Listen to a fairy tale, my friend, a gray norushka mouse. Synopsis of the musical lesson "Teremok". Russian folk tale "Teremok"

  • 11.05.2020



Serdyuk Yulia Petrovna

Music director

MBDOU d / s. "Sun",

settlement Oktyabrsky Kulundinsky district,

Altai Territory

OO integration: "Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Music".

Target. Development of communication skills through theatrical activities.

Development of communication skills;

The development of communication skills in the course of theatricalization of a fairy tale;

Learn to play the role of animals (mouse, hare, wolf, fox, frog, bear).

Develop artistic skills;

Development of creative skills.

Hello my dear friends!

Fairy tales are loved by everyone.

Loved by adults and children.

Fairy tales teach us kindness and diligent work

They say how to live

To be friends with everyone around.

Teremok on new way, will show you Kindergarten.

Listen to the story, my friend.

Gray mouse, Norushka,

Went out for a walk in the field

Look for sweet grains. (Mouse runs out)

He sees: a miracle tower,

Alone in the open field.

The mouse was very surprised

Came and stopped.

Mouse. Who lives there, in the tower?

Maybe invite him over?

I'll knock on the door with my paw ... (Knocking)

Whose, tell me, this tower?

Vedas. But no one answered

The house was free.

The mouse enters the tower, looks out of the window.

Mouse. I will live in the tower,

Songs to sing and not grieve.

Vedas. Day, another, Norushka lives ...

Mouse. I'm bored in the tower alone!

No one to sing and dance with...

Invite someone to visit!

Vedas. At that time, one frog -

bug-eyed frog,

Went out for a walk in the field

Hook for delicious midges.

Sees: Terem-Teremok,

Alone in the open field.

Then the frog was surprised

Came and stopped.

Frog (knocking): Who lives here in the tower?

Maybe invite him over?

Mouse (Peeks out)

The mouse lives here, Norushka,

Well, what kind of animal are you?

Frog. I am a green frog.

I am a cheerful wah. (jumps for joy).

I am happy, Norushka!

I will be your friend!

And now through the threshold

I'll jump in, I'm in the tower!

We are now together

And let's dance and sing! (jumps into the tower).

Vedas. They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance!

Hare comes out, looks around.

Vedas. Bunny jumped from the forest,

Long-eared runner.

Hare. Can't you see somewhere tasty,

Juicy strong cabbage? (looks around)

(Stopped when he saw the tower)

I'll knock on the door,

Whose, tell me, this tower?

Mouse (leaves the house) The mouse lives here, Norushka!

Frog (leaves the house) And the frog with her, Frog!

Mouse. Well, who are you, answer!

Bunny. I'm just a bunny

Cheerful jumper!

I can live with you!

Mouse and frog. Let's be friends with the three of us!

The bunny enters the teremok

Vedas. They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance!

The fox came out of the forest ...

Fox. I am thirsty! Water to drink! (saw the teremok)

What a miracle tower

Alone in an open field?

I'll come closer ... (hears singing and laughter)

Cheerful laughter is heard in the house.

I'll knock on the door...

Whose, tell me, this tower?

The mouse lives here, Norushka!

And the Frog with her Frog!

Well, along with them Bunny,

Cheerful Jumper!

Well, what kind of animal are you?

Fox. I'm a red Fox,

I will be like a sister to all of you.

Mouse. So come live with us

Once you know how to make friends.

The fox enters the tower.

Vedas. They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance!

Volchok came out of the forest

Warm a barrel in the sun.

Wolf. What kind of teremok is this

Standing alone in a field?

Vedas. The wolf came closer

Whose, tell me, this tower?

Animals take turns peeking out from behind the door:

The mouse lives here, Norushka!

And the Frog with her Frog!

Here is the Hare

And Fox. Well, what kind of animal are you?

Wolf. I, Gray Wolf,

Gray tail and barrel.

Can I live with you?

I have no one to be friends with in the forest!

Fox. You can, right, make room!

I will be a polite fox:

I will let the Wolf into the tower,

I'll lock the door!

The wolf enters the tower. Bear appears.

