Skyrim black market secret servant. Dragonborn. Guide to black books. Black Book: Winds of Change

  • 24.06.2020

The Black Book is a special book, rather large in size, that is associated with the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. With the help of the article Where to find the Black Books in Skyrim, you will find out what is so unusual about them, and of course where and how to get them.

You need the Dragonborn add-on to access the books, as books can only be read in Saltseim (reading in Skyrim will result in the inscription " A vision of Solstheim floats past your eyes and disappears"). There are 7 books in total, each with 3 special active properties.

It should be noted that waking dreams book gives you a wider range of choices to improve your skills as it ties into the game's main quest.

Read the book the character is immediately transferred to Apocrypha. In each of his plans, there are several chapters that are tied to the book. After completing all the chapters, the hero will be endowed with special, hidden knowledge Hermaeus Mora, which only the smartest seeker gets.


  • The weight of one book is equal to one
  • The cost of the book is 2000 septims
  • They can't be sold
  • You can choose another skill at any time by reading the book again
  • You can “surprise” people by reading a book in a crowded place and hearing the phrase: “You just became almost transparent for a second.”

So, now let's figure it out, and find out where and how to find all 7 Black Books in Skyrim!

Where to get all the Black Books in Skyrim

Black Book: Sharp Feather

Location: Nchardak

Quest: Path of Knowledge

Note: Break your head in some places of the quest, the solution for the treatment is simple, watch the video walkthrough, or ask a question in the comments.

Strength of the Dragonborn
Flame of the Dragonborn
Dragonborn Ice

The Black Book: Filament and Filigree

Location: Kolbjorn Barrow

Quest: Excavations

Note: To complete the quest, you will have to fork out as much as 11,000 Septims to finance the excavation of an ancient temple. As a result, you will receive a unique set of armor and a pair of Ahzidal's rings, and the word of Power.

The secret of magic
Defense Secret
Secret of strength

Black Book: Hidden Twilight

Location: Tel Mithrin

Quest: No. After opening access to the enchanter of staves, the book lies on the table next to the "Enchanter of staves"

Note: Neloth might say something along the lines of "I could ask if I haven't researched this book yet..."

Mora's Agony
Grace of Morata
Mora's Grasp

Black Book: Painful Regent

Location: White Ridge Mound

Quest: No

power seeker
Shadow Seeker
Seeker of Magic

Black Book: Winds of Change

Location: Bloodstone Barrow

Quest: The Last Descent

Note: During the quest, get the Bloodskal Blade collectible two-hander

Companion's Intuition
Lover's intuition
Scientist's intuition

Black Book: Untold Legends

Location: Benkongerik

Quest: Lost Knowledge

Note: Gives you the ability to select a summoning ability Dremora Trader, who always has 2000 gold with him (updated once a game day) and good clothes.

Bard Knowledge
Black market
secret servant

The Black Book: Waking Dreams

Location: Temple of Miraak

Quest: Final, At the Top of the Apocrypha

Resets any skill tree in exchange for one dragon soul.

Below is a video that shows a description of all the effects of the skills that can be obtained by completing the Black Books quests!

Video Skyrim - Properties of all Black Books from Dragonborn

Video walkthrough - getting all the books

Also, for the more curious Dragonborn, I put a map with the location marks of all the books.

Solstheim Map

Well, now you know where to find all 7 Black Books in Skyrim, or rather on the island of Solstheim!

Winds of change

This is one of the few black books with only one chapter. Once in the Apocrypha, move from room to room, activating the processes in each of them. Go around black puddles with tentacles. At the end, you will have to fight with a lurker. Reading a book at the final stage gives you the opportunity to choose the following abilities:

♦ understanding companion - companions are protected from defeat;

♦ lover's understanding - the defeat of opponents of the opposite sex is 10% more, the prices of merchants of the opposite sex are 10% less;

♦ Scholar's Understanding - Reading skill books adds an additional +1.

Thread and filigree

Finding yourself in Apocrypha as a result of reading this book, try to stay in the light all the time, for this, follow the lamps flying around Apocrypha or use lighting spells. In the dark area, health decreases very quickly. There are no lamps in the second hall, the seekers and the lurker live there. Once you've cleared the dark areas, you'll have to fight the Vindicator Lurker. Reading a book allows you to choose one of the following abilities:

♦ The secret of sorcery - for 30 seconds, spells do not consume mana.

♦ Secret of strength - no stamina is spent on power attacks for 30 seconds.

♦ Secret of Defense - For 30 seconds, attack damage is halved.

Hidden twilight

This Black Book is on the staff enchanter in Neloth's tower.

