Morrowind Fighters Guild Quests. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Passage of the Guild of Fighters. Proof of Immunity from Corprus

  • 24.06.2020

I made this description out of nothing to do, it was originally addressed to my younger brother - Anton. When posting it for general use, I ask you to take this into account, and do not consider the appeal to “you” as an attempt at familiarity and boorish attitude. I admit that sometimes the jokes are somewhat ambiguous, but when reading the brother, he constantly neighed like a horse. Therefore, I will leave the text as it is.

So, my young friend, you have decided that it's time, it's time to become a Warrior, you don't like stealing the last loaf of bread from a market vendor to make an energy replenishment potion out of it, you don't like waving your arms and making obscene gestures, the result of which , alas, there will be only a shaking of air and an inscription on a half-screen like "You are an ass, and your spell did not work ..." But your shoulders are wide, your eyes are sharp, there is a fire in your chest, an ax in your hand. So?

Then you need to find in Balmora (What is it? Oh, this is such a city, on the Odai River. Crossroads.) There is such a building in this city - there is also a signboard with a shield and swords. Where is? Near the Mages Guild in the western part of the city. You go to the top floor. Went in? Wonderful! In front of you is a lady with fiery hair. At birth, they gave her the name Eidis, and the brothers from the foreign legion ... Ugh, sorry, Dagoth beguiled, from the Guild of Fighters, gave the girl the nickname "Fiery Eye". I suspect that she played a lot of Morra at night, from which, I know for myself, my eyes really burn with a bloody flame ... It is this lady who will immediately begin to twist, twirl and dispose of you. Because the boss. So let's join the Fighters Guild. We carefully study everything said by the lady! We realize what a cool organization we are in. A healthy dose of skepticism is definitely REQUIRED!

You can, after joining the guild, stagger a little in the wild, scare the Nix Hounds (these hounds) around the area, go to Kai Cosades, please him with a visit, otherwise he will completely get drunk alone ... Or you can immediately get down to business.


QUEST No. 1 Rats and pillows or "Deratization Department of the Department of Defense."

To the barrier, sir!
Eydis Fire-Eye aka "Fiery Eye" (Eydis Fire-Eye for users of the English version) gave you the following task:
Talk to Drarayne Thelas about the rats. This aunt is registered in Balmora, lives on the embankment of the Odai River (there is one river - you can’t miss it) on the eastern bank. How is it ... Crossing, crossing. Left bank, right bank... Stop! Where in the water? Tse is not the Dnieper! On the bridge we go from the Guild hostel to the right bank. On the nearest bridge, the most northern that is. How they descended from the bridge - right in front of you - at home. Either the first house from the bridge, or the second - the same one.
Grandmother Draraina Telas is engaged in embroidering pillows at home and is very afraid of mice. In particular, she has a particular fear of rats. And then such grief happened - the rats got into the habit of sleeping on her pillows and eating on them along the way. (I don’t know what these pillows should be made of, but rats like it.) One rat, in particular, according to Granny Telas, indulges in gluttony in her bedroom, having smoked out the mistress from there ... Two more rats took up defense in her pantry. And they managed to lock themselves from the inside. Then the grandmother will give you a golden key and send you to a feat.
The bedroom is in the same room. We do not forget that a rat is a friend of man and, before giving his soul to his rat god, she is simply obliged to bite us and thereby pump us protection and the skill of wearing armor.
(More on this at the Department of Military Training.)
The other two rats are in the pantry. The pantry, oddly enough, is located on the second floor of the same building. In order to get into it, you need to go outside, climb the stairs from the street to the second floor and rest your nose on the door. This is the same closet. The key that the granny gave us is just from this door.
Now, O great killer of rats (why, everyone started with this), return to Draraine Telas and make her happy. Grandma will give you 100 tugriks.
Now the most important thing is the report on the completion of the task (Sly winks.). Return to the Guild Dormitory (that is, to the residence of the Guild of Fighters in Balmora) and report to Eydis Fire-eyed in form - so they say, and so, carried out a sweep, met three mammals, an ordinary rat model. Engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Tactical mission accomplished. The terrorists have been destroyed..." I'm kidding. Now we're asking for a raise. If your performance characteristics match - a promotion will be given. Become a Fighters Guild Apprentice! Come on, you frown, I say it again - everyone started with this.

QUEST №2 "Eggs of poachers" or "Forester on guard".

We receive the second task from Eidis.
The general meaning is to find two poachers. Well, control them. To death. A typical quest for the Fighters Guild, by the way. Those poachers are special. With a bow and arrows in the mountains in green hoods they do not loiter and do not shoot fallow deer. Everything is more confusing here. Such animals live in Morrowind - like large ants, but closer visually and physiologically to a cross between cockroaches and crabs. They are called Kwama. They live in mines. People use their eggs, which are mined by egg miners - respectively, they are also people (well, or humanoids, but it's easier for me to say "People"). Apparently a couple of these miners decided to pocket someone else's Kwam eggs. This occupation is called "poaching" in the world of Morrowind. The villains are called Sevilo Othan and Daynila Valas.
Barmaley, that is, poachers, are engaged in their black trade in an egg mine (kwama mine) with the name Shulk (other translation: Shulk) (Shulk Egg Mine for the English version). Onaya is located on the left bank of the Odai River south of Balmora. In front of the mine, miners hang out by the fire. They will tell you much more about kwama than I do.
We go into the mine, taking the tools of a difficult military craft at the ready. Attention! Don't throw them at the first citizen you come across. Barmaley themselves will attack you. Looks like instinct. Worked out for representatives of law enforcement agencies. In order to find them, you need to roam around the mine. You can kill kwams who attack you. But others - I strongly do not recommend. Because it's inhumane. But back to poachers. The guys are armed with pickaxes and do not represent significant harm. But a couple of bottles of lives worth taking with you. Another point - it is strictly not recommended to take kwama eggs in this mine. Now you can go to Eidis Fireeye and bravo trump to report on the implementation. Eidis will be generous and will give you as many as 100 tugriks and four potions of energy restoration (by and large - useless). But you be stubborn and moderately impudent - demand a raise. You will be given. The stripes on the armor will indicate: Journeyman of the Fighting Guild (Fighters Guild Journeyman).

QUEST #3. SMERSH special operation to eliminate the Telvan agents in the Caldera Mines area.

Eydis Fireeye became generous: Today you, my friend, have work to do again. So, there is such a Great House - Telvani. Widely known for insidious magic and pyrym-pyrym. Intelligence revealed the presence of their operatives near the mines of the city of Caldera (I remind you that raw ebonite is mined there). The Telvan brothers got into the habit of stealing a valuable product and disappearing people responsible for the functioning of the mines. It is impossible to forgive them in any way, and the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief decided to destroy the hotbed of Telvan espionage. You will be given their names (passwords, appearances ... GyGyGy) - Alina Aralen (Alynu Aralen), Sathasa Nerothren (Sathasa Nerothren), Fotina Herothran (But such obscene names they have) and Alveleg (Alveleg). The Safe House is a cave next to the bridge to the mining village northwest of the Caldera. More precisely - to the right of the bridge (North). A special sign - there is a flower pot on the window ... Ugh, it meant - next to the cave and not a pot, but even an archer. By the way, he has a good shield. For medium armored infantry, that's it. You need to talk with the archer about the Telvani spy network. The guy is clearly a partisan and is not going to turn up. Will try to hurt you. But don't let him make this attempt. Now enter the cave and shred into cabbage all those who deign to throw themselves at you. It is necessary to kill everyone, after which, with a clear conscience, you can rummage through the little boxes and pockets, and drag everything earned by overwork to be sold to the pawnshop Irgola or the local blacksmith in Caldera. Although, if the cost of things is high, you should think about visiting the well-known Caldera Scamp (in the pyre version of "Crawler"), who lives in the orc mansion on the second floor. After that, direct your steps to Balmora and ... Properly - report on the completion of the task of destroying the Telvan agents. For such happiness, Eidis will give you 400 tugriks. But she won’t give a raise ... Like you’re cool, but there are still those who hesitate in this ... But there is such a golden principle - even moving a finger, you need to ask for a raise, and with two - you generally demand it. After each completed quest - go for it.

QUEST No. 4. Alex - to Eustace or the Book of Ciphers (aka "Code Book").

Once again we visit Ogneglazskaya Eydis. She has a particularly delicate task for you. For some reason, she needed a Code Book from Sottilde, who sells all sorts of little things in the fashionable (and well-known to us) South Wall club in Balmora. That is, you had to find this very club in every possible way before coming to Kai Cosades with a report on the blades. But just in case: the South Wall is located in the southeastern part of the city of Balmora, on the eastern (i.e. right) bank of the river. The first person to meet you, my friend, will be Sottilda. Everything here is not as simple as a goat-elk. A) If you managed to join the Thieves Guild, then Sottilde will immediately tell you what kind of encryption is contained in this very code book. Briefly - bad people(Rashes, in other words), aka Kamon Tong corrupted the Fighters Guild with bribes. Alas and ah. The code book contains evidence that Kamona Tong are bad uncles, and sometimes even disgusting. Moreover, by giving the book of Eydis to Fireeye, you will make it impossible for yourself to complete the quest for the Thieves Guild (according to unverified data). In addition, Sottilda will not give you this book just like that, even if you manage to win her over in the most favorable way for you (Attitude of 100%). She will have to cut off her head and rob the mangled corpse of a fellow thieves. So that the brothers of the thieves are not very offended by you and the friends of the guards do not hang a fine as soon as the girl is annoyed, and then only “with a razor across the throat and into the well.” There is another option - to steal a book from your pocket. You come close to the lady from the side of the buttocks, press Ctrl and when the icon appears on the bottom right - a hand grabbing a bag - at the same time, i.e. without releasing this key, - space. A window opens like a corpse - from it you can drag things into your bag. But if Sotilda notices, she will have to run to tear her claws to the doors, then sideways, sideways, so as not to run into the guards - and to Eydis Fire-eyed. We give her a book (she can then steal it, after all) and go to the guards, stripped naked. (Well, I don’t remember, for example, what I stole, and what I honestly bought or took from the corpses.) We give up, we pay them some tugriks to a fine. After that, you can dress back, and go to the Thieves Guild - to the club at the South Wall, that is. And Sottilda is alive and does not rush, and the task can theoretically be completed for thieves. B) If you have not joined the Thieves Guild, say goodbye to it: after stealing and taking away the book of codes, you will no longer be able to work in it. However, do you need it? So, there are two options again. First - give a bribe or flattering speeches or threats, but raise Sottilda's attitude towards yourself to at least 75, then ask her boldly about the Book of Codes. The kind-hearted girl will give it to you, hesitating. Well, now go - do your dirty work - give the book to Eydis. You will receive 30 silver ..., that is, fifty tugriks. However, the price does not vary much, right? Ask for a raise. You will become a Swordsman of the Warriors Guild (or Swordsman or, in English: Fighters Guild Swordsman).

