Programs for creating a library on a computer. How to make an e-book library. Working with Caliber

  • 22.11.2019

per user e-books someday you will be interested in the question of their structuring or even creating electronic library all accumulated publications on your PC or laptop. As an alternative, books can be stored on the reader, but there are a number of limitations: a relatively small amount of memory, a specific interface, and hence the general inconvenience, etc. Especially before getting to the reading room (at least in Russia), the book usually transits through the computer. Accordingly, some kind of program is needed e-library, which would perform all the functions necessary for convenient use of the collection. I will make a reservation that we are talking primarily about creating an orderly home collection e-books and the term "electronic library" is used in a somewhat simplified sense.

The first digital library program that came to mind when writing this article turned out to be the brainchild of a foreign origin, caliber. True, if you translate the description from the site, the definition of caliber is somewhat different: it is a free e-book library management application developed by e-book users for e-book users. All the functionality, the completeness of which made me mention this program in the first place, is divided into 6 main categories.
1) Library management. This includes the establishment of all metadata for the book, incl. tags and comments, search for books, export of the collection to the hard disk in a systematic folder structure. It is interesting that while watching the demo video, I did not notice any hierarchical structure in the program itself. But the selection of books can be easily filtered by metadata, whether it is the author, publisher, tag, or something else.
2) Convert e-book formats
3) Synchronization with e-book readers
4) Downloading news from the Internet and converting them into an e-book format
5) E-book viewer
6) Content server for online access to your book collection
The statistics of the use of the program, given on the site, is amazing. The total number of users is 1646508, of which 2% are from Russia. Such a figure, you will agree, involuntarily impresses. You can watch a demo video, download the program on the official website.

From a foreign one, I would also like to mention Greenstone. However, this is not just a program for creating an electronic library that can be used at home, but a whole platform or framework on the basis of which electronic online libraries are built. Pretty powerful software used by many large organizations different countries peace. It was originally developed with the support of UNESCO and Human info at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. A complete list of such products can be found on the English wiki in the Digital libray article and the frameworks section. And how this product can be used on your computer is well described in Andrey Fedorov's blog.

For home use, you need something simpler. Consider some Russian developments. MyHomeLib is a program for managing collections of electronic books in any format. It has all the main features of this type of program: a convenient tree view, support for popular formats, simple and complex search, various ratings and reviews, connecting user scripts. Separately, it should be noted that work with the archives of the notorious library has been implemented. You can see screenshots, full description, reviews on the developer's website.

While studying the available information on the topic, I came across an overview of two more programs that can be used to create a collection of an electronic library. They were originally intended to organize the paper home library, i.e. establishments of information about each book. For example, a shelf, a read mark, any other attribute, and so on. By adding the file attachment function, such programs became suitable for working with e-books. They are called BookSnake and Unicat. The review can be read. Of course, for users of readers, such software is of little relevance, but to create a complete collection of all books, both electronic and paper, it is very well suited.

All disassembled products have their own characteristics and perform their own unique functions. I am sure that everyone will be able to find software that satisfies their requirements. If you use any other programs, write in the comments. Feedback on disassembled is also welcome!

Recommend to your friends, please!

With the All My Books book organizer, you can easily organize your collection of printed, e-books or audio books. Automate the process of creating a book catalog!

  • Forgot who you gave your favorite Harry Potter book to?
  • Want to know how many Stephen King volumes you have in your collection?
  • Want to quickly print a list of your books or download this list to your iPhone or iPad?
  • Do you want to keep a list of books read ("reader's diary")?

All My Books will help you! or immediately Buy a License

Accounting books - it's fast!

All My Books is one of the best programs to account for books, after all handmade to create a directory in the program is minimized. You don't need to enter book information manually, All My Books will download all available information from online sources in seconds. All you need to do to get complete information about a book is to fill in one of the fields - book title, author name or ISBN. Select the desired book from the search results and the information found is already in front of you in a convenient form, including cover picture! This way you can add hundreds of books per hour! After that, all the charms become available to you. electronic book cataloger- quick search, grouping and sorting by various fields, automatic calculation of statistical data and much more. Read more about the features of the All My Books program.