Chapter 1

Once in the Apocrypha, go straight to the teleport book.

Chapter 2

Go right to the pool of water, then up to the left. Activate the sprout and run across the moving bridge to the second similar bridge. At the fork, go left and pick up the book with the Summon Seeker spell, go back and turn right to the teleport book.

Chapter 3

In the hall with a platform in the center, first go up to the left and, after activating the process, activate the stairs. Deal with the supreme seeker and head straight ahead. Destroy the lurker and go around the stairs to the right, there is a teleport book.

Chapter 4

Deal with the seekers, and by activating the process, return to the previous level. The passage to the stairs is now open. Climb up it and activate the process, as a result, a passage to the central staircase will open. At the fork, go up to the right, the process opens the central passage. Go straight, go around the grate on the left, and go straight. The next corridor will constantly lengthen. At the end there are two teleports: to chapter 5 and 6. Choose the fifth one.

Chapter 5

You will find yourself in a secret room in which five textbooks of all schools of magic lie on the table. Examine them and return to the fork.

Chapter 6

You will be in front of the teleports to chapters 7 and 8. Choose 7.

Chapter 7

Defeat the high seeker, activate the sprout and head back to select chapter 8.

Chapter 8

Deal with the seekers and go up the stairs. Ahead of the battle, two champion lurkers are waiting for you. Having dealt with them, activate the process and read the book of abilities, choosing one of them:

♦ Curse of Mora - invulnerability to all types of damage for 30 seconds;

♦ Suffering Mora - a field of tentacles that poison enemies;

♦ Gift of Morata - full recovery of health, stamina and mana.

Painful Regent

This book can be found in the ancient Nordic White Ridge Barrow, which is located in the northern mountainous part of Solstheim. The barrow is inhabited by draugrs and spiders. Many doors are barred. To enter the first door, lift the bolt. Near the lamp, you can turn in any direction. Soon you will find yourself in a large hall, examine the room and go down, turning right. You can get to the opposite side by pulling the ring, as a result, part of the bridge will fall. On the right side of the hall is a room with two chests and a draugr. At the bottom of the hall, people covered with cobwebs are under the influence of spiders and are aggressive towards you. In the hall on the left is the passage to the Shrine of the White Ridge. In a huge room, having dealt with all the enemies, take the key to the cage, the diary and unusual spiders from Merilar. After reading the diary, you will understand that she and her brother were studying strange spiders and, most likely, went crazy. In the cage on the left side of the hall, you will find her brother's body and his notes. On the table is a strange device for experiments with spiders, their parts, rubies and salt. You can conduct experiments in accordance with the instructions described in the notes. To the left behind the grate on the left is a room in which crazy robbers are locked, on whom experiments were carried out.

From the great hall, a passage to the right leads to a stream and deposits of precious stones. On the far side of the hall is a door leading into the hall from the wall of the Words of Power, guarded by the dragon priest Dukan. After dealing with him, study the cry "Cyclone" and read the Black Book lying on the pedestal. You will be transported to Apocrypha.

Apocrypha is dark and health will begin to decrease rapidly. Light up the room in any way. This book has only one chapter. Go south, then west, then south again. Fight the lurkers and walk along the patterned stage. Fight the lurker and read the tome that allows you to choose abilities:

♦ Seeker of Power - increase the effectiveness of combat skills by 10%.

♦ Seeker of Sorcery - Mana cost reduced by 10%.

♦ Shadow Seeker - Increases the effectiveness of stealth skills by 10%.

Untold legends

This book should be found in Benkongerik Cave, located in the northern part of Saltsheim. Rieklings live in this cave. Enter the cave and go forward, destroying the Rieklings and avoiding the traps. In the great hall there is a passage to the main hall.

On the second floor on the left is a box with a pendant of the Eastern Imperial Company. Climb down and go to the far end of the hall. On the rotating columns, put the images in the sequence: Bird - Fish - Fish - Snake. Turn the lever and go through the gate.

In the next room there is a wall with the Word of Power "Cyclone", to the left of it there is a passage to the room with the Black Book. Read it.

Chapter 1

You will find yourself in a small area of ​​Apocrypha. Not far from the entrance is a teleport book. Read it.

Chapter 2

Go over the bridge, where a lurker will block your way. Go right to the teleport chapter

Chapter 3

Collect the Seeker's Summon Spell Tome and Cocoon Chest. Go left to the teleport book.

Chapter 4

The great hall is full of seekers. Deal with them. To open the way further, activate three processes in turn that open the bars, and go to the gate, behind which lies the book-teleport.

