Development of VED. The main stages in the development of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation. Advantages and disadvantages of reform

  • 06.03.2023


Foreign economic activity is one of the areas of economic activity of the state, enterprises, firms, closely related to foreign trade, export and import of goods, foreign loans and investments, and the implementation of joint projects with other countries.

Foreign economic activity should be understood as a set of production, economic, organizational, economic and operational-commercial ways of implementing foreign economic relations, including trade, joint ventures, the provision of various types of services and other types of international cooperation.

And foreign economic relations are forms of economic, trade and other economic interstate relations, as well as some relations of a political and scientific-technical nature at the interstate level in their totality and diversity.

Foreign economic activity is divided into the following main types: foreign trade activity; industrial cooperation; international investment cooperation; currency and financial-credit operations. In modern Russian practice, foreign economic activity is implemented mainly through foreign trade activities.

From the end of the 80s. 20th century in Russia, a rapid transition to market relations began, it was then that the foreign economic reform began to be carried out (1986-1987), the essence of which was the decentralization of state foreign trade and the transition from a system of intergovernmental foreign economic relations to the independent implementation of foreign economic activity (FEA) at the micro level, that is, at the level enterprises.

Thus, there has been a systemic change in Russia's foreign economic policy, directed towards building an open economy and integration into the system of world economic relations, as well as towards the liberalization of all forms of foreign economic activity.

The liberalization of Russia's foreign economic activity coincided with the rapid development of the globalization of the world economy, which is accompanied by an ever-increasing intensification of international relations and the growing internationalization of national economies into the system of the international division of labor.

Both of these trends neutralized the barriers and obstacles to the entry of domestic enterprises into foreign markets, and also opened the way for the penetration of foreign investment and products into the Russian domestic market. With all the problems of Russia's internal development over the past 20 years, foreign economic activity has become a kind of "standard" of market transformations in the country.

Trends in the development of foreign economic activity in Russia (to date)

In the process of reforming the country's economy, foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises has taken an important place in the formation of the revenue part of the state budget.

In the process of reforming the country's economy, foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises and associations has taken an important place in the formation of the revenue part of the state budget.

The state and development opportunities of the sphere of foreign economic activity in Russia are largely determined by the production and resource base. Thanks to the huge reserves of natural raw materials - gas, oil, iron, nickel and copper ore - it was possible to maintain separate positions in world production and extraction of a number of products: natural gas and oil extraction; for the production of nickel, iron and steel.

These positions allowed Russian participants in foreign economic activity to remain among the leading countries - exporters of oil, natural gas, non-ferrous and precious metals.

The positive effect of economic interaction with the global market is manifested, first of all, in additional opportunities for expanding domestic production. A narrow domestic market simply cannot be a consumer of all possible products of domestic enterprises, so their export activities help them increase their income and profits, maintain investment activity, and create new jobs.

Export earnings, in turn, ensure the expansion of domestic consumer demand and the market as a whole, which provides even greater opportunities for the development of domestic production.

The liberalization of foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises helped to solve many problems and launched a number of processes useful for the country's economy: filling the domestic market, creating competition, reorganizing economically inefficient industries, starting to use modern management methods, and making the movement towards a market economy irreversible.

The development of foreign economic activity of enterprises and the elimination of barriers in foreign trade provide an opportunity to further use the advantages of the national economy, which will determine the nature of its trade. A country will export those goods where it is relatively efficient and import those goods where it is relatively inefficient. Thus, the domestic economy will use its resources more efficiently than it would be in a closed economy.

It is worth noting the positive aspects in the field of finance and monetary circulation. Export earnings, as well as foreign investments flowing into the country, somehow increase the money supply, which eliminates the acute problems for Russian enterprises associated with their lending.

The boundaries of borrowed funds and investments, which are limited to domestic financial institutions, are expanding.

Foreign direct investment and imports of foreign goods allow domestic enterprises and banks to increase their capitalization, introduce advanced technologies, carry out technical reconstruction and improve management methods.

But the lack of a balanced and clear policy in the management of the foreign economic sphere and the development of Russia's foreign economic relations has created many problems for the economy as a whole.

Firstly, the main sales market for most large Russian companies is exclusively the external market, where energy carriers (more than 60% of total exports) and raw metals (about 20%) are supplied in huge quantities. That is, the international specialization of Russia as a supplier of raw materials to the world market can be traced. This is confirmed by the index of Russia's relative specialization in MRI, which is defined as the degree to which the country's export structure corresponds to the world structure, which is at the level of 13%.