Vedas. The clumsy bear came out,

He scratched the back of his head with his paw.

Bear. What a miracle teremok

Standing alone in a field?

You can hear fun in the tower ... (knocks)

Are you having a housewarming party here?

Mouse (frightened from behind the door) Who is there?

Bear. Yes, I am Bear!

The door should be unlocked!

One, well, at least, yell!

Boring no matter what!

I will be a nice neighbor to you:

I'll bring honey for dinner!

Mouse (looks out the window, seeing the Bear, waving his paw)

You, Bear, are a huge beast,

You can't get through this door.

Bear. It doesn't matter, I'm not proud,

Trust me friends

Enough space for me everywhere

I will sleep in the yard.

Animals (leave the house)

Let's go, Mishenka, you

We are now one family.

In our wonderful little house,

We sing, we dance, we dance.

Performed "Song of Friends", lyrics by Y. Akim, music by V. Gerchik.

Do not dare to quarrel!

We can't live without friends

No way!

For nothing, for nothing

No way! (2 times)

2. Do not leave your friends,

Be responsible for them

Don't hurt them

No one in the world!

Nobody, nobody

No one in the world! (2 times)

A play based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" in the processing of L. Polyak

(spoon theater)

Characters: Mouse, Frog. Bunny, Fox, Wolf, Bear.

Decoration on the screen: teremok. Mouse appears.


Listen to the story, my friend.

Gray mouse, Norushka,

Went out for a walk in the field

Look for sweet grains.

Sees: miracle-teremok

Alone in the open field.

The mouse was very surprised

Came and stopped.

mouse (turns to the audience).

Who lives in the tower there?

Maybe invite him over?

(Comes closer, examines the tower.)

I'll knock on the door with my paw ...

(knocking on the door.)

Whose, tell me, is this tower?


But no one answered

The house was free.

(The mouse enters the tower, looks out of the window.)


I will live in the tower,

Songs to sing and not grieve.

(Closes the window, hides in the tower.)


Norushka lives for a day or two...

mouse (looks out the window).

I'm bored in the tower alone!

No one to sing and dance with...

Invite someone to visit!

(Frog appears.)


At that time, one Frog -

bug-eyed frog -

Went out for a walk in the field

Look for delicious midges.

Sees: miracle-teremok

Alone in the open field.

Then the frog was surprised,

Came and stopped.


Who lives in the terem here?

(turns to the audience.)

Maybe invite him over?

mouse (looks out the window).

The mouse lives here, Norushka.

Well, what kind of animal are you?


I am a green frog

I am a cheerful wah.


So let's live together

We will be friends with you.

Frog: (jumps for joy).

Qua! I am happy, Norushka!

I'll be your girlfriend.

Kva, now through the threshold

I’ll jump, qua, into the tower.

We are now, qua-qua, together,

Kwa, let's dance, kwa, sing!

(The frog jumps into the tower. The Hare comes out, looks around.)


They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance!

Bunny jumped from the forest,

Long-eared Runaway.

Hare : (turns to the audience).

Can't you see tasty in the field,

Juicy, strong cabbage?

(stops when he sees the tower)

Oh look! Teremok

Alone in the open field!

(approaches the tower)

I'll knock on the door.

(knocking on the door.)

Whose, tell me, is this tower?

mouse :

The mouse lives here, Norushka.


And the Frog is with her, the Frog.


Well, who are you? Answer!

Can we lock the door?


What do you? Not! I'm just a bunny

Cheerful Runaway.


Well, then come live with us.


We will be friends together!


I am delighted! Jump and jump

Skok-jump - yes to the tower.

(the hare jumps into the tower, the Fox comes out, looks around)


They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance.

The fox came out of the forest.

Fox: (turns to the audience).

Where is the stream? Water to drink!

(sees the teremok.)

What a miracle teremok

Alone in an open field?

I'll come closer...

(The fox walks back and forth in front of the house, from which laughter is heard, looks into the window.)

Cheerful laughter is heard in the house ...

I'll knock on the door...

(knocking on the door.)

Whose tell me is this tower?

mouse : (behind the door)

The mouse lives here, Norushka.


