The Governor of Transbaikalia promised to help former mine workers who went on a hunger strike

  • 07.06.2020

Nine hunger strikers at the gold mining enterprise OOO " Darasun mine"in the Trans-Baikal Territory got into today district hospital due to pressure issues. The miners went on a hunger strike on July 24 due to non-payment of salaries.

"For some, the pressure dropped to 110, for others it rose to 160, 83 miners continue to participate in the protest action, in total 92 people supported the hunger strike," Andrey Mikheichev, a mining drilling and blasting foreman, told Interfax.

According to him, the miners intend to continue the hunger strike and seek repayment of wage arrears.

The head of the enterprise, Yevgeny Rogalev, left for Chita, where he will meet with the presidential envoy to the Siberian Federal District, Sergei Menyailo, and the governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Natalya Zhdanova.

In turn, the press service of the regional Ministry of Health reports that during the first day of the strike, the condition of the people was satisfactory. On July 26, after another medical examination at the enterprise, nine people were taken to the district hospital for a more thorough examination and a decision on their possible hospitalization.

"People complained of dizziness, malaise due to high blood pressure," the report says. Examination of miners who have declared a hunger strike is carried out twice a day by the paramedic of the local hospital in the village of Vershino-Darasunsky. Earlier it was reported that the miners of the Darasun mine LLC went on a hunger strike, demanding the repayment of wages.

As of July 24, 2018, wage arrears for May-June 2018 to employees amount to about 32 million rubles, Interfax clarifies.

"The last time, in May, all the miners were given 1,340 rubles each, everyone thought it was an advance. Since then, they stopped paying. Today, my husband's wage arrears are about 200 thousand rubles, he has not even received vacation pay," - said the wife of one of the workers Yulia Shchukina.

Earlier it was reported that a case was initiated against the company "Darasun mine" administrative offense under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ("Non-payment on time wages a person previously subjected to administrative punishment for a similar offense"). Checks of the incident were organized by the territorial body Federal Service for labor and employment and the regional department of the RF IC, TASS clarifies.

In recent months, this is not the first performance by the miners of the Darasun mine. On May 17, about 80 employees of the enterprise went on strike and refused to leave the mine. Before that, the management said that the miners would be paid only 30% of their salaries due to failure to fulfill plans. In April the miners went on strike again. Then they wanted to cut their salaries by half, but after the protest they were paid in full. At the same time, Sergei Menyailo, the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District, came to the mining village. In September 2017, about 50 former mine workers went on a hunger strike for several days due to delays in paying salaries. It was reported that on September 19-20, people

Today in the Trans-Baikal Territory 33 miners of the Darasunsky mine went on a hunger strike. By the middle of the day, the number of strikers had almost doubled. Mine workers demand payment of wages for May and June. The total debt of the employer to the miners is 35 million rubles. The owner of the enterprise claims that the bank refuses to execute the payment order to transfer money to the mine from own funds its owner Uryumkan LLC. At the mine itself, they note that the bank refuses to transfer money because of the owner's credit obligations.

The strike of workers at the Darasunsky mine (part of the structure of Uryumkan LLC) began this morning. As Kommersant was told at the enterprise, at nine in the morning, 33 miners, who had notified the mine administration in advance of their decision to start a hunger strike, settled down near the building of the mining department. “People demand to pay their wages for May and June,” the company said. “When I arrived in the village of Vershino-Darasunsky, the number of hungry people increased to 60 people. They are sitting at one of administrative buildings enterprises. People are not going to leave the territory of the plant: they sit with sleeping bags. They were given a room where they could spend the night, ”said Mikhail Gornov, head of the administration of the Tungokochensky district, to Kommersant. According to him, the issue of transferring money from Promsvyazbank to pay off the debt should be resolved within two to three days.
The employer's salary debt, according to him, is about 35 million rubles.

Vitaly Koidan, General Director of Uryumkan LLC, told Kommersant that in 2017, when the Darasunsky mine became part of the company, negotiations were underway between the owner and Promsvyazbank on lending to the mine in the amount of 800 million rubles. “This decision gave a chance to launch the enterprise. However, the bank began reorganization, and the issue of lending was postponed indefinitely. All this time, the Darasunsky mine lived at the expense of our company's own funds,” Mr. Koydan told Kommersant. He added that he did not know why the bank refused to execute payment orders to the mine from Uryumkan's own funds. “We wrote a letter to the bank, there is no official answer yet. One of these days the credit committee should meet, we are waiting for its decision,” Vitaliy Koidan noted. According to Mikhail Gornov, the credit committee of Promsvyazbank already considered this issue last week and refused, despite the fact that the regional governor Natalya Zhdanova petitioned for a positive decision.
According to the general director of the Darasunsky mine, Evgeny Rogalev, Promsvyazbank refuses to transfer money because of Uryumkan's loan obligations.

