A defective product arrived from Ali. The item is broken. What to do? Video: Dispute on Aliexpress. Sent a defective item

  • 31.05.2020

There is a whole algorithm for maintaining and even opening a dispute. Everything must be done correctly, because you should not rely on the honesty of the seller. Not every store on Aliexpress appreciates its customers and tries to please them all. There are those who strive to get your money as quickly as possible, while it does not matter to them whether you leave a bad review or return to the store again.
Moreover, sellers who want to make money on you, as a rule, are extremely nice when communicating. They will promise you mountains of gold for canceling the dispute, but you should not believe all this. Remember, a dispute or the current Buyer Protection period is your only guarantee. So always follow the instructions for opening and maintaining a dispute, but first you need to prepare for it.

Argument preparation

You need to be ready for a dispute on Aliexpress even before you receive the package. Make it a habit to open any orders from Aliexpress on video. Of course, if this is something for less than a dollar, then, most likely, you yourself do not enter into a dispute and waste your time. If we are talking about more expensive acquisitions, then the video is already useful. Moreover, it is necessary not only to open the parcel on it, but also to carefully look for defects. Everything should be filmed in one take, without pauses and gluing. If you find any damage, immediately focus on them.

If you noticed at the post office or at the point of issue of orders that the package is damaged, you need to unpack it not only on video, but also in the presence of employees. The item may have been damaged in transit. In this case, you will not be able to prove your case and extract compensation from Aliexpress. In this case, it is not the seller who is to blame, but the postal workers. You will have to argue and even sue them already. The store itself has nothing to do with it, and the video taken during unpacking will also become useful when arguing with the delivery service.
However, video is not the only thing we need in the dispute. Prepare in photographs that clearly show all defects or flaws. If you have purchased a technique that does not work properly, you need to prepare another video in which you point out this.

Screenshots of correspondence with the store, if you have them, will also come in handy as arguments in the dispute.
Please note that until you check the full functionality of your product, you do not need to confirm receipt. If you need time to check your order, but the buyer protection period is already expiring, ask the seller to extend it. As a rule, when stores see that this period is coming to an end, they themselves extend it. In any case, make sure that the deadline does not expire. Otherwise, you will not be able to open a dispute.

Opening and conducting a dispute

Now let's get to the argument. Without it, it is impossible to return goods of inadequate quality to Aliexpress. The reason is not only that only a dispute can protect you from unscrupulous sellers. The money you paid for your order is stored in a special Aliexpress account. Until you confirm receipt of the order, they will not go to the seller. Therefore, he will not be able to return them to you. This is only done by Aliexpress. Such a procedure is possible only through a dispute, so in any case it will have to be opened.
To do this, first go to your profile menu and find the "My Orders" section there.

Here is the entire list of what you have ever ordered. The general list contains the goods that you have already received and everything that is yet to be received. Find the item in the list that you would like to exchange. To get started, check if the buyer protection period is expiring, although if you are going to open a dispute right now, this is no longer so important.
Click on the "Details" or "Open Dispute" button. The choice between them is not particularly important, because in any case, a page will open with more detailed description your order.

Now click on "Open Dispute" again. This time we will be directed to the right place.

Here you are given the choice of which outcome of the dispute is preferable. Nearby you can see instructions in which cases which option should be chosen.

When you decide, a form will open in front of you to fill out. Here you can describe your claim, give all the necessary evidence. In the line where you need to indicate the desired amount of return, write the figure with a margin. No matter how much you specify there, the seller will still bargain. In addition, the administration of Aliexpress rarely fully supports the requirements of the buyer. Now, of course, we are talking about a partial refund. If you require full compensation, then it is already necessary to indicate how much you paid. If you purchased a product with discounts, then only this amount will be returned to you.

