How to disable networks in direct. Optimization rya or leading to the result. Retargeting in Yandex YAN

  • 13.11.2019

The Yandex Advertising Network is a traffic source that works differently for different topics. For some niches, it can be the most useful, for others it can be practically unaffected. target audience, no matter how hard you try to set up and how many keys you pick up. However, in any case, it would be a mistake to completely abandon it, because a certain benefit can be derived from any tool if used correctly. In this article, we will show you how to spend a few minutes managing YAN sites, while at the same time setting up a configuration that fully meets our needs.

Unfortunately, Yandex.Direct does not have a built-in ability to properly analyze the sites where our ads are visible. Accordingly, it is not so easy to filter them out. This is especially difficult because hundreds or even thousands of sites are often used. However Microsoft Excel will help us to do what Direct cannot do. And he will do it very quickly.

Yandex.Direct statistics by sites

First, go to Direct and open account statistics. Of all the variety of reports, we need reports "By sites". We set the period that we will consider, and download the statistics in the form of an Excel file.

If your ad has been working for a long time and actively, you can get a list of several thousand or tens of thousands of lines. It is necessary to sort them, but by what criterion is up to you. There are several parameters in the report that can be taken as a measure of the quality of the transitions. And it's not only price or conversion percentage, but also duration of visits, viewing depth and so on.

Sorting sites YAN

Suppose, as such indicators, we took the number impressions and clicks. To be more precise, we take all sites that had more than a thousand impressions, but not a single transition, as ineffective. In Excel, you need to select these two columns, go to the menu "Data - Filter". In both cases, we need, of course, numerical filters: over 1000 for showings less than 1 for clicks. While setting up the filter, do not remove the selection from the bars.

After the specified filters, Excel above provides a list of sites that match it. That is, after such simple manipulations, we got a ready-made list of all sites that we can safely turn off.

Of course, the principle can be used for any site screening conditions. If you are not satisfied with the percentage of conversion, or a high bounce rate, or the average site viewing depth is less than two, then you can reduce the list of sites decently. And don't be afraid to do it - there will be thousands more. So you, on the contrary, will need to repeat the same thing.

The last step is how to disable sites in YAN

To load the resulting list of garbage sites, you can use Direct.Commander. You need to go to the settings settings at the ad group level, and then follow the path "Fine tuning - Prohibited sites - Edit".

I'm glad you came across this article because few people get it right optimizes Yandex advertising networks. I want to say right away that in this article, we will only optimize the YAN, but not the entire Yandex.Direct. If you need to optimize more than just ad networks, then read the article . Since in connection with the new info-businessmen, such a whole specialty has appeared: "YAN Adjuster". But I understand this in the same way as, for example, the specialty “Holder of a comb in a hairdresser”, and not the hairdresser himself. YAN is Yandex.Direct tool, but not all of Yandex.Direct. Therefore, here we will only consider ad network tool. You can read how to set up ad networks in my VK group. There I post articles and reviews of my advertising campaigns, including how to set up YAN.

I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that if you have little experience, or you do everything without hesitation, then it’s better do not try to optimize very finely advertising campaigns. Otherwise, it also happens that after optimization, you can lose everything! In the literal sense of the word. Some time ago, I optimized campaigns very much, licked every key, not a single click went through me. And you know what??? Advertising campaign just stopped working. Clicks stopped coming, leads stopped dropping. This is called re-optimization of advertising campaigns. Therefore, if you are going to disable or delete something, then you should have enough data do it. Otherwise, you may lose traffic and conversions.

Article description:

  • Optimization of YAN for ads
  • YAN optimization by display conditions
  • YAN optimization by sites
  • Conclusion

Before we start optimize YAN, I want to say right away that we will work through the report wizard in Yandex Direct, and through reports in Yandex Metrica. Therefore, you should already have goals set in the metric, and the metric should be synchronized with direct. Also, you should already have collected some statistics for advertising campaigns. At least 1000 clicks and several conversions. I will show you with my example. I have an ad network campaign that already had 2379 clicks. Let's see what can be done there to increase the conversion and reduce the cost of the application.

Optimization of YAN for ads

I hope that before optimization, during the tuning process, you made several announcements different types(different pictures, different text and headings). We go to the report wizard and check the boxes: Conversion (%), Target price (rubles), Conversions, ad/banner number.

