Strong motivation to. The most powerful motivator. How to develop motivation

  • 30.11.2019
Eleonora Brik

The big stories about achieving goals that we've heard are based on one quality. People who reach heights are driven forward by powerful motivation, a dream to achieve results by any means.

Usually, motivation is considered something general and whole, and it supposedly should come by itself. When a person hears that a successful person declares that motivation helped her, she does not think that it does not arise by itself. The thought that a person worked for the emergence of motivation and purpose does not visit the mind.

But in reality, this is what happens. And the problem is not that a person is busy with an unloved job, but that energy costs are required to create motivation, and with a tight schedule of efforts, there is no natural motivation left, then it is necessary to create it artificially.

Varieties of motivation

Exists three types of motivation:

Motivation from the outside - "to" something

For example, a person wants, because summer will come soon, and he wants to look attractive. This is the reason for motivation. But there is one "but". If a person is engaged in himself independently, he controls the training - this is one situation. And it’s completely different when he goes to a fitness center and pays for the services of a trainer and training. Everything changes here: the strength of motivation grows, and the result improves. Why is that?

First of all, now a person knows that he has invested money in the occupation, and this is a considerable incentive for action. If you miss a class, then comes the realization that the funds were wasted. In addition, you do not have the opportunity to hack. In the gym, the coach is watching the workouts. And he does not accept the arguments “I don’t want”, “I can’t”. So, the chance that you will get rid of kilograms grows many times over.

This is motivation from outside, which goes "towards" something that can be bought. This is the simplest way. If you realize that you are not able to report to yourself, then use this option.

Motivation from outside - "from" something

We take as an example the same situation with getting rid of extra pounds, but on the other hand. You want to lose weight not because summer is coming soon, but because of future health problems due to excess weight.

Now the motive for action is not the dream of achieving the goal, but the need to prevent something.

The basis of this motivation is fear, but this is a more powerful push than the motivation "to" something.

But, you should not necessarily wait for the moment when the need for motivation “from” will catch you. There is another effective way to use it. Think about the problem, look at it from different angles. Think about what you are not able to fix without motivation. Imagine how far it will go if you don't take care of yourself this second. Calculate how many resources will be required in the future to solve the problem, as well as how many will be needed if you take up the matter now. Compare the data and calculate the benefit.

Motivation by environment

This kind of motivation in the example of sports means that you do not go to the gym on your own, but go there with a friend. Or even with a group of friends. It turns out that you surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength with you, who also want to take care of themselves.

Environment with similar goals promotes progress and creates incentive

How to develop motivation

There are steps to help you how to develop motivation what to do to create it and get what you want.

Burning bridges

But do not throw all your efforts into this step. If your goal is important to you, then start by removing the bridges so that there is no way back. Then you will not have a chance to return, but you will only have to go forward.

If you dream, then start by quitting your job. To do this, write a statement, put it in an envelope and give it to a trusted person. Instruct the person to send a statement to the boss if you cannot leave work by a specific moment.

It is worth giving one example. The casino owner made a decision. He felt that he did not have the strength to do so. Therefore, he hung a billboard on the streets with his own photograph and the inscription that if someone notices him with a cigarette, he will give him 100 thousand dollars. This is an example of increasing the power of motivation. To meet the goal, you use a small part of the motivation, create conditions that force you to move forward. If you truly want to fulfill a dream, then remove all opportunities for retreat.

Fill the world with things that increase motivation

Let's take the weight loss situation again. Create posters that say "I weigh X kg", "X" is the weight you want to achieve. Post these posters everywhere. Change the screensaver on your smartphone and PC, write the same there. Take magazines and cut out photos of those who have the figure you want, stick them around you.

Create a positive environment

Meet those who inspire you to achieve your goal. Look for ways to spend more time with these people. Share your goal with a topic who will support rather than criticize.

Those who want to lose extra pounds should go to the gym and meet those who are already in great shape. It will become noticeable that the emotions of people are transmitted to you, you will believe that you are able to achieve results.

If you want to open a business, then join various unions or societies of businessmen. Do everything possible to get acquaintances in the necessary field.

In addition, exclude from life everyone who negatively affects it. This often turns out challenging task but important.

daily inspiration

Music, books for inspiration - better ways increasing motivation. If you dream of quitting smoking, then the ones that people who quit smoking wrote about how they did it. If you dream of a business, then read about its organization, attend seminars. Spend at least 15 minutes every day on inspiration. This will “recharge” you with energy and motivation.

