The best freelance exchanges to make money. The best freelance and remote work exchanges: for pros and beginners. Which freelance exchange to choose for the contractor

  • 17.11.2019

Freelancing is a great option for part-time work, and if you wish, you can really turn it into a stable and profitable source of income. You can find interesting vacancies on special exchanges, even a novice performer can do it. Every person who is ready to reveal their potential and achieve new goals will be able to realize themselves with the help of freelancing.

What is freelancing and how to make money on it?

Freelancers are called freelance workers who perform certain types of work without concluding a long-term contract with the employer. Most often, they look for work on their own, it is most effective to do this through the Internet, online bulletin boards, newspapers, and personal acquaintances. As a rule, the most free vacancies for freelancers in certain areas:

  • Journalism, work with text.
  • Sphere of IT-technologies.
  • Design (web design, advertising, interior design).
  • Creation of thematic sites, programming.
  • Translations.
  • Consulting.
  • Photo, video filming, photo processing.

Advice: if a novice freelancer does not have any specialized knowledge or skills, he should focus on the simplest tasks by choosing to read letters or participate in testing, voting.

In everyday life, the term freelance does not have a clear definition; most people understand it as any work on the market (exchange) of orders and services. Rapid development information technologies allows you to do more and more work outside the office.

Advantages and disadvantages of remote work:

pros Minuses
Opportunity to choose the type of activity There is a chance of not getting paid (if you carelessly approach the issue of choosing an employer)
Work in a comfortable environment No social package, paid days off, holidays as with official employment
Self-created chart Instability of income with a poorly planned schedule (this is a common problem for beginner freelancers)
The contractor can choose how the customer will pay You need to keep records and pay income yourself
Opportunities for international cooperation Freelancing takes time to find a suitable vacancy in all respects
You can change the type of activity at any time In some cases, additional costs for the arrangement of the workplace are required.
The impact on the level of earnings of third-party factors (the team, the attitude of the boss, family difficulties) is significantly reduced, everything depends only on the employee's determination

In order for a novice freelancer to make money, it is important not only to organize workplace and create an optimal work schedule, but also follow some rules:

  • it is important that the number of orders taken corresponds to the physical capabilities of the performer;
  • the work schedule of a beginner must necessarily include time for rest, training and professional development;
  • do not take very cheap orders with high demands, a worthy offer can always be found, the main thing is to want it;
  • a novice freelancer must establish himself as a good specialist, and over time, vacancies will find their own performer.

Advice: when applying to an employer on a freelance exchange, be sure to follow its content. You must briefly communicate your potential, advantages and convince the customer that you will do the job better than others. Serving it empty or with a set of characters is unacceptable for both a novice freelancer and an experienced freelancer.

Freelance - vacancies for beginners

It is one of the most reputable content exchanges. Here you can find many simple and complex tasks with different pay. It is easiest for a beginner freelancer to start with comments, posts in in social networks, then you should try your hand at writing feature articles, customer reviews, providing text services (SEO copywriting, translations), proofreading texts, to order. This exchange, like the others, has rather strict requirements regarding the quality and minimum threshold for the uniqueness of texts. Tasks are paid in dollar terms. The price for one project starts from a few cents to hundreds of dollars.

The stock exchange is considered one of the best options for a novice freelancer who decided to focus on content creation. In addition to writing articles for thematic sites, the user will be able to find tasks for SEO optimization, translations, sell their photos in the Photo Catalog. Tasks are paid in rubles. It should be borne in mind that it is difficult to get access to well-paid tasks at the initial stage, because almost all customers pay attention to the personal rating of the performer on the site, and it will grow in proportion to the growth in the number of orders and their cost. This service is good because it provides an opportunity for a novice freelancer with any level of training to choose the right task for himself. Although it is not easy for a beginner to find a well-paid project on the site, it is definitely worth taking advantage of its offers.