And the Frog is with her, the Frog.


Well, along with them Bunny,

Cheerful Runaway.


There are three of us in the teremochka.

We live happily together.


Well, what kind of animal are you?

Come on, Zainka, check it out!

(The hare looks out of the window.)


I'm a red fox,

I will be like a sister to all of you.

Mouse: (opens the door).

So come live with us

If you can make friends!

(The Fox enters the tower. As soon as the door closes behind the Fox, the Wolf appears on the stage. He is hungry and not at all angry. He sees the tower. He stops in front of him.)


They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance.

Volchok came out of the forest

Warm a barrel in the sun.


What kind of teremok is this

Standing alone in a field?

(The wolf walks around the tower, looks out the window)

The wolf came closer

He found the door in the tower.

(The wolf listens: a song is heard in the tower.)

(Mouse, Frog, Hare and Foxsing a song).


He's not low, he's not high

In his glorious chamber

We live happily together.

In our wonderful little house

We sing, we dance, we dance.

Wolf: (turns to the audience).

(knocking on the door.)

Whose, tell me, is this tower?

mouse : (behind the door or looking out of the window).

The mouse lives here, Norushka.


And the Frog is with her, the Frog.


Here is the Hare


And Fox.


We love to sing and have fun.

Well, what kind of animal are you?

Come on, Foxy, check it out!

(The fox opens the door, looks out, then goes out, carefully examines the uninvited guest.)


I'm a gray wolf

Gray tail and barrel.

May I live with you?

I have no one to be friends with in the forest.


You can, right, make room!

I will be a polite Fox:

I will let the Wolf into the tower,

I'll latch the door.

(the wolf enters the tower)

(A Bear appears on the screen. He sees the teremok, stops surprised)


The clumsy bear came out,

He scratched the back of his head with his paw.

Bear: (turns to the audience).

What a miracle teremok

Standing alone in a field?

(Approaches the tower, listens: a song is heard in the tower.)

(Mouse, Frog, Hare, Fox, Wolfsing).


He's not low, he's not high

In his glorious chamber

We live happily together.

In our wonderful little house

We sing, we dance, we dance.


You can hear fun in the tower ...

(Knocks on the window.)

Are you having a housewarming party here?

Mouse: (frightened from behind the door).



Yes I. Bear.

The door should be unlocked.

One - well, at least yell,

Boring no matter what!

I will be a nice neighbor to you:

I'll bring honey for dinner ...

Mouse: (looks out the window, and, seeing the Bear, waves his paw).

You, Bear, are a huge beast,

You can't get through this door.


It doesn't matter, not proud Misha,

I'll live on your roof.

(Goes to the ladder, climbs to the roof)


Only Mishka perched

Terem - fuck!

And fell apart.

(the tower is removed from the screen, a squeak, squeal, croaking is heard. All the animals run out of the tower.)

Frightened Beasts

Barely managed to jump out.

But friends are invincible -

All intact and unharmed.


Everyone knows: there would be a hunt -

Work will get along!

We will wear logs ...


Let's cut boards...


We will build a tower.


He will be strong and tall.


There is enough space for everyone.


Laughter will sound in it again!

