Technician job description. Technician and technologist - what is the difference between these specialists. Who is a technician

  • 23.02.2023

Technician is a responsible and widespread technical profession, it is a wide-profile specialist in the production, installation, adjustment, repair and operation of various industrial, construction equipment, household appliances. A technician can work in manufacturing plants, factories, utilities, airports.

Functional and job responsibilities of a technician

The scope of duties of a technician depends on his specialization. The main task of the technician is to ensure the normal safe operation of technical means. A technician can partially perform the functions of a technologist, mechanic, welder, electrician. In general, a technician controls the quality of work performed by workers, draws up technical documentation, and can also develop design or technological solutions.

Qualification requirements for the technician

For a technician, secondary specialized education in a technical school or technical college is sufficient. A technician must have technical thinking, organizational skills, possess such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness, concentration, accuracy.

Technician career and salary

The technician is the middle link between the worker and the engineer. Before becoming an engineer, a technician can take the position of chief technician.

Technicians belong to the category of engineers, they are led by qualified specialists with higher education, working as an engineer. Their responsibility includes technical calculations of simple project documentation, simple schemes to ensure technical specifications in accordance with standards and regulations.

Who is a technician and what is PTO

Technician refers to engineering and technical workers with secondary specialized education. Depending on the volume of the enterprise, employees can work in the design office, developing drawings for simple units and elements.

Industrial and construction enterprises have created production technical departments where mid-level professionals are needed. In this case, they enter the VET staff under the leadership of the head of this department, as an independent structural unit.

The organization of the activities of such a structure complies with the legislation, fixed normative and legal acts. The management of this unit is based on the criteria of materials management procedures. The head of the enterprise appoints the chief and other employees by order, and also releases them from duties.

VET performs work according to a plan coordinated with the organization's activities regarding documentation, development of technological processes to increase productivity efficiency, checking the validity of data in reports coming from other departments of the company.

Qualification requirements and types of categories

Employees holding the position of technicians are, first of all, specialists.

The professionalism of employees of this level is evaluated stepwise:

  1. A technician enters the organization immediately after graduating from a technical school or college. If, after completing their studies at the institution, graduates receive the level of a technical specialist and secondary vocational education.
  2. The first category is assigned after two years of working in the company.
  3. Depending on the abilities, it is possible to increase to another level and the appointment of the second category. With sufficient seniority, experience, outstanding professional achievements, good references from senior officials, move up the career ladder with an appointment as an engineer.

A good specialist still has to improve the level of knowledge in higher education.

The appointment of technicians to the position and release occurs by order of the director of the company, on the basis of a report or petition received from the immediate supervisor. Without a preliminary interview with the head of the VET, the employee will not be included in the state.

Technical personnel of this level should have knowledge of:

  • regulatory legal acts, reference materials on a topic related to work;
  • methods for setting up units, assemblies;
  • terminology of directories, programs, instructions;
  • standards, technical specifications for the developed documentation, design procedures;
  • sequences of measuring, experimental actions;
  • rules for the operation of equipment and apparatus;
  • basics of production technological processes;
  • technical characteristics, design features, operating principles of devices involved in production;
  • ways in fault detection;
  • on the receipt, processing of data and their transmission using technical means.

The technician's actions are based on outgoing provisions:

  • legislation;
  • company charter;
  • orders, orders of higher officials;
  • job description;
  • internal regulations of the company.

During the absence of a technician from work, his functions will be performed by a person appointed by order of the director with the same rights and responsibility for the proper performance of duties.

Technician's responsibilities include:

  • implementation of settings, adjustments, checks of the working condition of devices, tools in systems and equipment;
  • participation in experiments, tests, connection of technical elements, registration of characteristics and parameters, final processing;
  • assistance in the development of software, technical documentation, instructions for them;
  • performing the collection of initial information for various reports;
  • study of reference, special literature;
  • participation in the economic justification of various developments in technology and the technological part in the field of rationalization;
  • creation of reports, execution of current documents, change, correction of inaccuracies on decisions received from higher officials;
  • registration of outgoing and incoming papers, correspondence, security, accounting of document flow;
  • system processing of data, their transfer to the employee compiling reports;
  • compliance with the rules on labor regulations within the enterprise and its local regulations;
  • following in accordance with the rules on protection, labor safety, sanitary and fire safety standards;
  • ensuring the proper condition of the workplace;
  • fulfillment, in accordance with the employment contract, of the orders of the employees who are subordinate to the employee.

