Download presentation via torrent on Shrovetide. Presentation - a wide carnival - customs and rituals. Eat with caviar and salmon, can be a little simpler

  • 15.04.2020

Pancake week. Summary of the conversation and presentation for older children preschool age(5-7 years).

Shishova Svetlana Gennadievna
Position, place of work, city (village): music director, MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 197", Barnaul
Purpose of material: I bring to your attention a summary of the conversation and presentation with children of senior preschool age "Maslenitsa". This material can be useful to educators, teachers of additional education.
Target: to acquaint children with folk holidays and traditions of their celebration.
- to instill in children an interest in the traditions of their people;
- expand the vocabulary of children;
- to acquaint children with examples of artistic creativity.

Hello Maslenitsa!
Give us oil!
We bake hot pancakes for ourselves -
We don't care about blizzards and frosts!
If there is a frying pan
We are not afraid of the cold
'Cause damn it's hot
This is the best food!
That is not a mouse squeaking,
Not the frost cracks
Pancake in a frying pan
Behind the pancake screeches ..
Yes, with herring
Yes, with caviar
Yes, along the edge with golden
This is how Maslenitsa
Gave us butter!
Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:
It's the damn sun and next to the damn moon.
One pancake is hot
The other pancake is cold..
Get on the sky
If anyone is hungry!
On the ground with wheels
Pancakes rolled..
Children under the birches
Collect hotels!
The baptized world now rejoices,
Because today is carnival.
Come, people, and eat a pancake with us,
So that spring comes to the earth as soon as possible!
Well, eat a pancake
For spring to come!
N. Gubskaya

the course of the conversation

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The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa comes from ancient times. Since ancient times, our ancestors have known that by the end of winter the days become longer and the nights shorter. So much shorter that the day becomes equal to the night. This day is called the winter equinox. In ancient Russia, it was believed that from the day of the winter equinox there was a turn to spring. And so that spring would come as soon as possible after a long cold winter, they arranged a farewell to winter - Shrovetide week or Maslenitsa. During this week, they said goodbye to winter, met spring. Long time in Russia New Year began in the spring, and it was celebrated precisely on Shrovetide week.
The symbol of spring is the sun, warm and generous. As you know, the sun has the shape of a circle, therefore pancakes, round, ruddy, hot, like the sun, have become a symbol of Shrovetide.
Our ancestors imagined winter in the form of a scarecrow, which was made from straw, old baskets, bast shoes and old things. It must have been a female figure.
They saw off the winter with songs, dances, treats, games. Pancakes were eaten throughout Shrove Tuesday. Pancakes were baked from buckwheat or wheat flour in butter, milk and eggs. The pancakes were served with caviar, sour cream, fish, sour cream, butter. The mountains baked pancakes, as they ate an incredible amount. “Damn is not a wedge, it will not split the stomach,” the people said.
Each day of the holiday week had its own name and purpose.

Monday: "meeting"
Housewives started baking pancakes, giving the first one to homeless people.
On a pre-selected place for festivities, ice slides, booths, snow fortresses were built.
And the youth made from straw and old clothes, straw, rags the symbol of the holiday - the effigy of Maslenitsa. It was placed in a chosen place and had fun around it all week.

Tuesday: "play"
On Tuesday, girls and boys were invited to the "fun" - to ride from the snowy mountains, to eat pancakes: "We have built mountains and baked pancakes - please welcome!"
Young people got to know each other at festivities, fun games and rides from the hill.

Wednesday: "sweets"
On this day, especially generous tables were laid in every house. In Russia, it was believed that it was on the Wednesday of Shrovetide that the gourmet needed to eat as many pancakes as possible so that it would be enough for the whole year.
One of the favorite pastimes on Maslenitsa was riding a carousel. The carousel has the shape of a circle, which means it symbolized the sun.

