Reduction of staff in music schools. In music schools, subjects and teachers are being cut. What to do when cutting

  • 23.02.2023

The Moscow Department of Culture has begun reorganizing children's music and art schools. The main vector is consolidation, consolidation and, as a result, reduction of administrative expenses. In some districts of Moscow, only one art school will remain. So, the Andreev Children's Music School, the Golovanov Children's Music School, the Flier Children's Music School and the Nadezhda Children's Art School by August 31, 2015 should merge into the Shchukino Moscow City United Children's Art School.

The main vector is consolidation, consolidation and, as a result, reduction of administrative expenses. In some districts of Moscow, only one art school will remain.

The process is aimed at strengthening the administrative and financial activities of schools and will not affect the number of teaching staff or students, Izvestia was assured in the department.

According to Vyacheslav Gorlinsky, director of the Flier Children's Music School, the reorganization will lead to staff reductions in each school.

All finances will be concentrated in one center, with the general director, who will be able to manage them and more effectively use the various structures that he himself will create. They will serve all four schools on the principle of a dispatch service. One professional team will serve the schools both in the economic and in the engineering part. Of course, the staff of each school will be reduced, because now everyone has their own accounting department, their own business manager, there is a small technical service, - the director of the Children's Music School explained.

According to him, in the 1970s and 1980s, a similar system already existed: all music schools were subordinate to the main department of culture and centralized accounting. The current merger will make it possible to raise the material and economic level of "lagging behind" schools, in particular, to introduce innovative technologies everywhere, Gorlinsky believes.

According to him, four schools have already started creative association: for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, they are preparing a theatrical musical and literary composition "Memory" based on poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The performance will involve 240 children from all schools. This is a big and quite interesting work. Three performances are planned: at the Prokofiev School in the center, then at the Salyut cultural center and on the square in front of the Kaleidoscope shopping mall on May 9. This will be the real embodiment of our association, - Gorlinsky explained.

However, not all teams agree with the reorganization. Teachers of the Andreev Children's Music School protested against the dismissal of the school director, Honored Worker of Culture Tatyana Simonova. 260 teachers and parents sent an appeal to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin with a request to allow the director to continue working in his previous position.

The team writes that the sudden dismissal of the director was carried out in a disrespectful manner and caused shock among students and staff. In protest, both head teachers of the school wrote letters of resignation. The teachers planned a rally, which eventually turned into a production meeting with the Department of Culture.

Tatyana Simonova's colleague Vyacheslav Gorlinsky reacted to the protests in a philosophical manner.

If the team likes the director, people have the right to speak out about it. And to dismiss or not to dismiss the director is the right of the Department of Culture. We do not know the reason why this was done, - says the director of the Flier Children's Music School.

The department of culture explained to Izvestia that the reason for the change of director was the long sick leave of Tatyana Simonova.

In recent years, Tatyana Simonova has undergone several surgeries and spent most of her time on sick leave (133 days in 2014), which greatly complicates the process of running a school. At present, Tatyana Kislukhina has been appointed director of the Andreev Children's Music School, who worked at the school for 3 years as the head of the department of stringed folk instruments, for one year as deputy director, and for the last 5 years she headed the Nadezhda School of Arts, which under her leadership has become one of the best Moscow art schools, - said the department.

Kislukhina herself told Izvestia that in December and January she was already acting. school principal while Tatyana Simonova was on sick leave.

We all have such a clause in the employment contract: the founder has the right to dismiss the director at any time. We all knew about it, because we put our signature under the employment contract, - said Tatyana Kisluhina. - In the near future, we must create a charter for a new unified school, draw up a staffing table, and register a new legal entity with the tax authorities. Schools, as they worked in the mode of the educational process, will continue to be so. We have received the state task for 2015.

The name of the new general director of the combined school has not yet been announced. As Izvestia was told at the Golovanov Children's Music School, it is possible that Tatyana Kisluhina will become it.

Mikhail Khokhlov, director of the Gnessin Moscow Special Music School, considers the association "extremely useful." According to him, it will allow each of the schools to reduce the cost of specialists, which the school does not need every day, and, therefore, save part of the city budget. Also, music schools will be able to use each other's privileges free of charge, for example, rent concert halls for free. The most important thing is not to lose the contingent of students.