QUEST No. 5. "Racket in Morrowind" or "Policemen of Vices: The Shock of the Bandersha."

Good Aunt Eydis, if you ask her well, will give you another task. Will have to travel again. This time in the town of Suran. In this Suran there is, in Russian speaking, a Brothel, which the local citizens of Morrowind bashfully call names with all sorts of diverting words like “Desele's house of Earthly Delights”. The owner of this house owed 200 tugriks to a certain Manos Otrelet ( Almost to Atreidis, GyGyGy). Her name is Helvin Diesel (I remember exactly this tank surname, but the name is ... uh ..). We need to persuade her to give this money. Many youths with swords at the ready looked for this debtor and did not find it. How to find it: If you will arrive there on a Silt Strider (a huge flea that carries cargo between the cities and villages of Vvardenfell), then go down the stairs (there are two of them, including one from the platform for the Silt Strider). with a burning light of a flashlight - and there is it. We pretend that we came for the girls, and we ourselves drive up to the hostess and issue a bill. If you manage to establish friendly relations with the bandera - she herself is a Tugrik will give. Personally, I was then weak in language, inexperienced, and I simply stabbed my aunt. Moreover, he stabbed him crookedly, hooking a Khadzhiitka slave who was standing nearby. Learn my mistakes and do not repeat. I was especially saddened that not only did the corpse of the Bandersha's aunt turn out to be, so he also turned out to be a poor corpse - the Tugriks I was looking for did not fall out of her. It remains only to return to Balmora, sadly give Eydis 200 relatives of his own tugriks, in return having received as many as 100 "from the bounty".

QUEST №6. "Special Rapid Response Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the province of Morrowind" or "Well, you are a fool, gra" Bol.

Beauty Eydis "Light in the Eyes" again harnesses you to the adventure: According to the orientation of the Tamriel police department, it is necessary to liquidate a dangerous criminal attacking the valiant policemen of Morrowind - a certain orc Dura gra-Bol (Dura gra-Bol). Her house can be found like this - on the right (Eastern) bank of the Odai River - the southernmost on the embankment - the house is a tower. Here in it the aforementioned orc sat down. She dies quickly. Return to the Warriors Guild and talk to Eydis Fireeye about Dura gra-Bol. You will receive 250 gold. Mission accomplished! In general, when I killed this orc woman, I caught up to a hundred of her attitude towards me with persuasion ... But she still didn’t give me the necessary item ... I insulted her in order to take it from the corpse, and she told me "I thought - we friends..." I almost wept with pity... When I cut her. But, God forbid, I don’t remember what kind of object it is, what the hell do I need it for ... And how it correlates with the orientation of the Tamriel police department. Maybe I just use it to raise the skill of talkativeness? After the elimination of Dura, happiness smiles at us. But Eydis Fireeye is not. She sends us to Ald "Run, hinting that we have not yet grown up to her tasks. This city is located North of the Caldera. The city is wonderful, but the dust storms that often occur in it do not inspire me at all. But most importantly, this city controlled by House Redoran, which is only what a true vorrier should stumble into. But more on that for another time.


QUEST #7 "Necromania is almost the same as Necrophilia..." (Inquisitor's Insight)

So, the valiant commander of the branch of the Fighters Guild in Aldrun, the former Guildmaster, ousted from the throne by insidious and dishonest competitors - Percius Mercius (or vice versa ... I always get confused with this German Pepper) will give you back: You need to help a certain fan to carry out a sweep in a certain complex of buildings, which is called you (Vas). In this very Vasya, a vile necromancer sat down. He sits there and spoils people's lives with invasions of Bon-Lords, skeletons, all kinds of walking corpses and others like them. Of course, such a "rutabaga" is fundamentally unacceptable. That's for her "weeding" and you have to take. Vas is located in the far north on a small island west of Dagon Fel. You can go there on foot (that's exactly what I did), pumping the Athletics skill along the way (all the more so that boots of blinding speed should theoretically already be on you, my friend ...) and other equally important skills and making small geographical discoveries - like "Where is Maar Gan". And you can also get on a fast local train and a fast local steamboat: on the Silt Strider to the Khuul station (In the version from 1c, for some reason obscenely marked as “Khuul”), and from there by water to the village of Dagon Fel. From Dagon Fel on foot tourist route - and to the place. There will be a girl hanging out at the entrance. She is the same fan. Her name is like Julia Khenim, or something similar. In English it will be Ulyne Henim. By the way, she herself also casts not ice with flame at all, but the same Ancestral Spirits, i.e. evil spirits. So, together with the fragile girl, diligently trying to go forward and protect her companion with her mighty shoulders, go into "You", cut the skeletons and go out to the Necromancer. As soon as luck happens in the form of his killing, Yulka Khenim will immediately inform you about this. Now head home to the Fighters Guild branch in Aldrun. But before leaving, I recommend casting the Mark spell somewhere not far from Vasa. Why - I'll tell you later (Cunningly winks). In the meantime, let's go back to Ald'ruhn. It turns out that the world is full of rumors: congratulate yourself and take a pie from the shelf. I remind you - after each completed quest - try to get a promotion.


So the valiant Nemets-Pepper gives us a writ of execution (a figurative expression, that is, he doesn’t actually give any paperwork, etc., I’m joking like that) for the execution of a certain murderer of pioneers, a torturer of old women and a rapist of pioneer leaders named Nerer Beneran (Nerer Beneran). The latter is hiding in a certain Sargon, which, in fact, will turn out to be just a cave full of all sorts of villains and scoundrels. Sargon is located in the North - on the island to the south and a little west of the one on which you helped the Inquisition to overcome the necromaniacs in the previous series. Well, now cast the "Return" spell and you will fly exactly to Vasu - and from Vasa to Sargon - literally "kick with your foot." No, but imagine what words I cursed when I wandered there from Aldrun. Let's explore the island. There are several caves, the island is really rich with them. Before entering the cave, Sargon especially strongly recommends patching up chain mail and other devices, stocking up on all sorts of bubbles and others like them, to restore life and energy. Now - on the assault. Kill everyone who attacks you. Believe me, they are full of rascals. And their leader cuts through the air in an Ebony cuirass - for a novice ripper of villains - it's just the right thing for you. Killing Nerera Beneran is not easy, but those who attend classes at the Military Department of the University of Morrowind will do it without difficulty. Now we joyfully put on the cuirass of the late Beneran and hurry, and Aldrun - to report to Pepper about the execution of the sentence against the ex-armored carrier. Don't forget to ask for promotions. Suddenly, yes, they will increase (winks) ...

QUEST №9. "Organized Crime Department of Morrowind" or "Gangs near Suran".

Near the city of Suran, a certain bandit formation is deployed. Periodically, it makes armed attacks on the checkpoints of Suran. Concerned about the problem of protection from bandits, the local Mayor - Sergio Avon Oran, called for help from the Fighting Guild. Percius Mercius issues you a travel permit for this hot spot. Sharpen your ax, bro. Arriving in Suran, carefully ask Sergio Avon Oran where, according to available intelligence, there are attacks of insidious bandits. He will report that the bandits are stationed in the cave Saturan (Saturan) to the east of the city. (I myself was steaming for a long time while looking. See the map.). The gang is commanded by field commander Daldur Sarys. The commander must be eliminated, the performance should be reported. Go and do your duty, soldier! (By the way, I killed everyone there to the same grandmother ...) We report on the implementation and drive to the base in Aldrun.

QUEST No. 10 "Courier service of Morrowind" or "Cargo transportation No. 1".

A simple task - you need to go to the southern slope of the Red Mountain (not inside the barrier, but outside). Directly to the west of Zeinab Camp is a certain "Elith-Pal Mine" (Elith-Pal Mine). Mercius Percius brings to your attention that, it turns out, your Fighting duties include, among other things, the supply of wine and vodka products of all sorts of mines. It is necessary to deliver Flin's cargo to this Elite Pal mine. You need to hand over inventory to a certain dark elf (like a Dunmer, I forgot already) Dangor. I must say right away that the path to get there is not close. (By the way, I recommend making a small detour along the way - get to the Ashlander camp - Zeinab and talk to the citizens hiding in the tents there. In one of them there is an important citizen with 9000 tugriks in his pocket, to which you can drag all kinds of expensive items and hand them over dumping prices.) You give flin to Dangor and go back to Ald "rune - report and check if the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief has approved you in a new rank. This is where the joyful communication with Percius Mercius ends and German Pepper sends you to work in a town on the islands east coast Vvardenfell - Sadrith Moru.