When you open a dispute, the seller has 3 days to respond to it. As a rule, the seller in such cases immediately writes to you in private messages and offers options for resolving the situation outside the Aliexpress site. Some offer to close the dispute, never pay attention to such offers. Although, much more often the seller will simply ask for the amount of compensation. If you have exceeded it in advance, you can simply offer the final result.
Some shops prefer to have a dialogue in the dispute itself. As a rule, more than big brands, who are confident in the quality of their products, if the marriage did take place, they will unconditionally replace the order or return the money. It makes no sense for such stores to argue with you or somehow bring down the price. As a rule, disputes with them are ordered at the first stage.
If you were unlucky and could not come to a common opinion with the seller, now whether you will receive a return of goods of inadequate quality on Aliexpress will depend on the site administration. You aggravate the dispute and within 3 days, one of the store employees will resolve your issue. He will consider the arguments and proposals of both sides, identify who is to blame and give his decision.
Next, you have two solutions to the problem: an offer from the seller and an offer from the store. Sometimes it happens that Aliexpress decides everything is not in your favor and the seller’s option turns out to be even more profitable in the end. You can still choose it.
If the administration took your side, most likely, you will be asked to return the goods.

Return of goods to the seller

In case of return of goods of inadequate quality, the requirements for its packaging are not so significant. Still, in order to see the marriage, in most cases you have to use the selected goods for some time. In this case, it is not possible to save the original packaging, all tags and protective films. Then you just collect everything you have from them and just send the goods back.
Everything is much more difficult if the decision in the dispute was not final, and you were offered to conduct a preliminary examination. Most often this happens with technology. In this case, it is best if you send the goods in original packaging. Then there is less chance that you will be refused a replacement.

You can send a parcel both by a delivery service and by regular mail. Although if you are sending equipment for diagnostics, it is better to use more reliable delivery methods so that the goods are not damaged during transportation. Then they may simply refuse to replace you, referring to the fact that your negligent attitude became the cause of the malfunction or marriage.
After you send the package, do not forget to send the tracking number to the store. Remember that you are given only 7 days to send your package and until you give the track, this period will go on. If it expires, you will end up losing both the product and the money.

Refund for goods

Now it remains to wait until the goods arrive to the seller. If you have an internal return, that is, you sent the parcel to Russia, then the waiting time will be very short. The parcel can go to China even for several months.
It is best for you to track the track, because once the seller receives the goods, he has a week to confirm its replacement or refund. If everything is fine, your money will be returned.
Once again, we remind you that all this applies to you only if, as a result of the dispute, it was decided that the goods must be returned in full, and all money is transferred to the buyer. If you have a partial refund, then you can completely skip the item with sending the goods. It is necessary to wait a little after the end of the dispute and track the stages of the refund.
To do this, you need to go to the order details. How to do this, we have already said earlier. Scroll down the page a little, there you will see such an item, click on the "Payment" button.
There will be a line that indicates at what stage your return is.

Please note that in most cases on Aliexpress, a refund for defective goods conducted without further notice. Too many banks do not even send you a message with information about the return. Therefore, try to update your account periodically. The money, by the way, will be returned to the same place where the order was paid for, whether bank card or e-wallet.

If you received a long-awaited parcel from Aliexpress, and found that the product was defective, then do not be discouraged. Using the instructions below, you can return your money for a low-quality product. Depending on the type of marriage, you can return from 30 to 100% of the value of the goods.

What kind of discount to ask?

If the thing turned out to be simply of poor quality, but it can be repaired and used in the future, then you can count on a partial refund of 30-90%. But, if you prove that the product is not suitable for use or is an outright fake, then you can return 100% of the cost of the product.

What evidence to do?

In order to win the dispute, you must provide evidence. For this, photos of the goods are suitable, in which the marriage will be visible. It is advisable to graphically indicate the places that you need to pay attention to. In our case, photos were taken of the product, which came all in holes. In case the seller begins to doubt that this is his product, we had an unboxing video.

Make it a rule to shoot a video of the unpacking of each product on your mobile phone. Video is the most serious evidence in case the seller starts to deny.

How to open a dispute if the goods arrived with a defect?

In order to return the money for a defective product, you need to open a dispute within 15 days from the moment you confirmed receipt of the order. And it’s better not to confirm receipt of the order until you have checked and tested the product for a couple of days.

In order to open a dispute, find this product in your order list and click on the button "Open dispute".

To the question "Have you received the goods?" answer "Yes".

