Cold restoration of ceramics. The return of the blue cup. Bonding porcelain figurines

  • 23.11.2019

For many centuries, objects made of porcelain and ceramics were well valued and popular even in the richest homes. Most families have preserved various figurines or utensils, entire sets of these materials. But often, due to improper storage, age, or other reasons, stains, chips, and other problems appear on them.

Do not rush to get upset when you find cracked dishes in the pantry or a very beautiful, but broken into several parts, figurine. Our workshop will professionally restore porcelain and give things a new life.

What products do we work with

We carry out restoration of ceramics and porcelain of any complexity. We work with figurines, dolls, vases, crockery and other items. Various processes may be required:

  • Gluing. This is a type of porcelain restoration applied to a piece that has been broken into several pieces. They join together. If necessary, missing fragments are made that cannot be distinguished from the original.
  • Recovery individual parts of the composition, if they were lost. This is the most difficult type of work, requiring exact repetition of the work of the sculptor.
  • Work related to elimination of chips, cracks and other small problems.

Stages of work

Porcelain restoration in Moscow is carried out in several stages, each of which is given maximum attention:

  1. Cleaning of elements before gluing. They are degreased and prepared with the help of special materials for further work. Chips are often treated with an abrasive tool.
  2. Directly, gluing elements. A special glue is used. Sometimes an additional pin is used. A pre-prepared solution is placed in the emerging gaps.
  3. After gluing the elements, the product is given time to dry. After that it is polished and polished.
  4. After thorough polishing, the area is primed and a pattern is applied to it, which was originally on the product.
  5. At the end of the work, the craftsmen varnish the surface.

What does the price depend on

The cost of porcelain restoration in Moscow can vary greatly, it depends on many factors: the type of damage, the number of lost fragments, the surface itself (plain or painted, gilded), as well as other factors determined in each individual case.

The price for the restoration of porcelain, which is a figurine broken into many parts with a special painting, will cost much more than a simple restoration of cracks in porcelain that is not painted and has a plain surface. Especially if in the first version some of the fragments are lost and they need to be restored.

Warranties and Terms

Our workshop guarantees the quality of the work performed. We fulfill them in the shortest possible time. Most restorations of porcelain dishes in Moscow, as well as the restoration of other products, can be completed within a day.

How to order?

You can call the master, who will give an estimated cost of the work and be able to accept the order, in several ways:

  • by phone or e-mail;
  • by completing the online order form.

Our advantages

Restoration workshop "SKOL" performs a wide range of services for the restoration of products. We guarantee one of the best restorations of porcelain and ceramics in Moscow with the help of experienced craftsmen and modern technologies. The materials used are of exceptionally high quality. You can entrust us with any valuables that will be reliably protected during the preparation and implementation of work.

The presence of glaze is the main distinguishing quality. Many people ask the question: "How to wash porcelain and how to care for dishes?" Collect all the components of the broken pottery. Before starting restoration work, each of the fragments should be placed in paper, after cleaning if they are dirty.

Porcelain restoration

You will need the following materials: paint thinner, cotton swabs, napkins, abrasive powder, matches, emery, glue, razor blade, soft brush, duct tape.

1. It is necessary that all the fragments be dry, and most importantly, clean. Wash the broken edge first. Do not wet ceramics too much. If soapy water doesn't clean it, use acetone.

2. Bleach the shard with a special solution.

3. Before you start gluing, match all parts of the item. See how tightly they fit together. You will also have an idea of ​​the best order in which to glue the pieces together.

4. Glue the smallest ones first, and only then move on to the larger ones.

5. Do not forget to remove excess glue with a swab.

6. Add a special pigment of the color you need to the adhesive.

7. Glue the edges of adjacent pieces using matches.

8. Wait until the item is completely dry. It usually takes about 24 hours. Carefully remove excess adhesive with a razor blade.

9. If a small part of the product is lost, mix the adhesive with talcum powder. Use your fingers to fill the hole with the mixture. Sand the surface.

10. In case a large piece is lost, plasticine will come to your aid.

11. Apply a two-part mortar to the chipped area. Fill the plasticine mold with paste. Wait for the paste to dry.

12. Remove the mold, sand the surface with sandpaper. Be careful not to scratch the glaze.

13. Apply dry paste in the appropriate colors, exactly repeating the pattern.

14. Place paper under the fry and circle the pattern to transfer the pattern.

If a product made of a noble material is of great value to you, you should not engage in restoration yourself. It is best to entrust this matter to a specialist. If you still decide to save money and do everything yourself, remember a few principles that will help you successfully restore an item.