There is only one minus of the reorganization - the dismissal of some school leaders. As a result, the person - the manager of the budget loses control levers. This can lead to opposition both to this particular reform and to reforms in general. But there are still more pluses, - Mikhail Khokhlov is sure.

Unlike her colleague, pianist and presidential confidant Yekaterina Mechetina, the schools are unlikely to benefit from the reorganization.

I do not know a single person who would be in favor of such a union. The teachers tried to protest even at the stage of discussing the initiative, but now, apparently, it is too late. Even if formally the size of the administration is reduced, in practice there will only be more bureaucracy and running around. In addition, each school has its own face, and the risk that it will suffer is very high, - Mechetina noted.

As a result of the reform, it is planned to create three joint art schools in the SZAO of Moscow: Shchukino, Tushino (the Oborin Children's Music School, the Dokshitser Children's Music School and the Maykapar Children's Music School) and the Stravinsky Children's Art School (with the addition of the Children's Music School in Kurkino).

In total, there are now 122 children's music schools and children's art schools in Moscow.

Since 2012, there has been an optimization of educational institutions, both preschool and school type. The optimization of schools consists in their unification, and the subsequent separation of elementary schools from middle and high schools. What happens to the reorganized school?


  1. Reorganization is the termination of one form of business ownership and the creation of a new one, which entails the emergence of succession relations.
  2. An educational institution is an institution that carries out the learning process, and is also responsible for organizing this process. As part of its activities, it implements one or more educational programs.


  1. Any school is a legal entity, so the reorganization process is carried out on the basis of
  2. But, since this is still an educational institution, it is worth relying on the norms

To make a decision on the reorganization of the school have the right:

  • as authorities at the federal level;
  • as well as at the regional level.

For what purpose is

  1. Schools are being reorganized to optimize the learning process for children.
  2. In addition, officials call the main goal of merging schools to reduce the cost of maintaining incomplete schools, as well as to improve the network of public educational institutions.

As a rule, this leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the educational process and a decrease in the quality of education in a particular school.

main feature

The peculiarity of the reorganization of the school lies in the fact that subsequently the effectiveness of the decision to reorganize is evaluated.

Checking in progress:

  • providing children with school supplies;
  • organization of the educational process, as well as leisure of schoolchildren;
  • catering;
  • the effectiveness of medical care;
  • organization of social protection and social services for schoolchildren.

Video: innovations


Like any legal entity, the school can be reorganized in the following forms:

  • A merger is the amalgamation of several operating enterprises into one. At the same time, those legal entities that merge cease to exist, but form a new enterprise;

    Merger scheme: A + B = C, while A and B stop their activities, and C starts.

  • affiliation - one enterprise merges into another, and at the same time ceases to exist;

    Scheme: A + B = A, while b ceases to operate, and A continues, retaining the same TIN.

  • division - on the basis of one legal entity that ceases to exist, new firms are formed;

    Scheme: A / 3 = B1, B2 and B3, while A - ceases to operate.

  • by separation - the formation of a new legal entity. At the same time, the old enterprise continues to exist and conduct economic activities;

    Scheme: - A - B = A and B, while A does not stop its activities.

  • transformation - one enterprise ceases to operate, and on its basis, as a rule, one enterprise arises, less often - several, with a different form of ownership.

    Scheme: A => B, while A stops its activity.


The reorganization of the school, like any legal entity, is carried out according to a single scheme, but taking into account some features.

The step-by-step instructions for reorganizing a school by joining are as follows:

  • making a decision on the reorganization.

    It is accepted either by the founder or by an authorized state body. Also, reorganization can be carried out by a court decision;

  • on the basis of the decision taken, a Resolution is issued at the level of authority at which the decision was made to carry out the reorganization in this educational institution;
  • it is necessary to resolve the issue with the staff;

    There are two ways - either downsizing or changing the terms of the employment contract. In both cases, all employees of both institutions must be notified for 2 months before upcoming changes. Example

  • while the personnel department is resolving the issue with employees, the accounting department is creating a separation balance sheet, on the basis of which a transfer act will be drawn up;
  • make an official notification through the media with help journal "Bulletin of state registration" ;
  • it is necessary to send a notice of reorganization to each creditor and debtor;

    This is necessary to pay off debts and collect receivables. And, although the school is a public institution, it also has both creditors and debtors.

