Self-regulation. Code of Soul Life. Quotes and sayings of the public sire Mad is the one who cannot manage

  • 09.04.2021

The one who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others is insane. Publius Cyrus

In order to manage someone for a long time and autocratically, one must have a light hand and let him feel his dependence as little as possible. Jean de La Bruyère

Learn to think like Pygmalion. People succeed when someone they respect thinks they "can". Expect reliability and competence from people, and they will show them. Tom Peters, Robert Waterman

Any simple task can be made unsolvable if enough meetings are held on it. Rainer Maria Rilke

Great administrators do not succeed by restricting and tightening rules. They present opportunities to people. Good leadership is about encouraging people to achieve the highest level by offering them opportunities, not obligations. Life is an opportunity, not a limitation. John Hader

Who thinks for a long time, does not always find the best solution. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Being placed in power, do not use crafty people in your positions, for if they sin, they will accuse you as a leader. Solon

For any problem that worries a person, it is always easy to find a solution - simple, achievable and erroneous. Henry Louis Mencken

There should be no half-responsibility in management: it inevitably leads to the concealment of waste and non-enforcement of laws. Napoleon I Bonaparte

All management ultimately comes down to stimulating the activity of other people. Lee Iacocca

I consider my most valuable quality to be the ability to arouse enthusiasm in people and develop what is best in a person by recognizing his merits and encouraging him. Charles Schwab

The whole art of management consists in the art of being honest. Thomas Jefferson

The same can be said about government as about the weather: it rarely happens that people do not want change. Pierre Buast

The secret of a successful choice of employees is simple - you need to find people who themselves want to do what you would like from them. Hans Selye

The art of government lies in the organization of idolatry. George Bernard Shaw

With agreement, insignificant things grow; with disagreement, the greatest ones perish. Gaius Sallust Crispus

People agree to be slaves in one place in order to feel like masters in another.

“The one who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others is insane.”
Publius Cyrus

Who to be better leader or subordinates?

Managing a firm, a company, and even a small organization is, first of all, work with people, and with each one individually. As you know, all people are different, and adjust according to the psychotype and mood of everyone - this is hard work.

Is it possible for everyone to be leaders?

Clarity of decisions- the boss knows how to make decisions, otherwise he is not confident in himself, and his employees accordingly also adopt this feeling.

Courage and determination- if you know yourself well and the business you are working on. This also manifests itself in the work, rapid acceptance right decisions and confidence in positive outcomes.
Clarity of plans - a successful leader must be able to plan the work of staff. There is no plan - there is no clear goal, and it is useless to work with "blurred" goals. It is the structure of projects for the manager that is an important part of success.

Willingness to take full responsibility- A successful leader must always be ready to take responsibility for the mistakes and omissions of subordinates. In case of oversights of his subordinates, the leader must consider that this is his personal incompetence. Poorly explained - get the result. Correctly conveying tasks to employees is a whole science, for example, in many companies there are specialists in terms of reference who receive an order from the manager and explain it to the specialists of the IT department.

Cooperation- ability to cooperation allows you to increase the efficiency of activities many times over, creates harmony in the team. This quality must be nurtured and maintained as it is, the energy of the leader.

Strong sense of justice- A fair leader always deserves trust and respect in the team.
These are some of the qualities a leader should have. But not everyone needs to realize themselves as the main in the company. Many people do not want to have a lot of responsibility, they are quite satisfied with a calm work rhythm. A job that brings pleasure and harmony in life is perhaps the best solution for a person.

"To be or not to be?" Leader or subordinate? Employees of the company "N" shared with us the advantages of working in subordination:

Lack of global responsibility for the state of affairs as a whole

No need to resolve issues with different structures

No need to make decisions for other employees

Working under the supervision of an experienced leader, the experience is adopted for the internal development of oneself

Controversial issues can be discussed with the leader he always guides and teaches

The subordinate performs a range of work in a fairly narrow sector, and if he is a professional in his field, then everything is fine

No need to fire anyone

It is easier for a subordinate to change the field of activity than for a manager

After reviewing all of the above, we can conclude that people who work in submission see many advantages of their position. I can also add that many Russian companies cooperate with foreign ones, which means an opportunity for subordinates to see the world and study the culture of other countries.

