We make Ukrainian bee hives with our own hands. Convenient and practical Ukrainian hive Keeping bees in a Ukrainian hive

  • 02.03.2021

I make such vuliki. I have a bottom, a nested body for 12 Ukrainian frames, an extension for 12 Ukrainian piping frames (215mm), or for 9 Dadan piping, a ceiling, a lid, a krish.

This is a simplified version of the hive that was demonstrated by Priyatelenko V.Ya. at exhibitions in March and May 2011. Here is the description of the hive from its booklet: Three-hull beehive with special frames Author Priyatelenko V.Ya. In 2011, I presented my hive model with special body frames, the design and manufacturing technology of which I have been working on for more than one year. The hive was presented at the exhibition "Apiary Expo 2011" (March, exhibition center on Brovarsky Prospekt, Kyiv), at the exhibition-fair "Bdzhilnitstvo2011" (May, NAAS "Beekeeping Institute named after .. Prokopovich P.I."). I published an article about this hive model, which was sold in a thousand copies and interested beekeepers. Articles about the model of the hive I proposed were published in the magazines Pasika (No. 5, No. 6), Pasichnik (No. 6) for 2011. This topic did not go unnoticed: beekeepers are interested in me constantly calling and writing letters, the first buyers appeared. In addition, practical experience in the manufacture of a hive and a hive frame and the use of this system in the practice of beekeeping has increased. This prompted me in my next article to reveal in more detail the essence and practice of operating the proposed hive model and frame in a form accessible to amateurs and interesting to professionals. A bee is one of the few representatives of the animal world that has served a person for decades and, at the same time, remains a "wild" animal. However, a bee cannot be called "wild". It would be more correct to call beekeeping "wild". The bee family is so attached to its nest, or rather, to the brood, that it very rarely leaves it. This allows you to manipulate them so much that there is an illusion of domestication of the bee. It can be said that most of today's "fundamental" concepts in beekeeping can be attributed to the category of illusions that create living conditions for bees similar to those of domestic animals. It is known that in nature the queen of a honey bee lives and uses its functions for up to 5 years, while at the same time, when there is a need for a bee colony, a quiet replacement of the queen takes place. For centuries, people have idolized the bee family, referring it to the ideal family in nature. In my opinion, modern methods beekeeping destroys the bee family, including manipulation of the queen, considering it as an aggregate for laying eggs, and this is the mother, the "queen" of the bee family. To date, scientists have proven that the relationships in the bee family, including the management of the uterus, proceed through substances that the bees secrete (the so-called pheromones). The uterus also plays the role of the "brain" center of the bee colony, which controls all the life processes of the bee colony with the help of pheromones. Thus, a single information field is created, the existence of which is impossible without an integral wax connection when building a bee nest. Most methods of modern beekeeping are actually built on restricting the movement of the queen with bars and insulators. Moreover, the design of the hives and the hive frame does not create conditions for building a nest according to natural needs. It can be said that the existing system of hives, hive frames and beekeeping methods does not ensure the natural existence of a bee colony. This, in turn, is the cause of most of the problems in this area. In this design, each beehive frame has wax contact with other frames. Throughout the history of beekeeping, a wide variety of hives and beekeeping methods have been proposed. A list of them would take more than one page. Existing models of hives can be divided into "beds", hives with a vertical construction and (something in between) "beds" with extensions. But an in-depth study of these models is not the purpose of this article. We note only a few significant shortcomings. For "beds" is characterized by the expansion of the bee nest in width, which is unnatural for the development of the bee nest. Accordingly, we have a reaction from the bee family, significant labor costs for the beekeeper. The extension system for these hives solves this problem, but only partially. Hives with a vertical construction do not provide natural conditions for the existence of a bee colony. We list several main characteristics for these systems. It is known that at first the bee family builds its combs up to 50 cm long in the amount of 7 - 14 pcs. This size is needed in order to place food supplies up to 20 cm above the brood from above, and for the winter a club of bees with a diameter of 25 - 30 cm. Practically existing hives with a vertical construction do not provide this. Another painful issue is the integral wax connection along the vertical between the hulls. The point is not only that the thickness of the upper, lower bars and the space between the frames give 4-5 cm of the so-called "dead" space. More a big problem in that in almost all existing hive systems and corresponding hive frames, bees build up the hive frame, starting from the top bar. That is, the actual gap between the nesting part of the hive and the attached body or extension is from 20 to 30 cm. Other biological mechanisms begin to operate here, the bee colony loses control over the only “brain” center (womb), uterine pheromones do not reach those areas. Also, I want to draw your attention to the fact that in nature the further expansion of the bee nest does not occur in a straight line, but in a “spiral”. This is inherent in the biology of bees and must be taken into account. So, summing up the above information, we can conclude that none of the existing hive models and hive frames provides the natural needs of the life of the bee colony and ease of maintenance in order to obtain beekeeping products. Having tested most models of hives, I came to the conclusion that for a bee colony the most natural is one of the variants of the Ukrainian hive for 12 hive frames with a honey body for 8 hive frames, which are placed across the nesting frames. But the hive has not gained wide popularity because it has significant drawbacks. First of all, this is an inconvenience in service. The first thing that was done was a high bottom 100mm subframe with a back that opens up. This made it possible to inspect the nest, from below, without dismantling it. In addition, if necessary, you can feed the bee colony and, of course, clean it from deadness after wintering. Practice has shown that the majority of bee colonies, after filling the nest box for 12 frames, need further development. Later, the queen either goes to sow in the upper body, or the colony enters the swarm state. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that I need to add a lower case to expand the female part. To do this, I tested two options: on the frame across the nest box and on half of the Ukrainian frame (280x280 mm) parallel to the nest frames. The first option turned out to be much better. A frame located across the frames is much more preferable to master. Having made the allegedly “correct” hive, I improved the productivity of the bees and began to spend less time on hive maintenance, but the probability of the bee colony entering the swarm state, the transition of the queen to the honey body remained quite high. Recently, they began to talk about the need to modernize the hive frames. The proposed models of hive frames did not ensure the reliability of fixing the artificial foundation, the reliability of the hive frame itself when disassembling the bee nest.Continued in the next post, because. not invested in the length of the message.