Chapter 5

You will find yourself in a corridor with two locked gates on the sides, a book is visible ahead. Jump into the rotating tunnel that will take you to the room with the lurker. Go to the side door and read the book that grants the ability:

♦ Bard Knowledge - Summons ghostly instruments that play for you for 5 minutes.

♦ Black Market - Summons a Dremora merchant for 15 seconds.

♦ Hidden Servant - Summons a Dremora porter for 15 seconds.

As you already understood, I again took the activity pill and began to fill the blog with walkthroughs and guides for the Dragonborn add-on. And today we will look at the "black books". What are they for, how to get them, what goodies can you get from this, and is it even worth freezing with it. Books are mined in different places, and for them we can get skills and something else. The post will contain maps of all locations in which the books are located, except for the "Temple of Mirak" and "Benkongerike". They will be under the "map" spoiler. These books cannot be read in Skyrim, by the way. Only in Saltsheim. Go!

"The Black Book: The Painful Ruler".

The Black Book: The Painful Ruler is located in the White Ridge Mound. We read the book and move to the Apocrypha. In Apocrypha we solve puzzles and kill enemies, after that we read the book and choose one of three skills: power seeker, magic seeker, shadow seeker.

power seeker: Combat skills are 10% more effective.

Seeker of Magic: All spells cost 10% less mana.

Shadow Seeker: Thief skills are 10% more effective.

"The Black Book: Winds of Change".

"The Black Book: Winds of Change" is located in the location in the location "Bloodrock Mound", which can be accessed from the location "Raven Rock - Mine" on assignment from the old man. From the mine you will fall into the mound, and there will be a book. Read it and you will enter the Apocrypha. In the apocrypha, everything is according to the old scheme. At the end, you will reach a pedestal with a book. Choose from three skills: Scholar's Understanding, Companion's Understanding, Lover's Understanding.

Scientist's Understanding: Reading books increases skill by one additional point.

Companion Understanding: Your attacks, shouts, and destruction spells do not damage your allies.

Lover's understanding: Damage to the opposite sex increased by 10%. When trading with the opposite sex, prices are 10% more profitable.

"The Black Book: Untold Legends".

The Black Book: Untold Legends is located in Benkongerike Cave, at the very end of this cave. We take a book and read. Again we fall into the Apocrypha and break through to the pedestal with the book. The choice, as always, is one of three skills: black market, secret servant, bardic knowledge.

Black market: Summons a Dremora merchant to trade with you.

Secret minion: Summons a Dremora, a footman, who will help you carry your extra items.

Bardic knowledge: Summons a ghostly drum that increases the stamina regeneration rate for you and your allies.

"The Black Book: Thread and Filigree".

"The Black Book: Thread and Filigree" is located in the location "Kolbjorn Mound" on the assignment "From the Underground". At the end of this barrow is a book. We read it and move to the Apocrypha. We act according to the old scheme and choose one of three skills: the secret of power, the secret of sorcery, the secret of protection.

Secret of strength: Power attacks do not consume stamina for 30 seconds.

The secret of sorcery: Spells do not cost magicka for 30 seconds.

Defense secret: Attack damage is halved for 30 seconds.

The Black Book: Daydreams.

Dragonborn. Black Book Guide

Dragonborn. Black Book Guide

"The Black Book: Waking Dreams" is located in the "Temple of Miraak" location, which we find ourselves in, oddly enough, on the assignment "Temple of Miraak". At the end of this temple is a book, but we can read it at the end of the main storyline. We read and get into the Apocrypha. There will be no usual pedestal, no books, nothing like that. Instead, there will be many spheres with the image of skills: protection, one-handed weapons, and so on. We choose which skill we want to throw off and get our development points back. For resetting skills, they ask for one soul of the dragon.

The Black Book: Hidden Twilight.

"The Black Book: Hidden Twilight" is located in Tel - Mithryn on the table at the wizard Neloth behind the door, you need a key for it. Neloth gives this key for doing some of his errands. We complete the tasks, get the key, open the door and read the book - we get into the Apocrypha and move to the pedestal with the book, after that we choose one of three skills: the suffering of Mora, the forgiveness of Mora, the gift of Mora.

Mora's suffering: Summons a field of violent tentacles that poison enemies.

Mora's forgiveness: The target is frozen for 30 seconds between Tamriel and Oblivion, becoming completely immune to all types of damage.

Mora's Gift: Allows you to fully restore your health, magicka and stamina.

"The Black Book: Epistolary Insight".