Publilius (Publius) Sir, (85–43 BC), ancient Roman poet

Trouble forces even the honest to lie.

Poverty lacks a little, stinginess - everything.

The one who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others is insane.

Blessed is he who dies before he calls death himself. X Pain makes even the innocent lie.

Most fear the one who is not afraid to die.

A great consolation is to perish along with the entire universe.

The fearful one calls himself cautious, the stingy one calls himself economical.

Be careful even if you are safe.

In trouble, it's too late to ask for advice.

Truth is lost in excessive arguments.

In affectionate speeches there is poison.

In love, they always look for a reason for condemnation.

In love, longing competes with joy.

What is happiness, if not in strength and patience?

Truth is lost in over-arguing.

In calm everyone can be helmsman.

What matters is not who you think you are, but who you really are.

It is important to know exactly in what sense to understand each word.

Doubly gives the one who gives quickly.

Doubly victorious is he who, after victory, conquers himself.

Great destiny - great slavery.

Great things start from small things.

A thing is worth as much as you can take for it from the buyer.

Mutual benevolence is the closest relationship.

Seeing other people's vices, the smart one gets rid of his own.

The guilty fear the law, the innocent the fate.

The power of time is a law worthy of respect.

The memory of a past misfortune is a new misfortune.

Always be afraid of the one who once deceived you.

Always victory with those in whom there is agreement.

Always keep the measure both in speech and in silence.

Everyday fear is the same daily punishment.

Where there is unity, there is victory.

The eyes and ears of the crowd are bad witnesses.

Ready tears indicate cunning, not sadness.

It is even nice to hang yourself on a beautiful tree.

Even the perpetrator of injustice hates it.

Even the thinnest hair casts a shadow.

Let me speak freely if you want to hear the truth.

Money, if you know how to use it, you are slaves; if you don’t know how, you are masters.

Hunger is cheaply satisfied, satiety is expensively satisfied.

For the unfortunate, life itself is an injustice.

To save a person, you can also hurt him.

A good name is like an inheritance from a father. better than wealth.

The flatterer will achieve, where the valiant will save.

Prepare for war for a long time in order to win faster.

The debtor does not like to see the threshold of his creditor.

The road to glory is paved with labor.

They look for a friend for a long time, they find it with difficulty and it is difficult to keep him.

Forgive others a lot, yourself - nothing.

Forgive others often, never yourself.

Friendship either binds equals or makes equals.

The friendship that ended never actually began.

Think more of conscience than of reputation.

If two people do the same thing, it's not the same thing.

If a new glory does not rise, then the old glory is lost.

If you don't want to be afraid of anything, be afraid of everything.

If you obey reluctantly, you are a slave; if willing, a servant.

There is a difference who looks and who is essentially wise.

Not a single worthy person has suddenly become rich.

Money excites the greedy, not satiates.

Whoever wants to appear beautiful does not refuse anything.

Those who want to do bad things will always find a reason.

If you want the truth, don't hold back your tongue.

A woman either loves or hates; there is no third.

He who lives only for himself is dead for others.

Life is short, but in trouble it seems long.

To take care of women is to despair of having leisure.

Forget peace, who decided to rule a woman.

The envious person does not say what is, but what can cause harm.

Tomorrow is yesterday's student.

An evil tongue is a sign of an evil heart.

Those who gossip about others most often condemn themselves.

Know the measure both in speech and in silence.

To know when yours will expire is to constantly die.

And the wounds do not hurt the winners.

And shame is good when a good deed is done.

A playing old woman is entertainment for death.

An exile who has no home anywhere is a dead man without burial.

Sometimes even kisses hide hatred.

Sometimes happiness contains a particle of stupidity.

Looking for loneliness who wants to live only with the innocent.

When you love, you don't know, and when you know, you don't love.

When vice is profitable, truth is unprofitable.

When gold convinces, speech is powerless.

When Fortune caresses us, she wants to seduce us.

Whom you can't hold back with kindness, hold back by force.

Those who are respected are never flattered, because respect honors, flattery mocks.

Whoever loves luck, he suddenly becomes stupid.