TEREMOK. Theater of fairy tales. Script in verse based on a Russian folk tale. A play in one act, three scenes Characters LEADING. HARE. MOUSE. FOX. FROG. WOLF. BEAR. Scene 1 Scenery on the stage: a field, a teremok. The presenter enters the stage, the Mouse appears on the other side. Leading. Listen to the story, my friend. The gray mouse, Norushka, Went out into the field for a walk, Looking for sweet grains. He sees: a miracle tower In an open field alone. The mouse was very surprised. Came and stopped. Mouse (addressing the audience). Who lives in the tower there? Maybe invite him over? (Comes closer, examines the tower.) I'll knock on the door with my paw ... (Knocks on the door.) Whose, tell me, is this tower? Leading. But no one responded. The house was free. The mouse enters the tower, looks out of the window. Mouse. I will live in the tower. Songs to sing and not grieve. Closes the window, hides in the tower. Leading. Norushka lives for a day or two ... Mouse (looks out of the window). I'm bored in the tower alone! There is no one to sing and dance with ... I would like to invite someone to visit! Sighs, closes the window. Frog comes out. Leading. At that time, one Frog - a bug-eyed Frog, Went out into the field for a walk. Look for delicious midges. He sees: a miracle tower In an open field alone. Then the Frog was surprised, Approached, stopped. Frog (knocking on the window). Who lives in the terem here? (Turns to the audience.) Maybe he will invite you to visit? Mouse (looks out of the window). The mouse lives here Norushka. Well, what kind of animal are you? Frog. I am a green frog, I am a cheerful frog. Mouse. So let's live together, We will be friends with you. Frog (jumping for joy). Qua! I am happy, Norushka! I'll be your girlfriend. Kva, now through the threshold I'll jump, kva, into the tower. We are now, qua-qua, together, qua, dance, qua, sing! The frog jumps into the tower. Hare comes out, looks around. Leading. They began to live and live. Songs to sing and dance! Jumped from the forest Bunny, Long-eared Runner. Hare (addressing the audience). Can not be seen in the field delicious. Juicy, strong cabbage? (Stops when he sees the tower.) Oh, look! Teremok In the open field alone! (Approaches the tower.) I’ll knock on the door with my paw. (He knocks on the door.) Whose, tell me, is this tower? Mouse (behind the door or looks out of the window). The mouse lives here Norushka. Frog. And the Frog is with her. Wah. Mouse. Well, who are you? Answer! Frog. Can we lock the door? Hare. What do you? Not! I'm just a Bunny, a Cheerful Runaway. Mouse. Well, then come live with us. Frog. We will be friends together! Hare. I am delighted! Jump and jump. Skok-jump - yes to the tower. The hare jumps into the tower. Scene 2 The decoration of the tower has been updated with new curtains hung on the window. Fox comes out and looks around. Leading. They began to live and live. Songs to sing and dance. The fox came out of the forest. Fox (addressing the audience). Where is the stream? Water to drink! (He sees a teremok.) What kind of a miracle teremok Is he alone in an open field? I'll come closer... The fox walks back and forth in front of the house, from which laughter is heard, looks out the window. Cheerful laughter is heard in the house. I'll knock with my paw on the door ... (Knocks on the door.) Whose, tell me, is this tower? Mouse (from behind the door). The mouse lives here, Norushka. Frog. And the Frog is with her. Wah. Hare. Well, together about them Bunny, Cheerful Runner. Chorus. In the teremochka, the three of us Live together and have fun. Mouse. Well, what kind of animal are you? Come on, Zainka, check it out! The hare looks out of the window. Fox. I am a red fox, I will be like a sister to all of you. Mouse (opens the door) So come live with us. If you can make friends! The fox enters the tower. As soon as the door closes behind the Fox, the Wolf appears on the stage. He is thin and hungry and not at all evil. He sees the teremok. Stops in front of him. Leading. They began to live and live. Songs to sing and dance. Volchok came out of the forest To warm a barrel in the sun. Wolf. What kind of teremok is this Standing alone in a field? The wolf walks around the tower, looks in the window, stops in front of the door. Leading. The wolf came closer. He found the door in the tower. The wolf listens: a song is heard in the tower. Mouse, Frog, Hare and Fox sing a song). Terem-terem-teremok, He is not low, not high. We live happily in our glorious house. In our wonderful little house We sing, dance, dance. Wolf (addressing the audience). Voices are heard behind the door... (Knocks on the door.) Whose, tell me, is this tower? Mouse (behind the door or looks out of the window). The mouse lives here. Norushka. Frog. And the Frog is with her. Wah. Hare. Here is the Hare, the Fox. And Fox. Chorus. We love to sing and have fun. Mouse. Well, what kind of animal are you? Come on, Lisonka, check it out! The fox opens the door, looks out, then goes out akimbo, carefully examining the uninvited guest. Wolf. I am a Gray Top, Gray tail and barrel. May I live with you? I have no one to be friends with in the forest. Fox. You can, right, make room! I will be a polite Fox: I will let the Wolf into the tower, I will close the door with a latch. The wolf enters the tower. Scene 3 The Bear enters the stage. He sees the teremok, stops in surprise, scratching the back of his head. Leading. Mishka Clubfoot came out, Scratched the back of his head with his paw. Bear (addressing the audience). What kind of miracle-teremok Stands alone in the field? (Approaches the tower, listens: a song is heard in the tower.) Mouse, Frog, Hare and Fox (sing a song). Terem-terem-teremok, He is not low, not high. We live happily in our glorious house. In our wonderful little house We sing, dance, dance. Bear. You can hear fun in the tower ... (He knocks hard on the window.) Isn't it a housewarming party here? Mouse (frightened from behind the door). Who's there? Frog. Who? Bear. Yes I. Bear. The door should be unlocked. ... One - well, at least yell. Boring no matter what! I’ll be a nice neighbor to you: I’ll bring honey for dinner ... Mouse (looks out the window, seeing the Bear, waving his paw). You. The bear is a huge animal. You can't get through that door! Bear. It doesn't matter, not proud Misha, I'll live on your roof. (Goes to the ladder, climbs to the roof.) Leader. Only Mishka perched, Terem - fuck! - and collapsed. The roof is falling, squeaking, screeching, croaking are heard. All animals run out of the tower. The frightened animals barely managed to escape. But friends are invincible - all are safe and sound. Mouse. Everyone knows: if there was a hunt - The work will go well! Frog. We will carry logs ... Hare. Let's start sawing boards ... Fox. We will build a tower. Wolf. He will be strong and tall. Bear. There is enough space for everyone. All. Laughter will sound in it again! Curtain. Author Pole Laura