Secondly, as a result of openness, the Russian economy has become susceptible and sensitive to market changes in world markets: to changes in external demand, world prices for goods, exchange rates, etc.

Due to these two main problems - the lack of proper diversification of the domestic economy and a sharp change in the situation - the Russian economy was unable to avoid a sharp drop in exports as a result of the global financial and economic crisis. The crisis showed the insufficient readiness of the institutional structure of the Russian economy to respond to external challenges, the one-sidedness of its export orientation, as well as the excessive dependence of Russian enterprises on borrowing in the global financial market.

Even during the period of rapid economic growth in Russia, which lasted almost 10 years, the structure of industrial production that had developed in the past, with a predominance of extractive industries and industries for the primary processing of raw materials, remained virtually unchanged.

At the same time, the positions of domestic enterprises in the domestic market were constantly weakening, which was associated with the permanent strengthening of the national currency and the low competitiveness of domestic products in comparison with foreign counterparts.

These aspects of the negative impact of the external factor on the national economy of Russia reveal the need to intensify the processes of diversification and modernization of the economy as the main strategic task of the state and business in the current conditions.

Despite the fact that the word “modernization” is very often used by the Russian political elite, the main problems that impede its implementation have not yet been resolved, namely: the lack of a full-fledged competitive environment, the presence of regional and industry monopoly, a low investment climate, bureaucratic pressure on business.

For the stable operation of foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises, it is necessary to ensure that inflation rates decrease to an acceptable level (3-5%) and to ensure a stable exchange rate of the national currency against foreign currencies, taking into account the difference in inflation rates between Russia and its main trading partners.

Further integration of Russia into the world economy is not possible without the active participation of our country in international economic relations. The basic rules and mechanisms in international trade are adopted collectively, within the framework of the World Trade Organization.

The WTO system is a multilateral package of agreements, the rules and regulations of which govern 97% of all world trade. Staying outside the WTO means staying on the sidelines of world development.

Accession to the WTO will bring predictability and transparency to Russian enterprises in trade relations, reduce discrimination against them, and also provide them with access to dispute resolution through the WTO mechanism.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possible threats facing Russian enterprises and the economy as a whole when joining the WTO. It is quite difficult to assess the effects that will occur in the domestic economy.

Russia's accession to the WTO as a whole will not lead to any large-scale negative changes. More precisely, it can increase Russia's GDP growth by one percentage point if the economy is growing, or lower GDP by the same one percentage point if it falls.

As a result of the weak innovative potential, Russian enterprises lag far behind in the development of exports of finished products, mainly machinery and equipment, science-intensive and innovative products, as well as other products with a high share of value added.

To improve the current situation in the foreign economic sector of Russia, it is necessary not only to change the investment climate and the general economic situation in the country, but also to change the export strategy, to revise the industrial policy in favor of the priority development of competitive science-intensive industries and industries.

Even though this may lead to negative social consequences, it is necessary to abandon the old practice of state support for inefficient and unprofitable enterprises, which in turn, for a number of reasons, will provide new development opportunities for enterprises that produce competitive products.

It seems necessary to create a mechanism to stimulate Russian exporters, which implies the possibility of a rapid concentration of resources for the implementation of large-scale projects in priority sectors.

First of all, these should be representatives of the most diversified sector - the modern machine-building complex, which includes the production of export products of general mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and electronics, rail and sea transport, automobiles, and instrument-making products.

State support for exports by the state should include lending for export production and deliveries abroad. Moreover, state lending should be provided as a priority to machine-building enterprises, especially those producing high-tech products.

This lending can be carried out by the state both on normal commercial terms and on preferential terms. At the same time, the rash provision of export subsidies to enterprises remains undesirable, since this policy of supporting certain enterprises or industries will, as a result, worsen the terms of trade for the entire Russian economy.

In addition, for the enterprise itself, such a policy in the long term may not lead to the expansion of the sales market and the preservation of competitiveness, but, on the contrary, to a narrowing of the market share, financial and image losses.

Foreign economic activity is the activity of the state in the sphere of the economy outside of domestic trade. It has many different aspects, but all of them are somehow connected with the market, the promotion of various kinds of services on it: transportation, sale of goods. In fact, it consists of many interdependent links.

Ultimately, foreign economic activity has the goal of making a profit as a result of the implementation of certain transactions on the international market.