In order to join the Fighters Guild, talk to Idis Fireeye in the Balmora Fighters Guild building.

Fighters Guild Quests in Balmora: Idis Fireeye.

1. The first task is to kill the cave rats that inhabited the house of Drarain Telas. Finding her is easy. Her house is on the east side of the river. Come into the house and talk to her about the cave rats. She will say that she locked one rat in the room, and the others in her warehouse upstairs. Kill the rats in her room and then in the warehouse. Return to Drarain Telas and get 100 gold. Then return to Idis Fireeye and talk about rats. Then ask for a raise.
2. Idis Fireeye will say that poachers have appeared in the egg mine. This mine is south of Balmora. Go there and enter it. Sooner or later you will find two poachers. Kill them and return to Eydis Fireeye. As a reward, you will receive 100 gold and 4 quality fatigue recovery potions. You will also get a promotion.
3. Idis Fireeye will say that they received an order to kill 4 Telvanni agents. All of them are in Shakhtak Caldera. The Telvanci themselves are not in the mines, but in the cave before it. Kill them all and return to Eydis Fireeye. As a reward, you will receive 400 gold.
4. Eydis Fireeye wants to bring her a code book that Sottild from the Thieves Guild has. Sottild is located in the South Wall. There will be a problem here if you joined the Thieves Guild. The problem will be that Sottild will not give you the book. To avoid the problem, you will have to complete the Thieves Guild missions first, and only then proceed to the Fighters Guild missions. Go talk to Sottild (raise your attitude beforehand) and you will get a code book. Return to Idis Fireeye. As a reward, you will receive 50 gold and you can ask for a promotion.
5. Idis Fireeye will say that Helvian Dezel must repay the debt. Drive to Suran and enter the House of Earthly Delights. There, talk to Helvian Dezel and get a debt if the attitude is good. Then return to Idis Fireeye. She will give you exactly half.
6. Eydis Fireeye will tell you that you need to kill an orc named Dara gra-Bol. Orc house on the east coast. Go and kill. Then return to Idis Fireeye and get the promised 250 gold.
7. Idis Fireeye will say that the orcs began to attack the farms. Go to Alofa Farm, which is on the road to Suran. Talk to him and he will say that the orcs are coming from Ashurnates and he will also say that they will scatter if Buryub gra-Bamog is killed. Go there and kill him. This orc is in the sanctuary. Then talk to Alof and return to Eydis Fireeye.

Fighters Guild Quests in Aldrun. Perius Merius.

1. Perius Merius will say that an application has been received from Vos to help one of the eternal guardians. Vos is far to the north. Go there. At the end of the Tower, a necromancer will be waiting for you. Kill him and return to Perius Merius. You will receive 250 gold as well as the next rank.
2. Perius Merius will say that you need to kill the killer named Nerer Beneran. It can be found in Sargon. This cave is located on the Western Island of the Shigorada region. Go there and kill him. On it, by the way, there will be ebonite mail. Return to Perius Merius. You will receive 500 gold.
3. Perius Merius will say that Avon Oran said about the bandits. Go to Suran, and then to Oran Manor. Talk to Avon Oran and he will say that the bandits are attacking from Saturan. This cave is right behind the mountains. Go there and kill their leader - Daldur Seris. When you kill him, return to Avon Oran and he will pay you 1000 gold. Return to Perius Merius and you will receive a promotion.
4. The next task is to deliver a batch of flin to the Elite Pal mines. This mine is directly west of Camp Zeinab. Go there. There, talk to Dangor and give him the flin. Return to Perius Merius. You will receive 500 gold and Cyrodiil brandy if you answered yes to the drinking question.

Fighters Guild Sadrith Mora. Hrundi's tasks.

1. Hrundi will ask you to meet a woman at the ruins of Nchurdams. Go there and she will ask you to kill one Daedroth. Go and kill him and then return to Hrundi.
2. Hrundi wants you to go to the Disapla Mine and complete Novor Dretan's orders. Go there and talk to him and he will say that one person is lost in the mine and he wants you to find him. Go and not far you will find a lost person. Take him to Navor Dretan and then return to Hrundi.
3. Now Hrundi will give you two tasks. The first is to kill the corprus monster in the Berwen store in Tel Mora. Up there you will find this monster and kill it. The second task is to kill a bandit named Rail Tenim. Go to you and talk to the farmers. They will say that they saw bandits in the mine in the north. Go there and kill the bandit, then return to Hrundi.

Quests for Perius Merius (continued).

1. Perius Merius will tell you that you need to kill Idis Fireeye in Balmora and an orc in the fighters guild building in Vivec. It won't be too hard to kill them. After the kill, return to Perius Merius. However, if all the tasks of the Thieves Guild have been completed before that, then it will not be necessary to kill her.
2. Perius Merius will say that it's time for you to kill the head of the Fighters Guild. Go to Vivec and kill him, then return to Perius Merius and you will become the new head of the Fighters Guild.

Morrowind / Walkthrough

~ Fighters Guild ~

Branches of the Fighters Guild can be found in all corners of Tamriel, the Fighters Guild can always provide opportunities for those who decide to devote themselves to the art of the warrior.

Fighters Guild is professional organization, founded by the Emperor to deal with the recruitment and training of mercenaries. In addition, the Guild performs various assignments coming from both various organizations and individuals. As a rule, these tasks are aimed at strengthening order and law in Tamriel. In addition, the Guild can always provide training services and many different goods for sale, all of which will be much cheaper for Guild members than everyone else. In addition, branch managers can always offer jobs. In Vvardenfell, there are representations of the Fighters Guild in Balmora, Al "rune, Wolverine Hole in Sadrith Sea and in the Outlander Quarter in Vivec.

Main parameters for Guild members


Essential Skills for Guild Members

Long Blades
Blunt Weapons
Blacksmith (Armorer)
Heavy Armor
Defense (Block)

A career in the Fighters Guild requires mastery of the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If the Guild does not want to promote you with enough completed tasks, check if the values ​​of these skills correspond to the requirements for the next rank. If not, well, practice...

Promotion in the Fighters Guild

Rank Performance Requirements Skill Requirements Additional requirements
Beginning Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill equals 10
Wanderer Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill equals 20
swordsman Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill is 30, the other two are 5
Tread Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill is 40, the other two are 10
Defender Strength 31
Endurance 31
One skill is 50, the other two are 15
guardian Strength 32
Endurance 32
One skill is 60, the other two are 20
Guardian Strength 33
Endurance 33
One skill is 70, the other two are 25
Winner Strength 34
Endurance 34
One skill is 80, the other two are 30
Master Strength 35
Stamina 35
One skill is 90, the other two are 35 Complete the quests of Percius Mercius to eliminate the top of the Fighters Guild

Tasks and their implementation

Eydis Fireeye (Balmora)

1. Pied Piper
There are rats in Drarain Telas' house in the eastern part of Balmora, you need to get rid of them. Talk to the mistress of the house and she will give you the key to the barn. Kill all the rats there and then check the house, it may also have rodents. When all the rats are killed, talk to Drarain again and return to Idis.

House Drarain

2 Egg Poachers
You have to kill two poachers: Sevilo Otan and Danila Valas. They were tired of working in the mine, and they decided that they could earn a living by stealing quaam eggs. You can find them in the Shulk Egg Mine. Go south from Balmora, along the right bank of the river until you see an old suspension bridge over the Odai River. The mine is located to the west of it. When both poachers are dead, return to Idis. As a reward, you will receive 100 gold and several potions.

3 Telvanni Agents
The Warriors Guild has been contacted by the Caldera Mines Administration. According to them, Telvanni agents are sabotaging the mines, stealing ebony, kidnapping guards and slaves. You need to deal with them. There are four agents in total: Alina Aralen, Satas Nerotren, Fotin Herotran and Alveleg. There is evidence that they hide in a cave in the hills north of the Caldera Mines. Kill them and return to Idis.

4. Codebook
Before completing this quest, join the Thieves Guild, otherwise you may forever lose the opportunity to complete the quests of this cute organization.
Idis asked to get her the code book Sottild. The reason is simple - the codebook contains evidence that the Fighters Guild is working for Camonna Tong, who trades in skooma. Of course, Sottilde, who works for the Thieves Guild, will not give you this book voluntarily. However, if you talk to Pericius Mercius, in the Ald "Rune Fighters Guild, he will tell you that you should not kill Sottild. In this case, most in a good way will raise her attitude towards you to 70 or higher and, then, she will give you the book voluntarily. However, you can kill the poor woman, however, in this case, you risk ruining your relationship with the Thieves Guild. In any case, after receiving the code book, return to Idis and receive a reward: 50 gold. Sottild herself can be found in the South Wall Tavern.

If you nevertheless killed Sottild and were kicked out of the Thieves Guild, do not despair, find the head of the Guild in Vivec and for 1000 Septims you will be restored to it. The main thing is that at the time of the murder you were already a member of it.

Tavern "South Wall"

5. Debt Dezel
Helvian Dezel of Suran owes money to Manos Otrelet, and now the Guild must force her Dezel to repay the debt. However, if you talk to Percius Mercius, he will tell you that Manos Otrelet is working for Orvas Dren, ie. to Camonna Tong and that this quest is not like a regular Fighters Guild quest. After talking with Dezel, you will understand that "debt" is nothing more than an ordinary racket. Further, it's up to you. You can squeeze money out of a woman, or you can pay yourself, after all - 200 gold is not that much money. In any case, when you give Eydis 200 coins, the task will be completed.

6. Gra-Bol head bounty
Quite simply, the task is to kill an orchesu named Dara gra-Bol, whose home is located here, in Balmora. Kill her and return to Idis, your reward will be 250 gold.