Thursday: "revelry"
The day when the celebrations unfolded in full breadth, all kinds of housework stopped and various competitions were arranged.
Everywhere there were rich fairs with all kinds of delicacies, gingerbread, nuts, with tea drinking from samovars with bagels and pancakes. Children whistled into clay whistles, imitating the singing of birds - calling for spring. Burnt wheels from carts were fired from the ravines. Mummers walked around the squares and led a live trained bear on a chain, arranging performances.
Skiing from the mountain is one of the favorite pastimes during Shrove Tuesday. Children, young people from the whole village and even residents of neighboring villages came to ride. Slides were made of wood and flooded with water or natural mountains were flooded with water. They tried to decorate the slides - with flags, lanterns, Christmas trees. Skating was always fun, with songs and jokes.
For skating, sleds, mats, skins, skates, ice rinks (flattened baskets frozen from below), wooden troughs - stalks, and overturned benches were used.
Entertainment alternated with rich feasts, and the storming of the snowy town became the main event.
The guys built a snowy town - an ice fortress with a gate, planted guards there, and then on foot and horsemen went on the attack, climbed the walls, broke into the gates. The besieged defended themselves with snowballs, brooms and whips.
On Maslenitsa, customs made it possible for guys and young men to show their prowess in a fistfight.
Two villages could fight each other, residents of opposite ends of a large village. They prepared seriously for the battle: they took a steam bath, ate bread and meat, because they believed that they gave strength and courage.
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Climbing a pole, walking on stilts, tug of war - fun, where the guys showed their valiant prowess.

Friday: Mother-in-law evening
Relatives of the wife came to the house of a young family. The host (husband) had to please the mother-in-law and show the guests his respect for her and her family.

Saturday: "sister-in-law gatherings"
And on Saturday, the husband's relatives came to the house of a young family.

Sunday: "seeing off"
The last day of Maslenitsa is popularly called "Forgiveness Sunday" or "The Kisser". On this day, they visit the graves of deceased relatives, ask for forgiveness for all the insults caused during the year, and kiss as a sign of reconciliation. This is where the name of this day came from.
They had fun at the farewell to Shrovetide with a special scope. People put on the most elegant clothes, laid generous tables.
Sleigh rides were very fun in the villages. The harness of the horses was decorated, ribbons, bells, bells were attached to the sled, they took musical instruments and rode around the village with songs. A effigy of Maslenitsa was carried on a sleigh on a pole.
On Forgiveness Sunday, a sacred fire was lit. Young people of the girl jumped through it. It was believed that the fire cleanses from everything bad.
Then, a effigy of Maslenitsa was burned on a sacred fire, and the fields were sprinkled with ashes. It was believed that a carnival effigy burned to the ground would bring good harvest. By evening, the house and the remains of festive food were cleaned.
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Shrovetide is also celebrated today, but not on such a grand scale. In every city and village, folk festivals are held with fairs, performances, with the ceremony of burning the effigy of Shrovetide. People ask each other for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. They rejoice at seeing off the fierce winter and look forward to the gentle spring.

Oh, yes, Maslenitsa, wide, stay for a week, And you, people, meet Maslenitsa! Yes, to yourself - then invite Maslenitsa!

By the first day of Maslenitsa, mountains, hanging swings, booths for buffoons were arranged,

tables with sweets. Not to ride from the mountains and on a swing, not to make fun of buffoons meant in the old days - to live in bitter misfortune.

Maslenitsa in proverbs and sayings

  • Maslenitsa walks for seven days.
  • There was Maslenitsa near the yard, but she didn’t go into the hut.
  • Maslen is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip.
  • Pancake is not a wedge, it will not split the stomach.
  • It's not a carnival without a pancake. Not a birthday without a cake.
  • Damn the belly is not spoiling.
  • Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Thursday - "Razguly" Since Thursday, not without reason called « broad », Shrovetide revelry unfolded in full breadth. The whole world, as participants or active, interested spectators, went out to fistfights, the construction and capture of a snowy city, horse racing, riding through the streets.

Friday - "Teschin's Evenings" If on Wednesday the sons-in-law visited their mother-in-laws, then on Friday the sons-in-law arranged « mother-in-law evening » - invited to pancakes.

Saturday - « Zolov's gatherings ». On the sixth day of the Maslenitsa week, the custom demanded that the daughter-in-law invite her sister-in-law, her husband's sister, to feed and give her gifts. As a rule, on this day, the daughter-in-law received all her husband's relatives and arranged a festive dinner.

Sunday - « forgiveness day »

arranged a farewell to Maslenitsa. In the morning, the children were collecting firewood for the fire - to burn Maslenitsa. On the last day of Shrovetide, everyone asked each other for forgiveness, the newlyweds traveled to their relatives, gave gifts to father-in-law and mother-in-law, matchmakers and friends for wedding gifts.

Many people think that on the last day of Shrovetide week they burn an effigy of Shrovetide, but no, they don’t burn Shrovetide, but see off Winter!

Farewell, honest Maslenitsa! If you're alive, see you. At least a year to wait, Yes, to know, to know, That Maslenitsa will come again ...

