Space debris problems and solutions presentation. Presentation on the topic "space debris". Reducing the amount of debris in space

  • 16.11.2019

Presentation on the topic "Space debris" in geography in powerpoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren talks about human pollution of space, the consequences and measures to reduce the amount of debris in space. Author of the presentation: Khazeeva Guzel.

Fragments from the presentation

What is pollution?

Pollution is a process of negative change environment by its intoxication with substances that threaten the life of living organisms.

Types of pollution

  • biological
  • Microbiological
  • Mechanical - pollution by chemically inert garbage, trampling of paths and other mechanical impact on the environment.
  • space debris pollution
  • Chemical - pollutants are harmful chemical compounds.
  • Aerosol pollution - aerosol pollutant (small particle system)
  • Physical
  • Thermal - heating the environment.
  • Light - excessive lighting.
  • Noise
  • electromagnetic
  • radioactive
  • Visual pollution - damage to natural landscapes by buildings, debris, aircraft plumes

space junk

space junk- these are all artificial objects and their fragments in space that are out of order, do not function and can never serve useful purposes, but are dangerous factor impact.

space trash

Space debris is to blame for space pollution. So says ESA - European Space Agency. In the ESA photographs around the planet, a dense cloud is the remnants of what they managed to launch over the past 50 years.

The sky turns into a giant dump of ultra-expensive devices

The word "garbage" should not be taken literally: a rare kilogram of orbital tin cost less than a hundred thousand dollars - these are failed satellites, rocket stages and simply lost instruments.

Debris in orbit

Debris in orbit behaves as bad aliens should. First, he moves aggressively. Any nut outside the atmosphere turns into an armor-piercing projectile, because it flies at the speed of a rocket, from which it fell off, and there is nowhere for it to fall - weightlessness. Shuttle portholes are replaced after encounters with dust particles: they leave centimeter-deep craters in tempered glass.


The 100-tonne space station, the American predecessor to the ISS, is associated with the most dangerous case of space debris falling to Earth. Skylab was going to be deorbited in 1979, but failed to do so in a controlled manner. The station collapsed over the Indian Ocean, and a plume of fragments touched Australia.

atomic drops

Soviet satellites RORSAT (1967-1988) had a full-fledged nuclear reactor on board. Behind the reactors, NASA discovered a plume of drops of a frozen coolant - a radioactive sodium-potassium alloy. In total, 110-115 thousand such drops with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters were counted. Experts call them the main threat to flights at an altitude of about 900 kilometers.

Object J002E3

An elongated 18-meter body, making a revolution around the Earth in 48 days, was initially mistaken for an asteroid. The object moves in a chaotic orbit, occasionally ending up further than the moon. Spectral analysis helped to recognize it as the remains of the Apollo-12 spacecraft, which brought astronauts to the moon for the sixth time: traces of titanium indicated the paint that covered this type of rocket.

Chinese shards

The Feng Yun 1C satellite, which belonged to China and was shot down by a Chinese rocket in January 2007, is considered the main fresh source of debris in space. NASA radars have so far spotted 2,317 fragments larger than a tennis ball, and another 100,000 are estimated to be larger than a centimeter in diameter. The explosion happened at an altitude of 865 kilometers, so they have practically no chance of disappearing quickly.

Vanguard I

The oldest sample of garbage. The American satellite, launched in 1958, was the fourth in the history of astronautics, but it still comes under radar.

CM collision protection methods

  • There are no effective measures to protect against space debris larger than 1 cm in diameter.
  • When a satellite collides with debris, new debris is formed (Kessler's syndrome), which leads to its uncontrolled growth.

Kessler syndrome

The collision of two objects will result in the appearance of a large number of fragments. Each of them is capable of colliding with other debris, which will cause a "chain reaction" of the birth of new debris. At in large numbers collisions, the number of new fragments created can make near-Earth space unsuitable for flights.

Reducing the amount of debris in space

It is proposed already at the design stage of satellites to provide means for their removal from orbit - deceleration to the speed of entry into the dense layers of the atmosphere, where they will burn up without leaving dangerous large parts, or transfer to "burial orbits" (much higher than the orbits of GSO satellites).

SPACE DEBRIS DISPOSAL Research work Completed by: Poluektov Andrey Yuryevich, Student 9 A class MOU "Secondary School No. 11", Surgut

Fundamental question: How to clean up near-Earth space from space debris and make it safe.

Goals and objectives of the work: Consider the problem of contamination of near-Earth space with "space debris", which can lead to the practical impossibility of further space exploration; Familiarize yourself with the currently available projects for cleaning near space; To acquaint students with this environmental problem in their school.

