Brass and bronze which is more expensive. We learn to identify copper and distinguish it from other metals and alloys. Application of chemical solutions

  • 16.03.2020

Scientists say that tactile sensations are a biological need for each of us. They play an important role in the formation of affection and love in every person. Touch is one of the ways of emotional influence that affects the healthy development of each organism.

Every person knows 5 senses with which we perceive this world. Touch or tactile sense- one of them. Thanks to the productive work of the nerve endings of our skin, which are located throughout the body, we feel pain, pressure, vibration, temperature and touch. The greatest tactile sensitivity have:

  • tips of fingers and toes;
  • Tip of the tongue.

At the same time, the skin of the back, abdomen and outer side of the forearms is, on the contrary, the smallest.

Touch - very important form of communication. Before learning to talk, a newborn baby communicates with his parents through tactile contact. With frequent communication with the child, the first prerequisites for strengthening psychological health are laid. According to psychologists, with the help of touch, parents convey to their child an emotional state of joy, love and tranquility. But unfortunately, every year the feelings are dulled.

Touch - what is it?

Feeling is some form of skin sensitivity person. As a rule, touch is due to the work of receptors. The nature of sensations is different and depends entirely on what they are caused by.

Touch is one of the first senses that a person develops from birth. Psychologists say that most of our abstract concepts are formed just from tactile sensations.

Types of touch and data from some studies

Basic types of touch

In our society, tactile sensations are used as one of the means of communication, some touching is ritual. Each culture has its own characteristics in this regard. For example, in India they use kisses on the shoulders, in Russia and Europe - kisses on the forehead and cheeks.

Also, tactile sensations are associated with professional activity person. Doctors, hairdressers or trainers, while doing their job, touch another person. A special kind of intimate touch exists between close people.

In a person deprived of one of the sense organs, there is substitution at the expense of other sensations. For example, a blind person has a more developed hearing than a healthy one. Deaf and dumb people develop their tactile sensation to the highest level. Each of the types of sensations interact with each other and depend on each other.

Research aimed at studying the sense of touch

American scientists, after conducting a series of studies, proved that both men and women touch each other with the same frequency. There is only one difference - the age factor. Men are more likely to experience touch before the age of 30, women - after 50. During the study, it was also established that men like to touch the hand, and the woman likes the hand itself.

In addition, there have been several studies that have shown that tactile sensation can change a person's mind about the same product. For example, such an experiment: one passerby was given a resume in a large and heavy folder, the other - on one soft piece of paper. There is only one task - to tell what kind of person he is. In the first case, passers-by said that the person was serious and experienced, in the second case, not reliable, but simple and pleasant in communication.

Another study, which aimed to prove how much tactile sensation affects the human mind, was conducted using chairs. Two people took part in the experiment. The task was as follows: sitting on a chair, sell the car. The first subject sat on a soft chair, the second - on a hard and hard one. During the sale process, the first one was softer in communication with the buyer and easily lowered the price of the item being sold. The second subject was tough and persistent. It was difficult to bargain with him, because he was adamant about the price.

Thus, the tests of American scientists show that our decision largely depends on the influence of tactile sensations on us. People whose professions are closely related to communication with people are well acquainted with touch.

How do men and women react to touch?

Men and women may react differently to touch. It all depends on own status and social conditions.

The American Library decided to study this issue and conducted a series of experiments. In the first study, employees were required to either touch or not touch the hands of students who wanted to take books.

The girls touched by the employees while handing over the book reacted positively. They have evolved good impression about the library and its services. The students, who were not touched by the employees, expressed their opinion about the library in a much more modest way, without superfluous praise. When the employees touched the hands of the guys, the students did not have any sensations.

In the next study, scientists have established how men and women react to tactile touch. The experiment was carried out in a surgical clinic, where doctors very often make tactile contact with their patient (this is part of their professional duties). After studying the frequency and duration of contacts with patients, a survey of patients was conducted in order to study their somatic and mental state.