The technicians are responsible wide range of activities, thereby freeing high-level professionals from the usual production routine, which must be carried out responsibly and scrupulously, otherwise a serious assembly, a large prefabricated structure designed by a leading engineer, will not function.

Rights and responsibilities

Technicians, like any workers, have all the rights that apply in labor laws.

Working in production in the VET, he can take advantage of rights:

  • submit proposals to the director to improve the efficient operation of the enterprise;
  • encourage subordinate personnel;
  • to bring employees to responsibility for misconduct at various levels, provided that they obey his orders ex officio;
  • acquaintance with the information coming from the shops, departments, production sites, necessary for further work.

Employees at this level are responsibility:

  • in case of improper performance of the functions provided for by the duties assigned to him according to the job description;
  • for committing offenses;
  • for material damage caused when guilt is proven in accordance with the law.

All the conditions in which technical workers work are regulated by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Relationships and connections by position

Technicians, by the nature of their activities, have to communicate with representatives of other departments, workshops in production.

Reporting coming from authorized persons for its preparation goes to Production Department.

The responsible technician accepts the documentation in order to verify the reliability of the materials written off for the manufacture of products according to the consumption rates for each part. A signed report means that all actions taken comply with established standards.

From technicians, as well as from other employees, correct relations with colleagues at work, courtesy, accuracy are required. At the same time, a mandatory feature is insistence and principle.

Working conditions and features of specialization

A citizen with the profession of a technician should be able to solve production problems according to the task assigned to him. This includes the ability to perform mathematical calculations, the study of state standards, an understanding of the design features of devices.

Basically, this is mental work with the knowledge of the correct methods for processing informative data, although the use of physical forces is not excluded. The growth of technological progress requires employees constant updating of knowledge.

From the totality of requirements that imposes the position of a technician, the employees of this unit are universal specialists of manufacturing enterprises.

They are ready at any time to fix the device, to make the section that has stopped from a malfunction operational with the help of skillful hands and the amount of knowledge of technical characteristics, standards, to acquaint employees with the instructions for the equipment installed at the enterprise, to monitor the consumption of materials, to exercise control over the effective use of mechanization.

A qualified technician can understand the equipment and mechanisms of operation of the devices. Find out how to learn it, how to get a job and what are the prospects.




entry barrier


A technician is a specialist in the field of equipment and mechanisms. He clearly knows how the devices are arranged, their principle of operation and operating rules. This specialist is an indispensable employee of every organization.


The appearance of technicians is associated with the creation of the first tools. Even primitive people realized that for a successful hunt there are few bare hands, so sharpened stones appeared. Tools developed rapidly, people began to master metals, more complex products appeared. For the first time the word "technician" was heard in ancient Greece. In those days, it was associated with art and creation. However, over time, technology relentlessly moved forward, a separate area appeared - mechanical. The more complicated the devices, the more necessary were the specialists who knew how to repair them.

For the first time, such specialists were talked about at the end of the 19th century, when a technical revolution took place that turned the world upside down. From this point on, rapid progress begins. The profession of technician is becoming famous and popular. Nowadays, specialists are highly demanded and relevant. Technologies are constantly developing, new directions of activity are emerging. Technician is the profession of the future.