Basic rule: no need to strongly moisten the porous ceramic layer during cleaning. Glue porcelain as soon as the fragments are washed and dried. After the glue dries, it may be necessary to restore the pattern. You will be helped by ordinary acrylic paints, which can imitate the gloss of glaze, as well as enamel paints used to decorate porcellana. Choose the colors for the pattern carefully and don't try to match the background as you won't be able to find the right shade.

Hair crack repair

1. Clean the surface near the cracks, mix the glue and place in the oven. Set the temperature to 200°C. When the handle gets hot, turn off the oven. This will provide the best bonding.

2. Apply the paste as soon as possible to fill the crack as tightly as possible.

3. After that, remove the remaining glue with the same blade, while trying not to damage the pattern. Wait for it to cool down.

Porcelain figurines have always been very popular with collectors. But their main disadvantage is fragility, they break easily and their value is reduced significantly. Distinctive feature products - the presence of a hollow space, which makes them lighter and at the same time more fragile. Repair and restoration of decorative figurines is a complex and delicate task.

Bonding porcelain figurines

Porcelain according to physical properties has much in common not with ceramics, but with glass, because upon impact, massive elements break into large pieces, but the smallest fragments simply turn into dust. And if there are no difficulties with repair with large pieces, then restoring the smallest zones will be quite difficult. The figurine will acquire its original appearance only after a full-fledged artistic painting.

Step-by-step instruction

Proper porcelain cleaning

Porcelain is used for the production of decorative figurines, tiles and small figurines. Over time, such products fade, become covered with dust, and in some cases they can even become covered with a layer of rust if the surface is constantly exposed to moisture. If you become the owner of old porcelain, which no one has looked after for a long time, the original gloss of the product can be returned quite quickly.

  • add a small amount of soap to warm water and gently shake it until a foamy consistency is formed;
  • in water, soften the cloth and wipe the product itself with it. All dirt and dust must be removed. After that, the porcelain is wiped with a cloth;
  • the same tool can wipe off plaque or rust;
  • after working with pumice, it is necessary to wash off the remaining dust. After completing this procedure, you can wipe and dry the porcelain product.

The difference between ceramic figurines and porcelain figurines

Porcelain is an integral part of ceramics, which also includes faience, porcelain and even clay solutions. Porcelain consistency suggests the presence of a white clay substance, kaolin, and feldspar. All these ingredients go through a roasting process at a temperature of 2.6 thousand degrees (Fahrenheit).

As for ceramics, its important part is brittle and hard materials made of minerals. Any good collector can quickly distinguish a ceramic item from a porcelain item not only by sound, but also by appearance.


  1. Hold the figurine against the light rays by moving your finger in different directions across its surface. A finger shadow is clearly visible through the product, since the material is inherently transparent. But ceramics do not give such an effect.
  2. Porcelain figurine with tactile contact resembles an eggshell, it is just as smooth and even.
  3. Tap the surface of the figurine with your fingernail. Porcelain figurines sound loudly, but ceramic figurines make a dull and even sound.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you, and you will be able to provide quality care for small decorative figurines. These pieces of porcelain art are created with love and awe, so they should be protected with the same feelings and care.

Broken glazed pottery reveals two layers at the split site - a porous inner part (usually white or cream) and an outer layer of glaze. This structure is clearly visible in the first photo: a ceramic saucer with gold ornaments before and after restoration. The photo shows the characteristic features of ceramics: the absence of a glaze layer (compare with photo 2).

The presence of a layer of glaze distinguishes porcelain from conventional ceramics.

Try to collect all even the smallest fragments from a broken ceramic object. Wrap each one in tissue paper and store until then. until it's time for restoration work. Remember that if the fragments are contaminated, you must first wash them thoroughly.

Gather the following materials: cotton swabs, paper tissues, acetone or cellulose-based paint thinner, abrasive powder (optional), soft brush, bottle of baby sanitizer solution, matches or toothpicks, duct tape, razor blade, needle file, sandpaper paper and two-part glue, such as Ardalit.

1. Each piece of ceramic must be clean, so it must first be washed and dried.
First, clean the broken edge of the shard with a cotton swab and soapy water (large surfaces can be washed with a paper towel).
Try not to moisten the ceramic too much - the water remaining in the pores will slow down the drying of the fragment, and a fragment of ceramic that is not completely dry may simply not stick. If soapy water isn't enough to clean the shard, wipe the shard with acetone or cellulose paint thinner. As a last resort, clear
the edges of the fragment with abrasive powder typed on a match or toothpick. Rinse the shard and let it dry completely.