The following quests are available for the Protector rank

7. Alof and the Orcs
The Fighters Guild has received information about a band of orcs operating near Pelagiad. Eydis orders you to speak with Alof the East at his farm, which is located northeast of Pelagiad. If you catch him alive, you will learn that the orcs come from the ruins of the Daedric temple of Ashunartes, located northeast of the farm and west of the old Dunmer stronghold of Marandus. Alof will also report that these orcs are led by a leader named Buryub gra-Bamog, if you kill him, the rest of the orcs will scatter. By the way, please note that this task was given to the Guild by Duke Vedam Dren. Don't fail him. The quest will be considered completed when Buryub gra-Bamog is dead. By the way, Alof is not a mere mortal, but an informant of the Guild.

9. The Hunger in Sarano's Tomb
The last task is to kill the Hunger in Sarano's tomb. This location is southeast of Fort Moonmoth, between Ashland and Lake Amaya. Kill him and return to Idis. As a reward you will receive - 1000 gold.

Tomb of Sarano

Percius Mercius (Ald "rune)

1. Necromancer Vasa
Eternal Guardian Ulaine Henim has asked the Guild to help her clear out the lair of the necromancers known as You, located far to the north in the Sheogorada region. To get there, you need to get to Tel Mora and from there take a ship to Dagon Fel. The main task is to kill a necromancer named Daris Adram. In order to complete it, Ulaina Henim will join you to fight shoulder to shoulder. When the necromancer is killed, return to Pertsis in Al "rune.

3. Bandits in Suran
Bandit attacks have increased in the city of Suran, and the Fighters Guild has been assigned to deal with them. Travel to Suran and find Sergio Avon Orinoma. After talking with him, you will learn that the bandits' lair is located northeast of the city, in Saturan. Travel there and kill their leader, Daldur Saris. As soon as the leader is dead - return to Sergio and get a reward - 1000 gold. After that, you can report to Percius about the completion of the task.

The following quests are available for Guardian rank

5. Elimination of supporters of Szhoring
According to Percius, the Fighters Guild in Vvardenfell fell under the influence of the Camonn Tong, a crime syndicate run by Orvas Dren. To get rid of the influence of Camonn Tong, you need to destroy the top of the guild - Szhoring Hardheart and his two assistants, Eydis Fireeye and Lorbumol gro-Aglak. You can find Idis in Balmora, and Lorbumol in Vivec, in the Outlander Quarter, in the Guild Office located in the Plaza. Kill both without regret, besides, both will attack you themselves as soon as they see you. To avoid various kinds of glitches, during the course of this quest, kill your opponents in the following order - first Idis, then Lorbumol. After each action, return with a report to Percius. The task will be considered completed when both supporters of Sjoring are dead.

6. Kill the Brutal
The last task given by Percius is the elimination of Sjoring Hardheart, head of the entire Fighters Guild in Vvardenfell. Kill this character without regret, he is so mired in the affairs of Camonna Tong that the Guild under his leadership completely ceased to fulfill their duties. Therefore, killing Sjoring is the only way to restore the Guild to its former glory. You can find Sjoring in the Outlander Quarter, in Vivec, in the Fighters Guild in the Plaza. Kill him and return to Percius, talk to him about Sjoring and he will make you the new Guildmaster.

Hrundi (Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Holly)

1. Battle in Nchurdamets
So, the first task that Hrundi gives you is to meet Larien Makrina in the ruins of Nchurdamets. Nchurdamz is an ancient Dwemer stronghold lying far south of Sadrith Mora. After reaching the place and talking with Larien, you will learn that she wants to take revenge on one Daedroth named Hrelvesuu. Take her to the team and go deep into the ruins. Once Hrelvesuu is killed, talk to Larienne and she will thank you for your help. After that, you can return to Hrundi and report on the completion of the task, as a reward you will receive 500 Septims. However, if Larienne dies, the reward will not shine for you.


2. Dissapla
The guild has received a report of problems in the Dissapla Mine. Go there and find the mine manager Novor Dretan. From him you will learn that the work of the mine has recently been greatly hampered by the attack of the nix-hounds. As a result of the latter, Teres Arotan, a local healer, disappeared. Find him and bring him to Drethan. Teres Arotan is in the northwest corner of the mine. When you reach the hall with stairs, go up to the second tier and, from there, to the left. You will reach the second staircase, climb it and find a doctor. Then return with him to Dretan, see that the healer does not die on the way. After Teres is in a safe place, talk to Dretan and he will thank you for saving the healer. After that, return to Hrundi.

3. Stalker Berwen
A fairly simple task - the Hunter Corprus climbed into the merchant Berven, who lives in Tel Mora, and the task of the Guild is to kill this monster. Go to Tel Mora, find Berwen's house and talk to her. She will say that they managed to lock the hunter in the upper room, go upstairs and deal with them. After the hunter kills, talk to Berven and return to Hrundi for a reward - 500 gold. Although, try to complete the next quest at the same time, so as not to run twice.

4. Tenim's head bounty
This quest is given along with the previous one. It is necessary to find the criminal Rels Tenim, he was last seen in Vos. After you talk to the locals, they will tell you that Tenim has gone to the criminals' hideout far to the north, his whereabouts may be known in the Ahemmuza camp. After reaching the Ashlander camp and talking with one of them, you will learn that some person has gone to the Shallit cave, located on a small island southwest of Ald Daedroth. To get to the cave, you need to swim to the first island north of the camp, from it go to the northwest, there are two more islands. The cave is located on the northern side of the second island, the entrance is located near the water in a small bay. There you will find your purpose. As soon as you kill Tenim, return to Hrundi for a reward - 200 gold.

5. Sujjama to Dunirai
The workers in the Adas mine have run out of sujjama, and you have to deliver another batch of goods to them there, since it is the Fighters Guild that is responsible for supplying the Imperial Mines. Head to the Dunirai caves southeast of the Ghost Gate, between Foyada Esannudan and Foyada Ashur-Dan. When you reach the mines, find a man named Nelacar who is in charge of supplies. It is located in the eastern part of the mine, from the entrance turn right and follow the rail, reaching the large hall, turn left, Nelacar is in the next hall. Give him the load of sujjama and return to Hrundi. As a reward, you will receive 500 coins.


6. Zondaal
You have to go to the ancient Dunmer stronghold of Telasero, located between Suran and the siltstrider port in Molag Mar, and find Zondaal of Shimmeren there. Altmer, who was studying the clockwork city of Sotha Sil (it is not clear, however, what set of circumstances brought her to the base of the Sixth House). Zondaal is located on the lower level of the fortress, from the entrance - the first room to the left. She stands on the table, in the company of two rats. Kill the rodents and escort the witch to the exit from the fortress. Keep in mind that she has very little combat experience, so clear the way before taking her out. The quest is very important - do not fail it. When Zondaal thanks you for saving you, return to Hrundi.

7. Engaer's head bounty
The Fighters Guild was generously paid to kill the Bosmer mercenary Engaer, who serves his master Neloth of Tel Naga. Keep in mind that Engaer belongs to the Telvanni house, so try to arrange things in such a way that there are no claims against you. Your best bet is to force Engaer to attack you himself, either through insults or appropriate spells. When the mercenary is dead - return to Hrundi and get a reward - 1000 gold.

8. Pudai Egg Mine
Hrundi's last task is to find the Pudai Egg Mine and bring seven Golden Eggs from there. According to rumors, the mine is located on the island of Shigorad or near it. When you get into the mine, go along the left passage, which will take you out of the hall with the quaama queen. That's where the eggs are. Take them and return to Hrundi. A truly royal reward awaits you - 10 thousand gold.

Pudai Egg Mine

Lorbumol gro-Aglak (Vivec, Outlander Quarter, Plaza)

1. Jay Feather Ring
An orc named Nar gro-Shagramf promised to deliver the Feather-Ring of the Jay to Ranes Yenet, but he still hasn't. You must demand from the impudent orc what was promised. Go to Hlaalu Plaza in Vivec. When you find an orc, first raise his attitude towards you to 60 or higher and then he will give you the ring voluntarily. However, you can remove the ring from the corpse. When you have the ring, return to gro-Aglak for a reward - 100 gold.

2. Silence Toad Tongue
A rather delicate task - you need to silence an Argonian named Toadtongue, who can always be found in the "Rat in a bowler hat" tavern in the Ald "rune. The easiest way is to kill him, which will undoubtedly be especially pleasant to your quest giver. However, after talking with Toadtongue, you'll find out that it's all his "fault" that he's spreading the Fighters Guild connection to the Camonna Tong. I don't think that deserves to die. Percius will tell you the same thing if you talk to him. Your best bet is to get Toadtongue to leave Vvardenfell, and Gro-Aglaka will do just that.

3. Reward for the head of Dro "Zahara
This time you need to kill the famous Khajiit criminal Dro "Zakhar, who is hiding somewhere in the district of St. Delin. Go there and talk to the locals, the criminal lives in the canals of St. Delin South-Two, on south side District of Saint Olmes. Kill him and return to the employer. There are no pitfalls in this quest - Dro "Zakhar is really a criminal, Percius will tell you the same.

4. Liriel's Debt
You were given the task to knock out a debt from Liriel Stoin from the tavern "Rat in a bowler hat" in the Ald "rune. However, Percius Mercius will tell you that Liriel does not have 2000 gold and that, in fact, it was not she who owed money, but her brother Ruran Stoin, she doesn’t have any money, so there’s nothing to take from her. Mirel herself will tell you the same thing, by the way, this is the true truth, even if you kill her, you still won’t be able to profit from anything. You can try to find her brother, in Mallapee cave, northeast of Gnaar Mok. Unfortunately, when you arrive there, you will find that Ruran is dead and has only 500 coins. Add another fifteen hundred from your reserves and return to gro-Aglak. will return half of the debt to you, i.e. a thousand gold.” By the way, the unfortunate Liriel did not owe anyone, but Camonna Tong.