Theatrical activity in kindergarten. For classes with children 4-5 years old Shchetkin Anatoly Vasilyevich

Teremok (L. Polyak)

Teremok (L. Polyak)

A play in one act, in three scenes


Leading, Mouse, Frog, Hare, Fox, Wolf, Bear.

Picture one

Scenery on the stage: a field, a teremok. The presenter enters the stage, the Mouse appears on the other side.

In e d u shch and y.

Listen to the story, my friend.

Gray mouse, Norushka,

Went out for a walk in the field

Look for sweet grains.

Sees: miracle-teremok

Alone in the open field.

The mouse was very surprised

Came and stopped.

mouse (turns to the audience).

Who lives in the tower there?

Maybe invite him over?

(Comes closer, examines the tower.)

I'll knock on the door...

(Knocks on the door.)

Whose, tell me, is this tower?

In e d u shch and y.

But no one answered

The house was free.

(The mouse enters the tower, looks out of the window.)

I will live in the tower,

Songs to sing and not grieve.

(Closes the window, hides in the tower.)

In e d u shch and y.

Norushka lives for a day or two...

mouse (looks out the window).

I'm bored in the tower alone!

No one to sing and dance with...

Invite someone to visit!

(Sighs, closes the window. Frog comes out.)

In e d u shch and y.

Who lives in the terem here?

(Turns to the hall.)

Maybe invite him over?

mouse (looks out the window).

I am a green frog

I am a cheerful wah.

So let's live together

We will be friends with you.

Frog (jumps for joy).

Qua! I am happy, Norushka!

I'll be your girlfriend.

Kva, now through the threshold

I’ll jump, qua, into the tower.

We are now, qua-qua, together,

Kwa, let's dance, kwa, sing!

(The frog jumps into the tower. The Hare comes out, looks around.)

In e d u shch and y.

They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance!

Bunny jumped from the forest,

Long-eared Runaway.

Hare (turns to the audience).

Can't you see tasty in the field,

Juicy, strong cabbage?

(Stops when he sees the tower.)

Oh look! Teremok

Alone in the open field!

(Approaches the tower.)

I'll knock on the door.

(Knocks on the door.)

Whose, tell me, is this tower?


And the Frog is with her, the Frog.

Well, who are you? Answer!

Can we lock the door?

What do you? Not! I'm just a bunny

Cheerful Runaway.

Well, then come live with us.

We will be friends together!

I am delighted! Jump and jump

Skok-jump - yes to the tower.

(The hare jumps into the tower.)