Female patients touched before surgery medical workers, said that after tactile contact they were not afraid of the upcoming operation. At the end of the operation, health indicators were normal, which cannot be said about patients with whom there was no tactile contact before the operation.

In men, the opposite effect was observed. After tactile contact, blood pressure increased, which was not observed in those patients with whom nurses did not establish tactile contact before the operation.

Research results

  1. Based on the results of the studies, experts suggested that girls respond to tactile contact much better than men.
  2. According to psychologists, tactile contact between lovers carries positive energy, strengthening both organisms and prolonging their life.
  3. At any age, touch is soothing and relaxing. The heartbeat stabilizes, and the pressure returns to normal.

TOUCH, touch, pl. no, cf. The sensation you get when your skin touches something. Touch is one of the five basic senses. Dictionary Ushakov

  • touch - touch cf. Perception of sensations obtained when various solid or liquid bodies touch the skin and mucous membranes. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  • touch - -i, cf. The sensation that occurs when the skin touches something is one of the five external senses. Organs of touch. Small academic dictionary
  • touch - noun, number of synonyms: 4 feeling 25 ability to feel touch 1 tactile sense 2 sense 32 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • Touch - The ability of animals and humans to perceive the action of factors external environment with the help of receptors (See Receptors) of the skin, the musculoskeletal system (muscles, tendons, joints, etc.), as well as some mucous membranes (on the lips, tongue, etc.). Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • TOUCH - TOUCH - the perception of animals and humans of touch, pressure, stretching. The basis of touch is irritation of various receptors of the skin, some mucous membranes (on the lips, tongue, etc.). Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • TOUCH - TOUCH, one of the five SENSES, functioning due to special nerve receptors in the SKIN. Scientific and technical dictionary
  • TOUCH - (syn. haptic perception, from Greek hapto - touch) - one of the types of perception of objects based on multimodal information, but primarily tactile. Big psychological dictionary
  • touch - Osyaza / ni / e [y / e]. Morphemic spelling dictionary
  • touch - TOUCH, the ability of animals to perceive various external influences (touch, pressure, stretching, cold, heat); carried out by skin receptors, musculoskeletal. apparatus (muscles, tendons, joints, etc.), mucous membranes (lips, tongue ... Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • touch - TOUCH, I, cf. One of the external senses of man and animal is the ability to perceive touch, pressure, stretching. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • touch - orph. touch, I Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • Touch - Represents a special feeling caused by the touch of the skin to various solid and liquid bodies. The skin in this case plays the role of a special sense organ (see Skin). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • touch - Perception of the sensation of touch, pressure, stretching, temperature through irritation of various receptors of the skin and mucous membranes (on the lips, tongue, etc.). Biology. Modern Encyclopedia
  • touch - The ability of an animal body to perceive decomp. external influences. environment through the organs of touch and convert incoming signals in acc. kind of sensitivity. Many invertebrate O. along with chemoreception - DOS. Biological encyclopedic dictionary
  • - see >> feeling Abramov's synonym dictionary
  • Touch - One of the five main types of human senses, consisting in the ability to feel physical touch to objects, to perceive something with receptors located in the skin, muscles, mucous membranes.

    Touch is a collective concept. In principle, it would be possible to single out not one, but several independent types of sensations, because they have a different character:

    - sensations of touch

    - feelings of pressure

    - vibration sensations

    - sensations of texture,

    - feeling of extension.

    Tactile sensations are provided by the work of skin receptors of two types:

    - nerve endings surrounding the hair follicles,

    - capsules consisting of connective tissue cells.

    Visual and auditory perception is characterized by a field (volumetric) feature: we perceive the piece of space surrounding us as a whole. That is, we simultaneously see many different objects in front of us, which at the same time can be in some relationship with each other. We perceive at once all the sounds around us that our ear can only perceive. Should happen before our eyes bright flash or some object will make a sharp sound, we will turn our attention to it.

    Touch has no such field character. With the help of it, we receive information only about those objects with which we are in physical contact. The only exception is, perhaps, only the sensation of vibration - we can remotely feel with our skin strong vibrations excited by some distant object.