Key features of All My Books

  • quick download of information about the book from various online libraries (,, Litres, Amazon), including a short story, reviews and a cover image
  • exporting a collection to mobile devices, for example, to iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
  • extended information about authors, translators, editors, including their photos
  • visual representation of the library using various templates (editable HTML templates are used)
  • a large number of standard fields in a book card (author, title, ISBN, genre, publisher, binding, number of pages, circulation, location, rating, etc.)
  • support for custom fields - unlimited text and logical additional fields
  • expanding functionality and adding new online sources for importing book information using third-party plugins
  • statistical information about the collection of books (statistics on genres, bindings, authors, etc.)
  • User interface supports skins (themes, styles)
  • digital library export to many formats - text, PDF, HTML, CHM, XLS (Microsoft Excel)
  • import of an existing list of books from text format or MS Excel
  • quick search of the necessary books by the given criterion. The search is performed on all standard and custom fields
  • book database password protection
  • easy-to-use manager of given books - you will never forget when and to whom you gave this or that volume
  • storage of an unlimited amount of additional graphical information for each of the entries in the database
  • e-book cataloging - you can save a link to the file in the book card and open the book directly from All My Books. In addition, the program automatically fills out the book card for the following formats - PDF, DjVu, FB2, FB2.ZIP, LRF, LIT, MOBI (Kindle), PRC, PDB, EPUB, RB (RocketBook), AZW, AZW2.
  • audiobook cataloging - you can start listening to a book directly from the program. Tags are automatically read and the book card for formats is filled MP3, M4A, M4B, Audible (AA and AAX), WMA, OGG.
  • . You can open a book database file from several computers at the same time.
  • print collection with support for editable report templates

You can try All My Books for free for 30 days. Try it, the entire home library will be visible at a glance! The trial version has the following functional limitations:

  • you won't be able to create new base data and back up the collection. But you will be able to work without restrictions with the base supplied with the program. You can add your works to it, this information will be saved in the licensed version.
  • limited HTML export

Special offers

Offer for bloggers! Post your own review of All My Books on your blog and get a free license!

System requirements

The program works on almost any computer with installed Windows® Vista/7/8/10. All My Books is rightfully considered one of the best home library programs.

Free program for accounting books in the library.

Computerization today affects more and more different industries. Not so long ago, in Ukraine, a decree was issued on the computerization of libraries educational institutions. And everything would be fine, but only, as always, by issuing the appropriate hardware and software no one in the ministries cared. And so it went - let's go ...

Who started creating library databases on a PC using office applications (in Access or Excel), and who began to look for "cracks" to various paid library management systems. However, it turns out that there are quite simple and convenient free programs for this!

Today I will introduce you to one wonderful library management system developed by our fellow countryman and a simple computer science teacher for the needs of his school. This program is called MyLib. With its help, you can quite easily create a database for the entire library and monitor the issuance of books to students, students or teachers. In terms of its capabilities, MyLib resembles the paid Book Accounting program:

Comparison of the MyLib program with a paid analogue Accounting for books

From the comparison, we can see that MyLib is somewhat behind paid applications in terms of functionality. However, the program benefits from a simple and understandable interface organization, and also compensates for some shortcomings due to direct access to the database, which can be easily edited using modern office suites.

An additional nice point is that the application does not require installation :).

In the archive downloaded from our site you will find two versions of MyLib: Russian and Ukrainian. We will consider an example with the Russian version, however, everything written below also applies to the Ukrainian version.

For greater convenience, let's unpack the archive with the required version of the application into a separate folder on the hard drive, and then run the MyLib.exe executable file. The main window of the program will open in front of us:

MyLib Interface

In the main window, we see a list of authors of books (left column) present in our library, as well as a list and description of the books of the selected author (right). At the bottom of the main window, we can also see information about the issue of the selected book. At the top of the MyLib working window there are two additional working tabs (Search and List of students), as well as a button for adding new books.