Since an important component of successful trading is the study of market conditions, demand for various types of goods or services, the presence of competitors, the study of companies - potential consumers, a huge team of managers, economists and marketers has a responsible task to ensure and maintain the functioning of the entire above mechanism.

Features of the activities of the state in the field of foreign economics

The foreign economic activity of Russia has its own characteristic specifics. Coordination of the relevant processes of market relations consists of several fundamental points.

Fundamental among them are:

1) state regulation of foreign economic activity by the laws of several countries at once. The execution of foreign economic transactions is impossible without knowledge of the legal basis for the regulation of a particular activity;

2) relations in the sphere of the external economy are market relations, therefore, activities should be regulated by markets.

Commercial relations will not work if partners from different countries are not interested in mutual cooperation. Foreign economic activity, manifested by any transactions of an international level, is simply impossible without negotiating, concluding commercial transactions between partners. These are important, integral auxiliary functions of foreign economic activity;

3) an equally important component of any transaction is the provision of transport, insurance of enterprises for the implementation of modal and activity outside one country is not feasible without establishing links between customs, currency and credit exchanges, since registration and mutual settlements are important for the implementation of any type of activity. All established and accepted standards are recorded in the protocol, recorded and observed, therefore, special skills and knowledge are simply necessary for interested parties.

Management link in the foreign economic policy of the state

In our country, the Ministry of Trade is responsible for managing the foreign economic activity of the state. In recent years, many forms of activity in Russia have undergone major changes. Functions of the Ministry of Commerce:

  • regulates and coordinates foreign trade relations;
  • makes proposals for the unification of foreign trade policy between partner countries;
  • ensures the implementation of adopted proposals and laws.

In addition, the duties of the Ministry of Finance of Russia include:

  • regulation of taxation issues;
  • establishing rules for international settlements;
  • determining the procedure for issues related to financing, lending to various operations in the external economy;
  • carrying out various kinds of operations abroad;
  • representation of the interests of their country in international monetary and credit organizations, as well as in the Central Banks of other states. It is the Central Bank of Russia that is the main authorized body exercising control over foreign exchange transactions on foreign exchanges, as well as the regulator of relations between them.

Customs is a subject of foreign economic relations

Customs affairs are also foreign economic activities. The Customs State Committee of the Russian Federation, which develops and implements fiscal policy in the state, is one of the indispensable links in the country's tax-accountable system.

In addition, the state structure controls all operations in this industry, regulates economic activity by various means based on the one developed in Russia.

Passing the procedure of customs verification and identification, each unit of production receives its own code. In addition, it is carried out within the framework of the existing Russian legislation. Thanks to this procedure, specialists have the opportunity and access to study the structure of international trade.

The development of foreign economic activity lies in the establishment of high-quality mutually beneficial relations. For their formation, it is important to expand business contacts between foreign partners - exporters and manufacturers, to provide them with assistance and assistance. At this stage, local government bodies by regions, as well as representatives of the administration, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation are responsible.

Today Russia has established market relations with many countries of the near and far abroad.

Advantages and disadvantages of reform

Multiple reforms carried out over a long period of time contributed to the creation of a single base on which foreign economic activity is carried out. This, first of all, plays a significant role in the standardization of processes in the foreign market.

Although all the reforms that have been experienced for a long time have not led to radical changes, there are still many questions and problems on the international market. The state foreign economic activity of Russia remains, as before, not fully prepared, since it was launched prematurely. Hasty liberalization ultimately led to:

  • dependence on imports of many consumer goods;
  • deterioration of export relations between countries;
  • the collapse of many markets within the country, which affected domestic producers;
  • export of our weapons, some scientific products.

The sphere of Russia's foreign economic activity has repeatedly undergone reforms, but at this stage the mechanism of its regulation remains imperfect.

The main directions in the field of foreign economics

State regulation of foreign economic activity needs an effective system, which means that the adaptability of each individual subject to new modern trends in market management is in demand:

  • internationalization of production;
  • development of the international division of labor;
  • reconstruction of old and creation of new industries in the economy;
  • renewal of capital associated with the inflow of funds in a particular activity;
  • development of vigorous activity between transnational corporations;
  • liberalization of trade between countries. It is important to reduce customs duties, lift restrictions on imported and exported goods for export, and create more free economic zones.

If regional barriers are eliminated, the number of free trade zones is formed and increased, then the impact on foreign economic relations in the aggregate of all the above factors will be significant.