This hive, like the Dadant hive, is suitable for beginner beekeepers, since the construction of this hive is very simple. Making such a hive with your own hands is quite simple.

Design features

This hive was created by the famous Polish beekeeper Kazimir Levitsky (1847-1902). Due to the simplicity of the design, as well as the narrow frame, this hive became widespread, later it became known as the "Ukrainian". There are many variations of the hive, containing from 14 to 24 frames. The main dimensions of the hive were approved back in 1981. The basis of the hive (taking into account the bee space) is a narrow-high frame, the dimensions of which are 435x300 mm.


  • Ease of manufacture;
  • There are no additional extensions (magazines or cases);
  • One standard (size) frame;
  • The ability to place several layers or cores in the hive;
  • 6-8 frames are enough for wintering bees, due to the fact that the main supply of food is above the bee club;
  • The high walls of the hive are better warmed by the sun, which is very important during spring development.


  • Large weight and dimensions of the hive;
  • Non-separable design;
  • There is no possibility to increase the volume of the nest;
  • Poor air exchange during wintering.

Making a Ukrainian hive

The hive has frame rectangular shape, roof and integral bottom. The internal space of the hive is limited (if necessary) by diaphragms. The bottom and side walls are made of a board 28x140 mm, the end walls are made of a board with dimensions of 33x140 mm.

The dimensions of the hive are 649x800x430 mm.

When splicing, boards can be connected in any convenient way (thorn groove, quarter, etc.)

roof guard made of boards with a thickness of 22 mm, a “inch” 150 mm wide can serve as a blank. The roof is covered with galvanized iron or ruberoid or similar materials.

Letok has dimensions: height 12-15, width 120-180 mm. The number of entrances depends on the number of frames that fit into the hive. They also make both upper and tapholes in the end walls.

Painting carried out with any available wood paints, but the best paint for painting beehives is acrylic. Using white acrylic paint, you get: the possibility of obtaining any colors and shades of the hive, the reliability of the protective coating, the speed of drying (within 30 minutes) and the absence of unpleasant odors.

When making a hive with your own hands, the main dimensions can be taken from the drawing below.

There are a huge number of varieties of hives. These are single-case evidence, and double-case and multi-case evidence, and a beehive lounger. In fact, the lounger hive has a second more common name - Ukrainian hive or Ukrainian lounger hive.

Experts know that the Ukrainian hive lounger is one of the most common hives. That is why many people are interested in where you can get the drawings of such a hive.

Benefits of using

This design fully satisfies all the biological requirements that bee colonies can put forward for evidence.

The main features of such a "house" are that it consists of 22 (plus minus 2 high frames) high frames, and does not contain a single removable part. That is, such hives can be safely moved and transported without worrying that the removable parts are securely fastened.

This type is very convenient in order to form bends in them. Moreover, it is possible to form a hive simultaneously with the settlement of an already existing family. To do this, you just need to just fence off a place for the family and for new layering. In addition to the fence, it is also desirable to make peculiar grooves in the side partitions. It is mono to insert partitions into them, which will separate the high frames for the layering and for the nucleus (Learn all about the nucleus). On the Internet you can find a lot of drawings of how to make partitions for high frames and drawings of how to make holes.