  • when all documents are ready, they must be submitted to the tax office;
  • then register a new educational institution (or institutions), if the reorganization involves their creation.


The decision to reorganize the school is made:

  • or its founder;
  • or an authorized state body.

This body also approves the initial arrangements for the reorganization. They depend on the form in which the reorganization will take place.


On the basis of the decision taken, a legal act is issued - a Resolution at the level of power that made the decision to reorganize a particular educational institution.

This document contains the following information:

  • details of the decision;
  • full and abbreviated name of the educational institution being reorganized;
  • form of reorganization;
  • appointment of a responsible person or responsible body on behalf of the founder or authorized state body;
  • order to carry out relevant activities;
  • order to draw up a transfer act, prepare the necessary documents.

If a new educational institution is created during the reorganization (merger, division, separation or transformation), then the following information must also be indicated in the resolution:

  • type, type and full name of the newly created educational institution;
  • the executive authority in whose jurisdiction the new educational institution will be located;
  • formation of property of a newly created educational institution.


It is necessary to properly resolve the issue with the staff of the reorganized school.

Depending on the form of future changes, they are “threatened” with either layoffs or changes in the terms of the employment contract.

In any case, all personnel must be notified no later than 2 months prior to the commencement of all reorganization activities.

The notice must be in writing and sent to each employee personally. In addition, the employee must sign the notice.

The founder of the school himself should order such an examination, and it is carried out according to the standards that are established by the authorities of the subject independently.

The composition of the commission, which conducts the assessment of the consequences, includes:

  • heads and specialists of local education authorities;
  • managers, economists and lawyers of local authorities;
  • representatives of the local government;
  • representative of the institution that was reorganized.

Based on the results of the examination, the members of the commission issue their opinion, which contains the following information:

  • justification for the need for reorganization.
  • a direct indication of how the right of students to receive free secondary education will be implemented;
  • the option of employing workers if there is a reduction in staff or mass layoffs;
  • predicted consequences of the decision to reorganize. What is the future of the school?

Workers' rights

When reorganizing the school, the rights of all employees must be observed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If there is a reduction, then all payments must be made, if there is a change in the terms of the employment contract, then they must be no worse than in the previous one.

That is, if there is a change in salaries, then it is impossible to allow the salary at the new place of work to be lower than at the previous one, while maintaining the same amount of work.

Otherwise, audits and litigation cannot be avoided.

An employee has the right to refuse to work for a new boss. This is his right! This is stated in

Advantages and disadvantages

School reorganization has its pros and cons. However, there are more cons than pros.

The disadvantages include:

  • in the classroom becomes more 25 people, or even 30 ;
  • the educational process suffers;
  • some schools are moving to a "lower" level of education;

    For example, united a general education school and a school with the status of a "gymnasium". Those children who studied at the "gymnasium" lost in education, as the new school was transferred to the general education level.

  • often, it becomes more difficult for students to get to school and further;

    This is especially true for the reorganization of rural ungraded schools. When, For example, unite several rural schools for a complete set of classes and teaching staff. Children often have to travel several kilometers to other villages.

  • reduction of teaching staff;
  • retraining of teachers. For example, the union of sports and ordinary schools;
  • an increase in the pedagogical load on teachers with the same salary.

The only pluses can be attributed to the fact that children's preschool institutions - kindergartens - are being restored in the vacated places.

The Moscow Department of Culture has begun reorganizing children's music and art schools. The main vector is consolidation, consolidation and, as a result, reduction of administrative expenses. In some districts of Moscow, only one art school will remain. So, the Andreev Children's Music School, the Golovanov Children's Music School, the Flier Children's Music School and the Nadezhda Children's Art School by August 31, 2015 should merge into the Shchukino Moscow City United Children's Art School.

The process is aimed at strengthening the administrative and financial activities of schools and will not affect the number of teaching staff or students, Izvestia was assured in the department.

According to Vyacheslav Gorlinsky, director of the Flier Children's Music School, the reorganization will lead to staff reductions in each school.

All finances will be concentrated in one center, with the general director, who will be able to manage them and more effectively use the various structures that he himself will create. They will serve all four schools on the principle of a dispatch service. One professional team will serve the schools both in the economic and in the engineering part. Of course, the staff of each school will be reduced, because now everyone has their own accounting department, their own business manager, there is a small technical service, - the director of the Children's Music School explained.