Space debris - all artificial objects and their fragments in space that are already out of order, do not function and will never again be able to serve any useful purpose, but which are a dangerous factor influencing functioning spacecraft, especially manned

First of all, objects in orbit suffer from space debris, of course.

The more we launch vehicles into space, the less usable it becomes. And, indeed, according to Russian experts, there are currently more than 10,000 aircraft and satellites of the Earth, while only 6% of them are functioning.

Due to space debris, weather forecasts are often inaccurate and navigation equipment fails.

If measures are not taken today, then in 10-15 years the geostationary orbit will be completely "crammed", there will be no room for new satellites on it, and after 2050, due to debris, space flights will simply become impossible

The spacecraft, equipped with a robotic arm, grabs debris with tongs and places it in a special compartment. This device will clear space from spent satellites and rocket stages. Debris-filled compartment returned to Earth for disposal

American scientists have proposed catching waste with a net. Something like a fishing net is unfolding in space. polymer materials, strong enough to avoid damage when colliding with cosmic dust. Such a net is attached to a small satellite, after which it must turn around, catch debris and roll back with its prey. Most applicable for large waste: debris from satellites and rockets. The collected waste is returned by spacecraft to Earth for disposal.

The researchers proposed firing laser guns at the waste to heat it up to the point where it turns into a gas. Such guns can be located on Earth and guided by ultra-sensitive radars capable of detecting objects with a diameter of one centimeter.

Airgel is an extremely porous material: it is 99% empty. Getting into such a substance, the smallest particles fill the porous surface and settle in the plate. The filled plates are returned to Earth for disposal.

PLAN FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEM: It is necessary to create an international tracking system, unify object catalogs, develop a common system of warnings about collision risks; It is necessary to work out international rules space movement; Develop new, unified requirements for space technology, determine the areas of operation of satellites; Before launching into space, it is obligatory to stipulate the methodology for burying obsolete vehicles; Include in the international rules for the use of outer space the requirements to equip rocket upper stages with fuel drain systems; Unite the efforts of scientists different countries on the development of technology for the collection and disposal of space debris; It is necessary to improve the design of satellites, spacecraft and rockets so that they leave as little space debris as possible.

Ecology of space Ecology of space Can there be an ecology of space? It turns out it can. Can there be space ecology? It turns out it can. One of the main problems of world cosmonautics is the pollution of near-Earth space by fragments of spacecraft. For half a century of the space age, a lot of garbage has accumulated in near-Earth orbits, several thousand tons. This is the "waste" of the total space activity of mankind. Can there be space ecology?

Space debris. What's this? To date, space debris has been well studied. As scientists note, it is distributed in orbits in layers, like the filling of a pie. This is directly related to the functional load on a particular orbit. The more convenient it is, the more satellites work on it. After some time, some of them turn into lifeless scrap metal, polluting the space where their life has recently passed. To date, space debris has been well studied. As scientists note, it is distributed in orbits in layers, like the filling of a pie. This is directly related to the functional load on a particular orbit. The more convenient it is, the more satellites work on it. After some time, some of them turn into lifeless scrap metal, polluting the space where their life has recently passed.

The first debris belt is located at an altitude of 850–1200 km from the Earth's surface. It is here that a huge number of meteorological, military, scientific satellites and probes move. The first debris belt is located at an altitude of 850–1200 km from the Earth's surface. It is here that a huge number of meteorological, military, scientific satellites and probes move. The second pollution belt lies in the area of ​​geostationary orbits (over km). Now there are about 800 objects from different countries. Every year 20-30 new stations join them. The second pollution belt lies in the area of ​​geostationary orbits (over km). Now there are about 800 objects from different countries. Every year 20-30 new stations join them.

According to the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 85% of space debris falls on the share of large parts of rockets and upper stages, with the help of which artificial Earth satellites are launched into orbit, as well as the spent satellites themselves. Another 12% of debris is structural elements that are separated during the launch of satellites and their operation. Everything else is small fractions and fragments resulting from their collision.

According to Russian experts, there are currently more than 10,000 aircraft and Earth satellites in space, and only 6% of them are operational. Spacecraft fail, and as a result, the density of space debris in orbit increases by 4% annually. Currently, about 70-150 thousand objects ranging in size from 1 to 10 cm revolve around our planet, while millions of particles less than 1 cm in diameter revolve. According to Russian experts, there are currently more than 10,000 aircraft and Earth satellites in space, and only 6% of them are operational. Spacecraft fail, and as a result, the density of space debris in orbit increases by 4% annually. Currently, about 70-150 thousand objects ranging in size from 1 to 10 cm revolve around our planet, while millions of particles less than 1 cm in diameter revolve.