Picture two

The decoration of the tower was updated with curtains hung on the window.

Fox comes out and looks around.

In e d u shch and y.

They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance.

The fox came out of the forest.

Fox (turns to the audience).

Where is the stream? Water to drink!

(He sees the tower.)

What a miracle teremok

Alone in an open field?

I'll come closer...

(The fox walks back and forth in front of the house, from which laughter is heard, looks into the window.)

Cheerful laughter is heard in the house ...

I'll knock on the door...

(Knocks on the door.)

Whose tell me is this tower?

mouse (from behind the door).

And the Frog is with her, the Frog.

Well, along with them Bunny,

Cheerful Runaway.

There are three of us in the teremochka.

We live happily together.

Well, what kind of animal are you?

Come on, Zainka, check it out!

(The hare looks out of the window.)

I'm a red fox,

I will be like a sister to all of you.

mouse (opens the door).

So come live with us

If you can make friends!

(The Fox enters the tower. As soon as the door closes behind the Fox, the Wolf appears on the stage. He is thin, hungry and not at all angry. He sees the tower. He stops in front of him.)

In e d u shch and y.

They began to live and live

Songs to sing and dance.

Volchok came out of the forest

Warm a barrel in the sun.

(The wolf goes around the tower, looks in the window, stops in front of the door.)

The wolf came closer

He found the door in the tower.

(The wolf listens: a song is heard in the tower.)

Mouse, Frog, Hare and Fox (sing a song).


He's not low, he's not high

In his glorious chamber

We live happily together.

In our wonderful little house

We sing, we dance, we dance.

(Knocks on the door.)

Whose, tell me, is this tower?

mouse (behind the door or looking out of the window).

And the Frog is with her, the Frog.

And Fox.

We love to sing and have fun.

Well, what kind of animal are you?

Come on, Foxy, check it out!

(The fox opens the door, looks out, then goes out akimbo, carefully examines the uninvited guest.)

I'm a gray wolf

Gray tail and barrel.

May I live with you?

I have no one to be friends with in the forest.

You can, right, make room!

I will be a polite Fox:

I will let the Wolf into the tower,

I'll latch the door.

The wolf enters the tower.

Picture three

Bear enters the stage. He sees the teremok, stops in surprise, scratching the back of his head.

In e d u shch and y.

The clumsy bear came out,

He scratched the back of his head with his paw.

Bear (turns to the audience).

What a miracle teremok

Standing alone in a field?

(Approaches the tower, listens: a song is heard in the tower.)

Mouse, Frog, Hare, Fox, Wolf (sing).


He's not low, he's not high

In his glorious chamber

We live happily together.

In our wonderful little house

We sing, we dance, we dance.

You can hear fun in the tower ...

(Knocks on the window.)

mouse (frightened from behind the door).

Yes I. Bear.

The door should be unlocked.

One - well, at least yell,

Boring no matter what!

I will be a nice neighbor to you:

I'll bring honey for dinner ...

mouse (looks out the window, and, seeing the Bear, waves his paw).

You, Bear, are a huge beast,

You can't get through this door.

It doesn't matter, not proud Misha,

I'll live on your roof.

(Goes to the ladder, climbs to the roof.)

In e d u shch and y.

Only Mishka perched

Terem - fuck!

And fell apart.

(The roof is falling, squeaking, screeching, croaking are heard. All the animals run out of the tower.)

Frightened Beasts

Barely managed to jump out.

But friends are invincible -

All intact and unharmed.

Everyone knows: there would be a hunt -

Work will get along!

We will wear logs ...

Let's cut boards...

We will build a tower.

He will be strong and tall.

There is enough space for everyone.

Laughter will sound in it again!