According to him, in the 1970s and 1980s, a similar system already existed: all music schools were subordinate to the main department of culture and centralized accounting. The current merger will make it possible to raise the material and economic level of "lagging behind" schools, in particular, to introduce innovative technologies everywhere, Gorlinsky believes.

According to him, four schools have already started creative association: for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, they are preparing a theatrical musical and literary composition "Memory" based on poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The performance will involve 240 children from all schools. This is a big and quite interesting work. Three performances are planned: at the Prokofiev School in the center, then at the Salyut cultural center and on the square in front of the Kaleidoscope shopping mall on May 9. This will be the real embodiment of our association, - Gorlinsky explained.

However, not all teams agree with the reorganization. Teachers of the Andreev Children's Music School protested against the dismissal of the school director, Honored Worker of Culture Tatyana Simonova. 260 teachers and parents sent an appeal to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin with a request to allow the director to continue working in his previous position.

The team writes that the sudden dismissal of the director was carried out in a disrespectful manner and caused shock among students and staff. In protest, both head teachers of the school wrote letters of resignation. The teachers planned a rally, which eventually turned into a production meeting with the Department of Culture.

Tatyana Simonova's colleague Vyacheslav Gorlinsky reacted to the protests in a philosophical manner.

If the team likes the director, people have the right to speak out about it. And to dismiss or not to dismiss the director is the right of the Department of Culture. We do not know the reason why this was done, - says the director of the Flier Children's Music School.

The department of culture explained to Izvestia that the reason for the change of director was the long sick leave of Tatyana Simonova.

In recent years, Tatyana Simonova has undergone several surgeries and spent most of her time on sick leave (133 days in 2014), which greatly complicates the process of running a school. At present, Tatyana Kislukhina has been appointed director of the Andreev Children's Music School, who worked at the school for 3 years as the head of the department of stringed folk instruments, for one year as deputy director, and for the last 5 years she headed the Nadezhda School of Arts, which under her leadership has become one of the best Moscow art schools, - said the department.

Kislukhina herself told Izvestia that in December and January she was already acting. school principal while Tatyana Simonova was on sick leave.

We all have such a clause in the employment contract: the founder has the right to dismiss the director at any time. We all knew about it, because we put our signature under the employment contract, - said Tatyana Kisluhina. - In the near future, we must create a charter for a new unified school, draw up a staffing table, and register a new legal entity with the tax authorities. Schools, as they worked in the mode of the educational process, will continue to be so. We have received the state task for 2015.

The name of the new general director of the combined school has not yet been announced. As Izvestia was told at the Golovanov Children's Music School, it is possible that Tatyana Kisluhina will become it.

Mikhail Khokhlov, director of the Gnessin Moscow Special Music School, considers the association "extremely useful." According to him, it will allow each of the schools to reduce the cost of specialists, which the school does not need every day, and, therefore, save part of the city budget. Also, music schools will be able to use each other's privileges free of charge, for example, rent concert halls for free. The most important thing is not to lose the contingent of students.

There is only one minus of the reorganization - the dismissal of some school leaders. As a result, the person - the manager of the budget loses control levers. This can lead to opposition both to this particular reform and to reforms in general. But there are still more pluses, - Mikhail Khokhlov is sure.

Unlike her colleague, pianist and presidential confidant Yekaterina Mechetina, the schools are unlikely to benefit from the reorganization.

I do not know a single person who would be in favor of such a union. The teachers tried to protest even at the stage of discussing the initiative, but now, apparently, it is too late. Even if formally the size of the administration is reduced, in practice there will only be more bureaucracy and running around. In addition, each school has its own face, and the risk that it will suffer is very high, - Mechetina noted.

As a result of the reform, it is planned to create three joint art schools in the SZAO of Moscow: Shchukino, Tushino (the Oborin Children's Music School, the Dokshitser Children's Music School and the Maykapar Children's Music School) and the Stravinsky Children's Art School (with the addition of the Children's Music School in Kurkino).

In total, there are now 122 children's music schools and children's art schools in Moscow.

Since the new year, 2011, the number of children in the state educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care has decreased.

Does the boarding school administration have the right to produce full-time employees, as well as teachers (teachers, educators) in the middle of the academic year? If so, who is given the priority right to stay at work? What rights do pensioners working in this institution have in this case?

