Lyrics of the song - white falcon. Stuart Harrison - White Falcon Epidemic White Falcon

  • 09.12.2019

Gyrfalcon or white falcon, in Latin Falco rusticolus, is a bird from the falcon family, the falconiformes order. Enough large bird, resembles a peregrine falcon, but larger (the male weighs about 1 kg, the female weighs about 2 kg), with a color from white to gray, with a characteristic tooth on the beak.

Picture. Falcons.

The gyrfalcon is a fast-winged bird, which, thanks to the special structure and shape of its wings, picks up speed after just a few strokes, and, pursuing prey, can reach speeds of up to one hundred meters per second. Gyrfalcon rises not in a spiral, like most birds, but vertically. Sufficiently sharp vision allows him to see prey even at a distance of more than a kilometer.

A photo. Merlin.

The white falcon lives in the subarctic and arctic zones of Asia, Europe and North America. Some species live in Altai and Tien Shan. On the territory of Russia, this bird is the largest of the falcons; hunters love it very much because of the high cost when sold abroad. The price of one bird is approximately 30 thousand USD. The gyrfalcon is also valuable for hunters as an assistant, thanks to its unique ability to take off rapidly and suddenly attack prey, falling like a stone on it.

A photo. White falcon.

It is impossible to say what kind of lifestyle the white falcon leads. Some representatives wander, others settle in the forest. The gyrfalcon feeds on mammals and smaller relatives. Unlike the black kite, which is content with carrion, it attacks flying birds, grabbing prey with its paws and breaking its neck, biting through the back of the head.

They do not build nests themselves, they use the nests of buzzards or ravens already built on the rocks.

If you want to see the chicks of the white falcon and how the gyrfalcon attacks its prey as it falls like a stone, watch the film:

In this video, the white gyrfalcon tundra bird went hunting and in flight leaves no chance for the life of its victim.

Black magician, mad genius
Death elixir decided to create.
In the dark castle of ghosts
Who can stop him?
Night reigns over the earth
Where is the hero?

Black hands with a skillful gesture
Deftly weave the motive of death,
But the White Falcon with white lightning

Warrior of Light, son of the universe,
designed to maintain balance,
To thread generations

Darkness hung over the earth.
Where is the Hero?

Black hands with a skillful gesture...

The one who is resurrected
Looks from heaven

Rivers flow, elves sing
Only they are far away!

Night reigns over the earth...

Black hands with a skillful gesture ..

Epidemic Lyrics - White Falcon

Black magician, mad genius
Death elixir decided to create.
In the dark castle of ghosts
Who can stop him?
Night reigns over the earth
Where is the hero?

Black hands with a skillful gesture
Deftly weave the motive of death,
But the White Falcon with white lightning
The clouds will disperse, returning life!

Warrior of Light, son of the universe,
designed to maintain balance,
To thread generations
Evil again did not try to cut.
Darkness hung over the earth.
Where is the Hero?

Black hands with a skillful gesture...

The one who is resurrected
Looks from heaven
The look is full of universal longing.
Rivers flow, elves sing
Only they are far away!

Night reigns over the earth...

Black hands with a skillful gesture ..

Epidemic - White Falcon http://website/lyric/%D1%8D%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%8F/%D0%B1% D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB.htm#ixzz1y9U8UlB6

White Falcon

Black magician, mad genius
Death elixir decided to create.
In the dark castle of ghosts
Who can stop him?
Night reigns over the earth
Where is the hero?

Black hands with a skillful gesture
Deftly weave the motive of death,
But the White Falcon with white lightning
The clouds will disperse, returning life!

Warrior of Light, son of the universe,
designed to maintain balance,
To thread generations
Evil again did not try to cut.
Darkness hung over the earth.
Where is the Hero?

Black hands with a skillful gesture...

The one who is resurrected
Looks from heaven
The look is full of universal longing.
Rivers flow, elves sing
Only they are far away!

Night reigns over the earth...

Black hands with a skillful gesture ..

Lyrics of Epidemic - White Falcon

Black magician, mad genius
Decided to create an elixir of death.
In a gloomy castle ghosts
Who will be able to stop him?
night reigns over the earth,
Where is there a hero?

Black hand gesture skillful
Deftly weave death motif
But White Falcon white lightning
Clouds disperse, returning life!

Warrior of Light , son of the universe,
Equilibrium is intended to store,
To thread generations
Evil is not trying to cut back.
Gloom hovering over the ground.
Where is there a Hero?

Black hand gesture skillful ...

Anyone who has risen
looking down from heaven,
Full view of the universal longing.
Rivers flow, elves sing,
But they are far!

Night reigns over the earth ...