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Lesson 23. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. To develop diction, memory, attention, imagination of children. The course of the lesson1. Reading the play by L. Polyak "Teremok" (see Appendix 1) .2. Conversation about the play "Teremok". P edagog. Guys, do you know the fairy tale "Teremok"? The poetess Larisa Polyak transferred to

From the author's book

Lesson 24. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. Develop memory, attention, imagination of children. Course of the lesson1. Work on speech technique. Game "Broken phone".2. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok". The game "Broken phone". Counting on the first or second, the children are divided into two

From the author's book

Lesson 25. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. Create a positive atmosphere in class. Reinforce the concept of "rhyme". To improve observation, attention, memory of children. The course of the lesson1. Work on the technique of speech.2. Introduction to rhyme.3. Play rehearsal

From the author's book

Lesson 26. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. Continue working on the poetic text of the play "Teremok", achieve a plastic image of the gait of the heroes of the play. Progress of the lesson1. Game "Shadow".2. Work on the play "Teremok" .3. Conversation about the proposed circumstances. Teacher

From the author's book

Lesson 30. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. To achieve the expression of the emotional state of the characters of the performance. Improve memory, observation, attention of children. Course of the lesson1. Repetition of human states in certain circumstances (emotions) .2. Rehearsal

From the author's book

Lesson 35. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. Develop attention, memory; the ability to strain and relax the muscles of the neck, arms, legs and body. Course of the lesson1. Game "Snowman".2. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" (repetition of the first and second scenes, rehearsal of the third scene).

From the author's book

Task 36. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. Develop speech breathing, correct articulation, diction. To improve the elements of acting skills. The course of the lesson1. Charging for the neck and jaw. Charging for language.2. Diction exercise.3. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok"

From the author's book

Lesson 38. Rehearsal of the play "Teremok" Purpose. Develop speech breathing and correct articulation. To improve the elements of acting skills. The course of the lesson1. Exercises for the neck, face and hands.2. Exercises for training speech breathing.3. Performance rehearsal

From the author's book

Lesson 54. Performance "Teremok" Purpose. To improve the elements of acting skills. The course of the lesson1. Repetition of the text of the play "Teremok" .2. Invitation of the audience to the play "Teremok" .3. Performance "Teremok" (using music, light, props).4. Summing up

From the author's book

Turnip (L. Polyak) A play in one act, in two scenes Characters Grandfather, Baba, Turnip, Granddaughter, Beetle, Cat, Mouse. The curtain opens. Grandfather and Baba are arguing at the porch. Voice behind the scenes. Grandfather lived in the same village Together with Grandmother a lot

From the author's book

Gingerbread Man (L. Polyak) A play in one act, in three scenes Characters Host, Gingerbread Man, Grandfather, Baba, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. Scene One The scene is darkened. The presenter comes to the fore. All girls and boys, We know, love books very much, They love fairy tales, they love

From the author's book

"Teremok" Beforehand, the teacher introduces the children to the fairy tale "Teremok": he reads a book or shows a cartoon. A few days later, using the appropriate toys (house, mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear), the teacher shows the children a performance based on a fairy tale.

From the author's book

Journey to the fairy tale "Teremok" Children enter the hall. Leading. Children! I want to invite you to a fairy tale. And here is the teremok. Let's sit on the grass and see what happens next. Hear, someone is running to the tower! Mouse. I am a little mouse, I ran through the forest, looking for a house. So here he is!

From the author's book

Rhythmic exercises “Teremok” Equipment: tape recorder, cassette, house-teremok, toys, costume masks. Course of the lesson Walking on toes, heels, calmly walking in a circle from heel to toe, and so on to the Russian folk melody “Whether in the garden, in the garden ". Educator. Today


Script summary

Russian folk tale "Teremok"

Prepared by: teacher

MADOU CRR kindergarten №122

Shagatova R.G.


Performance duration: 20 minutes; number of actors: from 4 to 6.


(To the left is a tower. To the right are several trees. In the background is a forest.)

Leading. Listen to the story, my friend.

Gray mouse, Norushka,

Look for sweet grains.

Sees: miracle-teremok

Alone in the open field.

The mouse was very surprised.

Came and stopped.

(A mouse with a bundle comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and goes to the tower.)


What a glorious teremok -

Not big, not small.

It's not locked up

The stakes are not closed.

The weather vane is on the roof,

Lilac blossoms under the window.

You tell the gray mouse

Who lives in the terem here?

I can sew and embroider.

I want to live here

To live and live!

(The mouse looks around. No one answers her. She enters the tower and looks out of the window).