Each launch of a spacecraft is accompanied by "production waste": fragments of carrier stages and ejected bolts do not always burn up in the atmosphere. It happens that, having gained the necessary speed, these pieces remain in orbit, and if they are in the so-called lower orbit, they can travel there for several decades. Each launch of a spacecraft is accompanied by "production waste": fragments of carrier stages and ejected bolts do not always burn up in the atmosphere. It happens that, having gained the necessary speed, these pieces remain in orbit, and if they are in the so-called lower orbit, they can travel there for several decades.

Impact of space rocket launches on the environment Aerosol particles ejected by launch vehicle engines can exist in the stratosphere for up to a year or more, which can affect the heat balance of the atmosphere. Aerosol particles ejected by launch vehicle engines can exist in the stratosphere for up to a year or more, which can affect the thermal balance of the atmosphere.

Danger in orbit Every Inca debris poses a danger to the operation of spacecraft. The average speed of mutual rendezvous in low Earth orbits is about 10 km / s, so a small “mote” strikes with the energy of a good grenade. More than once, garbage heaps flying at great speed have made adjustments to the schedule of orbital work and the launch of spacecraft. Every Inca garbage is a danger for the operation of spacecraft. The average speed of mutual approaches in low Earth orbits is about 10 km / s, so that a small "mote" strikes with the energy of a good grenade. More than once, garbage heaps flying at great speed made adjustments to the schedule of orbital work and the launch of spacecraft.

Space debris maps The US space agency has published a new space debris map. The US space agency has published a new map of space debris. To build the map, the experts used space debris surveillance data from the US Space Surveillance Network. Each dot in the picture represents a space object with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters (the proportions are not preserved). In total, about 19 thousand objects of this kind are being monitored. To build the map, the experts used space debris surveillance data from the US Space Surveillance Network. Each dot in the picture represents a space object with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters (the proportions are not preserved). In total, about 19 thousand objects of this kind are being monitored.

How to Protect Spaceships from Debris How to Protect Spaceships from Debris Space specks travel at a speed of 8-10 km/s, so even a tiny piece of debris can destroy or damage a working satellite. To avoid such incidents, scientists equipped the Mir orbital station, as well as the International Space Station, with screens that protect the habitable modules from collisions with small debris. But now the ISS is threatened not only by micro particles, but also by large debris. To avoid them, the ISS has to perform complex maneuvers several times a year. Space motes fly at a speed of 8-10 km / s, so even a tiny piece of debris can destroy or damage a working satellite. To avoid such incidents, scientists equipped the Mir orbital station, as well as the International Space Station, with screens that protect the habitable modules from collisions with small debris. But now the ISS is threatened not only by micro particles, but also by large debris. To avoid them, the ISS has to perform complex maneuvers several times a year.

Debris Fighting There are no effective practical measures for the destruction of space debris in orbits over 600 km (where the cleansing effect of deceleration on the atmosphere does not affect) at the present level of mankind's technical development. Although a number of others considered, for example, a satellite project that will search for debris and evaporate them with a powerful laser beam. There are no effective practical measures for the destruction of space debris in orbits over 600 km (where the cleansing effect of deceleration on the atmosphere does not affect) at the present level of the technical development of mankind. Although a number of others considered, for example, a satellite project that will search for debris and evaporate them with a powerful laser beam. In order to solve this problem, international cooperation on space debris issues is developing in the following priority areas: In order to solve this problem, international cooperation on space debris issues is developing in the following priority areas: information systems for debris forecasting, as well as information on close encounters with space debris. 1. Creation of international information systems for the forecast of contamination, as well as information on dangerous encounters with space waste. 2. Development of methods and means of protecting spacecraft from the impact of high-speed particles of "space debris". 2. Development of methods and means of protecting spacecraft from the impact of high-speed particles of "space debris". 3. Determination of control measures that exclude the formation of debris, such as the prevention of orbital explosions accompanying the flight technological elements 3. Determination of control measures that exclude the formation of debris, such as the prevention of orbital explosions accompanying the flight of technological elements, the removal of spent spacecraft to disposal orbits, deceleration atmosphere, etc. 4. Development of promising general standards for contamination. 4. Development of promising general standards for weediness.