Technician is a generalized concept that unites a lot of highly qualified specialists. Depending on the field of application of their knowledge, a permanent type of activity is assumed:

  • Dental Technician. This is a specialist in the field of creating prostheses for teeth, jaws, etc. He does not contact patients, but is only responsible for the production process.
  • Technician-programmer. This specialist works with computer technology. He knows everything about the structure of these mechanisms. This is the lowest level of programmers. Usually such techniques continue to be trained in order to secure a higher income.
  • Electrician. Electrical network specialist. He knows how to lay the wiring, what wires to pick up and how to properly operate them. constantly working with high voltage.
  • Heat engineer. He is a heating specialist. He checks the health of the equipment, its start-up and purge. Thanks to these specialists, heat is supplied to the houses during the heating season.
  • Plumber. These specialists usually work in housing and communal services. They carry out repair work with pipelines, eliminating blockages and leaks.
  • Aviation technician. Aviation specialist. You can usually find these technicians at airports where they check flights before takeoff and after landing. After all, it is so important that the aircraft is in good working order.
  • Mechanical Technician. The mechanic understands the device of various kinds of mechanisms. This direction is divided into a lot of smaller branches, from a specialist in electrical appliances to an auto mechanic.
  • Technologist. This specialist knows everything about the technology of production processes. Each action must be strictly ordered.

What specialties to study

In order to get this profession, you should choose a higher education institution or prof. those. school of any technical specialty.

  • Geological exploration technology.
  • Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment.
  • Acoustic devices and systems.
  • Operation of radio communication equipment and electro-radio navigation of ships.
  • Informatics and programming.

There are many other directions.

Where to study

In order to get a diploma of a technician, you should choose one of the universities or technical schools of this direction. The most prestigious are:

  • Moscow State Technical University. H.E. Bauman.
  • St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.
  • Tyumen State Oil and Gas University.
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).
  • Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University).
  • Siberian State Geodetic Academy.

You can choose any university or college in your city.

What you have to do at work and specialization

The working day of a technician directly depends on his specialization. However, there are a number of processes that are mandatory for any industry:

  • Preparation of new equipment for operation. Preliminary inspection guarantees serviceability.
  • Creation of technical descriptions and instructions for personnel. This is necessary to prevent errors that can lead to equipment failure.
  • Development of the optimal sequence of production processes to increase labor efficiency.
  • Repair of equipment in case of breakdown. Quite often, due to the negligence of employees or a factory defect, the equipment breaks down. The task of the technician is not only to repair, but also to establish the cause of the breakdown, because in the event of a marriage, the equipment is subject to return.
  • Modernization of equipment. It involves revision or complete replacement. The technician conducts regular preventive inspections, adjusts the equipment to modern production features.
  • Design of new equipment. Techniques are the engines of progress.
  • Individual adjustment of equipment to the specifics of work processes and the needs of employees.

Who suits

This profession is suitable for people with a good memory. Mechanisms are complex and require high precision. One incorrectly fixed part can disable the entire equipment.

Well-developed fine motor skills are important for these specialists. Mechanisms often consist of a collection of small parts that fit tightly together. The technique is important to accurately place them in their places.

Accuracy and responsibility are indispensable qualities in this profession. Also, the best assistant of any technician will be self-organization. Often no one controls the working day, and duties should be properly performed.


With the intensified growth of liberal arts graduates, professional technicians are needed now more than ever. Almost every specialist will be able to find a job in the first month after graduation. The profession of a technician is one of the most highly demanded.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The level of salary directly depends on the position held. On average, technicians earn from 5 to 45 thousand rubles a month.

The lowest level of salaries is among employees of housing and communal services, as they are often employed only part-time. High and stable income are ready to offer Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Is it easy to get a job

Usually a technician is employed even before graduation. After all, every student is required to undergo an internship. It is on it that the owners of enterprises and heads of workshops often offer young professionals to find a job with them.

If you want to get into a private company, you will have to prove the level of your knowledge not only at the interview, but also during the trial period.

How is a career usually built?

A technician's career directly depends on his ambitions and aspirations. In most cases, there is an increase in discharge. The higher this figure, the higher the salary.

In large enterprises, there is an opportunity to grow up to a senior technician or head of a technical department.

Basically, in order to get the coveted career growth, the technician has to get a second education and become an engineer. There are much more possibilities here. An engineer can grow up to a production manager and director of a plant or company.


In our country, the prospects for this profession appear only with constant development. If you decide it's time to grow up, then you should continue your education.

