. (textbook p. 84)

Slides 15 - 17. Main stages.

slide 18. Practical work. Execution of the Gorodets rose. (teacher shows phased implementation flowers on the board).


What folk craft did we meet today? (With Gorodets painting.)

What products are painted on? (It runs on wooden products: spinning wheels, caskets, caskets, furniture, household items, dishes).

What products of the Gorodets craftsmen did you like the most?

What new things did you discover in the lesson?

Have we reached the goals set at the beginning of the lesson?

slide 19.


    What is the name of the first stage of Gorodets painting? (underpainting)

    Is this animal found in the composition of the Gorodets painting? (horse)

    What is the most common type of flower arrangement? (garland)

    What is the name of the second stage of Gorodets painting? (shade)

    What is the name of the third stage of Gorodets painting? (animation)

    This flower is one of the main elements of the flower arrangement (rosan)

    One of the types of composition of Gorodets painting (plot)

    The main color of the background on Gorodets products (yellow)

    This flower is also the main element of the flower arrangement (kupavka).

Performance of work - 3 b

Pattern complexity - 1 b

Accuracy of execution - 1 b

(perform evaluation of the work of a neighbor on the desk)

There is an ancient city on the Volga,

By name - Gorodets.

Be famous all over Russia

With his painting, the creator.

Bouquets open up

Bright colors of grief,

Miracle - the birds flutter there,

As if in a fairy tale calling us.

If you look at the boards

You will see miracles!

Gorodets patterns

Subtly withdrew hand!

Gorodets horse runs

The whole earth beneath him trembles!

Birds fly bright

And the water lilies are blooming!

Thank you for your work.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: to teach children to make a pattern of two elements of Gorodets painting: buds and leaves. Depict the pattern in the specified sequence from the center to the edges. Combine two similar colors in the color of the buds: pink with red or blue with blue. Develop children's color mixing skills. Cultivate a sense of responsiveness, a desire to help.


For the teacher - 2 pattern samples (pink and blue) on a cutting board; exhibition - a screen with illustrations of the works of Gorodets masters; paints, brush, cardboard blank cutting board.

For children - cardboard blanks of cutting boards; gouache paint: blue, red, white, green; brushes.

Lesson progress

Children sit at tables. There is a knock on the door, the Postman comes in.

Postman: Hello guys, I brought you a registered letter. Sign up, please.

The teacher reads a letter to the children: “Hello, dear children, your cooks are writing to you. Help us please. We work hard, prepare delicious breakfasts and lunches for you, and many of our cutting boards have fallen into disrepair. And those that we have are ordinary and ugly. We know that you are good at drawing. Send us painted boards with colors and patterns. Your chefs.

- Guys, let's help our cooks, they feed us so tasty. Where are the boards? Here they are! / The teacher takes the blanks out of the envelope /. What patterns should we paint them with?

The teacher reads a poem about Gorodets painting.

Gorodets painting - how can we not know it.
Here and hot horses, valiant to become.
There are bouquets here that cannot be described.
Here such plots, what can not be said in a fairy tale.

Children look at the illustrations of the Gorodets masters and answer the questions: What elements of the painting are used? (buds and leaves); What paints were used? (green, blue, red, pink, blue).

- Guys, now look at how the painting elements are located on the board. On one sample of the board, the pattern is located in a straight line, and on the other, in a curved line. The bud in the center of the pattern “looks” up, while the other two look in opposite directions. One to the left, the other to the right.

The teacher shows how to draw buds, first draws large circles, then on each circle draws small circles - “eyes”. / Red - on pink buds, blue - on blue /. The small circle overlaps the large circle. Draw a bow under the circle. Invites two children to finish the eyes and arches on the left and right buds.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the size of the leaves in the pattern is different.

- Guys, what do you think, what techniques should be used to draw large leaves and what small ones? For large leaves, a contour is drawn and painted over. And small leaves can be depicted with a side stroke of the brush.

- Look at your colors. Are all the colors you need on your palettes? What color is missing? (pink and blue). What do we do? What paints need to be mixed to get pink? /add a little red to white paint./. How to get blue color? / add a little blue to white paint /.

Fitness minute.

One - bend, unbend,
Two - bend down, stretch,
Three - three claps in the palm of your hand,
Three nods of the head
Four arms wider
Five, six - sit quietly,
Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

Children mix paints to make pink and blue.