On the exchange, you can find tasks of a different profile, including writing news. Prices for writing 1000 characters of text start from a few rubles. Earned funds can be withdrawn immediately to a bank account or electronic wallet (QIWI, Webmoney). For express withdrawal, the user will be charged an additional commission - 5%. It is important that the site has special free services for checking the text according to various parameters: uniqueness, spelling, SEO analysis. You can also successfully earn money writing texts and working with content on other freelance services: Turbotext, Textsale, CopyLancer, Neotext, Textbroker, Smart-Copywriting, Contentmonster, etc.

In addition to writing texts, you can always choose a simpler task, such as downloading, writing comments, posts on social networks and forums. More adventurous users should try their luck in options trading.

Freelancing for beginners is enticing enough. But you need to understand that there is a difference between a remote employee and a freelancer. A remote employee, as a rule, works on a permanent basis, and a freelancer performs one-time orders and assignments without concluding any permanent deals. And if you have not yet decided how you will earn money on the Internet, then you can start with freelancing. This can be a very good help for beginners, but besides, you will type good experience, and earn a rating.

How to make money freelancing?

Freelancers make money on exchanges, they are called freelance exchanges. They can do all kinds of work - from elementary mailing messages to creating sites. That is, there is a lot of work here and it is very different in complexity.

Freelance exchanges are popular with both employers and performers, because the employer does not spend his time looking for an employee, he simply puts his order on the exchange and chooses a performer from those who wish. And freelancers like exchanges because they went to the exchange when they wanted, chose an order for themselves, completed it, received money - that's all, no other obligations. And you can take several orders, the main thing is that they be completed with high quality and on time.

Of course, not everything is as simple as it seems - competition, deadlines, quality, rating - all this is there and all this is important, and of course, there are some peculiarities and tricks.

Let's start in order. The first thing a beginner freelancer should do is register on freelance exchanges. There are many, but we recommend these:

  • is one of the largest exchanges in Runet.
  • - for different specializations.
  • - for programmers, copywriters, designers, and other professionals.
  • - for professionals who already have a portfolio (samples of completed work).

Freelance exchanges are inhabited not only by beginners, but also by pros. Here you can write texts, develop websites, create logos, etc., or you can send messages, make phone calls, write responses or comments. That is, a novice freelancer has the opportunity to start earning money without certain skills.

It must be understood that the earnings of freelancers depend on the scope of work, available skills, skill level. Having necessary experience, freelancers earn several times more than office workers.

Freelance for beginners straightaway big money does not promise - you need to gain practice, acquire skills, but you need to start somewhere! And the amount of income directly depends on the time that you will devote to finding orders and the quality of their implementation.

Freelancer newbie you can start with the exchange, but consider it not as a field for the main income, but as a platform for training. However, no matter which exchange you choose to work with, the rules of behavior on them are almost the same:

Freelance for beginners - this is a good starting point, but you should definitely know that finding good, profitable assignments is a chronic thing, you have to make an effort to get them.
Stable, good employers need to be won, they don’t come on their own 🙂

There is an opinion that freelancers make a lot of money. This is partly true, the work of freelancers, especially beginners, is much cheaper than the work of specialists from various studios, but the work of experienced, rated freelancers is highly valued.

On average, freelancers can earn from one hundred to a thousand rubles per hour of work - it all depends on skills and demand for services.

For example -

  • Beginning freelancers earn from 100 to 150 rubles per hour. In this option, you do not need to be highly qualified. For that kind of money, you can upload finished material to the site, write simple texts, send out ads, etc.
  • Freelancers who already have certain skills and references earn from 150 to 300 rubles per hour.
  • Experienced freelancers earn from 300 to 700 rubles per hour. As a rule, these are already good specialists who have an established portfolio.
  • Professionals with a high rating earn from 700 rubles per hour and above, and they mainly perform work that is in high demand on the Internet.

The main thing to understand is that even highly paid freelancers once started somewhere. Start and you, in this business the main goal, set it and every day move towards its achievement. For some tips on how to become a freelancer, see.

All success!

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There is a lot of competition in freelancing, so it is difficult for beginners to break through from scratch. But this is quite real and there is no need to give up, frightened by the first failures. You just need to choose places to look for work wisely, and there will be enough orders for everyone.