Change negative to positive

Consider all sources of data that influence the emotional background. What do you see, read, is the house cleaned, etc. Pay attention to what negatively affects your mood, replace it with a positive one.

Here are some examples. To begin with, stop watching the news on TV - this is a powerful source of negativity. Spend time on positive emotions, listen to pleasant music. If you are a cinema lover, then only watch those tapes that have a lot of positive energy: stories about goodness, comedies. Remove books that cause depression, read something humorous and light. If you're in a mess, clean up now.

It may sound trite, but it really helps in increasing motivation.

Dress like a successful person

Every time you see yourself in the mirror, it will add visual reinforcement to your motivation. Determine which image motivates you. How would you dress if you achieved your goals? Have you changed your hair?

Make sure that your everyday clothes correspond to the new image of a successful person.

Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming

In this method, there is a technique that helps to compare the strengths and the goal. Find music that brings inspiration and energy. Listen to it for about 20 minutes with headphones. In the process of listening, form your mental image that has reached the goal.

Come up with it bright, lively, colorful. Look at such a scene as if you are seeing it all in reality with your own eyes. This forms a link between the positive of the music and the purpose, which will help reinforce the motivation. it great method start of a new day. Repeat the exercise immediately after waking up. Change the music from time to time, otherwise the charge of emotions will begin to decrease.

Note that the same technique is used in advertising. Pay attention to fast food ads: the food is beautiful, bright, lively, and in addition, attractive music. But instead of succumbing to the programming of others, start doing it yourself. Become the master of the thoughts in your head.

Take action!

As soon as you define your own goals, start immediately to bring the idea to life. When work begins on the realization of the goal, do not think about inventing long-term and detailed plans. It is not uncommon for people to spend time analyzing but not moving on to action.

You can create a plan later, but now it is important to act. It is enough to determine the first step that needs to be taken and proceed with it.

If your goal is to go to the refrigerator and throw out all the harmful products from it. Do not think about whether it is right or wrong, good or bad. Just do it.

Act without hesitation or fear. Do everything as if it is impossible to lose. If you keep motivated, you will realize that you can never take a step back. A successful result will be a matter of time.

If you use these strategies, then increase your own motivation to such an extent that nothing will change it. You will begin to go towards goals and desires without regard to the past and the opinions of others. This process will bring you satisfaction, because you will focus on the positive aspects of achievements, and not on the difficulties. If you put more positive energy into yourself, then good results will come to you.

March 16, 2014, 14:52

What is motivation

In scientific understanding, motivation is explained as an impulse to action. This is a dynamic process of psychophysiological structure that controls human behavior, and also determines its direction, activity, organization and stability; The ability of a person to satisfy the needs of his purposeful activity.
Motivation can also be described as a psychophysiological process that encourages a person to certain activities with the help of external and intra-personal factors.

Motivation as a tool for success

for success is a very strong "motor tool", which helps in many ways to bring such a desired result closer. In simple words Motivation is a kind of strong psychological influence that activates a person and makes him act or move no matter what. But I can tell own experience, and recently I also came across important information that proves that motivation can be both positive and negative. How can motivation be harmful?, you ask? And the thing is that a rather weak motivation, of course, is not enough to achieve goals, but also too strong motivation can be even worse than weak. Since a very highly motivated person begins to make many fussy mistakes, absurd and disturbing actions. And further, very strong motivation, generates unnecessary excitement . In addition, all this can develop into the same severe depression due to. So you need to find the golden mean. It will be more correct motivate yourself in small doses, but constantly and most importantly, always keep your goal, dream, desire in mind.

A sufficiently and positively motivated person will always be able to move mountains in his path and overcome any obstacles. Do you know what is the main advantage of this energy? And the fact that a properly motivated person is not so strongly subject to the same and does not get hung up on failures, because he knows what he wants to achieve and does not pay attention to obstacles and temporary defeats. Any failure will not be able to confuse him, because he sees his goal and is confident in his abilities. I am sure that he will get to the carrot, regardless of external factors. He can lose many battles today and win the war tomorrow.
Well, let's move on to the very methods of proper motivation.

Ignore what is not important to you

1. Being able to ignore something is an amazing thing. It will bring much more benefits than you could imagine. There should be a special subject "Ignoring" that should be taught at the university. Dividing your attention on many things at once, as most people do, only weakens you. Ignoring what is unimportant will free up energy and help you stay focused, focused, and productive.