It is due to the fact that the hive is very easy to divide into 2 parts (using public drawings) that such hives are very common for use in those apiaries where beekeepers are breeding.

Ukrainian beehives are also very comfortable for the winter season. After all, in the same way, by dividing their high frames, you can populate the main family of bees and layering.

All that relates to work in a beehive-lounger is just setting up high frames, rearranging them and selecting high frames with wax and honeycombs. The owner of such hives will not have to deal with the removal and setting of heavy buildings. They are simply not there. That is why such structures are used in apiaries, which are home gardens.


Science knows for sure that those cliques that today are called Ukrainian hives or loungers used to be very successfully used by those beekeepers who are engaged in apiary as a hobby, and not professionally. After all, their design is such that it does not require a lot of time and effort. That is, you can do them “in between times” after work. Precisely because of this factor, a large number of amateur beekeepers used these designs earlier, and are happy to use them today in the countries of the former USSR.

Disadvantages of using

There is nothing in nature that has the same virtues. And Ukrainian evidence-beds are no exception. They also have their shortcomings.

Due to the fact that this design is non-separable, it, like any bulky structure, takes up a fairly large amount of space. Not everyone has so much free space in their apiary to put up such houses for bees.

The second drawback is that under the frame space they are very small. This greatly complicates the exchange of air "in the house", which is important in the winter season, when insects go to spend the night.

The location of nests in such buildings is the biggest drawback. The fact is that they are located here horizontally, and therefore there may be difficulties with expanding the nests.

After all, it has been repeatedly proven that with a horizontal arrangement of nests, bees are much more active than with a vertical one.

However, despite all these shortcomings, more and more professionals in the field of breeding these beneficial insects choose evidence-beds.

What Ukrainian evidence gives to bees

The design of Ukrainian evidence is one of the best not only for beekeepers, but also for striped insects. The fact is that by installing such a design, you enable the bees:

  • Equip your nest for the winter yourself. Bees can do this throughout the warm season, and then by winter you will get a comfortable wintering place for this particular family, and the almost complete absence of the need to make a wintering place for bees.
  • Frame for wintering bees, or rather its height can be increased if necessary.
  • The absence of absolutely any manipulations that violate the harmony of the life of bees. You will not need to move bodies and magazines, add or remove them, and these processes are unnatural for your striped insects.

So, having appeared many years ago, such a kind of design as the design of the Ukrainian hive-lounger has not yet lost its relevance and popularity among leading beekeepers.

  • What is a boa hive made of?

The world's first collapsible frame hive was invented by Pyotr Prokopovich in 1814. It has become a new improved housing for bees compared to a deck or a nest box. In the new hives of P.I. Prokopovich maintained a large apiary and developed methods of beekeeping in relation to the conditions of the honey collection. The invention of the hive played an outstanding role in domestic and world beekeeping, as it laid the foundation for modern technology keeping bees.

Requirements for hives

The hive is the home of the bees and the main object of the beekeeper's work. Therefore, the success of beekeeping depends on how the hive contributes to the development of a strong family and the manifestation of its productive qualities, on the one hand, and how convenient it is to work in order to ensure high labor productivity. There are certain requirements for the hives, namely: the hives must reliably protect the bee nest from the cold, sudden changes in temperature and air humidity; have a sufficient volume for the development of the family and the placement of food supplies, be convenient for the beekeeper, have devices for transporting bees and ventilation of the nest, appropriate sizes of parts, due to the biological characteristics of the family and manufacturing technology, as well as a simple design and low cost.
Single-type hives with a standard frame of a certain size and technological equipment unified on their basis have determined the successful direction of the technical progress of modern industrial beekeeping in many countries. Eliminating inconsistencies in these matters is the most important task to implement an interconnected system technical support, in apiaries.

hive classification

Modern hives differ in the size of the frames, the volume and shape of the body, the design of parts, adaptations to the conditions of keeping bees and the materials used for their manufacture. Depending on the shape of the housing, the socket can be extended horizontally or vertically. In this regard, the hives are divided into two groups: 1) horizontal (beds), in which the nest is increased by placing frames on the side, 2) vertical (risers), the increase in volume of which occurs upwards by the vertical arrangement of buildings and magazines one above the other (color photo II -6). An important feature of the hives of the second group is that their volume can be adjusted according to the size of the family and are better placed in winter huts and on vehicles. Each hive system has its advantages and disadvantages. Hives must be adapted to the conditions of honey collection, climate and progressive beekeeping technology

To advise one or another hive for keeping bees without taking into account the zonal features of the climate, honey flow, breed of bees, beekeeping methods, available technological equipment impossible. An analysis of the rich experience of domestic and foreign beekeeping shows that high honey yields are obtained from bee colonies kept in different hives.