    If an object, located just a few centimeters away from us, suddenly changes its shape (for example, its legs parted at the compass) or temperature (for example, a spoon heated up on a burner flame), we will not even notice this if we use only the means of touch . Touch, of course, gives us a lot for life. However, for the cognition of objective reality, as noted by S. L. Rubinshtein, touch plays only a subordinate role. He also noted that what is real for the cognition of reality is not a passive touch of something on a person’s skin, but an active touch, a person’s feeling of the objects surrounding him, associated with the impact on them. With touch, the knowledge of the material world is accomplished in the process of movement, turning into a consciously purposeful action of feeling, effective knowledge of the object.

    Touch includes sensations of touch and pressure in unity with kinesthetic, muscular-articular sensations. Touch is both extero- and proprioceptive sensitivity, interaction and unity of one and the other. Proprioceptive components of touch come from receptors located in muscles, ligaments, articular bags (pachinian bodies, muscle spindles). When moving, these receptors are irritated by a change in voltage.

    A person has a very specific organ of touch - the hand. The hand, even in a passive state, is capable of giving us a lot of tactile information, but, of course, the main cognitive value lies precisely in the moving hand. The hand is both an organ of human labor and, at the same time, an organ of cognition of objective reality.

    The hand differs from other parts of the body in that:

    – sensitivity to touch and pressure on the palm and fingertips is many times greater than on the back or shoulder,

    - being an organ formed in labor and adapted to influence objects of objective reality, the hand is capable of active touch, and not only of the reception of passive touch,

    - has an extensive projection in the cerebral cortex.

    S. L. Rubinshtein notes that the hand determines the following basic properties of the material body with which it comes into contact:

    - hardness,

    - elasticity,

    - impenetrability.

    The difference between hard and soft, for example, is made by the resistance that the hand encounters when it comes into contact with the body, which is reflected in the degree of pressure on each other of the articular surfaces. Tactile sensations (touch, pressure, together with muscular-articular, kinesthetic sensations), combined with a variety of skin sensitivity data, reflect many other properties through which we recognize objects of the world around us:

    - the interaction of sensations of pressure and temperature gives us sensations of humidity,

    - the combination of moisture with some malleability or permeability allows us to recognize liquid bodies in contrast to solid ones,

    - the interaction of sensations of deep pressure is characteristic of the sensation of soft,

    – in interaction with the thermal sensation of cold, they give rise to a sensation of stickiness,

    - We recognize the roughness and smoothness of the surface as a result of vibrations that are obtained when the hand moves over the surface, and differences in pressure on adjacent areas of the skin.

    The hand from early childhood, already in a baby, is one of the most important organs of cognition of the environment. The baby reaches out with his little hands to all objects that attract his attention. preschoolers and often junior schoolchildren also, at the first acquaintance with the object, they grab it with their hands, actively turn it around, move it, and raise it. The same moments of effective familiarization in the process of active cognition of the subject take place in the experimental situation as well.

    From infancy, a person's sense of touch functions in close conjunction with vision and under its control. When a person, unfortunately, is deprived of sight as a result of blindness, the sense of touch also develops, it tends to compensate for the lack of vision, but it takes much more time to perceive space and individual objects, often the picture remains incomplete. It is difficult, for example, for a blind person to know the shape of a tree or the size of a house. However, with due diligence, some objects can be perceived by the blind and deaf-blind with amazing accuracy. This is confirmed by the sculptures of the works of blind masters.

    Palpation is involved in the perception of speech of the deaf-blind-mute. "Listening" to speech by the deaf-blind-mute according to the method of "reading from the voice" consists in the fact that the deaf-blind person puts his hand with the back of his hand to the neck of the speaker in the region of the vocal apparatus and catches the speech by means of tactile-vibratory perception.

    In all people, tactile sensations can cause certain emotions. Usually this connection is conditioned reflex in nature (that is, it is the result of experience). The interesting thing is that people vary quite a lot in the degree of "emotional touch". For many people, tactile sensations do not cause any noticeable emotions at all. Many, on the contrary, are too “fixated” on their tactile sensations.