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Hello Maslenitsa! Zamaenko Elena Vasilievna, teacher-methodologist UVOK No. 110, Zaporizhzhia Highest category

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This holiday comes to us In early spring, How many joys He always brings with him! Ice mountains are waiting, And the snow is sparkling, Sledges are running down the hills, Laughter does not stop. At home, the aroma of pancakes Festive wonderful, We invite friends to pancakes, We will eat them together. Maslenitsa is a farewell to winter and a meeting of spring

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The history of the Maslenitsa holiday is a long-awaited farewell to winter (SEEING OFF WINTER) and a cheerful meeting of spring, solar heat and the beginning of the awakening of nature and field work. From time immemorial, people considered spring the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. In honor of the Sun, pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa.

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By the first day of Shrovetide, public slides, swings, tables with sweet dishes were being built. Pancakes were baked in the houses. The first pancake was given to the poor in remembrance of the dead. Monday THE MEETING OF THE SHIRT Morning... MONDAY... The "MEETING" is coming. Bright sleds glide from the hills. All day fun. Evening comes ... Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

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Tuesday GAME On the second day of Maslenitsa various games were organized. People rode on sledges, skates, ice-skates. They covered their faces with funny masks, they believed that in a different guise, another life would begin - joyful and prosperous.

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On this day, people ate pancakes. Pancakes were baked from different flours and with different fillings: wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, unleavened and sour dough. Wednesday gourmet Here WEDNESDAY fits - "Gourmet" is called. Each hostess conjures at the stove. Kulebyaki, syrniki - they succeed in everything. Pies and pancakes - all swords on the table! People joked, told various fables.

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Thursday "THURSDAY-THURSDAY" On this day they carried a scarecrow of winter, arranged competitions in strength and dexterity. And on THURSDAY - the roaming "Razdolyay" comes. Ice fortresses, snow fights... Troikas with bells take to the fields. Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

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Shrovetide is also family holiday. Spring has always been associated with the beginning of a new life, with the continuation of the family. Friday MOTHER-in-Law's Gatherings At mother-in-law's parties, sons-in-law treat their mother-in-laws to pancakes. In the old days, the son-in-law was obliged to personally invite the mother-in-law in the evening, and then in the morning he sent smartly invited ones. The more there were called, the more honors were given.

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Saturday SIT-UP SITTINGS A young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her sister-in-law gatherings. Relatives gathered for a tea party with pancakes, sang songs, mischievous ditties, and danced.

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Sunday FORGIVENESS SUNDAY The last day of Maslenitsa is the last and most important day of the entire Maslenitsa week. Everyone, young and old, ask each other for forgiveness in order to meet spring with a clear conscience. They gave martenichkas made of white and red threads, dolls of a boy and a girl - a symbol of friendship. They waved and said: Forgive me, forgive me. Let go of all resentment. Resources used: /festival/Gulyannya-na-Maslyanu/ http ://

  • Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday,


happy spring day


  • With acceptance


she became


Great post.

  • For the Slavs, for a long time it was also a meeting of the New Year! Indeed, until the XIV century, the year in Russia began in March. And according to old beliefs, it was believed: as a person meets the year, so he will be. Hence the expression: "Though lay everything from yourself, but spend Maslenitsa."

  • Pancake week
  • Shrovetide
  • cheese week
  • Cheese Shrovetide
  • cheese week
  • ate
  • byedukha
  • Boyarynya - Maslenitsa
  • pancake
  • Ravager
  • Wide
  • gluttonous
  • reckless
  • Cheerful
  • Honest

Maslenitsa rites


marriage and family


Funeral rites

Cooking other funeral food. Like a fish, for example.

Pancakes are part of the commemoration ceremony, since on the eve of Maslenitsa the Slavs remembered their dead relatives and worshiped the souls of their ancestors. The first baked pancake was given to the poor or placed on the "oven window" to appease the spirits.

Prohibitions on the performance during this period of certain economic types work, and exclusively female, such as spinning, sewing and weaving, especially in the evening.

Shrovetide bonfires served as an invitation to deceased ancestors for a hearty dinner on the eve of Lent.

  • Maslenitsa is the time for weddings.
  • Those who did not marry were punished: a log was hung around the neck of a single guy or an unmarried girl, which symbolized the missing "half". With this "couple" the punished had to walk all day until evening and endure endless ridicule.
  • Women who were married for the first year were harnessed to sledges instead of horses and forced to ride their friends around the village with songs and jokes.
  • The newlyweds arranged "brides", for example, they were forced to kiss in front of everyone.