The following quests require the rank Protector.

5. Bounty for Vandasia's head
Now gro-Aglak has not been pleased with the imperial official Adraria Vandasia from Seyda-Nin, and he demands to kill him. However, if you talk to Percius, you will find out that this man should not be killed, because he did not commit any crime. By and large, you can not complete this task. If your rank in the guild has reached the Guardian level, you can go to Percius Mercius in Ald "runes and complete his following quests. Or, try to complete Hrundi's quests from the Wolverine Hall Fighters Guild in Sadrith Sea. But if your bloodthirstiness haunts you - go to Seyda Nin, to the warehouses of the Office of Taxes and Duties. On the second floor of the office you will find Adraria. Kill him and return to gro-Aglak. Do not forget only one thing - after completing this task, you will no longer work for the Fighters Guild, but , in fact, on Camonna Tong.

6. Reward for the head of Alleius
Now gro-Aglak was not pleased by Rufinus Alleius, member of the magistrate and agent of the Imperial Legion. Gro-Aglak promises 1000 septims for his head. As in the previous task, it is not worth grabbing a sword and killing Rufinus, it is a bit of honor to kill an innocent official of the Empire. However, if you really want to be known as a ruthless killer, go to Ebonheart, you will find Rufinus in the building of the Supreme Council. Kill and return to Vivec.

Sjoring Hardhearted (Vivec, Outlander Quarter, Plaza)

The following quests require the rank Protector.

1. Eliminate the heads of the Thieves Guild
This task gives Szhoring a head. As you know, the Guild of Thieves is at enmity with the Camonna Tong, and only this criminal Syndicate could come to eliminate the heads of the Guild. In a good way, you need to quit this task and go to perform the remaining tasks of Percius. However, if you really want to, you can complete the tasks of Szhoring. The Thieves Guild bosses are Sweet-voiced Habassi in the South Wall (Balmora), Aengotha ​​in the Potted Rat (Ald Rune) and Helend in Dirty Muriel (Sadrith Mora) Kill all three and return to Sjoring.

2. Kill the Master Thief
Sjoring's last assignment is to eliminate the master thief, Gentleman Jim Stacy. It can be found in Simin Fralini's bookstore in Vivec. After killing him, return to Sjoring. True, he will meet you not with open arms, but with a long sword. Sjoring himself will explain it simply, with the elimination of the Thieves Guild, the only one who is a danger to him is you. Therefore, you will have to kill the presumptuous boor.

Note: in what order are the quests of the Fighters Guild

The fact is that, as you have already noticed, the quests of the Guild of Fighters are not only closely intertwined with the quests of the Guild of Thieves, but provide for several paths for the development of events, not all of which are worthy of Nerevar. For my part, I would suggest the following approach:

1. Complete all of Idis's quests until she requires a new rank.

2. Move to Ald "rune and complete Percius' quests, up to the point where he requires the rank of Guardian.

3. Move to Wolverine Hall in Sadrith More and complete Hrundi's quests.

4. Having received the rank of Protector, complete the remaining quests for Idis and Hrundi.

5. Raise your rank to the level of the Guardian (with Szhoring) and return to Percius for the last quests. If necessary, you can complete the quests of Lorbumol gro-Aglak, with the exception of the last two (killing Vandassia and Allais).

Thus, you will be able to maximum amount quests and not only become the head of the Guild, but also wrest it from the power of Camonna Tong.

Before writing the passage, it is worth telling you how to join it at all. Reception is held in three cities: Anvil (talk to Azzan), Cheydinhall (Burz gro-Khash) and Chorrol (Master Vilena Donton). Upon admission, you receive the rank of Associate.

Tasks are listed in the order in which they were received.

Task one: A Rat Problem (Problem with rats).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

An interesting task, especially if you played Morrowind.
A certain Arvena Telas (I wonder if she has a sister in Balmora?) has some problems with rats. We already went through something similar in Morrowind, but upon arrival it turns out that rodents will not have to be killed, but protected! We go down to the basement and we kill the mountain lion as quickly as possible, until he inadvertently killed the "rats". We report to the hostess. She is seriously alarmed and sends us to Penarus Investius. Together with him we go to hunt down the lions in the outskirts of the city. them, then we return to the mistress again. And again there is a lion in the basement. we catch Quil at the crime scene when she puts a piece of meat near Arvena's basement. We have two ways:
1-We give the Quil crime to the Dunmer, get some gold and a bonus to Speech.
2-We get money from Arvena for work, but we don’t talk about Quil, we return to the Argonian and get a bonus to Acrobatics.

We return to Azzan and get the rank of Apprentice. The quest is completed.

Task two: The Unfortunate Shopkeeper (Unsuccessful merchant).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

Goods began to disappear in Norbert Lelles's store. We go to Lelles's Quality Goods (Port Area) and talk with the owner, we stay for the night. At one point, three robbers burst into the store. Try to guess what to do with them the first time. Yes -Yes, that's it. We go to the "Full Cup" tavern to report to Lelles, we get cash.

Task three: The Desolate Mine (Abandoned mine).

Burz gro-Hash will give us weapons (take care of free space in your backpack) and send us to the Abandoned Mine near the city. We find Guild fighters there and distribute weapons: Rienne bow, orc motot, Altmer sword, Papuan icon... Well, yes, I digress. We clean the mine, striving to ensure that none of the company dies. Otherwise, your reward will be halved.

We return to Burz gro-Khash for a reward, we get the rank of Journeyman. The quest is completed.

Task four: Unfinished Business (Unfinished business).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

Vilena Donton sends us to Modryn Oreyna (again, we recall Morrowind. I already heard this name somewhere ...). We need to find Maglir, who apparently abandoned his work. .He doesn't want to fulfill his contract. Okay, let's do it ourselves. You need to find Brenus Astis' Journal in the Fallen Rock cave. There are a lot of undead in the cave, so there will be some difficulties, because. she can only be killed by silver, ebony, daedric and enchanted weapons. Watch out for Ghosts. The journal is at the end of the cave, in a flooded hall.
1-We say everything as it is.
2-We say that the task was completed by Maglir himself.

Quest completed.

Task five: Drunk and Disorderly (Drunk and violent).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

Modrin sends us to Leyawiin to find out what happened to the three fighters of the Guild. In the Five Claws tavern we find the desired trinity, among whom an orc with the magnificent name Dubok gro-Shagk is noticed. We will be told that they are rowdy due to lack of work. Okay, let's look. We'll find out from the residents, then a certain Margarta has a business for our eagles and an oak tree. It's a pity, but first you need to bring the girl ten servings of Ectoplasm. about a new contract for the trinity in the tavern.

We return to Modrin, we get the rank of Swordsman. The quest is completed.

Task six: Den of Thieves (den of thieves).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

Azzan pleased us with the following task: to find a den of thieves near the city. We find the Fat in the city of Newheim and question him. We go to the Hrota Cave and clean it up.

We return to Azzan. The quest is completed.

Task seven: Amelion's Debt (Amelion's debt).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

Burz gro-Hash sends us to the Water's Edge settlement to Bien Amelion. Her father left her a debt of a thousand septims. Amelion wanted to sell his grandfather's sword and armor, but you still need to get it from the crypt ... on the opposite bank of the river and make our way through the undead to the goal. We take the valuables and return to Bien. We have a choice:
1-Give away the relics.
2-Keep them for yourself and pay the notorious 1000 tugriks.

We return to Burz gro-Khash, we get the rank of Protector. The quest is completed.

Task eight: The Master's Son (Master's Son).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

We need to help Viranus Donton, the son of the Guild Master, in his task. We go after Viranus, without letting him ask permission from his mother, we go to the Nonville Cave. try not to get hit by them, otherwise you won’t last long. Yes, and they break armor very well, so stock up on hammers. In the cave we find the body of Galtus Previa, in whose death the Blackwood Company is involved.

We return to Modrin. The quest is completed.

Task nine: More Unfinished Business (Another unfinished business).
The quest is issued from Corrol.

And again, Maglir is doing something, but not what is needed. We are going to Braville. We find out that Maglir has gone over to the side of the same Blackwood Company. The Guild of Mages. She needs 10 portions of the bile of the imps. We direct our feet to the cave of the Robber's Valley and clean it, since normal opponents do not come out of the imps. We take the desired ingredients to the sorceress.

We return to Modrin for a reward, we get the rank of Defender. The quest is completed.

Task ten: Azani Black Heart (Azani Black Heart).
Quest given in Chorrol

This time we are talking with Modrin at his house, because. we will now be conducting an independent investigation into the activities of the Blackwood Company.
We go to Arpenia, where, in theory, Azani the Black Heart should be hiding. Hmmm, the bobble came out ... we stomp to Atatar, where we meet with Azani. The enemy is serious, he is weak compared to the ogres. .

Quest completed.

Task eleven: The Wandering Scholar (Wandering scientist).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

It is necessary to take the scientist Elanta from Alinor to the Daedric sanctuary in the Brittlerock cave. Nothing complicated, just follow her and cut the Daedra. When we reach the altar, the Altmer will thank us and remain in the cave.

We return to Azzan. The quest is completed.

Task twelve: The Fugitives (Runaways).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

You need to find a shelter for the escaped prisoners and kill them. People on the street are intractable, so untie one of them by any means. (It is very convenient to give a few coins in a row to the poor.) It turns out that the bandits are hiding in the Bloodmayne cave. four.

We return to Burz gro-Khash, we get the rank of Guardian. The quest is completed.