Technicians quite often make revolutionary discoveries. Don't forget to patent the technologies you come up with, as a result, they can bring in a solid income, which will help you start your own business or live on the dividends you receive.

Graduates of domestic educational institutions with technical specialties are highly valued abroad. This is due to a well-developed intellect and the ability to work above the norm. Therefore, a diploma in engineering opens up the possibility of traveling abroad on a work visa. Subsequently, you can get a residence permit and citizenship of a foreign state, because in Europe and America the level of wages is much higher.

By "technicians" most often they mean those who are associated with technical specialties - from automobile craftsmen to builders.

There are also technicians - generalists who can deal with both electrical supply and welding.

But often it is customary to refer to the representatives of this profession as specialists who service this or that equipment, whether it be private vehicles or a sparkling airbus.

The profession of technician involves the organization of the production process at various sites of enterprises in various industries and agriculture; ensuring compliance with the technological regime; selection and operation of equipment, equipment, tools; prevention of malfunctions in their work; ensuring the rational use, repair and maintenance of the repair base and equipment, agricultural machinery; execution of simple assembly drawings; preparation of technological documentation.

The profession of technician appeared with the advent of the first technology. The form that this profession has now taken was largely determined by the industrial revolution back in the 19th century.

Professionals in this field can ensure the debugging and serviceability of any equipment, which in turn leads to high labor productivity.

The engineering profession is always in demand.

This fact is caused, first of all, by the fact that there is a constant expansion of the scope of their activities.

A professional technician must be a master in many areas, depending on his specialization: in electronics, engineering, mechanics, and certainly a little experimenter in his field.

Also, the technician must have an accurate eye, be able to concentrate, have an excellent memory, have a sense of responsibility and be extremely accurate.

There are a number of contraindications for which people cannot be technicians: impaired coordination of movements, poor hearing and vision, mental and nervous diseases.

But it just so happened that what makes this profession in demand is often its disadvantage.

Regular development of technology can lead to its obsolescence.

Therefore, a person who has received a certain specialty and is already ready to start working may find that his profession is not so much in demand on the labor market or is completely outdated.

Basically, technical specialties can be studied in secondary or secondary specialized educational institutions.

But there is a possibility that a future worker will need a higher education in order to find a job, as technology becomes more complex.

There are many varieties of the profession of a technician, such as: the profession of a builder technician, the profession of an electrical technician, the profession of a mechanic technician, the profession of a technician technologist, the profession of a programmer technician and others.

All of them have their own professional characteristics.

Other professions such as human-technician may include:

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important industries in any state. The degree of its development determines how high the level of the economy in a particular country. Engineering technology studies the manufacture of machines and their parts, safety precautions when working with equipment, as well as the ability to reduce the cost of parts and mechanisms without compromising the quality of manufactured products.


The specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering" makes it possible to obtain the qualification of an engineer, which allows you to work in many directions. For example, a mechanical engineering technologist controls the quality of products and performs the necessary calculations. The machine operator grinds parts on special machines manually. The operator works on CNC machines, enters the control program and sets the mode of its operation. The commissioning and testing engineer is responsible for the health of the equipment, maintains a calendar schedule for inspections and repairs, helps machine operators set up mills and calculates the recommended settings for working on them. He is also responsible for the technical documentation of the equipment in his area.

Another rather interesting direction, which is studied by the specialty "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" is the development of new parts and equipment. As a rule, this is done by a design engineer. In many mass-produced industries, there are design bureaus that develop new parts and cutting conditions.

For example, a metallurgical plant receives an order for a huge batch of twist drills. The equipment allows to produce only 10 thousand drills per shift and it is necessary to speed up this process. The design engineer must:

  1. Make a drawing of the finished product.
  2. Calculate the cutting mode of one unit of the twist drill.
  3. Find a way to speed up the production of this part with minimal financial costs.

How long and where do they study as an engineer?

You can enter the specialty "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" on the basis of 9 or 11 classes. The term of study, respectively, is 4 and 3 years, and upon completion, the student receives a secondary technical education. For this specialty, there are both budgetary forms of education and commercial ones. If you wish, you can go to study further in your specialty for a bachelor's and master's degree.