If the father is kind, love him, if he is angry, endure.

He who is allowed more than he should, desires more than what is allowed.

The end of love is put not by reason, but by time.

It is extremely difficult to save what many people like.

The meek are safer, but they are slaves.

Who is noble, he does not count insults.

He who quickly corrects his mistake softens it.

He who quickly judges quickly repents.

Whoever is stupid and understands this is no longer stupid.

Who is stupid, the advice of a smart one is not for the future.

Who is good only in words, he is doubly unworthy.

Whoever is firm in spirit knows no hesitation.

Whoever defends the guilty brings the charge upon himself.
Who wants less, needs less.

He who endures much will wait for what he cannot endure.

Who is wise is afraid of the enemy and the powerless

He who is not ashamed of his offense is doubly guilty.

He who fears a friend teaches that a friend should also fear him.

He who is shameless from birth will not be corrected.

He who condones bad people harms good ones.

He who quarrels with the drunk, scolds the absent.

He who bears the vices of a friend makes them his own.

Whoever loses honor cannot lose anything more than that.

Fortune is easy: what she gave, she will take again.

To deprive the honor of another is to deprive one of one's own.

There is only temporary impunity.

The bow breaks from tension, the spirit from relaxation.

Better to inspire envy than pity.

It is better to remain wisely silent than to speak foolishly.

It is better not to know something at all than to know badly.

Love and death cannot be avoided.

Even the gods can hardly love and be reasonable.

Love can be won by affection, not by force.

Love is incompatible with fear.

Any rumor can cause trouble.

The small vices of the great inevitably become great. Even puppies bite a dead lion.

Many are threatened by those who offend one.

Forgiving a lot, the strong becomes even stronger.

Much is lacking in luxury, greed, everything.

Silence for a fool is a substitute for wisdom.

We humans are always the same distance from death.

With whom you do not want to be angry often, be angry once.

The courage of warriors is based on the foresight of the leader.

At the request of a polite refusal - silence.

In vain does he blame Neptune who is shipwrecked twice.

Breaking love vows is not punishable.

Poverty teaches us life experience.

If you don't trust your friend, your friend won't trust you either.

Not to do evil - and that is a blessing.

Do not expect good deeds for those who do not provide them themselves.

Do not forget the services rendered to you, but forget those that you yourself have rendered.

You can't defeat danger without danger.

Without trying, no one knows what he is capable of.

What is lost is not known to be lost.

Forgiving no one and forgiving everyone is equally cruel.

Do not be ashamed to submit to circumstances.

He who knows that he is deceived is not considered deceived. He who cannot speak cannot be silent.

A small debt creates a debtor, a larger debt creates an enemy. The invisible evil is the most disturbing.

Evil is always faster than good. It is not easy for one to save what many like. Few do not want to sin, but everyone knows how.

It is unwise to be afraid of what is inevitable.

Injustice is easier to bear with the ears than the eyes.

There is no worse punishment than repentance.

Nowhere is procrastination more useful than in anger.

No one lives as poor as he was born.

Nothing can be done carefully and quickly.

The manners of the speaker convince more than his speech.

You need to think long and hard before making a firm decision.

Many care about their reputation, only a few care about their conscience.

It is easier to offend than to endure an insult. I Resentment is easier to endure hearing than sight.

The deceiver is the one who takes, knowing that he cannot return.

It is necessary to discuss often, to decide - once.

The acquittal of the guilty is the sentence of the judge.

The insults and honors of the crowd should be accepted with indifference: not to rejoice in some and not to suffer from others.

From all insults, salvation is in oblivion.

There is a remedy for every pain - patience.

No one can hide from death and love.

Turn away the anger of the lover with tears.

The poison is hidden in speech too insinuating.

Envy can be endured either by the strong or the happy. Crying heir - laughter under the mask.

A bad plan is one that cannot be changed.

A bad decision is one that cannot be changed. 1 Repeated error becomes guilt.

Remarriage is always a subject of slander.

A lover's suspicions are like a waking dream.

A suspicious mind always sees the dark side of things.

It is useful to be defeated if victory is harmful.

To receive when you cannot return is to rob.