Try to understand what bothers you

2. Avoid, if possible, all this. Things and actions tend to get annoying. But, just like any other state of yours, it can be understood and ways to get rid of it can be determined. Once you understand this, you can easily do it. It takes time but is really worth it.

Laugh more often

3. If there is free time Watch more comedies, read comics. Forget your awful seriousness. Laughter is a mechanism that will help prevent and relieve stress. In fact, it quickly removes it from you and this is the most effective remedy.

Keep a journal of your breakthroughs

4. Do you remember the moments when you achieved something worthwhile in your life? We tend to forget the simple habit of writing down our feelings every time we have a big breakthrough. Start and keep a journal of your successes, victories, successful events. And draw inspiration from it.


5. This is the easiest way to motivate yourself. Just get out of the office, start doing some exercise, or just take a little jog around your house. This immediately activates your body, puts it in order and recharges you with energy. Every time you do some exercise, you get endorphins. And endorphins are useful, good and cool. =)

Create the right environment for you

6. You will not be able to constantly push yourself to action if you work in an environment that does not suit you. Change it, supplement or improve it. It doesn't matter if you work in an office or at home. Whatever the space around you, make it "your" in any way, this will reduce the adaptation time and you will be able to devote more time to the necessary things. And in general, even if everything suits you, periodically changing the situation is useful - it brings shades of innovation and freshness into your life.

Read success stories

7. Read other people's success stories. Find motivation and experience in them. Get inspired. Admire them. Reading similar stories make success more accessible and will fuel your efforts to achieve it. And, of course, you can learn to be successful, feel successful, and act like winners do.

Switch between tasks

8. People get tired of working on just one project for a long time. Tiredness from monotonous work greatly reduces motivation (unless your work is your dream, in which case motivation and inspiration are inexhaustible). Try doing a few small projects when you feel like you're on edge. Let's not say that switching between tasks will create a fresh perspective for you, but it will help you solve problems faster.

Measure progress

9. If you are constantly moving towards your goal, you will usually make some progress. But you may get the impression that you haven't progressed at all, and that's because you're missing all those little daily milestones. Looking back with satisfaction on what you have created will certainly boost your energy.

Talk about your projects

10. With friends or family. Let people know that you are doing something good. This often makes us ourselves understand that we are doing something really good and enjoying it. It also creates a certain level of responsibility that will most likely push you forward.

Avoid Energy Vampires

11. - they all suck energy and motivation out of you. Do not fall into the power of such a game, at all costs avoid these energy leaks. Even if it means you will isolate yourself more often. It's better to do the job alone than to try to confront the surrounding vampires.

Create clear goals

12. More precisely, clearly state and write down your goals on paper, because they are already clearly defined deep in your mind. But take them out of your mind and put them where you can always find them. Your mind works better when it knows what needs to be done rather than wasting time realizing it.

Practice Satisfaction

13. When you have completed some work or task, reward yourself. Give yourself a present. It doesn't need to be very big. It is only needed to develop a habit. Strive for it while you work, expect it. After a while, you will become addicted to this and will not stop until you get your cherished "carrot".

Accept defeat

14. Within the framework of this game. Failure, like success, is just the result of your actions and nothing more. In fact, any failure is an experience and the winner is the one who made mistakes in time and learned from them knowledge. One of the biggest enemies of motivation is the fear of failure. Fear that your results will come to naught. Accept defeat. It's not good, but that doesn't mean you should stop doing what you're doing. Work on yourself and hope for the best.

Use Reminders

15. Use them as a record of your aspirations, goals, current status. Reminders are a very powerful and underestimated tool. People find it uncomfortable to write messages to themselves and read them out loud. News: you do it all the time, unconsciously. So why not do it consciously? Let's start the morning with a phrase addressed to you!?

Play games

16. Parody people. Imitate animals. Imagine that you are fairy tale character. Games will give your thoughts a rest and, at the same time, will gather your strength from secret sources. They also develop enthusiasm and ease of action. Good motivation is always mixed with joy. You can start with a simple game like: How to get from point A to point B in 5 random steps.

Say "No"

17. Say "no" to unnecessary entertainment, distractions, depression. Practicing the word "No" sets you free. Too often the occurrence of a large amount of obligations makes your life a continuous series of constant dreary activities. Limit your promises, and only take on what you really want to finish. After that, go to the mirror, smile, and begin to politely practice your “no.”