“The bank is insured. "Uryumkan" took out loans for $50 million, this year they should repay $8.9 million, but the bank assumes that the company will not repay this amount, and therefore the funds are not sent to the Darasunsky mine at all," Chita quotes Mr. Rogalev .RU".

Promsvyazbank itself stated that the bank had never financed the Darasun Mine project of the Uryumkan Group of Companies. However, the bank said that "it is ready to conduct a constructive dialogue and, together with the owners of the Uryumkan Group of Companies, find the optimal solution to the problem."

This is not the first strike at the Darasun mine. In May 2017, more than 80 miners refused to leave the mine to the surface. In September 2017, more than 50 miners went on strike again. At the same time, the owner of the enterprise changed: the Chelyabinsk company Yuzhuralzoloto sold the asset to the Chita Uryumkan.

Yevgeny Sinelnikov, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Trans-Baikal Territory, told Kommersant that on July 16 the supervisory authority submitted a submission to the management of the enterprise in connection with non-payment of wages. According to him, the prosecutor's office is considering the issue of bringing the employer to administrative responsibility under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (non-payment of wages). The pre-investigation check at the enterprise was started by the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Trans-Baikal Territory.

In Transbaikalia, 20 miners who were laid off from the Vershino-Darasunsky gold mine began a hunger strike on Monday due to delays in their legal payments. In total, about 500 miners, who were laid off in July-August, did not receive settlement payments on time. This was reported in the administration of the Tungokochensky district of the region. The protest action started this morning near the administration building of the village of Vershino-Darasunsky. The miners' demands for debt repayment are addressed to the Yuzhuralzoloto group of companies, which includes Darasunsky Rudnik LLC.

Hunger strike participant Inna Babenko said that now all laid-off miners are registered with the employment service. “That is, 500 people ended up on the street with no money at all,” quoted the protester as saying. Babenko added that the workers called the office of the presidential envoy in the Siberian Federal District, but "there is no action." “We intend to stand to the end, we will starve until the debt is repaid,” Babenko said.

As Novy Den reported, on May 18 of this year, 81 people refused to leave the Yugo-Zapadnaya mine of Darasunsky Rudnik LLC due to salary delays. The amount of wage arrears to 873 employees of the Darasunsky mine amounted to 16 million 419 thousand 850 rubles. The prosecutor of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Vasily Voikin, informed the prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region, where the owner of the mine is registered, about the incident. Arriving together with representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the FSB in the Tungokochensky district, Natalya Zhdanova went down into the mine. After meeting with the head of the region, the miners went to the surface. At the same time, it became known that the Yuzhuralzoloto Managing Company (the Yuzhuralzoloto group of companies) was going to close the unprofitable Vershino-Darasunsky mine. Later it was reported that Yuzhuralzoloto decided to sell Darasunsky Mine LLC to the Trans-Baikal gold mining company Uryumkan.

Chita, information service of RIA "New Day"

Chita. Other news 18.09.17

© 2017, RIA "New Day"

Yesterday morning in the Trans-Baikal Territory, 33 miners from the Darasunsky mine went on a hunger strike, and by the middle of the day the number of strikers had almost doubled. Mine workers demand payment of wages for May and June. The total debt of the employer to the miners is 35 million rubles. The owner of the enterprise claims that the bank refuses to execute the payment order for transferring money to pay wages to the mine workers from the own funds of Uryumkan LLC, which includes the Darasunsky mine. At the mine itself, they note that the bank refuses to transfer money because of Uryumkan's loan obligations.

The strike of workers at the Darasunsky mine (part of the structure of Uryumkan LLC, engaged in the extraction and enrichment of the ores of the Darasunsky gold deposit) began yesterday morning. As Kommersant was told at the enterprise, at 9 am, 33 miners, who had notified the mine administration in advance of their decision to start a hunger strike, settled down near the building of the mining department. “People demand to pay their wages for May and June,” the company said.

The head of the administration of the Tungokochensky district, Mikhail Gornov, went to the strikers. “When I arrived in the village of Vershino-Darasunsky, the number of hungry people increased to 60 people. They are sitting at one of the administrative buildings of the enterprise. People are not going to leave the territory of the plant, they took sleeping bags with them to the strike. They were given a room where they could spend the night,” Mr. Gornov told Kommersant. He persuaded the miners to suspend the strike for two or three days, but they refused. “During this time, the issue of transferring money from Promsvyazbank should be resolved,” Mr. Gornov believes. The head of administration also said that the employer's total salary debt now stands at about 35 million rubles.