To hone your skills, you should pay attention to exchanges for beginner freelancers, where you can understand the principle of work, declare yourself and get the first work in your portfolio. And then you can move on.

I won't go into details about who a freelancer is and what they do. Most likely you already know about it, and if not, follow the link and read a separate detailed article on this topic.

Before you go looking for the exchange of your dreams, you should decide on the direction of activity - jacks of all trades are appreciated, but usually their work is not as good as highly specialized freelancers. After all, if you do one thing for many years, you do it at an excellent level. So I recommend at least for the first time to choose a certain area: writer, designer, programmer, etc.

Before starting work, you should definitely gain knowledge in the chosen field. It's great if you have a programmer's education and have been working offline for a long time. Then you will not have problems with adaptation.

It is enough to write 2-3 sentences to stand out among the gray mass and attract the attention of the customer. Say hello, say goodbye, add a signature "with respect", add a phrase that shows your competence. Questions addressed to the customer work very well, but only relevant and showing your knowledge. There is no point in clarifying banal details and trying to make yourself smarter than the customer - this only repels.

I will not give the specific text of the answers, because the situations are different, but in any case, do not skimp on the signs in the response.

On many exchanges there is a ban on the exchange of contact information - do not violate! Even in private messages, do not drop mail, phone, skype, otherwise there is a risk of losing your account.

Wait for an answer. Basically, on the exchanges, the customer chooses the contractor within 2-3 days. You may be asked additional questions, asked to send examples in a certain style, clarify payment details, etc. If for 2 days there were no attempts to contact you, most likely the project was given or will be given to another person.

If you follow this simple path, you will have at least one order in a week. In the future, it all depends on your skill. But remember that another important point depends on the quality of the work performed - reviews. The more positive reviews on your account, the higher the chance of getting a job! So work from the very first order with high quality!

The best exchange for beginner freelancers

And now we have reached the list of the best exchanges for freelancers. Yes, I will not be able to single out one single exchange that could be recommended to everyone. Everywhere there are pros and cons to consider. I will try to mention all of them when I consider the options.

Most popular exchanges:

There are many other advanced exchanges where professionals live, but for now it is worth limiting yourself to this set. I recommend registering on 2-3 sites at once to increase the chances of success. And even better - all free. You still have nothing to lose, but you can look for orders in several places.

Text exchanges

I myself specialize in texts, so I can’t recommend trusted exchanges for designers or programmers. But I can say which freelance exchange for novice writers is the best - Of course, this is just my opinion.

The main advantage of this exchange is that some orders are given to the first person who responds to the order. Also, for many tasks, the prices are quite good, and there are no 5-10 ruble orders. There is a convenient article store where you can sell your work "for free".

In addition, the following text exchanges can be noted:


When you get tired of fighting for every order, I recommend paying attention to my selection of sites where authors are required.

There are a lot of exchanges on the Internet for beginner freelancers, but almost everywhere there is huge competition, there are scammers and penny orders. It is very important to learn to see the pros, avoid the pitfalls and not give up. In time you will come out new level and start

Good day to everyone who visited my blog about making money online. Surely, you know that today Internet activities can bring not only additional, but also the main profit. Many users from all over the world make good money while doing what they love. In this article, I will tell you about the essence of such employment and provide a list of popular and reliable freelance exchanges suitable for both beginners and professionals. You have probably heard about many of them, and you will learn about some for the first time. But anyway, people like higher education, and without it they will be able to find a good part-time job and increase their income. I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations for choosing an exchange, thanks to which you can start earning faster and avoid many difficulties.

The essence of freelancing

Today, freelancing is a good alternative to office work, but at the same time it has a lot of advantages. Often, freelancers work for themselves from home, set their own schedules and have the opportunity to choose tasks to complete.

So, if you are fond of photography and have several hundred or even thousands of interesting high-quality shots in stock, this section of the article is for you! There are many specialized services where you can sell your photos or find other interesting part-time work, in particular:

  • retouching of pictures, elimination of shortcomings;
  • elimination of background on frames, watermarks, etc.;
  • photo processing, selection of suitable filters and much more.