Look for positive people

18. Sadness, whining and complaining don't mix well with motivation. In fact, it's completely the opposite. But positive, optimistic, energetic people will always shift your mood changes in the right direction. Look for them, find them and become their friend. Sometimes all you need to motivate yourself is to be surrounded happy people or successful.

Difficulty is part of the game

19. Learn to work under pressure. There are things that are harder than others. Accept this fact and focus on what you need to do, not on your feelings of dissatisfaction. Difficulties often force you to do something. You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort. Whenever you feel that something will be difficult to do, you tend to be more motivated to do it. The reward will be higher.

Have competitions with yourself

20. Self-competition or short-term goals, usually 15-90 days. Like starting an exercise or building a habit from scratch in 15 days. Or, for example, arrange a sprint to complete some permanent job- that is, try to do a certain action faster than yesterday. This kind of competition strengthens your inner spirit in the same way that exercises strengthen muscles. The more you do, the more you feel motivated to do even more.

Choose positive motivation

21. When you motivate yourself, do your best to keep motivated for positive side, which is primarily aimed at helping you. As opposed to negative motivation, which basically instills fear in you. Negative motivation works in exactly the same way, only it works much less than positive.

Get rid of your "fears"

22. As with any person, you have "fears" in you, and some of them affect you quite adversely. They won't let you do what you have in mind. The worst thing is that most of the time they work outside of your consciousness and it is quite difficult to deal with them. Just accept it, be aware of it, and get rid of them. You will feel better. But it's more of a matter of will power.

Follow your personal mission

23. You must have your own personal mission. If you don't have one, quickly find one. Reinforcing your personal mission at specific intervals is by far one of the greatest motivators. It is like looking at a map and being able to see at any moment where you are, how far you have to go and which path to take.

Spend time outside

24. If you can do something creative like gardening or gardening, that's even better. But nothing terrible will happen even if you do not know how to do it. Spending time outdoors cleans the indoor air. As well as Fresh air helps you rejuvenate and relieve stress. When you return, everything will be more bright and shiny. And something fresh is always a nice motivator.

Keep your inner world clean

25. A pure inner world helps to have an easier flow of thoughts. A light train of thought allows you to be unburdened by any worries. Often? it's the only thing you need to start creating something.

Don't strive for perfection

26. It will wear you out soon. Perfection does not exist and therefore you will only experience defeat. Striving to be better is the real game. Perfection is a dead end, nothing will happen even if you get close to it. Recognizing that you can be better, instead of considering yourself perfect, leaves some room for growth. And that means you have a reason to do even more and even better. And that's what we usually call motivation, right?

Do one thing at a time

27. Multitasking is a myth. You will simply waste your energy and lose the target of your kind. Even computer processors don't multitask, that's just what we see. Instead, they have a single frequency and multiple parallel information control buses, creating a kind of multi-tasking activity. Multitasking creates internal conflicts, both in the human body and in the computer. You will end up spending more time resolving these conflicts than you do the actual work.

Keep reading what inspires you

28. Keep making a list of what inspires you. Quotes, blog posts, books, whatever. Sometimes a small phrase or a motivating picture is enough to make you decide at the right moment to take an unusual action that will change your future life.

Turn on good music

29. Just let it play, hover around you, don't turn it on very loudly. Its volume should be enough to create a pleasant atmosphere. Music controls the parts of your mind that you can't control logically, it's so powerful that it can completely lift your spirits in a second. The only thing better than silence is good music. But the music should be positive or background.

Don't fall into the productivity trap

30. It doesn't matter how much you do, it only matters how significant it is. Doing something just for show in a notebook will not give you motivation. On the other hand, when you are doing something meaningful, your organizational skills will help you.

31. Your camera lens may be blurry, but you may not be aware of it. Therefore, you will get the same picture over and over again, which stops you and does not allow you to move further. Sometimes all you have to do is take off your rose colored glasses. It takes courage, but it's worth it.

Tidy up the house

32. I know you need motivation for this too, but trust me, this is a great way to get rid of internal garbage. Cleaning your home is not just cleaning, it is a necessity. Your path of action can be littered with debris just as much as your floor. And its purification will once again give way to your thoughts.

Finally, stop reading this and get to work!