An educational institution is independent in the implementation of the educational process, the selection and placement of personnel, scientific, financial, economic and other activities within the limits established by law, the model regulation on an educational institution of the appropriate type and type and the charter of the educational institution.

How to reduce the teacher and make a change in the staffing of the school?

The institution has a staff unit of 0.25 of the rate of a teacher-valeologist, which is actually not needed at the moment, but the institution needs a staff unit of an archivist. How to properly reduce the teacher-valeologist (procedure) and make a change in the staffing of the school. Thank you in advance.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract may be terminated by the employer in cases of reduction in the number or staff of employees of an organization, an individual entrepreneur.

On the impossibility of dismissing a teacher of a higher educational institution to reduce staff before the end of the academic year

Is it allowed to dismiss teachers at the initiative of the administration of a higher educational institution, due to staff reductions in the academic year (middle of the academic year)?

As a general rule, the Labor Code does not contain restrictions on the procedure for terminating an employment contract with teachers to reduce staff.

However, the Model Regulation on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) provides for a rule according to which the dismissal of teachers of educational institutions to reduce the number or staff of employees is allowed only at the end of the academic year (paragraph

Features of the procedure for reducing the staff of employees

To date, such a method of dismissal as a reduction in the number of employees or the number of personnel is very common. Despite the economic unprofitability of this method and the need for a long period of time to expire for the final termination of the employment contract, it is considered the most reliable, since the mutual interests of the parties are taken into account.

Reduction refers to the removal of individual positions or even entire structural divisions from the staffing of an enterprise.

The procedure for layoffs

is carried out in several stages. First of all, the employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing at least two months before the start of the layoff procedure, explaining the reasons for the layoff. The employee must be notified in writing without fail, with the obligatory delivery of a copy of the notification to him, on the second copy of which he must sign.

Reducing the staff of teaching staff

The reduction in the positions provided for by the staffing table may be associated with a change in the staffing table (reduction in the number of staff units of the same name) or with a change in the names of positions with a simultaneous change in the content of the work. A reduction in the number of school teaching staff may occur, for example, with a decrease in the number of classes-sets, a change in the number of teaching hours in a subject due to a change in the curriculum.

Reducing the staff of the organization

The employer must provide information to the employment service no later than 2 months before. And if the state leads to mass layoffs - no later than 3 months.

If the employee refuses to sign, it is necessary to draw up a special act where this is indicated. Simultaneously with familiarization with the order, it is necessary to provide the employee with a list of vacant positions.

The rally of trade unions "For a fair budgetary policy", which took place throughout the country on October 7, gathered more than 2,000 people in Volgograd on Lenin Square. With the current rise in prices and tariffs, an increase in taxes and the introduction, in fact, of a new tax on capital repairs, the increase in the retirement age planned by the financial sector of the Russian government, the reduction in spending on wages for state employees, pensions, social benefits and the refusal to index them are unacceptable, the protesters believe. There were especially many this time at the rally of teachers of music schools in Volgograd and Volzhsky, who are already being cut salaries, reducing hours and allowances. The admission of a new contingent of students to music schools in the two largest cities in the region has also been reduced to a minimum.

"We demandintroductionIprogressive taxation of income»

Over this year, the country has rolled back six years in terms of the level of poverty of the working population: the real incomes of Russians have already decreased by 25%, according to VTsIOM estimates. And what will happen before the end of the year with the current inflation, in general, no one can predict.

At the same time, the gap between the salaries of top managers of companies of the “public property”, from which the people for some reason do not receive any dividends, and the salaries of ordinary hard workers and teachers amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles. But everyone pays the same taxes. The government and the State Duma have many times refused to even consider the issue of a luxury tax.

“We demand the introduction of a progressive scale of income taxation,” they said at a trade union rally, “otherwise, soup is liquid for some, and pearls are shallow for others.”

And the day before, the news flashed: "The Russian government will classify data on the owners of yachts and villas."

The participants of the rally called the initiatives of the financial bloc of the government anti-people and thoughtless. Instead of lowering the quality of life of the working population even lower, it would be better to stop investing budget money in US dollars, and finally start helping the real sector of the economy of your country - factories and farmers. Then there would be more money in the federal budget.

Trade unions support the course of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and count on the fact that reforms in the economy will not be carried out at the expense of infringement of labor rights and reduction of guarantees for workers,” said from the rostrum Chairman of the Volgograd Regional Council of Trade Unions Vladimir Starikov.