I bring to your attention several reliable exchanges that can become a source of additional income for freelance photographers:

Shutterstock is a convenient service for posting and selling high-quality and unique images. When registering, you must go through a selection - upload the 10 most quality photos that you made.

Adobe Stock- A photo bank from Adobe, which is popular and allows you to get from 60 cents to $ 2 for each picture. The more photos you upload, the higher your income from each of them will be.

pressfoto is a Russian service that is suitable for both beginners and professional photographers. To pass the exam here you need to upload only 3 best shots.

Photobank Lori is one of the largest photobanks, which brings registered users from 45 rubles for photographic materials and from 180 rubles for high-quality videos.

Corbis— one of the most famous international photobanks, containing a lot of photos and promotional materials. Only professional photographers who are able to offer the highest quality images are invited to cooperate.

Wedlife is an interesting platform where both beginners and experienced wedding photographers from different cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries offer their services.

Weddywood is an interesting freelance exchange, with which professional photographers are invited to cooperate. It is presented as an online catalog where the works of the best performers are published.

Eventwork is a convenient service where customers and performers from the field of organizing events are registered. Photographers will also be able to find suitable orders here, having designed their portfolio accordingly.

Photo and video application is a site where not only photographers, but also videographers, makeup artists, stylists and photo models can find one-time customers or permanent employers.

Job search services for designers and illustrators

Designers and illustrators are specialists who can develop unique logos, banners, make an interesting design of an Internet resource, etc. Web developers and owners often need their services. large companies or emerging startups.

That is why among freelancers you can also quite often meet experienced graphic or web designers. In order to make it easier for them to find a job they like, specialized sites have been developed. The most popular are the following services:

III ustrators is a Russian Internet resource that started its activity in 2007. Here, experienced professionals, as well as novice illustrators, will be able to find a suitable project, complete it, taking into account all the requirements, and receive a well-deserved reward.

topcreator is a convenient online exchange for freelancers working in the field of design. Professionals here not only share their experience, but also find like-minded people and employers.

Render is an Internet platform that publishes interesting vacancies for artists, illustrators, designers, animators, visualizers, etc.

Dizkon is a service that specializes in holding various competitions for designers. By participating in them and posting your best work, you can count on a very pleasant reward.

Freelance websites for lawyers, accountants and HR professionals

Many are used to thinking that lawyers and accountants are people who provide their services in office space. Today, however, specialists of this profile can also be found among freelancers. Some of them work remotely for companies or individuals, while others search the Internet for proposals for cooperation and then work temporarily or permanently in offices.

I bring to your attention several reliable services for accountants, lawyers and HR managers with the appropriate education:

Pravoved— an online resource for providing and receiving legal services. Both free help, which involves basic advice, and paid help with a complete analysis of the situation and providing answers to all additional questions are presented.

9111 — an exchange where lawyers can register as freelancers and provide paid services population. Beginners can practice giving free help by gaining experience.

Superbuh24 is a young, but rapidly developing Internet platform. It publishes both one-time tasks for accountants and proposals for permanent cooperation in the states of various companies.

jungle jobs is an interesting platform that operates on the principle of an online auction and allows HR specialists to find work.

Time is a resource through which customers can find professionals in any field using the services of HR specialists.

Hrspace— a site where recruiters (HR) and employers from different cities are registered. Your task here will be to find suitable candidates for customers.

As you can see, there are many interesting resources on the net with which you can find a job. All of them differ in terms of cooperation, requirements for performers and many other factors. However, if you have knowledge in any field, you can easily establish yourself as a professional and find a one-time customer or permanent employer.