33. Your deeds from reading will not be done by themselves. Inspiration is a good motivator, but don't overdo it. Now that you are full of energy, it's time to get back to work. Of course, you can bookmark this entry for future motivational sessions, but for now, just get to work.

The impossible is possible!

"God will never come down from heaven to say, 'Now I give you permission to succeed!' Each of us must give this permission to ourselves. The main thing is to start!” © Andrew Matthews

The principle of motivation to action says: the appetite for any work comes after you take it. And this principle applies to any occupation. One has only to take the first step and plunge into the work with his head.

We are mistaken in postponing this first step "until Monday." It turns out that energy and enthusiasm appear only after the start of work. A surge of energy is the result of immersion in work. You just have to force yourself to start doing something, and that's the whole secret.

To start doing something, like running in the morning, you don't need to prepare. After all, it is never possible to prepare one hundred percent for anything. You are only wasting time.

For example, you need to give a speech to the public. Is it possible to perfectly prepare yourself for this performance? No. No matter how much you rewrite the text, no matter how much you learn it, the thought will still spin in your head: “Oh, I would like to rehearse for a couple more hours ...” Or, for example, start your own business. Can you prepare for it? Psychologically, yes. But no one will give you guarantees of success.

"A wise man lives by acting, not by thinking about his actions" Carlos Castaneda

First you need to be determined to do what needs to be done. Then prepare as much as possible, and after that, take the first step without any guarantees or answers to the questions that arise.

Motivation is in action, not in thinking about it

From the point of view of psychology, if you put off your actions all the time, then you don’t really want to achieve what you want. Or you are overcome by fear of something new. But just fear is a natural human reaction to something new. Be brave enough to force yourself to start doing something.

Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is the ability to act in spite of fear

Those who let life take its course have just as many fears as those who constantly take desperate risks. Only the first are afraid of meaningless trifles. So why not be afraid of something more significant?

Motivation to act involves overcoming your fears and anxieties

If you ask "brave" people where they got the strength to start own business, to acquire real estate, to go to other countries or, in general, to do something new in life, they know that they can overcome all the difficulties that may arise in front of them on the way to success.

To force yourself to start your own business, ask yourself: “What is my worst risk?”

It is enough just to realize your vague fears and figure out what adverse situations may arise. To create motivation for action, try to focus on what you want, and not on what you are afraid of.

By concentrating on our fears and drawing catastrophic images in our minds, we automatically program ourselves for failure.

As you work to motivate yourself to take action, don't be afraid to demand more of yourself.

It is impossible to know everything about everything. No, there are no such people.

Even the most successful people there are no superhuman abilities. They also have only one brain, also twenty-four hours a day, and, as a rule, two arms and two legs, like everyone else. They just learned a lot, overcame their fear, learned to overcome difficulties and believe in themselves.

None of us are given any special certificates of success at birth. God will never come down from heaven to say, "Your hour has come!" He will never tell you what you can and what you can't. It is up to you to decide when and how to start doing something.

The Paradox of Motivation to Action

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” Eastern wisdom

As soon as you finally and irrevocably decide to change your life or take action, life itself will begin to throw up options to help you.

The right people will appear out of nowhere, friends will present a useful book, an advertisement in the newspaper “will catch your eye by itself”, chance will lead you to the right place at the right time.

We will simply begin to notice favorable situations and attract new opportunities to us.

As soon as we decide to start doing something, resources will immediately appear and for the motivation to act. Of course, you can explain these glimpses of luck as a simple coincidence. But if you take a closer look at life, you can see that they happen regularly.


Powerful motivation for success from the book The Biggest Secret. Incredible power of thought

Elizabeth Volkova

Marden Orison gave me a very powerful boost of motivation for success when I read his book The Biggest Secret. Incredible power of thought.

…. how… do you also need motivation to succeed?!

Have you abandoned your goals for a long time and stopped believing that you can achieve something worthwhile in your life?

Do you catch the haze of depression and stupidly do not want to do anything?

Have you even begun to doubt the power of thought?

Then you definitely need a recharge!

You want one thing, but do something completely different

Most people have the wrong attitude towards life.

They neutralize a huge part of their efforts due to the fact that their mental attitude does not match theirs. physical actions- so that, trying to achieve one result, they imply a completely different one.

Such an approach scares off luck, deprives a person of the opportunity to achieve the desired goal.

Desire wealth, but at the same time constantly subconsciously expect failure in financial sector, constantly doubting your beauty and usefulness, trying to find love is tantamount to trying to get to Moscow, while following to Vladivostok.