The rally participants unanimously adopted a resolution in which they demanded from the authorities: Prevent cuts in social spending in the budgets of all levels for 2016, adoption of laws aimed at revising the measures of social support for the population in the direction of limiting social payments;

Bring the minimum wage by 2017 to the subsistence level of the able-bodied population, increase real wages;

Ensure the unconditional implementation of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation in terms of raising the salaries of public sector employees, to prevent fraud with the methodology for calculating the average wage;

Introduce a progressive scale of taxation of citizens' incomes;

Suspend the collection of tax on real estate of citizens on the basis of its cadastral value;

Eliminate shadow employment;

Lead a resolute fight against corruption.

The protesters also demanded to stop shifting the burden of economic problems onto the shoulders of the working people.

Music teachers may be left without a salary

And even after the majority of the participants in the trade union rally dispersed, the music school teachers remained. They have the most alarming salary situation today. As SP-South wrote earlier, the authorities of Volgograd began "optimization" by laying off all teachers of additional education - music workers, fine arts, as well as speech therapists and psychologists in the kindergartens of the hero city. Now they have undertaken to optimize music schools. Before themselves, loved ones, the hands of officials will never reach.

Starting from the new year, music school teachers in Volgograd will face a 10% reduction. And teachers of music schools in the neighboring city of Volzhsky will generally be reduced by 20%. Also, enrollment in music schools is reduced by 25%. All music schools are advised to transfer as many students as possible to paid services. But the real cost of music education is quite expensive - about 4,000 rubles a month. Not every parent will pull such an amount.

By the way, children in Russia are legally entitled to free additional education. Part of our taxes goes towards this. But, judging by the logic of Volgograd city officials, even if a new young Rostropovich or Tchaikovsky comes to audition for a music school, teachers will have to recommend him to study for 4,000 rubles a month or “turn from the gate.”

Moreover, directors of music schools in the hero city recently received a plan to transfer seven-year musical education to four years: i.e. will release the ignoramuses.

Several financial orders of the mayor's office nullified the effect of Federal Law 1601 on raising salaries for teachers of additional education. The music teachers of Volgograd and Volzhsky did not see any increase in salaries, as it should have been according to the decree of the President of Russia and this law. Instead, teaching hours were reduced for everyone, and some teachers were also sent on forced leave without pay in August.

Another innovation from the city authorities was the requirement to pay music teachers a salary based not on an academic hour (a lesson lasts 40 minutes), but on an astronomical hour: i.e. cut salaries for each lesson on the grounds that teachers are allegedly “underperforming”.

Interestingly, the federal law on education, in which the academic hour is equated to astronomical, has not been repealed. But for officials of the city hall of Volgograd, this "trifle", apparently, is not an obstacle.

And recently, teachers of music schools in Volgograd were told at an emergency meeting that the mayor's office did not have money to pay teachers of music schools for November and December of this year.

The other day, the heads of municipal educational institutions of additional education for children received a letter signed chairman of the culture committee of the administration of Volgograd E.V. Fomina. According to this letter, “by the heads of municipal institutions, the accrual and payment of wages to employees of municipal educational institutions was carried out in violation of the above provisions (on giving money to teachers within the funds allocated for wages for the calendar year), which led to that as of September 1, 2015, institutions have sufficient financial resources only to pay official salaries and part of incentive payments. Based on this, the directors of music schools in Volgograd were instructed to “stop paying incentive payments to employees, with the exception of mandatory bonuses for seniority and the presence of an academic degree, honorary title, as well as amounts that ensure that employees of institutions of the established salary are brought to the level of the minimum wage in the Russian Federation for the remaining period of the calendar of the year".

This thoughtless optimization threatens to destroy the best music education in the world: this is the opinion of musicians in many countries where teachers from Volgograd and Volzhsky take their students to concerts. Many graduates of music schools in Volgograd and neighboring Volzhsky now play music on the prestigious stages of Paris, Jerusalem and other cities of the world and the country. At the same time, their teachers are being laid off because the mayor's office officials were unable to organize the work in such a way as to fill the city budget.

Teachers of several music schools in Volgograd hired lawyers to help draw up an appeal to the prosecutor's office with a request to sort out the legality of the actions of the Volgograd mayor's office.