Task 13: Trolls of Forsaken Mine (Trolls of the Abandoned Mine).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

A group led by Viranus Donton known to us was sent to this mine with the task of destroying the trolls inhabiting it. The group did not return, we need to find out what happened.
We enter the mine, casually exterminating the trolls. In the end, you will find the body of Viranus. Take his diary and return to Modryn. Yes ... now he will have to deal with the Master, the mother of the deceased.

Quest completed.

Task fourteen: The Noble "s Daughter (Daughter of an aristocrat).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

We need to find the missing daughter of the aristocrat Rugdumf gro-Shargak. On the spot it turns out that she was kidnapped by ogres. Oh no... We head east and stumble upon a group of these monsters. Listen to Orkness. Yes... she should go to the Arena rather than sit with her father on the estate.

Return to Burz gro-Khash. Quest completed.

Task fifteen: Mystery at Harlun's Watch (The Secret of Harlun's Outpost).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

Residents are disappearing in the village of Harlun's Outpost. We need to find out what's the matter. We arrive at the place, talk with Drarana Telis. Yeah, strange lights. if there are more than two. Follow the cave, killing the trolls. Eventually you will find the body of a certain Edward. The journal will be updated, and you can return to the village and report to Draran about what you saw.

We return to Burz. The quest is completed.

Task sixteen: The Stone of St. Alessia (Stone of Saint Alessia).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

We go to the Talos Chapel in Bruma, we talk with Sirrok. The stone of St. Alessia is stolen, we need to track down the thieves and return with the stone to him. We go from the city to the east, we stumble upon a lone thief. we administer justice over the ogres. We take a stone, we bring it to Sirrok.

We return to Azzan, we get the Champion rank. The quest is completed.

A series of the most interesting Guild quests begins.

Task seventeenth: Information Gathering (Information extraction).
The quest is issued in Chorrol, like all other quests.

Modryn, as one would expect, was expelled from the Guild. But he still wants to expose the Blackwood Company.
We leave for the Glademist cave, make our way through the well-equipped guards to their boss and order him to follow us to Oreyn. Upon arrival, Modrin will order to extort the necessary information from the prisoner. through a magical item without telling the whole truth.

Quest completed.

Task eighteenth: Infiltration (Penetration).

Oreyn wants us to infiltrate the Blackwood Company and get to the bottom of the situation.
We go to Leyawiin, to the headquarters of the organization, ask the head to accept us. We go downstairs, drink the proposed "juice" and go to the Water's Edge to hunt goblins. we come to our senses already at Modrin. Return to the Edge of the Water and observe the consequences of your actions. (At this moment, rage boiled up in me personally.) We return with bad news to Oreyn.

Quest completed.

Task nineteen, the last: The Hist (Hist)

So, the last fight. and the tree is burning, but we are heading for the exit.
Hi Maglir, long time no see! Killing this elf has been itching for a long time.

We return to Modrin. We are handed the helmet of Oreyn Bear Claw (I told you that the Dunmer has a familiar surname!) And sent to the carpet to the Guild Master. The title passes to you, now please Modrin with a return to the Guild and do not forget to receive honestly earned wages every month!

The game begins after the protagonist is awakened from sleep by a neighbor in the hold named Jiub. This is followed by the process of creating a character: the choice of skills, main and important skills, race, etc. All this action ends in the office Cellus Gravius. He will give the protagonist first task, from which the main plot of Morrowind originates.

You need go to Balmora and find there Kaya Cosades, and then send him a message presented by Sellus. The easiest way to get to Balmora is by silt strider- one of the main ways to travel in the world of Morrowind.

Upon arrival in Balmora, head to northeast Part of city. There you will find Kai's house. Give him the papers and ask for a job. First of all, the master spy will send you to gain experience. Ignore his advice and talk to him second time while not forgetting to ask about the task.

Dwemer puzzle in exchange for information about the Sixth House

Travel to the Dwemer Ruins Arkntand. They are to east from Balmora and northeast of Fort Moonmoth. To get inside, you need turn the lever on the pipe at the entrance.

Entering Arkntand, go down deep into the stone ledges, past the hole in the wall. Having reached the right place, you will become the object of an attack by two bandits. Having emerged victorious from such a dishonest fight, climb the balcony along the stone ledges and enter the room called " Cells of an empty hand". In this room on the shelf to the left of the entrance you will find the desired Dwemer puzzle.

When you get what you need, come back. to the Guild of Fighters to Hasfat Antabolis. Having given him the Dwemer puzzle, be sure to ask about the sixth house, after which Hasfat will give a message to Kai Cosades, which must be taken to the quest giver.

Favor for Sharn gra-Muzgob or search for the skull of Llevul Andrano

You found out about the Sixth House, now Kai Cosades sends you to get information about cult of the Nerevarine, or to be more precise, to the Balmorskaya Mages Guild, to some Sharn gra-Muzgob. Everything will happen according to the old scheme. A favor is required from you in exchange for information. The Mages Guild is located on the western bank of the river dividing the city in half, in the northeastern part of Balmora Square, next to the Fighters Guild.

Sharn gra-Muzgob will ask you to get it for her Llevula Andrano's skull, which you will find in his Ancestral Tomb of the same name. Take a silt strider to Seyda Nin, and from there follow the east road towards Pelagiad. The tomb is in the south from it, and to the west from a small lake. Skull you will find in northern room of the tomb. Having acquired the desired part of the departed Llevul Andrano, return to Balmora and give it to Sharn gra-Muzgob. Again, do not forget to ask about the information you are interested in. Having received notes on the cult of the Nerevarine, return to Caius Cosades with a report.

Further gathering of information about the Nerevarine and the Sixth House

The Blademaster sends a hero on a quest three personalities who, apparently, have similar views on the history of Nerevarine and the Sixth House. All of them are located in Vivec - the capital of Morrowind.

  • Mehra Milo. She is a priestess of the Temple and spends all her time in Hall of Wisdom Library. Mehra will tell you that there is an opinion about the falsity of the three gods of the Tribunal. For a detailed acquaintance with this point of view, you need to find a book called Promotion of Truth. The first instance is in the Temple's Secret Library. Go to the Hall of Justice. There, find the Office of the Order of the Watch, the entrance to the Secret Library will be in the floor under the carpet, in the far right corner of this room. There is a similar hatch in the Judicial Offices of the Hall of Wisdom. You will find the book on the shelf closest to the entrance from the Judicial Office. Another copy Jobasha has. His shop is located in the Outlander Quarter, on the Lower Belt, on the western side of it.
  • Huleya. you will find it in the tavern Black Shulk located in the Lower Belt of the Foreign Quarter. In exchange for information, he will ask you to accompany him to his friend at the Jobashi Bookshop. However, not all so simple. Huleya is waiting in the tavern two, he said, are racist. If you don't want more trouble, just bribe them. Otherwise, you will be forced to break through to the bookstore with a fight. After seeing the Argonian to the right place, the store, if you forgot, is located on the same belt, on the opposite side from the inn, ask Huleya about the cult of the Nerevarine, and get a note from him with the information you are interested in.
  • Addhiranirr. You can find her in the dungeons of the District of St. Olmes, or to be more precise, in their northeastern part. What is she doing there? It's simple - hiding from the tax collector, and in order for Addhiranirr to help you, you need to somehow get this tax collector to get away. The picker's name is Duvianus Platorius. He walks in a dress and an expensive shirt around the Belt of St. Olms, two floors above the dungeons where Addhiranirr hides. We speak with the annoying agent and send him on the wrong track hiding Argonian. Allegedly, she took a gondola to the mainland and was like that. After all that has been done, we return to Addhiranirr. As a reward for your help, she will share with you information about the Cult of the Sixth House (the main thing is not to forget to select the desired line in the dialogue).

Ready. Gathering all the necessary information return to Caius Cosades with a report.

Gift for Ashlander Hassuru

It's time to take a deeper look into everything that happens in the province of Morrowind. And who else but its indigenous inhabitants Ashlanders have accurate knowledge of the affairs of the days of the past. Therefore, you need to ask one of them. The master spy will send you to Hassuru Zainsubani in Aldrun.

You will find Hassur in the tavern Ald Scar, which is located in the northwestern part of the city. In order for Ashlander, who left his tribe, to tell you about the cult, you need to present him with some kind of gift poetry book or just increase his confidence in the hero (bribery, persuasion). After the manipulations, Hassuru will share the information you are interested in about the Ashlanders, and you can return to Kai Cosades with a clear conscience.

Beginning of the Trials from the Legend of the Nerevarine

What a twist. It turns out that the Emperor himself believes in the prophecy of the Nerevarine. Moreover, he believes that Nerevarine may be it's the main character. To clarify all the circumstances, Kai Cosades sends the protagonist to Camp Urshilaku so that he meets with the leaders of the Cult of the Nerevarine, who must test him and find out if the Emperor's hopes are true.

The spells "Mark", "Return" and "Levitation" will make your life much easier when completing these quests.

Camp Urshilaku is located on northwest of the island. Travel to Huul and move northeast along the coast past the ruins of Daedra Assurnabitashpi. Soon you will see the Ashlander camp - this is the Urshilaku Camp.

Invite one of the local natives towards you and say that you have fulfilled part of the prophecies about the Nerevarine. After that you will be sent to Zabamundu. His yurt is on southwest camp. When talking with Zabamunda, say that you have found out about the Sixth House and the Cult of the Nerevarine, after which you will receive permission to speak with the Heads of the Nerevarine Cult you need: Sul-Matuulom and Nibani Mesa.