Click "Show". Sort the columns by clicks, and look at the conversion column.

I will give an example of when i disable ads. My goal is for the conversion to be more than 5%. Accordingly, we should disable those ads that had more than 20 clicks, but no conversions. You can do just that, but for example tomorrow, this ad can give two or three conversions at once. Accordingly, the best way would be to turn off ads that had more than 40 clicks and no conversions. Also, I have a goal, the cost of the application, no more than 150 rubles. By the same principle as above, we disable ads in which the cost of the application is more than 300 rubles. For example, in my case, I turned off the ads circled in red in the screenshot, because in the first one the cost of the application was 758 rubles, and in the other, there were 49 clicks, but there were no conversions.

Click on the ad number disable unprofitable creatives.

YAN optimization according to display conditions.

After processing ads, we also remain in the report wizard. But now we need to disable bad phrases, in the same way as ads. Remove the tick from the ad number, and put it on "Display condition". The rest of the checkboxes are left as they are.

Sort by number of clicks, and delete phrases, which had more than 40 clicks, but no conversions, or in which the cost of conversions was more than 300 rubles. In my example, I disabled only the phrase with which the cost of the application was above 300 rubles. And so, more than 40 clicks have not yet been anywhere, since there are not so many statistics. I will come back to this later and optimize the phrases when there are more statistics. We go to the campaign, and turn off the necessary phrases.

YAN optimization by sites

We return to the report wizard. Uncheck the checkbox with the condition of impressions, and connect Site name. Here is the most interesting. Venues need to be optimized subtly and accurately, since there are a lot of not-so-good sites where we show up. It makes sense to turn them off. But keep in mind that the sites should be disabled for a specific campaign, not all at once. And in the black list, you need to add only the worst sites. Otherwise, if you turn off the site on one niche, it is not a fact that it will not work on another. Therefore, do a full site analysis.

Here, we need to add more bounce rate. Click the corresponding checkbox.

For more convenient site optimization, we will upload the resulting statistics to excel "Export".

Open the file in excel, and do a filter on all columns.

  1. Sites with low click-through rate (CTR).

Ctr does not affect the cost of a click in yen, but it does affect the number of impressions at a lower cost. Therefore, we will disable sites from which the click-through rate is less than 0.2%, but despite the fact that there were more than 1000 impressions, there were no conversions. I now contain duplicate sites. After I collect the sites, I will delete the duplicates.

Accordingly, in the "Impressions" column, we select more than 1000 impressions. And in the ctr column, select less than 0.2. We select those sites that meet our requirement and copy the names. For now, I'll just copy and paste to notepad.

  1. Sites with a high bounce rate.

Please note that, for example, on quizzes or on small landing pages, a visitor can leave a request in 15 seconds. Although it would be considered a waiver. Therefore, we will now sort by clicks, bounces and conversions. We return our filter to the initial position.

In the "Clicks" column, put more than 20 clicks. In the "Rejections" column, we put more than 40%. In the Conversions column, select 0. And, accordingly, copy all the names of the sites there, into our notebook.

In this example, according to my conditions, only one site came up. I add it to my notepad.

  1. Sites from which there were no conversions.

We return the filters to the initial stage. Now we need to select sites from which there were no conversions. Remember, at the beginning of the article we already decided under what conditions we would disable something. So. We select more than 40 clicks, 0 conversions. We disable the corresponding sites.

  1. Sites from which applications are too expensive.

Here we select only the column "Target Price". We put the filter "More than 300". We transfer bad sites to the notebook.

The names of the sites that we transferred to the notepad are copied to excel, the duplicates are deleted, and added to the prohibited sites in the campaign settings.


Now we know how optimize campaigns in the Yandex advertising network. In the article, I showed the main stages of optimization. Next, follow the same principle, optimize campaigns by region, by device type, by gender and age. Add appropriate adjustments. After optimizing, don't forget to raise your bids a bit so you don't lose your reach. I wish you good luck and an endless stream of leads. Mikhail Antonov was with you. Contact me for setup and optimization, and repost articles!