Working with MyLib

We should start by creating a database of books. To add a new book to the database, just click the "Add new book" button and enter the required information about it in the window that opens:

Unfortunately, this window does not have some fields, such as ISBN, the number of pages, and some others, however, with a special desire, such fields can be manually added to the program database (how to do this,). Of course, you will not get access through the program, however, this method is quite suitable for printing results from the database;).

Click the "Add" button and get the book you just entered in the list:

Please note that if you have several copies of a book, you will have to add them again!

By highlighting a book in the "Author's Books" catalog, you can make changes to its data, as well as give the book to a student or teacher. To do this, just click the "Issue a book" button and enter the reader's data in the text line that appears. The date of issue will be set automatically:

Now, to return the book, it will be enough for us to click the "Accept book" button.

Working with third-party databases

The student has been successfully added, however, for the convenience of working with a large number of people, I would advise creating another reader database. Unfortunately, it is impossible to create such a database using MyLib, but nothing prevents us from filling it directly using MS Access (preferably) or OO Base. To do this, open the folder into which we previously unpacked MyLib and find the data.mdb file:

We will need to open the selected database. For this, the module of the Microsoft Office Access package is best suited. When trying to open a database, Access will ask us whether to block unsafe expressions (to which we proudly answer “NO” :)) and warn us again about the unsafeness of our actions. But we are not afraid :), so we will press the "Open" button and we will see the following window:

It is easy to guess that in order to create a database of readers, we need to open the Pupils table by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button:

In the table that opens, we will first find only two lines. The first will contain the student we created earlier (in the example - Ivanov Ivan Petrovich), and the second will be empty (except for the inscription (Counter) in the first cell).

Now we need to select the line with our first reader (left-clicking on the square in front of the line) and right-clicking the context menu, select the "Copy" item. Now, in a similar way, select an empty line (with the inscription (Counter)) and select the "Insert" item in the context menu.

We will have a copy of the previous record, in which we only need to change the data in the “Name” column to the desired ones. Since MyLib does not have a special field for indicating the class in which the student is studying, it would be best if you indicate the class or group number before the student's name;).

Thus, you can quickly find all your readers in a fairly extensive database. Fortunately, MyLib sorts all entries alphabetically, so you can safely add new library users in any order.

So, we have created a database of readers. It's time to look at the fruits of your labor. To do this, launch MyLib and go to its third tab - "Students and issued books":

Here we will see a well-ordered list of all our readers, and to the right of them a number that indicates the number of books they have taken. If a student returns a book to you, it is enough to highlight him in the list, select the book he returns and click the "Accept" button. The book will again be in the public domain, and it will be possible to give it out again.

Database search

The last function we have to check is the search function. Go to the second tab of the program ("Search for books"):

Here we have two search options: by authors or by book titles. We choose the most suitable for us, fill in the appropriate text field, click the "Search" button and get the result in the list below. Please note that if there is no book corresponding to the specified search parameters in the database, then the list will remain empty, and you will not see any additional notifications.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • simple interface and program management;
  • unlimited number of records in databases;
  • direct access to the main database of the program;
  • convenient system for tracking issued books;
  • the presence of a convenient mechanism for searching the database of books.
  • no built-in reader list editor;
  • there is no function to import, export and print data from the program;
  • it is not possible to add additional fields to the description of books.


Despite the rather significant shortcomings, after skillful “file processing”, the MyLib program becomes an indispensable tool for any librarian! However, you can use the application not only in institutions, but also as a cataloger for your home library.

This use case is generally ideal, since you do not have to manually edit the database at all, and you will add new readers (friends and acquaintances who take books from you) as needed. Using MyLib, you will always know who, when and what books have been taken from you, which means that you will always have your entire library under your supervision.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Hi all! Today I will show how to make an electronic library on your computer. There is a very functional and convenient program for this!