Specialty (15.02.08) "Technology of mechanical engineering" can be obtained in metallurgical technical schools and colleges. Depending on the educational institution, the methods of accepting documents also differ. In some colleges, entrance exams are required.

In this specialty, there are also correspondence and evening forms of education, however, as a rule, these are commercial groups. The term of study for them is the same as for the full-time form. Many boys and girls dream of getting a degree in Mechanical Engineering. The college educates and prepares such specialists in accordance with the requirements of the main professional educational program.

Educational process

The educational process on the basis of 9 classes includes 4 courses of study. Those who entered after the 11th grade, as a rule, go straight to the second year.

I course includes general education subjects and only basic initial knowledge in the specialty. After completing it, the student receives a certificate of basic general secondary education.

The second year consists of several general education subjects (such as higher mathematics, physics) and most specialty subjects: metal science, management, cutting theory, technical mechanics, etc.

III and IV course consists only of special. items. Students study electrical engineering, specialized equipment, the basics of ecology, technical processes for the manufacture of machines and parts, the basics of economics, etc.

At the end of the educational process and practical training, students write a thesis and receive a diploma.

Practice in the specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering"

As a rule, during the entire educational process, you need to go through 3 different practices related to the profession "Mechanical Engineering Technology". The specialty of SPO (secondary vocational education) requires not only knowledge, but also basic skills in working with parts and mechanisms.)

The first practice is metalwork, and students are allowed to it after the end of the second year. In addition, a safety test is required for admission. Locksmith workshops, as a rule, are located on the territory of the educational institution. At this stage, students first get acquainted with the technical equipment and try to work on it. During the practice, students need to do several tasks, such as sharpening a cutter, cutting internal and external threads, and marking on parts. Most often, students perform work on locksmith workbenches and machine tools.

The second practice for students in the third year is mechanical. If there is no mechanical section on the territory of the educational institution, then students do internships at factories and enterprises. The standard of the specialty "Engineering Technology" at this stage requires the study of machine tools, such as turning, milling, drilling, grinding, etc. The student is assigned to one of the machines and, together with a mentor, works on it. It is permissible to practice on CNC machines. In this case, the student gets acquainted with control programs and the way they are entered.

Undergraduate practice

In the fourth year students will have pre-diploma practice. It lasts about two months. As a rule, students are distributed on mechanical platforms depending on the topic of the diploma. For example, if a student at the Faculty of Engineering Technology (specialty - "technician") was given the topic "Calculation and design of a worm spline cutter", then he is sent to the fur. area where cutters are made. At the end of the practice, students take an exam for a category and receive a state-recognized certificate of assignment of a category.

Electronic engineering

Recently, our country has been actively developing the industry for the production of new equipment and technology. The development in such an area as electronic technologies in mechanical engineering does not stand still. The specialty of a modern engineer includes mandatory knowledge in this field of science. Electronic technologies study electrovacuum devices and mechanisms. They work on the principle of an incandescent lamp: there is no air in the working space of such a device, which allows amplifying and converting electromagnetic energy.

What knowledge do students get in the learning process?

The specialty "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" makes it possible to work in many directions. This is due to the fact that during the training the technician receives a huge amount of necessary knowledge. During the educational process, students learn how to process parts, learn to calculate the time for manufacturing, choose the necessary cutting mode, study equipment in mechanical areas and the principle of its operation. In addition, young professionals are trained to work in many computer programs such as Compass and AutoCAD. These are universal applications for creating and designing any fixtures and parts in a 3D modeling system.

Job prospects

It is difficult to remember a time when good engineers were not in demand. Any industrial enterprise always requires qualified technologists who know the specialty "Mechanical Engineering Technology". Who can work with such a profession, everyone who has ever encountered industrial enterprises knows. The work of a young engineer, as a rule, begins with the manufacture of parts on machine tools and workbenches. Over time, you can advance in the service - to become a foreman of the site where the part is manufactured, or to transfer to everything from a dusty workshop to a clean office. Office technologists are designers and engineers for the introduction of new machinery and equipment.