All Internet users are faced with contextual advertising, which gives out thematic (or not) ads for goods and services. It pops up in all known browsers: Mozilla, Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc. For those who are tired of it, there are several options for how to get rid of Yandex Direct.

What is Yandex Direct

The World Wide Web has become an excellent platform for promoting services and selling goods for various purposes. The competition is growing, so additional advertising is needed to promote your business. Well-known search engine giants have offered their customers the option of placing ads directly in the SERPs or on partner sites. YAN - Yandex advertising network, which covers a huge number of sites, allowing their owners to earn money and promote advertisers.

The main problem of such advertising is intrusiveness, it blocks out some of the interesting content that cannot be viewed without first clicking on advertisement. Therefore, users want to know how to disable Yandex Direct. As a rule, the display of ads will match your search queries: if you wrote “how to make a smoothie”, you will be offered a blender, mixer, juicer. Anyone can start a promotion campaign. It annoys many people, so the question arises of how to disable contextual advertising on Yandex.

How to remove Yandex Direct in the browser

Whatever browser you use, this method, how to disable Yandex Direct, will definitely work. It is the most effective in the fight against intrusive blocks from Yandex. Ads are loaded for you from a separate server, which selects offers specifically for your search queries. You need to remove them by blocking the address of the site This can be done using special programs, for example, Proxomitron. Download the program, add the address of the server with Direct to the list of bans, and it will no longer appear in your browser.

There is another way to remove Direct ads from and other search networks. It will suit all browser users Google Chrome and Firefox. Both explorers offer a store with official, verified apps, including the excellent AdBlock program. You need to do the following:

  1. Go to the app store.
  2. You need to search by the name AdBlock.
  3. Click the "Install" button. She will confirm consent to the installation. The utility is distributed free of charge.
  4. A red icon with the letters "ABP" will appear in the right corner at the top of your File Explorer. You can click on it and make the necessary additional settings.
  5. If necessary, you can whitelist some domains in order to see contextual ads on them.

How to block Yandex Direct on Android

If you do not use your computer so actively, but rather prefer smartphones, then there are several ways to remove Yandex Direct ads. It will be easiest for owners of a phone with root rights (developer function, admin access). To do this, select any of the applications described below and install it on your Android device:

  1. adfree. You need to download the application, specify a list of hosts from which intrusive offers should be blocked (it can be found and downloaded on the Internet). The main advantage of this method is that ads disappear not only from the conductors on the network, but also from all applications: games, programs, etc. After launching the application, you need to give it superuser (root) rights and allow it to use the "hosts" file. The only negative is that there is no "white list" of sites.
  2. AdAway. This option has wider functionality, is distributed free of charge, requires root rights on the Android device. It is necessary to install the program, load the list of banned hosts at the first launch of the utility. For everything to function correctly, you must restart your smartphone. You have the option to disable ad blocking at any time. Unlike the previous version, this program provides the ability to create a white and black list of sites. This is necessary because some pages simply stop displaying correctly if you turn off ads (a marketing ploy).

If there are no superuser rights on your phone or they are simply not supported by it, then you can still use Adblock and similar utilities to install it in your phone explorers to disable YAN. To surf the Internet, everyone uses the same browsers as on a computer. The installation procedure is completely the same as the instructions for the PC. The main disadvantage of this method is to disable in applications intrusive advertising it won't work, you'll have to endure it.

Setting up YAN and KMS (YAN in Google) includes:

  • Payment for setup is possible on a Sberbank card or by bank transfer. You can make an agreement.
  • We can create advertising accounts ourselves (50% prepayment) or work with yours (100% prepayment)
  • Setting up YAN and CMS advertising (text and image ads)
  • Creation of one campaign for YAN and KMS
  • A careful selection of all kinds of key masks - as a result, the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF KEY PHRASES on your subject
  • Writing selling texts for ads and clarifications (with the content of USP, promotions, pains, advantages)
  • Creation of quick links (up to 4 different ones)
  • Bidding
  • Choosing a strategy
  • Setting up a company card (in Google without an address)
  • Setting budget limits
  • Uploading 2 types of pictures (regular, widescreen)
  • Recommendations for increasing sales
  • Advertising 5 days (bid adjustment)
  • Creating UTM tags

Setup cost (you pay for impressions and clicks later separately and directly to Yandex and Google):