Home Library - Book Accounting Program

First, download the program. By the way, you can always download the latest version.

The site has a portable version, without installation and a regular one, choose which one you like best. During installation, the program will ask for your e-book, I just chose android phone, like my phone)

Program management is located in the top panel.

To begin with, I set up a column on the left and removed unnecessary categories. To manage, just right-click in the left column.

How to add books?

In order to add a book or books, you need to select add books.

Now, in order to drag a book to the desired category, you need to move it with the mouse, taking the author by the column.

How to translate a book into another format

In addition to ordering books and reading, the program can also convert books! In order to convert a book to another format, click on the desired book and select convert books.

In this window, you can also edit all the data of the book, so this is also e-book editing software!

Press OK and the icon will appear below, the task is completed.

I converted the book to docx format and now I have a new format in the formats section.

Everything about everyone important functions I told. The program also knows how to collect news and search for books. For those who constantly read and collect home library, this program will be very useful.

In this program, you can even search for books. There are a lot of books and what is interesting, some paid ones can be watched for free))) She is looking for books all over the world, so if you need Russian, immediately look in Russian. The program is simple in principle, I think it will be interesting to anyone who will quickly figure it out and downloads some interesting books or news!)))

Those who read books on a computer or on various mobile devices, for sure, more than once had to deal with the fact that as the number of saved copies increases, it becomes more and more difficult to find the books you need quickly. To solve this problem and organize a large number of electronic books, you can create an electronic library.

You can create your own library manually, but it is best to use special programs. One such program is the Caliber app.

Before you start working with this program, respectively, you need to install it and, at the initial stage of the installation, specify a place to store the future library.

Then you need to specify the type of device on which e-books will be read. If there are none, then just click the program to cancel.

After the program is installed, you can open it and start creating your e-book library. All books can be stored in one category called "All Books", or they can be divided into genres and other types. To do this, click on the virtual library button in the top menu of the program.

And in the submenu that opens, click on Create a virtual library.

Next, in the new window, in the first line, you need to give the name of the new catalogs, and in the second, specify the tag by which new books will fall into this catalog. Click on the OK button in the lower right corner of the window and get our new library directory.

The created catalog can be filled with various books, this is done simply, click on the add book button and find on the computer the place where our book is stored, select it and click on the open button.

Books can also be added in whole folders, archives, and in other ways, this will be done in the submenu that opens when you click on the arrow next to the "Add book" button

Once a book has been added, it will appear in the All Books section, where you can edit the title, author, publisher, rate, and so on. This is done using the "Edit metadata" button. In the window that opens, we edit the necessary data. All data of the book can be left unchanged, however, in order for the new book to get into the required library directory, in the "Tags" item, enter the same tag as the directory in which you want to place this book. After the tag is added, the book automatically gets into the appropriate library directory.

The book can be read using the Caliber program itself (if the format is supported), this is done using the browse button, or you can open it with another program. In order to find out where the desired book is stored on the computer, you need to select it in the list with the left mouse click, then right-click on it and select the “open folder” submenu. A new window will open where our book is stored and it can be opened for reading by another reader program, such as STDU Viewer. These are not tricky ways and you can create your own library.

Creating a library is not all that Caliber is capable of, besides compiling catalogs and editing book metadata, it also allows you to convert a book to another format with a change in font size and type, metadata and structure, etc. This is done using the "Convert Books" button. Along with the usual way to add books, they can be downloaded from the Internet using the "Download Books" function, where a book can be found by author's name or by title in a list of online stores and other resources. All books contained in the Caliber library can be downloaded directly from the program to a mobile device connected to a computer. To do this, select the desired book in the list with the left mouse click, then right-click on it and select the "Send to device" submenu. Another nice bonus of the program is the ability to receive news from various Internet sites, this is done in the "Collect News" menu.

Distribution: free.
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
Interface: Russian.
Program website