Earth in danger Earth in danger As a result of numerous studies, scientists have proven that all space debris accumulates in the area of ​​km. from the earth. And quite often this debris falls back to Earth. Most of it burns up in the Earth's atmosphere, but sometimes parts of it still reach the Earth. As a defense, the superpowers have introduced near-Earth monitoring systems that are equipped with long-range radars. Now these services track more than 10 thousand objects. As a result of numerous studies, scientists have proven that all space debris accumulates in the area of ​​km. from the earth. And quite often this debris falls back to Earth. Most of it burns up in the Earth's atmosphere, but sometimes parts of it still reach the Earth. As a defense, the superpowers have introduced near-Earth monitoring systems that are equipped with long-range radars. Now these services track more than 10 thousand objects.

Sources Gurevich A.E. Physics. Chemistry. 5-6 grade. - M .: Bustard, Gurevich A.E. Physics. Chemistry. 5-6 grade. – M.: Bustard, kosmicheskiy-musor/ kosmicheskiy-musor/ kosmicheskiy-musor/ kosmicheskiy-musor/

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space junk

Completed by a student of grade 11b of the MAOU Tatar gymnasium No. 84 Khazeeva Guzel

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What is pollution?

Pollution is a process of negative modification of the environment through its intoxication with substances that threaten the life of living organisms.

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Types of pollution

Biological Microbiological Mechanical - pollution by chemically inert garbage, trampling of paths and other mechanical impact on the environment. Space debris pollution Chemical - Pollutants are harmful chemical compounds. Aerosol pollution - aerosol pollutant (small particle system)

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Physical Thermal - heating of the medium. Light - excessive lighting. Noise Electromagnetic Radioactive Visual pollution - damage to natural landscapes by buildings, debris, aircraft plumes

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Space debris is all artificial objects and their fragments in space that are faulty, do not function and can never serve useful purposes, but are a dangerous impact factor.

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space trash

Space debris is to blame for space pollution. So says ESA - European Space Agency. In the ESA photographs around the planet, a dense cloud is the remnants of what they managed to launch over the past 50 years.

Slide 10

The sky turns into a giant dump of ultra-expensive devices

The word "garbage" should not be taken literally: a rare kilogram of orbital tin cost less than a hundred thousand dollars - these are failed satellites, rocket stages and simply lost instruments.

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Distribution of debris in near-Earth space

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Space debris objects can pose a direct danger to the Earth - with their uncontrolled de-orbit, incomplete combustion during the passage of dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere and debris falling on populated areas.

slide 13

This is how much all the large debris in space weighs (NASA 2006)

The maximum particle size that the ISS can withstand

The average speed that debris collides in space

At this altitude, satellites and rockets fall apart

The height of the orbit from which space debris will begin to fall no earlier than in 100 years

Slide 14

Debris in orbit

Debris in orbit behaves as bad aliens should. First, he moves aggressively. Any nut outside the atmosphere turns into an armor-piercing projectile, because it flies at the speed of a rocket, from which it fell off, and there is nowhere for it to fall - weightlessness. Shuttle portholes are replaced after encounters with dust particles: they leave centimeter-deep craters in tempered glass.

slide 15

The 100-tonne space station, the American predecessor to the ISS, is associated with the most dangerous case of space debris falling to Earth. Skylab was going to be deorbited in 1979, but failed to do so in a controlled manner. The station collapsed over the Indian Ocean, and a plume of fragments touched Australia.

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atomic drops

Soviet satellites RORSAT (1967-1988) had a full-fledged nuclear reactor on board. Behind the reactors, NASA discovered a plume of drops of a frozen coolant - a radioactive sodium-potassium alloy. In total, 110-115 thousand such drops with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters were counted. Experts call them the main threat to flights at an altitude of about 900 kilometers.

Slide 18

Object J002E3

An elongated 18-meter body, making a revolution around the Earth in 48 days, was initially mistaken for an asteroid. The object moves in a chaotic orbit, occasionally ending up further than the moon. Spectral analysis helped to recognize it as the remains of the Apollo-12 spacecraft, which brought astronauts to the moon for the sixth time: traces of titanium indicated the paint that covered this type of rocket.

Slide 19

The Feng Yun 1C satellite, which belonged to China and was shot down by a Chinese rocket in January 2007, is considered the main fresh source of debris in space. NASA radars have so far spotted 2,317 fragments larger than a tennis ball, and another 100,000 are estimated to be larger than a centimeter in diameter. The explosion happened at an altitude of 865 kilometers, so they have practically no chance of disappearing quickly.