In order not to face a lot of difficulties when working, freelancers should take a responsible approach to choosing an exchange. To do this, pay attention to the recommendations that I have prepared especially for you:

  1. The first thing that will be required of you is to choose a field of activity in which you would like to succeed. If you do not yet have knowledge in any area, but wish to learn and improve, then it is advisable to pay attention to the employment that is most interesting to you.
  2. Decide what orders you want to find - one-time or permanent. There are online services where it is advisable to look for a part-time job, and there are those where vacancies are posted, often with the prospect of working in an office or even moving to another city.
  3. After choosing your niche, check out the list of reliable projects. I have provided a list of them above. In order not to lose this article, keep it bookmarked. Go to the website of each of the resources to study the terms of cooperation in more detail and choose the most attractive option.
  4. Study reviews about one or more sites to form a more complete picture of it and understand how expedient it is to register there.
  5. If you are worried about whether you will be paid for your work, then find out if the freelance exchange of your choice has a secure transaction system, when funds are guaranteed to be withdrawn from the account of the customer who has chosen you as the executor of this or that task.
  6. Study the interface of the selected site, learn more about the conditions of work, the need to issue a paid subscription, the number of orders available for execution, the number of your potential competitors, etc. Remember that the more popular the exchange is, the more interesting orders you can find on it.

Thus, you will need to collect as much data as possible about the service with which you plan to cooperate. After evaluating all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular site, you can quickly make a choice and register in a project where there is the least risk of falling for scammers or unscrupulous employers.

I hope that this article was useful for you and that you were able to choose a suitable platform or even several. Remember that no one limits you. Each freelancer can register and look for a part-time job on several exchanges. This will only increase his chances of finding the most profitable and interesting tasks. If you have any additional questions, ask them in the comments. And I wish you success in all your endeavors!

Hello dear readers and guests.

For those who have not yet worked with exchanges and do not know where to start, I advise you to read my previous article, in which I talk in more detail about .

Exchanges and freelance sites by category

The best freelance exchanges

Here are the most popular sites among freelancers and customers, where you can find tasks in all possible ways:

  • is the No. 1 freelance exchange in Russia and the CIS. More suitable for professionals with a good portfolio and experience, it is difficult for beginners to break through there. For full-fledged work, you need to pay your account monthly.
  • - in my opinion, the second most popular site for freelancers and offers their services. AT this moment has more than 3 thousand open orders.
  • is an exchange for beginners, you can find thousands of different simple tasks and try your hand at freelancing. Read.
  • - remote work for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - the site allows you to offer and sell your services at a single price of 500 rubles.
  • is a cool service where you can post your service offers (for example, I can make a website for 1000 rubles!) and start making money on what you know how to do.

Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

If you can write and know how to type on the keyboard, then on these exchanges you can easily find tasks for writing texts, selling articles, translations, etc.

  • is a popular remote work exchange for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Order and sale of articles on any topic. See detailed.
  • is a large service for copywriters and rewriters. There is also an article store and various scripts for checking texts. Read.
  • - a site for selling texts, there is a rating of popular topics on which you can write articles and sell them at competitive prices.
  • is the No. 1 content exchange. There are many different tasks for the authors of texts, there is a store for buying and selling articles.
  • - rewriting and copywriting exchange with small prices for articles.
  • is a relatively young project, orders for copywriting, rewriting, naming and other microtasks. See.
  • is a service with microtasks, you can earn money by writing comments.
  • is a bureau of professional copywriters, here you can sell texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • is a very popular exchange, a lot of orders. To become a performer, you need to pass a test in Russian. Also on the site you can study several copywriting courses for free. See.
  • - this exchange has 16 types of specialization, orders for articles, poems, naming, resumes, etc.
  • is a simple and very convenient copywriting exchange. The main types of orders are copywriting, rewriting of texts, articles in a foreign language.
  • is a site that brings together webmasters and copywriters.
  • is a service for posting assignments and searching for remote work in the field of writing texts.
  • - content exchange and article store.

Sites for 1C-specialists and programmers

I found not so many specialized sites for IT-specialists and programmers. Further, when we consider these professions in more detail, I will give many more examples of various forums and portals where you can find a good remote job for programmers.

  • an exchange for programmers and 1C specialists from all CIS countries.
  • is a service for IT specialists, programmers, startuppers and other professionals that allows you to quickly create a team for your project.
  • another site for 1C professionals.