Hive-lounger for 20 standard frames - one of the most common in the apiaries of Ukraine. For the first time they began to make it at the suggestion of V.A. Nestervodsky, based on the Dadan-Blatt frame measuring 435x300 mm. The need to move to a 20-frame hive was due to the fact that the Dadan-Blatt hive with 12 body frames and an extension with frames 435x160 mm turned out to be small for keeping strong families. The hive-lounger is made with a nailed bottom, four notches are arranged in the front wall and one in the side. The ceiling is built from individual boards and can be replaced with two ventilation frames, which is essential for transportation. The roof is flat, even (Fig. 8 a, b). The data on the consumption of materials for the manufacture of hives are shown in Table 2. Regarding the hive-lounger, several methods of beekeeping have been developed and are used, of which the method of layering is very common, and recently the complex use of bee colonies, in particular for the formation of packages.
The Ukrainian hive contains 18-20 narrow-high frames (300x435 mm). The modern frame is slightly modified for the purpose of unification and is equal to the initial size proposed by I.I. Ship (285x450 mm). At first, the hive was 16 frames in the body, had an extension for low-wide frames measuring 285x110 mm. In a modern design, frames for the body are made with interlocking or non-interlocking upper bars (width, respectively, 37 and 25 mm). The bottom can be nailed or detachable, which allows you to insert a ventilation frame instead, which is necessary during wanderings. One of the variants of this hive is made with double front and rear walls (insulated). A hive of a different design was tested at the Goloseevskaya training and experimental apiary. The housing contains 12 frames for the brood part of the nest (300x435 mm). Above it for honey, an extension for 8 frames (435x300 mm) is used, which are placed across the nesting frames, or two extensions for a reduced frame (435x230 mm). Ventilation hole in the side wall at the bottom. In the nest of the Ukrainian hive, a club of bees is well formed for wintering, so the death of families from starvation is minimized. The disadvantage of the Ukrainian hive is a slightly tall frame. Therefore, the lower part of the nest in the spring is not covered by bees.

The Vashchenko hive is free from this drawback, since its frame is shorter and wider, namely 330x410 mm. Although this hive is not recognized in standardization, beekeepers in Kyiv and other regions make and use it even now (color, photo II-7). Vashchenko's hive is well adapted to roaming, and the author's beekeeping methods are recognized as the best for modern conditions.
Hive-lounger for 16 frames. In the case, it accommodates standard frames (435x300 mm), and in the extension - the same number of magazine frames (435x145 mm). This hive is an intermediate option between the Dadan-Blatt design and the modern 20-frame sunbed.

A two-hull hive consists of two identical buildings with 12 frames (435x300 mm) each, a detachable or nailed bottom, a roof with a liner. In the modified hive, instead of the second body, two extensions with frames (435x145 mm) are used. Therefore, it is also called single-hull with two magazine extensions.

A multi-hull hive is completed with four identical housings, a detachable bottom, a roof and a liner with a ceiling, it has devices for ventilation. Each case contains 10 reduced frames (435x230 mm). On the basis of this hive, a variant with two bodies of 10 of the same frames and three with magazines per frame 435x145 mm was developed. AT foreign countries multi-hull hives containing 8 frames are used.
Double-hued beehive with shops, developed by the Research Institute of Beekeeping Russian Federation, consists of two boxes for the brood part (10 frames 435x230 mm each) and three stores for honey (frame 435x145 mm). The bottom is detachable, an overframe feeder is mounted in the underliners). In some areas of the country, other hives are produced and used, depending on the conditions. You can learn about their structure from the pages of beekeeping magazines. Hives for special purposes: 1) nucleus hives - for keeping nuclei with queens - they are mainly for 2-4 places; 2) observational - for layering for 1-2 frames in the summer; 3) hives for the maintenance of caregiver families.

Hive accessories

In addition to the frames included with the hive, in different production processes some accessories are needed. These are, in particular, hive clamps, they are used when transporting bee colonies in hives, the details of which are fixed in order to prevent the formation of cracks and the departure of bees from the nest. According to the principle of use, there are staples for joint connection of all parts of the hive and its individual parts. In apiaries, mainly tape braces are used.
Enhanced ventilation during transportation or closing of bee colonies in hives for the period of treatment of plants with pesticides is provided by a ventilation frame with a mesh, which replaces the ceiling. Universal for the hive-lounger and multi-hull is a mesh frame with a size of 478x380 mm.
A blind partition, which divides the hive into two parts for keeping in it, in addition to the main bee family, layering, is called the diaphragm.