- Guys, with what element will you start drawing a pattern? (From the central button.) Now we have everything ready, let's help the cooks, fulfill their request.

Independent work of children.

In the process of work, the teacher advises the children - while the paint dries on large circles of the bud, depict leaves, and then draw “eyes and arches”. Reminds children that Gorodets masters draw dense patterns. Finished works are exhibited at the exhibition, where the children themselves evaluate and choose the best works. They express their opinion why they liked this particular work.

- Well done guys, everyone did their best, helped the chefs to decorate the boards. They are very grateful to you.

Rice. 1. A sample board with a red-pink mural element, located in a straight line.

Rice. 2. A sample board with a blue-and-blue mural element, located in a curved line.

Rice. 3. Cardboard blank cutting board for children.

Rice. 4. Children's work.

Municipal state educational institution

Levorossoshanskaya secondary school

structural subdivision Kindergarten

Kashirsky municipal district

Voronezh region

Summary of the lesson on the topic "Gorodets painting"

Educator: Ponomareva O.I.

With. Left Rossosh


Target :

Continue to acquaint with the history of originGorodets fishery. Learn to write elements murals : chamomile flower, leaf. to form an interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, satisfaction of the need for self-expression.

Tasks :


Develop interest and love for folk art. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of the picture. consolidate and deepen knowledge aboutGorodets painting. Learn to highlight bright folk color, pattern composition, dots, dashes, animations, draw elements with a brush. Continue to acquaint with handicrafts. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty.


Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of color, rhythm, composition;

Develop independence and creativity.


Cultivate love for art, folk traditions;

Cultivate respect for workGorodets craftsmeninterest in their work.

Materials :

gouache, brush "squirrel" No. 5, No. 1, jar of water, napkin, tinted paper, illustrations depictinggorodets dishes.

preliminary work:

Consideration of handicrafts;

Acquaintance with the features of the elements of the pattern, with traditions in the image and combination of colors;

Didactic game "Lay out the pattern"

Lesson progress:

The teacher reads the poem:

We'll go through the meadows

With bright colors.

We will draw those fabulous flowers ourselves -

Here are daisies and cups,

Like drops of dew

Roses bloom here

Amazing beauty.

caregiver : What kind of arts and crafts is mentioned in the poem?

Children's answers:

Educator: Guys today the postman brought a letter, let's see what they sent us! What kind of pictures? The envelope contains material step by step board painting . Today we will alsoGorodets craftsmen. Decorate the board with “buds” and “leaves”.

Main part.

Educator: Currently, the natural yellowish color of the tree is used as a background. Guys tell me what colors are inmurals are used by Gorodets masters?

Children's answers.

Educator: The colors in the pattern are not numerous, but in very bright combinations - red, blue, green, rich orange and its shades. White and black colors in murals are of particular importance. These 2 colors have the ability to influence the sonority of colors and contribute to their favorable combination.

Guys, what are the elements inmurals are used by masters?

Children's answers. (clarification of names : rosan, kupavka, berry, leaves, horse, birds).

Educator: This is a rosan, this is a kupavka, this is a chamomile. Look closely at these flowers, they can be either in blue and blue tones or rose-red. Chamomile is easy to recognize. She has many thin petals. At kupavka the center is displaced.

Educator: Guys, would you like to try yourself in the role Gorodets craftsmen learn how to perform flower elements murals ? Okay, let's get to our jobs.

Practical work.

Educator: You have sheets on the table that have been pre-painted yellow. Let's move on to the first step. We choose the colors we like and draw an underpainting - a circle in the center of our work. While our circle will dry out, we will draw more green leaves, creating a composition.

Now we move on to the second stage of execution. We do it with another color shading : draw a circle in the center of the flower, and now arrange the petals in a circle opposite each other. Who can tell me how to do this?(by dabbing the brush)

Before proceeding to the third stage, it will be necessary to wait a little for the paint to dry.

We spend a physical minute:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up(torso right, left)

Didn't want to sleep anymore(body forward, back)

Moved, stretched(Hands up, stretch)

Soared up and flew(Hands up, right, left)The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly spins and curls(circle)

The final stage painting "revival" . Let's apply white and black paint in the form of dots, droplets, curls with a thin brush.


Children lay out their works on one table, choose the ones they like the most, share their impressions. The teacher asks to tell what they did. Offers to admire the work. Think about whose work you liked and why? The teacher praises the children and reads a poem.

We painted flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

That beauty has no end

This is all for Gorodets.