2. If, after washing, dirt has clogged into the cracks of the ceramic (it is especially noticeable on white ceramics), the fragment should be bleached. Remember that household bleaches cannot be used for this, which, together with dirt, can destroy the glaze layer. To bleach, immerse the shard in a solution consisting of
three parts water and one part child care disinfectant.

3. Before you start applying glue, try on the broken pieces - do they fit well to each other, and how many fragments were lost.
At the same time, you involuntarily remember in what order you have to glue the pieces, How to deal with the missing fragments will be described in Step 9.

4. It makes sense to first glue small fragments together and so move on to large pieces that will be more convenient to glue together.
At the same time, measure the work with the time it takes for the glue to dry. It is best to use a two-part glue for gluing, which dries within 24 hours, instant glue can only be used if it is a single piece that has broken off.

5. Connect the pieces smeared with glue. Remove excess glue with a cotton swab.

6. If you are dealing with white ceramics, add some titanium white powder to the glue.
If the object is made of dark terracotta, you can add a little powdered pigment of a suitable color to the glue.

If individual fragments of an object are lost, you will need: tracing paper, palette knife, talcum powder, ink eraser, plasticine, sandpaper, ceramic paints that match the color and (optionally) metallic paints.

7. Apply glue with a match to both edges of adjacent fragments and glue them to each other. Continue gluing the pieces, moving from the bottom of the item to its top. To secure the glued fragments, connect them with strips of adhesive tape.

8. Let the glued item dry for 24 hours at room temperature. Remove the remaining dried adhesive with a razor blade, lightly touching it to the surface of the ceramic. Be careful not to cut the glaze layer with a razor, especially where there is gilding or silver paint.

9. It may happen that a small fragment of ceramic is lost, or it may turn out that the preserved fragment does not fit into the hole intended for it. In this case, mix some two-part adhesive, coloring it to match the glaze (see Step 4), with talcum powder until the consistency of clay. Fill the hole with the resulting paste using your fingers or a palette knife. Let the glue dry and then sand the surface
file and sandpaper.

10. If you have lost a large fragment, such as the handle of a jug or the edge of a plate, make a “shape” from plasticine. Take a lump of plasticine and squeeze out a recess inside it with your fingers, repeating the shape of the lost fragment.

eleven . Apply a layer of two-part adhesive to the chipped edges. Hold the plasticine mold in one hand and use the other hand to fill it with glue paste (see Step 9) using your fingers or a palette knife. If you need both hands to fill out the form, attach it to the object with duct tape. After filling the mold with glue paste, leave the mold in place until the paste dries.

12. When the glue paste is completely dry, remove the mold and sand the surface of the created piece with sandpaper. Fine details can be sanded down with ink erasers. At the same time, do not go into adjacent areas of genuine ceramics so as not to damage the glaze.

13. The dried adhesive paste should be painted with suitable color paints for ceramics.
At the same time, follow the pattern of the ornament, and in difficult cases, copy the pattern onto tracing paper.

14. To transfer the pattern to the surface of the dried glue paste, place a piece of carbon paper under the fry and circle the pattern with a pencil.
Sometimes you may need gold or silver metallic paint to restore the design.


The most important difference between porcelain and ceramics is the presence of a layer of glazing - it can be seen on
chip. Between the layers of glaze is a layer of porous ceramics.

You should not undertake the restoration of a valuable porcelain product - it is better to entrust this to a specialist.
If we are talking about a product of little value, you can do the following.

Remember the first rule: try not to wet the porous ceramic layer too much during cleaning, and glue
porcelain immediately after the shard has been washed and dried.

Porcelain should be glued according to the same rules as ceramics, including tinting the glue.

After the glue dries, it may be necessary to restore the existing on the surface of the object
pattern. For this, use acrylic paints, which allow you to imitate the shiny surface of glazing, and enamel paints, which are used to decorate porcelain.

Choose your colors carefully and copy the pattern as described in Steps 13-14, but never try to imitate the background, as you are unlikely to get the exact shade.

Hair crack repair

1. Clean the area around the crack as described in Step 1 on page 158, mix and paint the two-part adhesive as described in Step 4. Place the item in the oven set to 0°C and heat until the handle won't get hot. In this case, the edges of the crack will slightly diverge, and it will be easier for the glue to get inside.

2. Remove the cup from the oven and immediately fill the crack with glue by rubbing it in with your fingers or a palette knife.
Try to fill the crack as tightly as possible with glue.

3. When the glue no longer enters the crack, remove the residue with a soft cloth or carefully scrape it off with a razor blade, being careful not to damage the pattern on the cup. Let the cup cool.

From the book "Repair and Restoration. A Practical Guide"