Trust Urshilac - Rite of Initiation

The first step is to meet with matuulom. His yurt is located next door, to the right of Zabamund's yurt. The head of the Urshilaku tribe will offer undergo the Rite of Initiation. It is included in Finding Luca Bone Gnawer, which can be found in Burial Caves of Urshilaku. The caves are located on southeast of camp Urshilaku and in the northeast of the Falasmarion fortress.

The bow you need is located in the Burial Caverns of Urshilaku branch called " Great burial”, in its southeastern part on the body of a ghost. Having received the desired item, return to Sul-Matuul. After passing the rite of initiation, the head of the Urshilaku tribe will call the hero a friend of the Clan and will allow you to ask the right questions Nibani Mesa- shamans of the tribe. Her yurt is located in the north of the Camp.

The shaman will tell you a lot of interesting things about the prophecy and about the seven trials, also called " seven visions". So much information has fallen that it's time to share it with Spymaster Kai. Return to Balmora and report to him what you have learned.

Attack on the Base of the Sixth House - Infection with Corprus

While Kai ponders what he heard, you need to defeat base of the sixth house, which is located in Ilunibi cave. For details, the Master Spy will send you to Fort Motley Butterfly to Raese Pullie. The fort is located south of Aldrun. In general, some useful information Raesa won't share with you. The only thing you will hear sensible is the advice to ask the residents Gnaar Moka about the base of the Sixth House, which you should do.

Gnaar Mok is located in the western part of the island. Take a silt strider from Aldrun to Hoool and from there by boat to Gnaar Mok. From words local residents you will know that Ilunia, the Base of the Sixth House, is located on northern tip of the island. You will find the entrance to the cave on a hill called " Cliff Hartag". It's time to pay a visit to your mysterious enemies. Move northwest from Gnaar Mok along the wooden scaffolding and soon you will stumble upon the entrance to the cave you need.

Your goal Dagoth Gares. It is located in the northern part of the Ilunibi branch called " Soul Rattle". After entering the caves, move south past the first corridor, and then keep to the left all the time. Soon you will see the entrance to the "Black Heart" branch, through which you will fall into the Soul Rattle.

Dagoth Gares will try to lure the hero to the side of the Sixth House. Of course, it would be great to try yourself as an antagonist, but this branch is not implemented in the game. After talking with Gares, you will be attacked by him, and after defeating him, you will receive Curse of Corprus. The worst thing is that there is no cure for this disease, but do not despair, maybe Kai Cosades knows what to do in this situation. After completing the assignment, return to the Blademaster.

The Cure of Corprus - The Second Trial of the Reborn Nerevarine

Kai Cosades suggests searching ways to cure corprus at Divaita Fira. You can find it in Tel Fire, a fortress located southwest of Sadrith Mora. The easiest way is to use the services of the Guild of Mages and teleport to Sadrith Mora, and then, using the Water Walking potion or the corresponding spell, get to Tel Fir.

Divayth Fir is located in his chambers on the upper levels of the tower. Necessary levitate to him through a hole in the ceiling. Before trying to cure the disease, Divayt will offer you to proceed to the corprusarium and see for yourself what the so-called divine infection leads to, and at the same time pick up a pair of boots at Yagrum Bagarn. By the way, Yagrum is the last of the Dwemer who have gone into oblivion. You will find this unfortunate in Bowels of the Corprusarium, in northeastern its parts. Once you've obtained the Dwemer Boots you need, return to Divayth Fir.

Before giving you the cure, Divayt will say something about side effects in the form of character death. Oh yes, and God bless him, there is no choice. And lo and behold, after the hero takes the medicine, the disease will recede. It's time report Caius Cosades about it.

Visit to the Ministry of Truth - the search for Mehra Milo

After receiving the news, Kai will upgrade the hero to Agent and appointed head of the Blades in Vvardenfell. Also the Master Spy will give his last assignment. You must go to the Halls of Wisdom located in the Temple of Vivek and meet Mehra Milo there. You won't find it in the library. Therefore it should look for Mehra in her apartment, which are located right there in the Halls of Wisdom.

Apparently something went wrong. She is not in Mehra Milo's chambers either.. However, on the chest of drawers to the left of the entrance is a note addressed to "Amaya". Remembering what the Master Spy said, we conclude that Mehra Milo is in trouble. The only place they could lock up the poor thing Ministry of Truth. Before you go to rescue the prisoner, take two scrolls with you Divine Intervention.

Ministry of Truth is a floating fortress right above the temple. Therefore, except with the help of levitation, there is no way to get there. Having collected the things necessary for salvation, go to the rescue of Mehra Milo. Levitating into the Ministry, Talk with Alveloy Saram at the lower entrance to the Processing Hall. Tell her you have an appointment. After that, a cooperative resident will share with you the key to the doors of the Ministry of Truth. Also, if your character has the appropriate skills, you can simply open the door with a master key or a spell.

Once inside you become an object Ordinator attacks. You can finally avenge their rants like "We're watching you little one." Having dealt with the offenders, go to prison of the Ministry of Truth. Mehra is located in south chamber. Share the Scroll of Divine Intervention with her, after which she will make an appointment for you at Monastery of the Apostate Priests, which is located on Holamayane. That's where you should go.

Temple of the Apostate Priests Holamayan

Holamayan is located south of Sadrit Mora and on northeast from the Dwemer ruins Nchurdami. Temple opens magic shield only at dusk and dawn. After waiting for the right time of day, go inside. Mehra Milo will be waiting for you at east side of the temple. She will advise you to talk about the prophecies with the abbot of the temple of the Priests of the Apostates - Gilvas Barelo, fortunately he is standing nearby. He will share with the hero By a lost prophecy, to be delivered to Camp Urshilaku Nibani Mese.

After giving the prophecies, talk to Nibani Mese again and you will hear her verdict that the hero can indeed be the Nerevarine. However, five trials still lie ahead.

Proof of Immunity from Corprus

To prove your resistance to Corprus, refer to Sul Matuulu- the leader of the tribe Urshilaku. He will send the protagonist to Kogorun and asks to bring three things from there:

  • Body tears.
  • Chalice with the mark of the House of Dagoth.
  • Shadow Shield.

Fortress Kogorun located northeast of Maar Gan and on southeast of Camp Urshilaku.

  • Tears of Corprus you can get with Hunter Corps either with Corprus cripples, which abound in Kohornuy. In general, whatever you find will do. This part of the test shouldn't be a problem.
  • Shadow Shield you will find in the northwestern part of the Kogorun location, called bleeding heart.
  • Chalice of the House of Dagoth is in Cathedral of the Women of Pollock, in the southeastern part of the Kogorun Fortress.

Once you've found everything Sul-Matuul asked for, head back to Camp Urshilaku. Showing the Chalice, Shield and Tears of Corprus, the hero will convince the Ashlanders of his ability to resist a terrible infection.

Passage of the third test - Search for the ring "Moon and Star"

The third test will be the search Azura's rings called "Moon and Star", which is located in the cave of the Incarnation. She is located on northeast slope of the Red Mountain, west of Tel Vos. The door to the Cave of the Incarnation opens only at dawn when Azura's Star shines. What, in fact, you will learn by trying to open it at any other time. After entering the cave, take the Moon-and-Star ring from the hands of Azura's statue and you will see a vision of the rest of the trials ahead of you.

After all that's been done return to Camp Urshilaku to Nibani Mesa and tell her what happened.

Trial Four - Mentor of the Great Houses of Vvardenfell

The fourth test on the path of the Nerevarine will be union of the four great houses Vvardenfell. Well, the task is not easy, but stopping halfway is somehow not heroic.

Master of the Great House Hlaalu

Councilors of House Hlaalu located in Balmora, in the western part of the city. Talk with Nileno Dorvayn. She will refuse to help you directly, however, she will advise you to contact Crassius Curio, who lives in Vivec. That is where your path lies.

  • Crassius Curio. He is in the location Vivec, Hlaalu Settlement, Plaza: Curio Estate. Crassius Curio will agree to support your candidacy if you give him 1000 drakes. He will also share useful information about the sequence in which to earn the trust of advisors.
  • Drum Bero. You will find it in the location Vivec, St. Olmes County, Plaza, Haunted House. Apparently he does not really like to be in sight and specially settled in such a place that scares people away. He will support the hero simply because he found it.
  • Yngling Half Troll. Lives in location Vivec, St. Olmes' District, Yngling Manor. He will support you if you give him 2000 drakes. Well, or you can just kill him, you decide.
  • Orvas Dren. You will find it on Dren Plantations, west of Pelagiad and northeast of Vivec. Here you need to be careful. To get started, win over Dren by bribery or persuasion. Then ask to be supported as the House Hlaalu Guide. To his question, why on earth should he give you this vote, select the topic: "Tell your story." Orvas Dren will not appreciate your attempts and will refuse. After that, talk to him about Hlaalu's Mentorship a second time. The result will be additional option answer: "To unite the people and Expel the Empire". Select her. Now Dren will agree to support you, and also undertakes that his friends Welanda Omani and Nivene Ulis will also give you their votes.
  • Nivena Ulis. She lives to the west of Suran. Take the road north of the city, then turn west and walk across the bridge. Soon you will see her estate. If you have achieved consent of Orvas Dren, then Nivena Ulis will agree to give you her vote.
  • Welanda Omani. You will find her estate on an island east of Vivec, Telvanni Settlement. Same situation with her voice. convinced Orvas Dren, agree and Omani.

Enlisting the support all Councilors of the House of Hlaalu, go to Crassius Curio(Vivec, Hlaalu Settlement, Plaza, Curio Manor). He will appoint you as Master of the House of Hlaalu.

Master of the Great House Redoran

You will find House Redoran Councilors in Aldrun. They camped under a large scrub in the Manor District, the northern part of the city. You should start with Athina Sarethi, as others will simply refuse to help you.