The loss of a friend is the greatest of losses.

It is beautiful to die - it is shameful to be a slave.

Haste in conclusions is criminal.

The habit of well-being is the worst habit.

To accept a beneficence is to sell one's freedom.

Having accepted the service, you part with liberty.

A fake friend is much worse than a worst enemy.

Nice stain from the blood of the enemy.

Misses characteristic of age, with age and pass.

By forgiving the offense, you encourage the worst.

An angry person always thinks he can do more than he can.

An angry person, having come to his senses, is angry with himself.

Discord gives great value to agreement.

Meditation teaches mortals reason.

For the wounded, the cure for pain is the pain of the enemy.

The wound of love is healed by the one who inflicted it.

The wounds of conscience never completely heal.

Speech is the image of the soul.

What is given in excess of what is necessary is accepted with double gratitude.

It's your own fault, so don't complain about fate.

The miser is excited, not satiated by money.

The miser does nothing useful, except that he dies.

The stingy are all enemies, but the chief is himself.

The miser lacks both what he has and what he does not have.

The most glorious victory is victory over oneself.

Hearing reproaches for misfortune is harder than the misfortune itself.

By staying silent, you aggravate the crime.

Bearing offence, you cause a new one.

Advice is always absent when it is most needed.

Consent strengthens even weak forces.

Doubt is the first approach to reason.

First to refuse, then to do is to deceive.

To hurry in legal proceedings means to look for guilt.

A quarrel is always the worst argument.

Having endured the vices of a friend, you will acquire them for yourself.

To strive for excess is to chase deprivation.

Shame cannot be taught, you have to be born with it.

Fate is glass: shining, it breaks.

The judge who condemns the innocent condemns himself.

There is a universal law by whose command people are born and die.

Happy is not the one who seems like this to someone, but the one who feels like that.

Happy circumstances make friends, sad circumstances test them.

Happiness in itself is a troubled business.

Where the laws are in force, and the people are strong.

Patience can turn into passion.

He is terrible, who honors death for good

It is more difficult to sort out a lawsuit between friends than between enemies.

He who has the least desire has the least need.

Winners don't get hurt.

A stingy person will never have a cause for refusal.

A person always has one thing on his tongue and another on his mind.

Admonish your friends in secret, praise in public.

Our calamities double the memory.

Strengthen the ship with two anchors.

Know how to forgive, and your power will increase.

Die while life caresses you.

A missed opportunity is rarely repeated.

Fortune makes a fool of those whom he favors too much.

Fortune gives a lot for use, nothing for property.

Fortune does not take anything away from us, except what it has given.

Fortuna is made of glass: the more dazzling, the more fragile.

Commands her husband, obeying him.

It's a good thing to eradicate evil, not villains.

What is well conceived often fails.

Worse than slavery are remorse.

Often in doubtful circumstances, courage replaces a reasonable decision.

Often it is better not to notice the offense than to avenge it.

Fears come true more often than hopes.

Man is not given to life, but is given to it on loan.

A person dies as many times as he loses loved ones.

The more skillful the player is, the more fraudulent he is.

To destroy, fate deprives the mind.

Strangers are dearer to us, and strangers to us.

The wise man corrects his own with someone else's vice.

Spare the evil if the good must perish with him.

Young men willingly listen to bad advice.

Previous articles have already noted that successful person has a fairly high level of self-esteem. Formation and high self-esteem is directly related to the issues of self-government, self-regulation of the individual.

Self-regulation translated from Latin means to put in order, to establish. A person consciously, in the system, influences his psyche in order to change his individual personal characteristics in the direction he wants.

Publius Syrus said: "He is insane who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others."

And Goethe remarked: “It is not the one who knows a lot that is smart, but the one who knows himself.”

A person who has embarked on the path of self-development must decide very difficult task associated with its own restructuring. He needs to be able to change the situation, or in the process of overcoming the situation, he must change himself. Most often, the influence on the situation is limited or not possible at all, then it remains to change your attitude to the situation, having learned to control your emotions, feelings, experiences and, accordingly, your behavior. This does not require special conditions, it is important to have a conscious desire in order to purposefully choose the nature and method of action in the required direction.

