Russian mentality. Russian mentality Features of the mentality of the Russian bourgeoisie presentation

  • 27.04.2020

TOPIC: "PECULIARITIES OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE'S MENTALITY" PROBLEM: Russia-West? Russia-East? PURPOSE: socio-philosophical understanding of the nature of the mentality of the Russian people. SUBJECT OF RESEARCH: Russian mentality, general and special conditions for its formation and functioning. Object of study: Students of secondary school No. 2 Residents of the city of Karasuka TASKS: to study the general and special conditions for the formation of the mentality of the Russian people; to identify the composition and hierarchy of factors under the influence of which the formation of the Russian mentality occurs; to consider specific factors of the influence of material and spiritual conditions on the formation of the mentality of the Russian people. Pupil of the 10th "B" class, secondary school No. 2 of the Karasuk district Julia Puz Teacher of history and social studies Zagaryuk Pavel Vasilievich Research methods:  Questioning  Experimental work  Study and analysis of statistical data Do you know what mentality is? Yes I heard something about it No 20% 26% 54% Survey among pupils of grades 10-11 MOUSOSH No. 2 The influence of the Russian character was influenced by the following factors: Landscape (geographical environment) Race (national, ethnic, anthropological characteristics) Economic life Social and political system. Russians often changed their geographical homeland, refreshed their blood in a new place: 1) The center of habitat is shifting to the North, Northeast. (Rostov, Suzdal. Moscow). The woods. The landscape promotes solitude (hermits), religiosity, inner concentration, discipline.   Diversity of climate, nature.  Stimulated Hugeness. The breadth of the earth Influenced the overall variety of experiences. psychological well-being (space and distance, scope and freedom).  Wealth of natural resources  Strengthened confidence in the inexhaustibility of natural resources. Russia is "self-sufficient", so the Russians do not need to conquer, it is peaceful in essence.  The essence of nature, climate  Forced to a fierce struggle, demanded the formation of large, strong, healthy, energetic, efficient and persistent Migration processes The perpetual movement of Russians was noted by V. O. Klyuchevsky: “Russians had somewhere to go in case of failure. Hence the hope for "maybe" as a feature of the national character. Russian traditions are easily interrupted. Traditions go not deep, but wide, by radii, by roads around the circumference» Population density  Huge territory  Sparse population  Low level of culture; variety of economy, methods of work, life Russian nationality is formed by mixing several racial types: Slavic and Finnish components musicality,  meekness,  lightness,  lyricism,  female softness  Turkic component  dark passions,  melancholy,  cruelty,  tendency to sadness and revelry. Dejected by the burden of the godmother. All of you, dear land, In a slavish form the King of Heaven Came, blessing F. Tyutchev 1 stage. The first centuries of Orthodoxy in Russia. The ascetic ideal of Byzantium was combined with mercy and love. The symbol of the era is Theodosius of the Caves.  Stage 2. Horde yoke  Mysticism. The spirit of self-deepening. The symbol of the era is Sergius of Radonezh. Stage 3. Moscow kingdom until the 19th century. Movement towards the unity of two ideals, service to society - spiritual self-deepening. Symbols - Seraphim of Sarov, Ambrose of Optinsky. The main state of the Russians is maximalism, which denies the third middle state. Man is regarded as a battlefield for the forces of light and darkness: The soul is either from the devil or from an angel. Power is either the realm of truth, or the realm of darkness. Features of thinking WEST Trinity model  Divine zone  Human zone  Devil's zone Conclusion: gradual social progress, consistent improvements. The path of the bourgeois: it is better to work, step by step to win wealth from life. RUSSIA Binary model  Divine zone  Devil's zone Conclusion: the world, knowingly unworthy, given over to the devil, cannot be improved and does not bring happiness. You can either throw it away, or find another, or destroy it to the ground, and then ... Humility, renunciation Compassion, pity Kindness, gentleness Seeking God rebellion in the name of justice cruelty propensity to violence outward piety or militant godlessness Features of the Russian perception of the world Sacred attitude to power: power is sacred, its bearer is the anointed of God  Ascetic ideal. The only justification for wealth is a high social status  The superiority of the proper over the essential (what should be is higher than what is)  Inequality naturally leads to the materialization of the upper class, the vulgarization of the middle and the brutality of the lower. Arnold Matthew Social inequality before and now is very painfully perceived in the Russian folk mentality. There is a wary attitude towards private property and a special attitude towards money and wealth in general. How do you feel about the division of society into rich and poor? I am against I do not see such a division 11% 26% 74% Poll among pupils of grades 10-11 MOUSOSH No. 2 89% Poll among residents of Karasuka Of course, I despise my fatherland from head to toe - but I am annoyed if a foreigner shares I have this feeling. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich Do you consider yourself a patriot of Russia? don't know 39% yes 47% no 14% Poll among pupils of grades 10-11 MOUSOSH No. 2 Do you consider material well-being to be the main goal of life? yes no 22% 23% 77% Survey among pupils of grades 10-11 MOUSOSH No. 2 78% Survey among residents of Karasuka If you were financially secure for life, would you work? no yes 20% other answer 23% 57% Poll among pupils of grades 10-11 MOUSOSH No. 2 30% 70% Poll among residents of Karasuka LITERATURE USED  Berdyaev N.A. Russian Idea // Questions of Philosophy. 1995. No. 6.  Berdyaev N. A. The Kingdom of the Spirit and the Kingdom of Caesar. M.: Respublika, 1995.  Vysheslavtsev B.P. Russian national character // Questions of Philosophy. 1995. No. 6.  Getz G.V. The study of mentality: a view from Germany // Disputes about the main thing: Discussion of both the present and the future of historical science around French school"Annalov". Rep. ed. Yu.L. Immortal. - M.: Nauka, 1993.  Likhachev D.S. On the national character of Russians // Questions of Philosophy. 1990. No. 4.  Sibirev V. A., Golovin N. A. Strokes to the portrait of the generation of the 1990s // Sotsiol. Research 198. No. 3; Olshansky V. B., Klimova S. G., Volzhskaya N. Yu. Schoolchildren in a changing society (1982-1997) // Sotsiol. Research 1999. No. 6. Popov VA, Kondratieva O. Yu. Change of motivational and value orientations of young people  Solovyov V. Nationalism. Patriotism. (From the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron) // New Babylon. 1994. No. 1.  Tsigvintseva G.L. Problems of forming a democratic mentality among young people // Collection of materials of the V regional scientific-practical conference "Formation of the humanitarian environment and extracurricular work at a university, technical school, school." In 2 tons; v. 2. Perm, 2002.  Tsigvintseva G.L. General and special conditions for the formation of the Russian mentality // Collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific Conference "New Ideas of Philosophy". In 2 T.; v.2. Perm, 2005.  Shulyndin B.P. Russian mentality in scenarios of change // Sotsiol. Research 1999. No. 12.

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