  • Skiing from the mountains: it was believed that whoever rolls down the mountain more times or who travels further will have more flax, so the people said that they were going to ride "on a long flax".
  • Horseback riding: the sound of hooves "wakes up" the ground. The better the land is “awakened”, the richer the harvest.
  • Symbolic farewell to winter, burning of an effigy.

  • Monday - Meeting
  • Tuesday - Games
  • Wednesday - Lakomka
  • Friday - Mother-in-law evening
  • Saturday - Zolovkin gatherings
  • Sunday - Forgiveness Day, Forgiveness Sunday

In the old days, taking a bunch of scrap from their yard, the villagers put them in one pile, from which they then all together made a doll, dressed her up “like a woman” and drove her in a sleigh through the streets, greeting and honoring Madam the Maslenitsa, and then put on the highest place.

Sometimes, instead of a stuffed carnival, they drove a dressed-up girl or a brightly painted old woman in a sleigh, and at the end of the holiday they took the sleigh out of the city and dumped the “passenger” into a snowdrift to the laughter of everyone, thus, as it were, “burying Maslenitsa.

  • During the Maslenitsa meeting, the songs were necessarily sung:
  • Oh yes, Maslenitsa is entering the yard, Wide enters the yard! Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week, Wide, stay another!
  • And with caviar, and with sour cream - All of them are delicious! Nozdrevati and blush - Our suns pancakes!
  • They started baking pancakes.

In the morning, young people were invited to ride down the mountains and eat pancakes. They called relatives and friends: “We have de mountains ready and pancakes baked - please favor.”

A brisk trade in hot sbiten, tea from smoking samovars, sweets, nuts, pies and pancakes unfolded near the icy mountains.

I. Shurikhina "Shrovetide"

Oh, you Lakomka-Wednesday! Butter pan! As it has been since ancient times - We are going

to the mother-in-law for pancakes!

The mother-in-law smeared her son-in-law's head with oil so that he would be affectionate and “stick himself” to his wife.

All the inhabitants of villages and villages arranged round dances, booths, fistfights, funny Games and feasts. On the same day, fistfights were held.

THURSDAY - revelry, fracture, wide THURSDAY

The “narrow” Maslenitsa ended and the “wide” one began. It was from this day that the universal celebration of Maslenitsa began.

Kustodiev B.M. "Pancake week"

  • For combat, special fur mittens and thick hats were relied upon.
  • According to an old saying, whose village wins, in that one the harvest will be greater.
  • One of these battles is described in "The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov" by M.Yu. Lermontov.

In the old days there were three types


  • fight one on one;
  • "wall to wall";
  • "clutch - dump".

THURSDAY - revelry, fracture, wide THURSDAY

An important event of this day was the capture of the snowy town - the symbolic battle of spring and winter.

V. Surikov "The Capture of the Snow Town"

The players are divided into "foot" and "horse". "Footmen" occupy the city, "horse" are preparing for an attack. The besieged protect the city by spoiling the "cavalry", preventing it from breaking into the fortress gates, repulsing them with brooms.

Friday gave mothers-in-law a chance to take a break from cooking and go on a return visit to their sons-in-law, who were obliged to pay them respect and, of course, treat them with pancakes.

The son-in-law had to personally invite the mother-in-law in the evening, and in the morning he also had to send special messengers for her - “called”.

On Maslenitsa Sunday

All tried old Titus

Ask everyone for forgiveness

And answer:

« God forgive

Our ancestors asked each other for forgiveness and in response they heard: "God will forgive." This tradition has come down to our time.

  • Maslenitsa week ended with the burning of an effigy. This action drove away darkness, winter, death.
  • The fire symbolized the sun.
  • The ashes were scattered across the field so that there would be a good harvest.
  • The remains of pancakes, butter were sometimes burned in bonfires, milk was poured there, and the children were told that all hearty dishes were burned in the bonfire.

" Conquest "

pancake column

Fair where they traded

not only pancakes

Pies and various sweets,

but also handicrafts.

The Slavs have always widely celebrated Maslenitsa. Is Maslenitsa celebrated in other countries?

In Catholic countries, such a holiday is celebrated, but it has other names: Pancake Day ( England ) , Fat Tuesday ( USA ) , Mardi Gras ( France ) Beltane ( Ireland, Scotland ) .