"The Black Book: Epistolary Insight" is located in the location "Nchardak, in which we fall on the assignment" The Path of Knowledge ". At the end of the task, we read the book and get into the Apocrypha. We reach Hermaeus Mora, speak with him and choose one of the three skills: the power of the dragonborn, the flame of the dragonborn, the frost of the dragonborn.

The power of the dragonborn: Unrelenting Force Shout deals more damage and has a chance to tear enemies apart.

Flame of the Dragonborn: After killing enemies with the "Fire Breath" yell, a fiery serpent emerges from his body and fights on your side for 60 seconds.

Dragonborn Frost: Frost Breath Shout encases enemies in ice.

What are black books? A bit of history.

black books (orig. Black Books) - unique books related to the Daedric Prince of Knowledge, Hermaeus Mora.

  • Each Black Book is associated with a certain part of the Apocrypha, Hermaeus Mora's Oblivion plan: after reading the first pages, the hero will move to Apocrypha . Those who have observed the process of reading the Black Books note that the reader becomes translucent, since he is simultaneously in Nirn and in Oblivion.
  • Reading the Black Book on Solstheim takes the hero to Apocrypha. The part of the Apocrypha attached to each Black Book is divided into several sectors corresponding to the chapters of the book. Once you complete the first chapter, you can get into the second. The Black Books contain great knowledge, but only a valiant and intelligent hero who has managed to go through all the trials will get it. If Dovakin reads the Black Book while in Apocrypha, he will return back to Solstheim.
  • The Black Books can only be read in Solstheim. Attempting to read them outside the island will result in the message: "A vision of Solstheim floats past your eyes and disappears". After the inventory is closed and a small earthquake occurs, while nothing happens to the hero.
  • Nobody knows where these books came from. Some say they were written at different times different people. Some books are from the future and some are from the past.

    Each book has a weight equal to unit and worth 2000 septims. All books allow you to choose one of three special abilities(except for the book awakening dreams”, which can reset the ability points of any skill for one dragon soul), which can be changed by re-reading the book.

    While traveling through Solstheim, you can come across madman who will shout something about a mysterious book. After a short conversation with him, a mark of the place where one of the Black Books is located will appear on the map. After defeating the madman, you need to go to the place indicated on the map to get the book.

Black Book: Sharp Pen

Black Book: Sharp Pen(orig. Black Book: Epistolary Acumen) - book, quest item, Daedric artifact in addition The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.


Nchardak, during the quest "The Path of Knowledge", which can be obtained from the master Neloth in Tel Mithrin.


SPOILER!It is here that Hermaeus Mora will teach the second and third words of the "Submission of the Will" shout.

  • "The Power of the Dragonborn" : Unrelenting Force Shout deals more damage and has a chance to disintegrate enemies.
  • "Flame of the Dragonborn" : after killing the enemy with the cry “Fire Breath”, a fiery serpent appears from his corpse, fighting on the side of Dovahkiin for 60 seconds.
  • "Dragonborn Frost" : Frost Breath Shout encases enemies in ice.
Description of the gift
  • « The Power of the Dragonborn »: damage depends on the number of words used (50 units, using all three words); tearing the enemy looks like a disintegration effect.
  • « Flame of the Dragonborn »: the fire wyrm has 316 health points, in habits and techniques it looks like an ice ghost. Appears after the death of any creature, even summoned.
  • « Frost of the Dragonborn : Frost Breath freezes enemies in the same way as Ice Form, but Frost Breath has a much faster cooldown and deals more damage.

The Black Book: Filament and Filigree

The Black Book: Filament and Filigree(orig. Black Book: Filament and Filigree) is a book, quest item, Daedric artifact in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.


Kurgan Kolbjorn, upon completion of the quest " Excavations» after defeating Azidalom. There are two ways to get this quest:

1. Find and read a book Fall of Ahzidal". She is in the Raven Rock.
2. Find the Kurgan Kolbjorn, and next to it Ralisa Sedaris , talk to him. The task is quite long and costly, but with patience you will find not only a book, but also a full set of Azidal armor, and Azidal's mask.

Filament and filigree
Author: Gelketeris
I stared at my reflection in the metal, wondering if my face had changed to match my inner mood. I spent days working on this piece, and the stuffiness in the forge took its toll. I always went to the metal workshop when the darkness came over me, and today was no exception. In the middle


  • « Secret of strength "- Power attacks do not consume stamina for 30 seconds.
  • « Defense secret »- Received damage from attacks is halved for 30 seconds.
  • « The secret of sorcery » - spells do not consume magic for 30 seconds.

The Black Book: Hidden Twilight

The Black Book: Hidden Twilight(orig. Black Book: The Hidden Twilight) is a book, quest item, Daedric artifact in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.


