Interest circles for young people. The most unusual clubs by interests. You ask what I earn

  • 03.05.2020

We all know that selling something is much more difficult than giving it away for free. So maybe it's better to give away for free?

He earned more from the free distribution of his book than from its direct sales. And why? But because instead of single sales, he received a thousand downloads of his book, on the pages of which he placed, in addition to the text of the book itself, advertisements for various casinos. And readers, by clicking on banners, increased his income in affiliate programs these casinos.

Another example. A cool business lady decided at her leisure to organize a health group from her friends, colleagues and acquaintances. They gathered once a week in the park, ran, went in for physical education, in general, they had an interesting time. This lady, in addition to her business, was also fond of Herbalife. And with her passion she infected her health group.

Now she has not only a health group, but also a huge structure of Herbalife distributors, and her monthly income from sales of products of this company and from leadership commissions is comparable to her income from her main business (which, by the way, is obtained by sweat and blood).

Third example. Looking through the Internet for knitting courses, I came across them in Israel. I was struck by the price of the courses - something around $ 5 per month (the courses were not conducted via the Internet, but in an Israeli city). "What's so cheap?" I was surprised. The forum participant (and part-time resident of Israel) Rabinovich explained everything to me: the organizers of the courses have income not from conducting courses, but from selling them to cadets Supplies: yarn, knitting needles, knitting books, etc.

Here is an example of a business for you: organize an interest club, and when you bring together a lot of lovers of one business (knitting, fitness, dogs), you will always find something to sell them.

For example, in 2002 I went to Norbekov's courses. From those who went to them, a small group of lovers was organized to learn more about their capabilities. How much money we then spent on educational literature, which the organizer of the courses brought to us from Moscow ...

This is a fairly easy business (I think). Because:

1. Lovers of something are easy to collect (people who are passionate about something love to communicate with their own kind).

2. They buy easily (amateurs are the best buyers, they don't look at the price tag, they buy because they are very interested or really need it).

3. They themselves will tell you what they need (if you don’t figure it out right away). That is, even marketing research do not need to be carried out.

4. This is a business without much investment. The maximum that you need is a room (or just a site) for meetings. Options are possible here (your own apartment, renting a room, a local square).

5. If the business takes place, but you do not pull it (or you get tired of it), there will always be one of your amateur colleagues who will pick up your idea (amateurs are enthusiasts). Your club will be able to continue life without your participation.

There are many interesting things in the world. People are constantly interested in one or the other. It is not surprising that for the sake of a better study of the subject of attention, interest clubs are born. At the same time, if the fun hobby of one person does not cause special attention, then the activities of a whole club of eccentrics are already in sight.

Such associations of people not only publicly demonstrate their adherence to habits, but may even put forward some demands. Eccentrics believe that in this way they will make others imbued with their ideas. We will tell below about the most unusual interest clubs.

Club 13. In the English "Club 13" it is customary to break mirrors, sprinkle salt, light a cigarette from one match three of us. A member of the community will be sure to open umbrellas on the premises. Their colleagues from New York are not afraid of omens either, where people certainly dine in the company of 13 black cats.

Bald Club. In Germany, the Bald Club was formed. It would seem, what claims can people who have lost their hair have to the authorities? The club's board, however, officially appealed to the government with a request to give free wigs to all bald people under 40. Such a measure will help people calmly endure hair loss.

Doubles Club. There is a Doubles Club in New York. To enter there, you must meet simple requirements - to be like some kind of celebrity. As a result, 7 Churchills and 11 Eisenhowers have already gathered in the club. It remains to be hoped that it is not customary to conduct political disputes in the club.

Pedestrian Club. In the same New York, since 1964, there has been a Pedestrian Club. True, it consisted of only two people. Over time, both the president and the treasurer of the club bought cars for themselves. As a result, society naturally ceased to exist.

Club of small people. An unusual community exists in Spain. There are 45 people in the Short People's Club. It is customary to actively fight for the rights of its members. In particular, one of the tasks of the club is to provide all its members with permanent theater tickets for the first three rows.

Divorced Club. In New York there is a Divorced Club with a very developed network of branches. There are branches of the organization in 30 other cities across the country. In addition to providing psychological assistance to the victims, the club also conducts legislative activities. He recently raised the issue of revising the divorce law. Members of the club did not like the part that allows you to put child support defaulters in jail.

Bachelors Club. But in Holland there is an antipode - the Bachelor's Club. Over time, it was even reorganized into political party. The club even decided to seriously fight for seats in parliament. An elegant campaign slogan was used: "Dutch bachelors consider their life an ideal form and are ready to fight for it!".

Club of losers-professionals. In London, the Club of Professional Losers was created. His first meeting was attended by booed actors, unrecognized artistic geniuses, unknown musicians and lawyers who failed to save their clients from execution.

Mother-in-law protection club. In Argentina, people united in the Mother-in-Law Protection Club. Today there are already 137 members. All of them are exemplary sons-in-law who cannot bear resentment towards the mothers of their wives.

Club of husbands oppressed by their wives. In England, for more than 70 years, there has been a glorious Club of husbands oppressed by their wives. The secret admirers of the organization are thousands of men, but officially only 40 people are members of it. At one of the last conventions in Yorkshire, only half the members arrived. The rest of the letters and telegrams explained the reason for the absence very simply: "The wife did not let go."