Vitaly Koidan, General Director of Uryumkan LLC, told Kommersant that in 2017, when the Darasunsky mine became part of the company's structure, negotiations were underway between the owner and Promsvyazbank on lending to the mine in the amount of 800 million rubles. “This decision gave a chance to launch the enterprise. However, in the fall of 2017, the bank began reorganization, and the issue of lending was postponed indefinitely. All this time, the Darasunsky mine lived at the expense of our company's own funds,” Mr. Koydan told Kommersant. He added that now, for reasons unknown to him, the bank refuses to execute payment orders to the mine from Uryumkan's own funds. “We wrote a letter to the bank, there is no official answer yet. One of these days the credit committee should meet, we are waiting for its decision,” Vitaliy Koidan noted. According to Mikhail Gornov, the credit committee of Promsvyazbank already considered this issue last week. Despite the fact that the regional governor Natalya Zhdanova petitioned for a positive decision, the bank refused to pay. According to the general director of the Darasun mine, Yevgeny Rogalev, Promsvyazbank refuses to transfer money because of Uryumkan's loan obligations.

The bank is insured. "Uryumkan" took out loans for $50 million, $8.9 million should be repaid this year, but the bank assumes that the company will not repay this amount, and therefore the funds are not sent to the Darasunsky mine at all, "- quotes Mr. Rogalev" Chita .RU".

The general director of Uryumkan said that the search for an investor is ongoing. “We got the enterprise in a ruined state, with outdated equipment. Of the three mines, only Yugo-Zapadnaya operated. After the fire in 2006, no restoration work was carried out at the Tsentralnaya mine. Uryumkan is working to restore the mine and pump out water,” he said. Vitaliy Koidan also said that the factory is undergoing modernization, work is underway to re-evaluate reserves.

This is not the first strike at the Darasun mine. In May 2017, more than 80 miners refused to leave the mine until their salaries were paid. In September 2017, more than 50 miners went on strike again. At the same time, the owner of the enterprise changed - the Chelyabinsk company Yuzhuralzoloto sold the asset to the Chita LLC Uryumkan.

Yevgeny Sinelnikov, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Trans-Baikal Territory, told Kommersant that on July 16 the supervisory authority submitted a submission to the management of the enterprise in connection with non-payment of wages. According to him, the prosecutor's office is considering the issue of bringing the employer to administrative responsibility under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (non-payment of wages).

The Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Trans-Baikal Territory began a pre-investigation check at the enterprise.

Ekaterina Eremenko, Irkutsk

Former employees of Darasunsky Rudnik LLC (part of Yuzhuralzoloto Group of Companies, YuGK) stopped their hunger strike, the head of the department told Interfax information policy Trans-Baikal Territory Elena Nazarova. “On the night of Thursday, all wage arrears were paid to the miners. They split up,” she said. The remaining issues are decided by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the regional government Alexander Kulakov, who is in the village of Vershino-Darasunsky, where the protest took place, Nazarova added.

Since September 18, more than two dozen former employees of the Vershino-Darasunsky mine began a hunger strike due to delayed payments during the reduction. As Inna Babenko, a participant in the hunger strike, told the Zabmedia online edition, about 500 people were laid off in the company, they were promised estimated payments in mid-August, but they were not paid. The starving demanded full repayment of the debt. Complaints to the prosecutor's office, the labor inspectorate, and the office of the presidential envoy to the Siberian Federal District, Sergei Menyailo, did not yield any results, Babenko added. Interfax recalls that the debt to the workers exceeded 38 million rubles. The starving people were in the office of the Darasun mine, their state of health was monitored by doctors, one woman was hospitalized.

The Investigative Committee and the prosecutor's office became interested in the situation.

In mid-May, at the same mine, 81 workers did not come to the surface due to disagreement with the recalculation of wages and delayed payments. Wage arrears to 873 employees of the Darasun mine - 16,419,850 rubles, then an informed source told Zabmedia. He clarified that this is the salary for April, she was detained for two days. A little later, Natalya Martynenko, the press secretary of the Southern Civil Code, told Vedomosti that Management Company from its own funds will direct 14 million rubles to repay the debt. She did not comment on the information of the Trans-Baikal media that the debt is 16 million rubles. According to Martynenko, the group of companies considered the possibility of closing the Darasun mine due to losses.

In mid-August, JSC YuGK sold the Darasun mine to Uryumkan LLC (Transbaikal Territory), while the mine is currently not being mined, and the new owner did not hire participants in the action, Interfax reports. According to the regional prosecutor's office, a total of 454 people were fired from the mine from July 24 to August 4, 2017.

The prosecutor's office also announced the completion of work on the collection of underpaid wages in the interests of the employees of Darasunsky mine LLC in connection with the unreasonable application of the coefficient labor participation for the period from October 2016 to May 2017. In the interests of 656 employees, statements of claim in the amount of 31.122 million rubles.