Stop wandering around the world

I will be warm in winter.

If no one is here

So this house is mine!

(The mouse disappears in the window. A Frog with a bundle comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and goes to the tower.)

Leading. At that time, one Frog -

bug-eyed frog,

Went out for a walk in the field.

Look for delicious midges.

Sees: miracle-teremok

Alone in the open field.

Came and stopped.


What a glorious tower!

Ah, what a miracle!

He's not low, he's not high

There is a dam nearby!

Smoke comes out of the chimney.

Open the door for me!

Come on, speak!

(^ Mouse peeking out the window .)


The mouse lives here!

Tell Bunny!

(The mouse looks out of the window.)


The mouse lives here.

(The frog looks out of the window.)


Who disturbs our peace?

I am a Leaping Frog.

Say who you are!


Open up, it's me

Runaway Bunny!

You let me live

I'm a good Bunny!

I can clean floors

And wag your ears.

^ Mouse(to the frog)

Maybe let the Hare live?

Frog ( Bunny)

Stay with us!

(The Bunny enters the house. The Mouse and the Frog are hiding. The Fox comes out from behind the trees into the clearing with a bundle and heads to the tower.)

^ Presenter. They began to live and live.

Songs to sing and dance.

The fox came out of the forest.


This is how Terem-Teremok

Fine and elegant!

I smell apple pie...

Where is the front entrance here?

Hey you, dear honest people,

Are people or animals?

(Mouse looks out the window.)


The mouse lives here.

Bunny looks out the window.

^ Bunny

And eared Bunny!

The frog looks out of the window.


And the Jumping Frog.

Who are you, tell me!


About beautiful Lisa

The rumor has been going on for a long time.

Everyone knows me in the forest!


She has a place!


Come on, godfather, be bolder,

Here's lunch ready.

^ Frog

Together will be more fun!

(The fox enters the house.)


There is no better home in the world!

(All the inhabitants of the tower hide in it. A wolf comes out from behind the trees into the clearing with a bundle and goes to the tower.)

Leading. They began to live and live.

Songs to sing and dance.

Volchok came out of the forest

Warm a barrel in the sun.


Here are the mansions, so the mansions -

There's room for everyone here!

Why are you silent? Is there anyone at home?

Don't be afraid, don't eat!

(^ From the tower, its inhabitants timidly look out in turn .)


The mouse lives here.

(The bunny looks out of the window.)


And eared Bunny!

(^ The frog looks out of the window.)


And the Jumping Frog.


And Lisa, the mistress!

I won't take anything for granted


Let me in the house!

I'm not a terrible wolf at all!

See for yourself!

^ Bunny

Okay, Gray, come in,

Just don't bite!


We'll kick you out right away, mind you

If you offend the Hare!

(The wolf enters the house. All the inhabitants of the tower look out the windows.)

All residents of the Teremok(in chorus)

We are one family now

And all guests are welcome!

Leading. Mishka Clubfoot came out,

He scratched the back of his head with his paw.

(^ A bear with a bundle comes out from behind the trees and goes to the tower .)


I want to live with you too!

All(in chorus)

No, Bear, don't!


You really are. I'll be nice!

^ Mouse

Painfully you are huge.


Don't be afraid, I'll fit in.

I am modest in requests.

Leading. Only Mishka perched

Terem - fuck! - and collapsed.

(^ The bear climbs into the tower. The house starts to wobble and falls. Residents of the Teremok are crying in the ruins.)


What have you done, Mishka?


We did warn you.


Teremok destroyed our!

^ Fox Left without a corner!


Well, forgive me

I didn't do it on purpose.

Though your house has fallen from a stump,

It is possible to live in it.


Where is the underground to store

Hot summer - cool

A barrel of mint kvass?

^ Frog

Where is my big closet,

Wet, with mosquitoes?


And a lighthouse to be there

Spin me in the evenings?


Where is the garden porch?


And the gatehouse nearby -

Suddenly, without asking, who will come,

And he's not welcome?

^ Bear

Better make a new one!

(The bear puts a new tower in place of the old one. Everyone shouts hurray. End.)