Your plans are doomed to failure as long as you doubt yourself and thereby attract failure.

A person who wants to succeed must think about success and boldly look forward.

He must think progressively, creatively, constructively, inventively and, most importantly, be optimistic.

You will move where you aspire internally.

If you aim for poverty and lack of funds, then so be it.

How to achieve success?

If you turn around one hundred and eighty degrees and decisively give up the life that does not suit you, start thinking and acting with confidence in your own success - it will not keep you waiting.

Many of us are not doing what we would like to do at all, because very often, despite our desire to be rich and successful, we doubt our abilities, thinking that a bird in the hand is better than a crane in the sky.

It is better to have an average, stable salary than to take risks and try to break through to a fundamentally different level.

Such a position in life is contraindicated for those who want to achieve something in life - and who does not want this?

As long as we carry within ourselves a feeling of inferiority, poverty, failure, we make such an impression on others - and money will not come to such a person on its own.

Important! Our thoughts are like magnets that attract relevant events and objects. So you have to be careful what you think about. And

In no case do not allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself, complain about life, even mentally exclaiming: “I have no money!”, “I don’t have everything like other people!”, “I’m a loser!”.

These thoughts are your worst enemies, because they do not allow you to calmly take what is yours.

Every time you allow these thoughts to enter your mind, they sink deeper and deeper like rust.

Miracles don't happen until they are believed.

You will not be able to achieve what your consciousness voluntarily or involuntarily resists.

What you think about is the pattern that all events in your life follow. Everything you achieve, you first achieve mentally.

Stop thinking about problems if you don't want them to poison your life.

Don't think about poverty if you want to achieve prosperity.

Tell yourself firmly, once and for all, that you have nothing to do with everything that you fear. Your fears are your enemies.

Cut off their access to the blooming garden of your future. Banish them forever, even from the darkest and smallest corners of your consciousness. Forget about them.

Think positively with all your perseverance, and you will be surprised how quickly your business will go uphill.

How we feel about the prospects of our work or any other business is directly related to the end result of our efforts.

If you go to work, like hard labor, like a slave; if you work with a sense of hopelessness, not seeing any further prospects for development; if work for you is just a way to somehow hold out until retirement; if your life passes in darkness, and you do not expect anything but further failures and disappointments; if you think that hard and tedious work is your cross, and you are doomed to it until the end of your days, you will not get anything better than what you expect.

If, on the other hand, no matter how bad your this moment you know that a bright future lies ahead of you; that one day you will be at the top; that you deserve the best and are confident that you can achieve everything that you dream of; that the day is not far off when beauty, comfort, prosperity and success will firmly enter your life; If you clearly see your goal in front of you and stubbornly move towards it, overcoming all obstacles, you will definitely achieve what you want.

The very idea that one day you will be able to do something that now seems impossible is a magnet that draws the probability of this event closer and closer to you, depending on how often you think about it and how much you wait for it to happen. It happened.

Just believing that one day your dreams will come true can work wonders.

I don’t know a single person who, if he had faith in himself, self-confidence, a desire to succeed and diligence, working to achieve the goal that he set for himself, would not achieve success in life.

Aspiration, multiplied by inspiration and confidence, is transformed into the most effective realization of our desires.

The strongest motivation for success

The forces of our mind and consciousness realize what we believe in, what we desperately want and what we are ready to achieve, investing maximum efforts.

In other words, all the resources of the mind work to fulfill our expectations, aspirations and desires.

From the alloy of our desires and aspirations, clearly formulated in the soul, consciousness builds a kind of model that is projected into our life and begins to change it in order to synchronize the imaginary picture with reality.

Doubts destroy this ideal picture of your future, interfere with the work of your consciousness, tuned to its embodiment.

Keep telling yourself: I must achieve what I want; it's my legal right and I won't give it up for anything».

A huge potential lies in the ability to set yourself up for the fact that you were created for success, health, happiness, prosperity, that the world will become poorer without your participation, that nothing can deprive you of your legal right to live according to all these statements.

Develop the habit of repeating these words to yourself, constantly strengthening your faith in success; stick to this attitude of life constantly, not for a moment yielding to the temptation to sink into self-pity and surrender to defeatist moods. Once you start doing this, you will see for yourself the effectiveness of this life approach.