Tel Mithrin , next to the staff enchanter. But in order to get into the room with a book, you need to help the master Neloth.


After passing the test of the book, you can choose one of three abilities:

  • « Mora's Grasp »: causes the target to freeze between Oblivion and Tamriel for 30 seconds, becoming completely immune to all types of damage;
  • « Mora's Agony »: Summons a field of living tentacles that poisons enemies;
  • « Blessing of Morata ': allows you to fully restore your health, magicka and stamina.
These abilities can be used once per day.

Hidden dusk
Author: Karilli Melfus
The city of Inksids rose out of the desert, gleaming and decadent. Somehow, he was still standing. I went through the gate, and the beast knew exactly where to take me: only beggars and poets have such a manner. The only place where a person with my needs can finally find satisfaction. I am not proud, however, no one is ever proud.

The Black Book: The Painful Regent

The Black Book: The Painful Regent(orig. Black Book: The Sallow Regent) is a book, quest item, Daedric artifact in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.


Mound of the White Ridge.

Painful Regent

Act I, scene I

(Filemina enters, holding a broken scepter)
Grief befell my broken heart,
That no longer gives a gentle sheen to the one
Who, without shame, left him at the mercy of the gods,
Leaving in return only madness in scarlet blood.


After passing the test of the book, you can choose one of three abilities:

  • « power seeker »: Combat skills are 10% more effective;
  • « Seeker of Magic »: all spells cost 10% less magicka, enchantments are 10% more effective;
  • « Shadow Seeker »: Thief skills are 10% more effective

Black Book: Winds of Change

Black Book: Winds of Change(orig. Black Book: The Winds of Change) is a book, quest item, Daedric artifact in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.


Bloodskal Mound, you can enter it through the Raven Rock Mine after defeating the dragon priest named Zachrysosh. This is related to the quest "The Last Descent", which can be taken from Crescius Kalleria, in the Raven Rock Mine.

Winds of change
Author: Liesel Grayheart
During the reign of Elgreer, I drew attention to the diversity of behavior and thoughts of the problem population, and carried out a simple plan to understand and eventually influence them. Being in of sound mind, I began to classify from the lower strata, which are equally divided into those who


After passing the test of the book, the hero can choose one of three abilities:

  • Lover's intuition : Damage to the opposite sex in combat increased by 10%. When trading with a representative of the opposite sex, prices are 10% more profitable.
  • Companion's Intuition : Your Attacks, Shouts, and Destruction spells do not damage your companions.
  • Scientist's intuition : Reading skill books increases skill by one extra point.

The Black Book: Untold Legends

The Black Book: Untold Legends(orig. Black Book: Untold Legends (Book)) is a book, quest item, Daedric artifact in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn add-on.


After the Wall of Words in Benkongerike.

After passing the test of the book, you can choose one of three abilities:

  • Black market : Summons a Dremora merchant to trade with.
  • secret servant : Summons a Dremora lackey to carry your belongings.
  • Bard Knowledge : Summons a ghostly drum that plays for you, increasing your stamina regeneration and nearby allies.
Each ability has its own cooldown.

Description of the gift

1. Black market

Dremora merchant A Daedra summoned from Oblivion itself. Outwardly, it is very similar to the rest of the Dremora, but has more human features.

The merchant can be summoned for only 15 seconds (the time of consideration of the goods is not considered), but an unlimited number of times and with an unlimited interval between calls. Interaction occurs in the same way as with ordinary merchants. He has 2000 Septims with him, buys items of any class, except for stolen ones. He is not affected by the Great Trader Speech ability. You can't decorate.

The Black Book: Waking Dreams(orig. Black Book: Waking Dreams) is a book, quest item, Daedric artifact in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.


AT Temple of Miraak during the passage of the main storyline of The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. To move to this section of the Apocrypha, you need to read the book after completing the first story clip with Miraak, or wait for the second quest visit, before the fight with Miraak.

Daydreaming about a starless sky
Author: Bily Felkreks
Eyes once blinded by the shooting stars of the highest revelation will always see a faint distortion of the discouraging question as soon as True Inquiry forms the edges of thought. The rest is a vulgar fiction, an attempt to impose order in the coherence of the concealment of an indifferent god.


  • At the end of this section of the Apocrypha, divided into six chapters, there is a Wall of Words with one of the words of the power of that "mind" The Incarnation of the Dragon.
  • After completing the expansion's story quest, after defeating Miraak, it will be possible to reset and redistribute ability points in any skill tree. Resetting one ability tree costs one dragon soul.