  • Sergio Athin Sareti. You will find it in western part of the Manor District Aldrun. To get his support, you need rescue his son from captivity, which is locked in Venim Manor - the southeastern part of the Manor District. Varvur Sarethi is under lock and key in the Right Wing of the Venim dwelling. You will find the entrance to the room immediately to the right of the stairs. It is hidden behind a tapestry and guarded by a guard in Dwemer armor, so be careful. Return the captive son to Athin Sarethi and he will agree to support you as the Mentor of House Redoran.
  • Miner Arobar. He resides in the northeastern part of the Aldrun Estates District and will support you if you have achieved the vote of Athin Sarethi.
  • Garisa Lletri. Lives in the northwestern part of the Aldrun Estates District. It will also support you only after fulfilling the request of Atin Sarethi.
  • Hlaren Ramoran. The southwestern part of the Aldrun Estates District. He will cast his vote only after Athin Sarethi supports you as the Mentor of House Redoran.
  • Brara Morvain. You can find her in Aldrun, Manor District, Council Chamber Redoran(northwestern part). She will support you, like everyone else, only after completing the task of Athin Sarethi.

Enlisting support from all mentors, go to Bolvin Venim. His house is located in the southeastern part of the Aldrun Manor District. Challenge Bolvin to a duel. The battle will take place in Vivec at the Arena where you should go. Having defeated such a serious opponent in a fair fight, go to Aldrun to Athin Sarethi and he will proclaim you Master of House Redoran.

Master of the Great House Telvanni

To talk with mere mortals, the Telvanni House Councilors use the so-called voices, which are located in the location Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House (western part of the city). In fairness, it should be noted that talking with the voices of the Telvanni councilors will not give you anything other than information about the location of these same councilors. But it's still better than nothing at all.

  • Mister Neloth. Located in location Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Tower, Tel Naga Upper Tower. To get to him, you need to levitate to the uppermost floors of his chambers. Neloth will support you if you put him on your side(bribery, persuasion).
  • Mr. Arion. His Tel Vos tower is located west of Tel Mora. He will agree to support you as a Mentor of the House of Telvanni, and will also recommend dealing with the Archmage Gothren, since Arion simply sees no other way out of the situation.
  • Mrs. Drata. Located in his tower Tel Mora, on the upper floors. To start arrange Drata to yourself by bribery or persuasion, and then ask for her vote, to which she will refuse. Then talk to her again and select " fall at your feet and pray”, after which you will receive her support.
  • Mistress Terana. Stays in location Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Terana's Chambers. When talking to her, select "Tell your stories and quickly ask to be a Mentor". Only in this way will an old woman out of her mind vote for you.
  • Archmagister Gothren. Located at Tel Arun Tower, which is located northwest of Sadrit Mora. He will refuse to proclaim you Master of House Telvanni, so follow Arion's advice and kill the arrogant mage. After that, return to Tel Vos and Arion will proclaim you Mentor of House Telvanni.

Ready, Fourth test on the way to the fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Nerevarine executed. Return to Nibani Mesa at Camp Urshilaku.

Passing the fifth test of the Seven Visions - uniting the Ashlander tribes

In order to pass the fifth test, you need unite the four tribes Ashlanders: Zainab, Erabenimsun, Azemmuz and Urshilaku.

Urshilaku Nerevarine

Everything is simple here, Sul-Matuul will proclaim you Urshilaka Nerevarine for past merits. The main thing, ask the shaman first Nibani Mesa to have the Chief corresponding item appeared in dialogue.

Ahemmusa Nerevarine

This Ashlander tribe is located north of Vos off the coast of Vvardenfell. To get started, you should talk to one of the gulaghans Tribes: Causi, Duthadalk, Yenammu. Their yurts are located in the northeast of the camp. The Gulakhans will advise you to mention the possibility of you finding a safe place for Ahemmus in a conversation with the shaman.

Sinnammu Mirpal, that's the name of the shaman, will ask you to clear the Daedric ruins for his tribe Ald Daedroth. They are to north of Camp Ahemmusa, on the farthest island. After clearing the ruins, return to Mirpal and lead her to the Inner Sanctuary of Ald Daedroth, straight ahead to the statue of Shigorad(you need to put it on a pedestal). After that, the shaman will talk to you. Ask her to call you Nerevarine and she will do it.

Nerevarine Zainab

The camp is located southwest of Vos. Talk with Kaushad- Ashkhan of the Zainab tribe. Win him over by bribery or persuasion. After that, ask them to call you Nerevarine, and in the subsequent dialogue, choose " Ask for a task". Ashkhan will ask to expel Vampira Calvario from the Ancestral Tomb of Nerano. You will find the tomb in the north-northeast of the camp and in the west of Tel Vos. Having dealt with the vampire, return to Kaushad. Do you get the feeling that everything just worked out so easily? That's right, returning to the Zainab Camp and reporting on the fulfillment of the request, you will receive one more task.

You need find a bride for Kaushad. Yes, not simple, but from high-born. You don’t need to run and offer marriage to everyone in a row. To get started, talk to Shaman of the Zainab Camp. Ask Sonummu Zabamat how to find a wife for Kaushad - Ashkhan of the Zainab tribe, and she will explain everything to you in detail.

Need to go to Tel Arun(the tower is located west of Sadrit Mora). There you should find the slave trader Saville Imain and tell her that you need a beautiful Dunmer slave. To make candy out of a slave you will need: Fine Shoes, Fine Shirt and Fine Skirt. All this you can buy in Tel Mora at a clothing merchant. I'll be ahead of the curve and say that, among other things, you will also need Telvanni's Burning Musk (Tel Arun, Apothecary). After collecting the necessary, return to Imaya in Tel Arun and buy a slave from her.

Give Falura to Llerv all the items of Fine Robe and lead to Ashkhan of the Zainab tribe. After you give him the purchased slave as a bride, he will call you the Nerevarine Zainab.

Nerevarine Erabenimsunov

The tribe is located southwest of Sadrit Mora and north of Molag Mar. Necessary immediately talk to the shaman Manirai. From her words it becomes clear that brute force is indispensable. In order to be called Nerevarine Erabenimsun, need to kill ashkhan of the Ulat-Pala tribe and his henchmen, and then help Khan-Amm become the head of the Erabenimsuns. It would be said.

Ulat-Pal and Ahaz are in the Ashkhan's yurt, and Ashu-Akhkhe and Ranabi are right next door. Sending into the world another warlike part of the tribe, pick up from the phone Enemies defeated: Robe of Assur-Abanba, Fiery Heart of Sanit-Kil, Ax of Ayran-Ammu. Then give them to Khan-Amm, after which he will agree to become the ashkhan of the Erabenimsun tribe. Done, now it remains only to ask to call you the Nerevarine, which Ammu will certainly do for your merits.

After you all four tribes will be called Nerevarine Ashlanders, return to Camp Urshilaku to Nibani Messa and report on the successful completion of the Fifth Test, and also ask about the next, sixth test.

Sixth Trial - Encounter with the god and search for Kagrenac's Tools

Go to location Vivec, Temple. There, at the entrance to the High Cathedral, talk to Danso Indules. He will share information on how you can get to the Archcanon. You need to find a door on the eastern level of the canal bank, and from there you can get into Sarioni's personal apartments. You can do it much easier. Go to the Hall of Wisdom, there find the door to high cathedral- it is she who leads to the chambers of Sarioni. Talk to Archcanon Toler Sarioni and he will give you the key to Vivec's quarters, where you must go. God Vivec resides in his palace- the southern part of the temple, it is hard not to notice.

  • Ghost Guardian. Talk to Vivek and he will give you The Wraithguard is one of Kagrenac's artifacts. To destroy Dagoth Ur, you need two more: the hammer-artifact Divider and the blade-artifact Cleaver.
  • Separator. You will find it in Citadel Veminal, which is located on the northwestern slope of Red Mountain, northeast of Aldrun. The hammer is found by Dagoth Vemin in Veminal, Hall of the Bracelet.
  • Cleaver. You will find it in Odrosale, a fortress on the southern slope of Red Mountain, east of Aldrun. The blade is on a pedestal in the Fortress Tower.

Seventh Trial The battle with Dagoth Ur and the release of the Heart of God Lorkhan

Gathering everything three artifacts of Kagrenac, go to the fortress Dagoth Ur- the southwestern slope of the Red Mountain, between the fortresses of Vieminal and Odrosal. To get inside the fortress you need turn the lever just south of the entrance (remember Kai's first task?).

You will find the main antagonist of the main story quest in the location Dagoth Ur, Lower Fixture, Cave of Fixtures. During the conversation, Dagoth will begin to offer an alliance, however, as I wrote above, the passage as a minion of the Sixth House by the developers is not implemented. Therefore, after ending the conversation with the "Prepare for battle" option, destroy Dagoth Ur.

The first battle will take place in the cave where you met. Here the head of the Sixth House will not pose a danger to you - he is rather weak away from the Heart. However, in Akulakhan's quarters he becomes immortal, so you need to immediately start destroying the Heart of Lochran. In order to do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Hit the heart with a hammer Divider.
  • Hit the Heart with the Cleaver.
  • Keep hitting with the Cleaver until the Heart loses its power and Dagoth Ur will not be destroyed.

Unfortunately, we do not know how to perform the correct ritual and extract power from the Heart for further use and eternal life, and it seems that this is not provided by the developers.

After the destruction of the Heart exit back to the Tool Cave and continue to move towards the exit from the fortress. Before passing to the next location, the Goddess Azura will appear to you, which will mark the end of the passage of the main storyline of Tes Elder Scroll III: Morrowind.


It is worth noting that the game does not end there. It never ends at all, so you can go on explore her world endlessly.