  • 2990 rubles - Setting up one ad in Yandex YAN or Google Display Network (+600 rubles for each subsequent ad)
  • 4990 rubles - Setting up one ad in Yandex YAN + Google Display Network (+800 rubles for each subsequent ad in 2 search engines)
  • Setting time 2-5 days


  • 1) You can set up video extensions in Yandex Direct (a new advertising format in Direct.)
    Customization cost +490 rubles to the cost of customization for one ad
  • 2) You can set up image ads for impressions in Yandex YAN - they attract more attention. Customization cost +990 rubles to the cost of customization for one ad
  • 3) Set up ad impressions for everyone who has been on the site for more than X seconds (Retargeting / Remarketing)?
    +990 rubles to the cost of setting up for one search engine (Yandex or Google)

Leave a request for free consultation

In this article, we will tell you how to properly set up YAN and answer frequently asked questions on this topic.

What is YAN in Yandex Direct?

Advertising in YAN - why is it needed?

1) Previously searched for your product / service (up to 30 days ago), but then your ad was not shown on the search yet

2) Searched for your product / service in the coming days, but did not click on your ad in the search

3) They searched for your product / service and clicked on your ad, but did not order from your site

4) They didn’t search for your product/service, but the site they are on now contains keywords for which you will set up advertising in YAN

YAN and KMS what is it?

Many also ask this question. We have already talked about YAN above. GDN is the Google Display Network. In simple words- This is an analogue of YAN in Google.

YAN or search?

We often hear a question from clients: “YAN or search, which is better?”.

How does RSS work?

The principle of operation of the YAN is quite simple. Ads are shown on Yandex partner sites to people who were interested in the subject of advertising or the partner site has content similar to this ad, for example, on a site dedicated to household appliances surely there will be ads different goods related to this technique.

YAN example.

Below you will see ads for YAN examples.

Block 1 contains the content of the site, blocks 2 and 3 contain YAN advertising. As you can see, it can look different, for example, with a large picture and a title, or with a small picture, a title and a detailed text description, or no picture at all. How to properly configure this or that display of your ads in YAN, we will tell later in this article.

Setting up YAN - step by step instructions.

1) Setting up YAN in Yandex Direct takes place in a separate campaign.

2) Enter the name of the campaign “your_site YAN from 03/01/2018 (creation date)”

3) Dates of the campaign - you can specify the start and end dates for ad impressions.

5) Display region - here we set the regions for whose residents YAN ads will be shown.

6) Extended geographic targeting - uncheck.

7) What strategy should be chosen to make a YAN company:

We select “manual bid management”, “only in networks” and set a limit on the daily budget, for example, 500 rubles

8) Settings in networks - do not change anything.

9) Rate adjustments - in our article “ ” in paragraph 12, we talked about setting this paragraph. For YAN, it is configured in the same way as for search.

10) Stop ads when the site is not working - check the box.

11) Minus words in YAN. In this paragraph, we do not enter a minus, because. they are applied to the content of sites where ads will be shown, and if at least one of your negative keywords is in any place on the site, then the ad will not show.

12) Additional phrases - here we put ticks everywhere.

13) Use a single address and phone number - here we copy all the data from the business card of your search campaign.

14) Metric - in this section, add the number of your metric counter. The rest of the checkboxes are left as is.

15) Email notifications - not to clutter mailbox, we recommend that you opt out of all email notifications and click save.

16) SMS notifications - do not touch.

17) How to disable platforms in YAN

We press the button “Forbidden sites and external networks” and enter a list of sites, separated by commas, on which we do not want to unwind our ads. Next, click "Add", "Save".

18) The number of ad groups on the campaign page - leave as is.

20) Disable substitution of part of the text in the title - I recommend enabling this option.

21) Autofocus - on.

22) Do not take into account automatically stopped ads of competitors when placing bids - enable.

The first stage of setting up YAN in Yandex.Direct has been completed.

How to set up YAN ads in Yandex Direct?

1) Group name - do not change

2) Mobile ad - check the box if you want ads to be shown only on mobile devices.

3) Type of ad - here we set either “text-graphic”, if we want to show ads with small pictures and small texts, or “graphic”, if we show large pictures with many additional text descriptions.