If instead you select " Item arrived damaged this will mean that the package was damaged in transit. When the dispute escalates, the mediators may ask you for evidence of the poor condition of the packaging in order to make sure that the seller did not pack the goods well, and therefore the parcel was damaged on the way. If you do not have such evidence, then you will lose the dispute. Therefore, if the seller sent you a low-quality, defective, non-working product, then it is better to choose an item "Quality Problem"Then You will be able to prove that the seller initially sent the goods of poor quality.

Set the amount as you wish. It can be equal to the amount of repair, or just the amount of probable damage. If the product cannot be used, sold or repaired - that is, the item is garbage, then demand full compensation.

Brief comments should be English language write that the product is defective. Explain what exactly is wrong with the product. Write politely.

If you use automatic translation, then do not use the word "marriage" in the Russian version, as the automatic translator will translate it as "marriage". And the Chinese will not understand what you want. Replace the word "marriage" with the phrase "poor quality product" or "product has defects." This advice also applies if you leave a comment in Russian.

After you fill in all the fields, attach photo evidence. If the seller in the dispute says that the product is not his or that you yourself broke or damaged it, then attach the unpacking video.

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What to do if a defective product arrived from Aliexpress? Open a dispute, of course! Read on for how it's done.

What should I do if I received a defective product from Aliexpress?

Earlier, I already told you how to open a dispute, if, or when. We can say that this article is a continuation of this useful cycle with only one exception: the seller sent what was needed, but the thing turned out to be defective. So, what to do if a defective product arrived from Aliexpress? The answer is obvious - open a dispute!

We open a dispute due to a defective product with Aliexpress

So, what do we have: a defective medallion, an extremely unflattering review of which I previously wrote. You can read it.

What do we want to get: compensation, the amount of which I determined within 75% of the cost of the medallion, WITHOUT the return of the thing itself. Why not 100%? Because I formally received the locket, it is functional enough for an unpretentious person, but there are objective defects.

Opening and conducting a dispute on a defective medallion

For different categories of goods on Aliexpress, the reasons for opening a dispute may vary slightly, but I will tell you how to open a dispute due to a defective product using a medallion (jewelry) as an example. Following my recommendations and Ali's tips, you can easily open a dispute for the same reason for any other type of goods.

So let's talk about our problem. We select the “Yes” option, answering the question about receiving the goods, and then we determine the reason for opening the dispute. The reason I chose is unreadable, but below you will see why I chose it.

As you can see in the auxiliary illustration on the right (where the earrings are), this mysterious combination of signs we have chosen is the reason we need (defective goods).

Next, I indicated the desired amount of a partial refund (I wrote above why I considered 75% of the cost sufficient). Of course, you can also specify a 100% refund (full refund), but in this case, the seller could balk, and the dispute could drag on, we would start haggling, so to speak.

And, of course, I downloaded the application (photo with defective areas highlighted, you have already seen it on the thumbnail), and also described in detail the essence of my claims (yes, my English is divine, I know ^_^):

Hi! It is the nice pendant, but it has such defects:

  • one eye of the owl is defective (the crystal is not round);
  • the pendant is opening out of shake (weak magnets and bad quality of the mount).

If it's necessary I can make the video. So, I ask for the partial refund (75%) or I shall leave the negative feedback.

This petition translates as follows:

Hello! The medallion is beautiful, but it has the following defects:

  • one eye of an owl is defective (the crystal is not round);
  • the medallion opens from shaking (weak magnets and poor quality fastening).

If necessary, I can make a video. So I ask for a partial refund (75%) or I will leave negative feedback (now it’s not worth writing about a review at all - more than 3 years have passed since the creation of the article, and during this time the attitude of the administration to the promise “to write a positive / negative review if ...” is treated as an attempt to blackmail, which can lead to unpleasant consequences if the dispute escalates).

After that, I clicked "Submit", thereby opening the dispute.

What happened in the end? The seller thought and thought for a couple of days and silently agreed to my terms.

Actually, I can say that I am satisfied with the result. Of course, I would like to get initially quality thing but we have what we have.