Maslenitsa for us is like a carnival for Italians. Moreover, in translation from Italian, “carnival” means “Beef, goodbye!”. And the Maslenitsa preceding Great Lent has long been called "Meat Empty", since it was forbidden to eat meat on this week.

Russian Maslenitsa is essentially an analogue of Halloween, because the purpose of both holidays is to appease the spirits for the whole year ahead.

“You know that pancakes have been around for more than a thousand years... They came into the world before Russian history, survived it all from the beginning to the last page.”

(A.P. Chekhov)

  • Neither weddings, nor funerals, nor parental days could do without pancakes.
  • Since ancient times, there have been many signs and divination associated with pancakes.

eating pancakes,

couldn't use

knife or fork,

not to call

detrimental to agriculture


natural phenomena.

If the hostess

borrowed a frying pan

it was considered a bad omen

return it empty

(on it by all means

should have stayed

1 pancake is the last).


pancakes at the end of the week

should have been burned

in the fire

in which burned

straw Carnival,

not to leave evil .

When preparing the dough

can't enter

don't look, don't ask...

If somebody

looks up and says:

"What a good dough!",

then at least pour it out -

pancakes fail!

Sayings about Maslenitsa

  • Not living
  • Maslenitsa byedukha,
  • Damn not a sheaf -
  • Damn not a wedge
  • At least put everything from yourself,
  • Like butter week
  • ride on the mountains,
  • Every day is not Sunday,

and Shrovetide!

save money.

you can't poke a pitchfork.

the belly is not split.

and celebrate Maslenitsa.

pancakes flew into the ceiling.

roll in pancakes.

There will be Great Lent.

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Madam-Maslenitsa. Ismailova Natalya Useinovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, KSU OSSH named after A.I. T. Aubakirova p. Igilik, Maktaaral district of South Kazakhstan region

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Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa (cheese week) is an ancient Slavic holiday with numerous customs, preserved in Russia from pagan times. The rite, which has come down to our days through the centuries, is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring.

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This year Maslenitsa is celebrated from February 28 to March 6. The start date of Maslenitsa changes each year depending on when Lent begins. The main traditional attributes of the folk celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia are pancakes and festivities.

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Maslenitsa is a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and a meeting of spring, which brings revival in nature and solar warmth. From time immemorial, people have perceived spring as the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. In honor of the sun, at first they baked unleavened cakes, and when they learned how to cook leavened dough, they began to bake pancakes. Ancient people considered the pancake a symbol of the sun, because, like the sun, it is yellow, round and hot, and they believed that together with the pancake they eat a piece of its warmth and power.

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Every day of Maslenitsa had its own name: 1st day - pancake; 2nd day - pancakes; 3rd day - pancakes; 4th day - pancakes; Day 5 - pancakes; 6th day - pancakes; Day 7 - royal pancakes

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Monday - "meeting" On the first day of Maslenitsa, in the morning the children made a doll from straw - Maslenitsa and dressed her up. And then they all went from house to house together with songs. The hostess treated everyone to pancakes.

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Tuesday - "flirty" The second day, as a rule, was considered a day for the young. Shortly before Maslenitsa, weddings were played. And now these young families were invited to ride down the mountain. On the same day, there was not only skiing from the mountains, but also pancake treats lasted in all houses: these days young people played, danced, sang.

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Wednesday - "Gourmet" On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to pancakes. There is even an expression in Russian "to mother-in-law for pancakes." Having eaten pancakes, the guests sang songs.

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Thursday - "walk around" On this day, everyone from young to old gathered for the holiday. Famous fistfights were arranged, the capture of snowy towns. After the capture of the town, a feast began with a mountain, and then other carnival fun, for example, climbing a pole for a gift.

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On this day, it was the mother-in-law's turn to visit her son-in-law: pancakes were baked for the mother-in-law. The son-in-law had to personally invite the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law, invited by her son-in-law, sent her son-in-law everything from which and on what pancakes are baked. Friday - "Teschiny Vecherki"

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Saturday "sister-in-law gatherings" On this day, Maslenitsa - a scarecrow made of straw, was carried on a stretcher to the end of the village with songs, a large fire was arranged there, and Maslenitsa was burned in it. They had fun around the fire: they sang songs, danced.

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Forgiveness Sunday. On Sunday, everyone remembered that Great Lent was coming on Monday, therefore, in an effort to cleanse themselves of everything sinful, people asked for forgiveness from each other. The farewell ended with a kiss and a deep bow.