If we chose “Text-graphic”, then the YAN setting is then as follows:

A) Headline - here we ask the question, were they interested in or looking for your product / service?

B) Ad text - here is exactly the same ad text as you did in the search campaign.

Link to the site - here we add utm tags for YAN to the link to the site.

Yutm tags for YAN look like this:


E) Image - pictures for YAN text-graphic ads, we need to upload in two formats.

Requirements for YAN images:

- Classic - 1:1 aspect ratio - 3:4/4:3 - Widescreen

Sizes of pictures for YAN in plain language.

Upload large images (from 1024x768 px) and turn them into a regular image first, and then a widescreen one. Under each picture you need to create a separate ad - a copy of the previous one.

Quick links in YAN.

We put them necessarily, because. they will also be shown in Yandex networks.

Refinements - select already saved refinements from search advertising.

YAN Yandex settings for text and image ads will continue to be the same as for image ads. But first, let's talk about how to set up YAN in Yandex.Direct for image ads.

A) Image.

Requirements for pictures of YAN image ads:

Weight no more than 120 kb

Format gif, jpg, png

Image sizes for YAN

You can also create an image in the editor using ready-made templates, which we advise you to do.

Choose any

The texts and picture for the template need to be adjusted on the right. Then click "Create" below.

You will have to crop the selected image for YAN for each of the 4 sizes.

Then check the box next to the resulting banner and click "add selected to the group."

As a result, we see all our created ads with the ability to enlarge images and edit links for each of them.

Setting key phrases for YAN. We continue with the setup.

Semantics for YAN is selected much easier than for search. We only need the main categories for which we collected keys. For example, if we took high-frequency queries for search, entered them in Wordstat and looked at what they were looking for in depth (from “washing machines” we found such keys as “buy washing machines”, “washing machines Moscow”, etc.) , then the keywords for YAN will consist only of parent categories: washing machines, washing machines, automatic washing machine, and others.

The selection of keywords for YAN can be simplified by the same Wordstat and its right column.

5) After picking and pasting key phrases we do not change anything else in the default settings, but immediately click “Next”, and thus complete the setting of advertising in YAN.

Let's deal with other issues that arise when working with YAN.

What are YAN banners?

These are images with texts and pictures that we set up in step 3 (above).

Banner sizes in YAN.

We also described them above.

Rates in YAN.

Rates in YAN are set when creating new ads or on the viewing page of already created ads.

Auction YAN.

Displayed as a percentage of audience coverage. The current reach at the set CPC can be seen in the “Reach” column.


You can set prices from 30 kopecks (0.3 rubles). But in order for your pictures to be shown, and not just texts, the rate must be higher than 3 rubles.

Why are there few impressions in YAN?

You can see the current number of impressions in the YAN campaign statistics.

There may be several reasons for the lack of impressions in YAN. For example, a low bid is set, low-frequency queries are selected, a too narrow display region is set - a small city, negative keywords are added to the YAN campaign (which is not necessary), keywords are quoted.

Try to fix these points and the number of impressions should increase.

How to view YAN sites?

In the statistics, in the "By sites" section, you can see on which sites your ad was shown.

How to disable YAN in Yandex Direct?

If YAN impressions are enabled in your search campaign, then it will not be difficult to disable them.

On the home page Direct, go to the "Parameters" of the search campaign.

In the strategy section, change it to impressions only on search, save it. And click “save” again at the bottom of the page.

Now you know how to disable YAN.

Secrets of advertising in YAN.

There are no YAN secrets, however, as in other areas contextual advertising. You just need to know the theory and practice a lot to set everything up correctly.

In this article, you learned all the basics of setting up YAN.

Professional YAN setup.

You can order YAN in our Direct-Man studio.

YAN setup price.

In our studio, the price for setting up YAN starts from 3000 rubles.

Master of YAN.

Our YAN specialist has over 10 years of experience in setting up contextual advertising and has created more than 2,000 advertising campaigns

Leave a request for free consultation


Earlier I already wrote about optimization and , where I touched on almost all aspects that affect the results of the RC. It would be unfair to pay attention exclusively to search advertising, because YAN campaigns also need to be optimized and maintained. In addition, advertising on thematic sites can bring much more impressive results.