In modern psychology, there are various interpretations of the concept of " self-regulation". The most common ones are:

  • a special level of activity programming based on foresight processes;
  • managing a person with his emotions, experiences, feelings;
  • Purposeful change, both individual psychophysiological functions, and neuropsychic conditions in general;
  • purposeful conscious choice of character and method of action;
  • "internal" regulation of human behavioral activity;
  • interaction of external and internal in human behavior and activity.

In order to maintain your mental health in proper condition, it will be useful to get acquainted with the Code of Soul Life.

Be alive and see.

Wake up! During the hibernation period, you are just a mechanical man-machine. Wake up! Wake yourself up, remember yourself!. Look consciously at the world around you, at yourself in this world, be here and now. Live joyfully in this world, not just "be."

See the living world.

We are in a living world, but we evaluate it with the help of dead concepts. We can see the living world, with all shades of sounds, colors, smells. Look at the clouds, at the multicolor flora listen to the birds. Look at the world with living eyes. With the fleeting hustle and bustle of passing days, we most often see just our own concepts, because we know: the sky is blue, the grass should be green, our son's eyes seem to be gray. Wipe the veil from your eyes.

Learn to separate your "I" from the experienced state.

During the period of immersion in your emotions, experiences, you lose the ability to control yourself. To manage your state, you need to be able to "disidentify" with your experiences. Remember, you and your emotions are not the same thing. There is “You” and there is your indignation, irritation ... Your “I” must be separated from the spiritual and psychological background that is characteristic of you in this moment. Always remain the master of your soul, always be "I".

Be careful and just watch.

You will be defenseless against your fatigue, resentment or irritation if you do not notice changes in your states. The only thing that is needed is to see and be aware of these changes. Don't try to make adjustments - just look at the changes that are happening to you right now. All that is needed is light, and everything - everything that is needed will be done by itself. No fight.

Feelings - plan.

Mental states in different situations also differ. Be careful, do not let things take their course - determine the maximum mental attitude and try to call it. Pay special attention to negative emotions: how optimal are they for you, for business, for others?

Work on the intercept.

It is very difficult to deal with emotions when they are already overwhelmed. It is easier to notice and extinguish the first negative bursts that have arisen in time. Do not wait until the "enemy" gets stronger, react in a timely manner.

Handle crises in a businesslike manner.

A variety of crises are natural for our life. But never forget that all crises will pass, but life will remain. If it’s really hard, then start a diary or contact a specialist.

Prepared wins.

When you're thirsty, it's too late to dig a well. If you do not learn self-regulation in time, do not practice it (even in small things) daily, then at a critical moment you will be insolvent. Constantly train your mental and bodily apparatus of self-regulation.

Good luck to you, my dear readers!

Anna Ssyukhina
Essay "Portrait of a modern leader"

Of all abilities, the most difficult

and the rarest is the ability to manage.

Mademoiselle de Sommery

What should be the ideal leader in modern conditions?

Today in Russia there is a shortage of competent, qualified managers. Modern leader is a highly educated, intellectually developed person with a broad outlook, able to work in a team and able to make decisions without fear of responsibility for the results of their activities. Manager is not only a profession. This is a lifestyle, communication style, acceptance contemporary technologies and the ability to organize work in a team in accordance with them. The most important thing for leader is the ability to control one's feelings and emotions, to control one's actions and deeds. My opinion is confirmed by the words of the Roman poet Publius Syrus: "Crazy is he who, not knowing how to control himself, wants to control others".

I believe every leader must understand that to manage means to direct and lead your team towards a common goal, to act as one big well-coordinated mechanism. Therefore, he is obliged to spend most of his time working with personnel, Special attention give to the reward system. In my opinion, modern A manager is a person who is always open to new ideas and ready for positive changes. In this regard, relationships with employees should be built on trust, leader should be tolerant of the expression of disagreement of their wards. Also, supervisor must be proficient in the latest computer technology. It is desirable that he has a sense of humor, which, as you know, helps us out in many difficult life situations.

It seems to me that the main thing for leader- this is the ability to set specific goals, clearly think over a plan of action on the way to achieving them, and, of course, the desire for success, victory.