I hope my experience will be useful to you :)

(Visited 18 758 times, 4 visits today)

The seller sent two non-working flash drives with the SONY logo. Flash drives without a logo were shown on his page. The amount is $20.88. The dispute was accepted on 05/21/2015. By tracking the money returned - 05/28/2015. As of 06/12/2015, no money has been received. Contacted Aliexpress. They expressed doubt: supposedly some buyers hide the return. I sent them an extract from the bank account on 06/05/2015. Contacted them today. Again unsubscribe: maybe they hid the return. In real mode, they are talking nonsense: we appreciate your participation, bear with us and other rubbish. The seller does not communicate.
2015-06-12 17:24:01 |

Can you send a screenshot where it says that the money has been returned? About those. support for Aliexpress, then there is a Russian-speaking tech. support with a specific work schedule, maybe you wrote after hours and a robot (bot) answered you, more details on how and when to write here:
Perhaps the money was returned to the Alipay internal account, from which you can pay for goods on Aliexpress. Look carefully here (almost at the very bottom under the heading Where to look for information about the refund?)
2015-06-12 17:36:17

In Google, write Image Hosting, it will give out a bunch of sites where you can upload a picture in one click and you will be given a link to it, and then drop this link here .. As for Alipay, this account is often created automatically, and then the money can be transferred there, It happened to me too, I didn't really understand what happened.
2015-06-12 22:06:57

In such cases, a dispute opens. If a brand is fake or not original, then you can easily return 100% of the cost, Aliexpress fights against fakes and counterfeit products and in such cases it reimburses everything. If just a defective product arrived, then how to agree with the seller (in a dispute), it also depends on the cost of the goods, sometimes the seller may require you to send the goods back to China.

By the way, another nuance, the seller can sometimes offer his own terms of the dispute or reject the dispute, so if the seller did not accept the dispute the first time, then the dispute (dispute) needs to be completely edited, since very often sellers try to offer their unfavorable conditions in the dispute (for example, instead of 10 $, return only $2 or even $0, or offer to return the goods back to China), buyers often do not notice this, click on the buttons and then wait for the weather from the sea ..

So if your dispute status is Closed, then carefully read what the conditions of the dispute are and what the refund amount is (I gave the link a little higher, there is literally everything about disputes with pictures and examples)
There is also a nuance that the money is returned after the order protection time ends, this is often if the order was frozen for some reason.

The warranty and the right to return goods ordered on Aliexpress apply to the same cases as in stores around the world:

  1. The goods have not been received in full;
  2. The product does not meet the declared characteristics;
  3. The product is defective.

Aliexpress does not provide any warranty for the purchased goods, this responsibility lies with the sellers. Before making a purchase, it is recommended that you read the terms and conditions and warranty obligations of the seller. Sellers with a high rating value their reputation very much and try to fulfill all their warranty obligations so that the client is satisfied not only with the purchase, but also with the service.

Warranty information can be found at the bottom of the product page.

The conditions for granting a guarantee, as a rule, are the same for all sellers:

  • The warranty period is 12 months;
  • Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer;
  • The warranty covers any problems that arose through no fault of the buyer;
  • The seller is not responsible for additional "Free Gift" items.

All questions regarding returns should be addressed directly with the seller. If the issue price is not high, you can agree on a possible discount on the next purchase or on partial compensation in the form of sending a non-working part for a replacement, or a partial refund. If you happen to purchase a completely faulty item, send it back and claim a full refund.

Non-critical problems that arose during operation are easier to solve on your own by contacting a local service center. At the same time, you can agree with the seller that he sends you the necessary spare parts for replacement free of charge or reimburses you for their cost. Reimbursement for the money spent on replacing a non-working part is a very popular method that solves the problem in a fairly short time. The exchange of goods is a rather long procedure. Sending the goods takes a long time, plus you will have to wait for the goods again.

How to negotiate with the seller?

The seller can be contacted via private messages, indicating your order number and describing the problem, or write a message to the order in the MESSAGE field.

If you offered the seller the option to refund the cost of replacing the required part at the local service center, you will need to provide a scanned receipt.

Do not try to deceive the seller. If your purchase cost you $200 and you are claiming a refund for a $190 small part replacement, then of course you will not receive a refund. In large stores, there is usually always a manager who speaks Russian, who will help you read the document correctly and calculate the losses.