YAN optimization consists of two stages:

  1. Analysis of thematic sites;
  2. Keyword performance analysis.

To fully analyze these things, you need to be able to see their conversion. Without this data, full-fledged optimization is almost impossible, because the main goal of advertising campaigns is to attract customers to the business.

Let's start the lesson!

Analysis of thematic sites

An analysis of thematic sites will help the advertiser understand: on which sites (sites) his ads are shown, the effectiveness of a particular site, and the cost per click. Based on this data, we will be able to identify underperforming ad placements and disable them, thereby reducing ad spend.

I want to warn you right away: disabling sites leads to a decrease in traffic coming to the site through Yandex.Direct!

You can see on which sites ads are placed in the "By sites" report, which is in the statistics of the YAN campaign:

The report looks like this:

This report presents:

  1. Site URL;
  2. Standard statistics;
  3. Conversion statistics transmitted from Yandex.Metrica;
  4. The price of the goal, which is formed on the basis of data on the budget spent on attracting traffic from a specific source.

Based on this data, you can turn off low-performing placements. For example, in my case, advertising on the site: is ineffective:

For the selected period (30 days), this site brought us only one conversion, for which 824 rubles were spent - this is the largest expense among all other placements of advertising materials.

Also, attention should be paid to the amount of traffic coming from a particular thematic site. If a lot of people come from the site, but there was absolutely no conversion, then it should also be turned off:

In the presented example, it is clear that the sites:,,, are wasting our advertising budget. Therefore, you can safely disable them.

Places can be disabled as follows:

Thus, sites are disabled through statistics, but there is another way - through the campaign parameters. Go to the campaign settings and expand the "Special settings" tab (it is located at the very bottom of the page), there you will find an item called "Prohibited sites and external networks":

Here you can massively add inefficient sites:

Keyword Performance Analysis

This event can be called a tough method of cleaning the campaign from "left" traffic and ineffective sites. Indeed, for a YAN campaign, audience coverage is important, the breadth of which is achieved by the width of the semantic core (the list of keywords). By removing ineffective phrases, we will lose the amount of traffic coming to the site, but reducing advertising spending will be more effective.

But if you already get some traffic from YAN, then you don’t need to delete the phrases – just reduce the bid on them to the minimum value. So you will receive traffic from them, but in much smaller quantities.

There are several ways to identify ineffective keywords:

  1. Using the report wizard in Yandex.Direct;
  2. Using the "Direct Summary" report in Yandex.Metrica.

Determining the effectiveness of key phrases in the Report Wizard

To do this, go to the YAN campaign statistics and go to the Report Wizard:

Then set the following options:

  • Slices:
    • Display condition. This slicer will provide data for each keyword used in the campaign;
  • Columns:
    • Impressions;
    • clicks;
    • total consumption;
    • Average CPC;
    • Conversion (%);
    • Target price;
    • Conversions.

This data will be enough to analyze key phrases. The report will look like this:

One of the key phrases has not very impressive results: it brought only one conversion, while the cost for it is 1260 rubles per month, exactly the same is the price of the goal. Therefore, you can safely turn it off or reduce the rate on it.

But the first phrase in the screenshot above brought us 4 conversions, and the cost of this amounted to 311 rubles, the goal price was 77.90 rubles. You can use it to raise your bid and get cheaper leads.

In this way, the optimization of the YAN is carried out according to keywords using the report wizard. As a rule, this is enough to conduct a full-fledged analysis and cleaning of phrases.

Identifying the effectiveness of phrases using Yandex.Metrica

The metric will show us a little more data than the Report Wizard, namely:

  1. time on site;

This data will help you understand how high-quality traffic is attracted by a particular keyword. It may also be that there are no conversions for the phrase, but the rest of the indicators are normal - this means that you need to try to raise the bid for it and look at its effectiveness for a couple of weeks.

To analyze the keywords used in the campaign, you need to use the Direct Summary report:

But you need to use it in a slightly modified form:

In such a simple way, the optimization of the YAN is carried out. Be sure to run it at least once a month to maximize campaign results or at least reduce your ad spend.

Well, that's all, dear friends!

If the material has become useful for you and helped in solving the problem, then share the link in in social networks and subscribe to blog updates. In addition, you can follow me on:

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