History of defeat and victory

A friend of mine, finding himself in a very difficult situation, when the business in which he had invested half his life of hard work was destroyed by the financial crisis, and he was left with nothing but his perseverance, the desire to survive and a whole family that needed to be fed, nevertheless nevertheless, he did not even allow the thought that he would not be able to get back on his feet.

It made no sense even to try to confuse this man and convince him of the futility of his attempts to regain his former well-being.

It would have been easier to convince Napoleon not to start a war.

Clenching his fists and refusing to admit defeat, he did not allow himself to give up, and soon he returned to his previous level, and a few years later he achieved greater success than before the crisis that could have broken his whole life if he had not held on so stubbornly for your faith in yourself.

You can not allow yourself to be puppets, entirely dependent on circumstances and external factors.

We must create around ourselves those conditions that will suit us. Do you know how? I share a secret

Nothing in the world happens just like that - everything needs a reason, and this reason lies in our thoughts.

Our attitude creates the conditions for success or failure.

The result of our work depends entirely on the nature of the thoughts, feelings and desires accompanying it.

To be productive, the mind must be constantly in a positive, creative mode.

Our thoughts are both our servants and our protectors until we allow them to become enemies. They give us exactly what we expect from them.

If we trust them, rely on them, then they go to work at the maximum of their capabilities. If we are afraid, then our “servants” also become afraid and lose their ability to work.

negative peopleare waiting,that something bad is going to happen. They wind themselves up, expecting trouble and doing nothing to prevent it.

It is necessary to understand that only a constructive approach to life is the key to success and prosperity.

The key to success

The powerful, effective, creative energy of faith in yourself and your abilities is the reverse side of any achievement.

A strong personality itself creates the conditions under which something that seemed completely impossible happens.

Nothing happens by itself, for any action you need a push, an impulse that needs to be given. through the power of thought and desire.

How to fulfill a wish with the power of thought? See in the video

People who are able to give their actions such an impetus always achieve their goal, because half of the obstacles in their path give way of themselves before the strength of their confidence and perseverance.

In every person there is a Great Power that cannot be explained, but whose presence can be felt.

She helps us endure any hardships and hardships and win, no matter what happens, we just need to turn to her and, relying on her, allow us to direct our actions. For example, if I start constantly thinking that I am worthless, that I am worse than others, sooner or later I will believe in it, and then this belief, having penetrated into the subconscious, will make the internal mechanisms of my mind work, following this program.

Unfortunately, many initially positive people lose their ability to adhere to this activity of life position, succumbing to the influence of circumstances that destroy their faith in themselves.

They gradually lose confidence in themselves. Perhaps it starts with the fact that others - out of envy or in order to assert themselves at their expense - try to instill in them the idea that they are not professional or successful enough, that they are not doing their job, that they are not doing their job well enough, etc. d.

After some time, due to the constant negative influence from the outside, a person who cannot resist it begins to lose initiative, the ability to resist stress, make decisions, take actions and bear responsibility for them. Very soon, the one who until recently was a leader becomes a driven and dependent person.

But if I say with certainty that I am the rightful heir to all that is good and beautiful in the universe that my right to happiness was given to me at birth;

If I declare that I believe in myself and in the success of my future, as well as in my ability to achieve everything that I do not want;

if I accept that the power to control my destiny belongs only to me,

and I am ready to make decisions and be responsible for them,

I tune in to such a positive wave that the world around me begins to change for the better.

All events develop in such a way that everything that I want comes true.

Work with your thoughts

The mind acts on the orders of the higher self.

We cannot achieve better results until we force ourselves to work mentally and physically.

Our Soul qualities and attitudes are like soldiers. They need a leader, a general who will put things in order among them, make them act in a coordinated manner and see the goal accurately.

If you show weakness as a leader, they will rebel.

You can find great support just by seeing yourself as the person you want to be; do not hope to become sometime, but really are at the moment: you will be amazed at how quickly everything that you only meant to be a reality actually becomes it.

The greatest art is the ability to make your life a constant victory over your fears and circumstances.

To achieve this, we must constantly keep our consciousness in a working, creative mode - radiating confidence, courage, a sense of fearlessness and calmness.

Learn to create an atmosphere of a winner around you.

And then your reality will become full of joy and prosperity.

The motivation for success comes from Marden Orison's book The Biggest Secret. Incredible power of thought. Were you inspired? And if you are interested in learning about my experience of materializing desires, come to the master class, which I periodically conduct. Find out the next date and register