Changes in the sphere of foreign trade relations: tariffs and rates

Tariffs were repeatedly subjected to changes. Tariffs were crushed, set separately for each type of product, duties were differentiated, thereby encouraging the export of goods abroad, or vice versa, they withheld goods if their production brought a significant profit to the country. The sphere of customs regulation will undergo major changes in the coming years. The government plans to reduce the number of duties, their appointment only for large goods in batches, and not for small goods separately.

It is also expected to unify tariff rates, reduce duties after the upcoming entry of Russia into WTO members. Already in many developed countries, the level of customs tariffs is average, but not too high. It is important to develop a whole range of measures for non-tariff regulation of relations between powers, because duties can be reduced only by applying various non-tariff barriers. The international foreign economic activity of some states in this matter can serve as a model for domestic policy.

Changes in taxation and business

In Russia, taxation on some profitable industries is still humane. Exporters are not interested in investing in the economy of our country if they have excess profits from the supply of their raw materials to the world market in other countries.

It is necessary to pay attention to innovative entrepreneurship, science-intensive exports. To improve the structure of exports from Russia, it is important to form state support for exported industrial goods. If regional export programs are regulated, then there will be less competition between Russian firms producing similar products.

It is possible to increase the effectiveness of relations with the external economy by diversifying the markets for domestic goods, as well as the sources of raw materials produced for export, maintaining relations with many countries, constantly expanding their range.

Features of recent foreign economic relations under the USSR

It is important to regulate the export and import of captal and radically change the situation. The export of capital began from Russia to the countries of Asia at the beginning of the 20th century. Under the USSR, mixed joint-stock companies were created, which mainly carried out only trade operations for the export of capital in the form of loans from the state. Further, some countries of Western Europe adopted this idea and began to create such structures at home.

Basically, loans went to Turkey, Iran, Mongolia, Afghanistan. Some developing countries received economic assistance from the Soviet Union. But with its collapse, the issuance of loans and assistance to foreign countries has significantly decreased. The export of capital has increased, but in other forms:

  • investment contribution to large domestic enterprises;
  • issuance of loans for the import of private capital.

The specifics of investing in the Russian economy

Today, a concept has not even been developed for the import of capital in our country, a system for regulating the export of capital has not been developed, with the exception of some of its minor elements. The export of capital from Russia is controlled by the law “On the liberalization of activities outside the economy on the territory of the RSFSR”, adopted in 1991.

Control over the implementation of foreign exchange transactions is carried out on the basis of the law “On foreign exchange regulation and control”. Private capital for export is not supported by the state in any way, no measures have been taken. What is known is an agreement on the protection of investments with other countries, the prevention of double taxation.

The placement of various kinds of investments abroad in no way passes the analysis of foreign economic activity. Nevertheless, there are no restrictions on the export of capital abroad in Russia.

Problems of illegal export of capital abroad

Many illegal immigrants have appeared, sending capital for export in a dishonest way. There are far fewer foreign enterprises registered in the state register than those companies in which Russian funds are invested. In order to form national interests and tasks in the field of export, Russia needs to create a detailed concept for the export of private capital outside its borders. This is necessary not only for executive authorities, but also for private investors. The fundamentals of the policy of the Russian state on the export of capital abroad for them should be clearly marked and understandable.

It is difficult to regulate the entire process of exporting capital, because restrictive and prohibitive measures are not always effective in real life. Improve means:

  • reduce the burden of taxes;
  • stabilize the political situation in the country;
  • prevent an increase in inflation;
  • comply with legal regulations;
  • to reduce criminal phenomena in the sphere of economy.

With such a change in the situation, the investment climate in the country would improve, and, therefore, changes for the better in the issue of import and export of capital.

To overcome the barriers to the import and export of foreign investment is the task of our government. It is a favorable investment climate that will have an impact on the mechanisms of customs control, foreign exchange transactions, and will contribute to the effective development of international trade.

Foreign economic activity is precisely that sphere of the economic and political life of the state, to strengthen the positions of which at a high level one cannot do without investment foreign contributions. All activities aimed at improving the environment associated with investments, of course, should be carried out in aggregate. The state needs to pay attention to the following areas to resolve relations outside the country's economy:

  • Restore and expand everything with the countries of the near and far abroad, as well as the European Union.
  • Accelerate the integration processes existing in the CIS countries.
  • Make foreign economic relations more efficient in all regions of Russia;
  • Clearly allocate functions and responsibilities between the regions and the center for the fulfillment of obligations and regulations, which are determined by foreign economic activity. This provision allows the work to be carried out in a decentralized manner, without interfering with the current processes of trade and at the same time keeping the situation under full control of the state.






Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit


discipline: Accounting, analysis and audit of foreign economic activity

on the topic "The essence, forms and conditions for the development of foreign economic activity"

Performed by a student BA-82D:

Farahieva Zilya Minzeferovna

Scientific adviser:

Eliseev Alexander Anatolievich

Cheboksary, 2012








International economic relations are one of the most dynamically developing areas of economic life. Foreign economic activity is a process of implementation of foreign economic relations, including trade, joint venture, provision of services, cooperation. Conducting foreign economic activity with foreign countries, finding opportunities to make a profit in the world market is a necessity for any enterprise that is interested in increasing profit margins based on foreign trade operations. The intensive development of production makes it necessary to increase foreign trade exchange operations. The development of production requires the presence of well-established foreign economic relations and developed foreign economic activity.

The study and generalization of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of foreign economic activity seems to be an important scientific and practical problem for Russian enterprises - participants in foreign economic activity, and indicates the high relevance of the chosen research problem.

The purpose of the study is to study the essence of foreign economic activity and determine the conditions for the favorable development of foreign economic activity.

Realization of the set goal led to the solution of the following tasks:

1) determine the essence, goals and objectives of foreign economic activity;

2) to consider the main forms and types of foreign economic activity;

3) consider the conditions for the development of foreign economic activity.

  1. Essence, goals and objectives of foreign economic activity

Foreign economic activity- external economic relations of the state, enterprises, firms closely related to foreign trade, exports and imports of goods and services, intellectual property rights, international cooperation, joint business and other activities with the participation of foreign legal entities in the economic territory and its organization abroad.

FEA is carried out at the level of production structures (firms, organizations, enterprises, associations) with full independence in choosing the external market and foreign partner, the range and assortment positions of goods for an export-import transaction, in determining the price and cost of the contract, the volume and delivery time, and is part of their production and commercial activities with both domestic and foreign partners.

FEA belongs to the market sphere, is based on the criteria of entrepreneurial activity and structural connection with production, is distinguished by legal autonomy, economic, as well as legal independence from any sectoral departments and ministries.

The main objectives of foreign economic activity:

    changes in the volume of exports and imports;

    providing the necessary resources (raw materials, energy, etc.);

    changes in the ratio of export and import prices.

These goals are achieved through the solution of the following tasks:

1) study of the theoretical foundations of the international division of labor and international trade;

2) study of techniques and methods of international trade policy;

3) study of methods of international pricing;

4) study of the organization and technique of foreign economic operations.

The essence of foreign economic activity is that it is based on the principle of commercial calculation on the basis of economic and financial independence and self-sufficiency, taking into account its own monetary, financial and material and technical capabilities.

Of particular importance is the principle of currency self-sufficiency, which is ensured by foreign exchange earnings from export sales in the foreign market. Concentrated on the current currency account, they form the currency fund of the foreign economic activity participant.

A FEA participant can open a foreign currency account in any foreign currency or in several currencies at once, the so-called multi-currency and conversion account. Opening a currency account in several types allows you to avoid the conversion of currencies from one to another and the additional costs that accompany the process of exchange transactions. Exchange differences associated with currency translation (in the case of conversion) are credited to the company's currency account.

Currency funds can also be kept in deposit accounts. Interest is accrued on deposits on deposit accounts due to the increase in the size of foreign exchange funds, and there are advantages to using a bank loan and innovative financing. The amount of accrued interest is accepted either on the basis of an agreement between the authorized bank and its client, or is based on the rates of the corresponding period, effective on the date of acceptance of foreign exchange funds on the international interbank market by type of currency.

At the time of opening a foreign exchange account, a foreign trade participant opens two types of accounts at once: transit and current, which are maintained in parallel. Foreign exchange earnings from the export of goods (works, services) are credited first to the transit account, and then, after the mandatory sale on the domestic foreign exchange market, the rest of it is transferred to the current foreign exchange account of the participant in foreign economic activity. The currency received from transactions in the domestic foreign exchange market is credited directly to the current foreign exchange account.

Sources of foreign exchange earnings in the domestic foreign exchange market are foreign exchange earnings received from the sale of goods (works, services) by bank transfer or for cash, as well as by checks, credit cards; currency bought on the currency exchange and in the bank; donations, etc.

Cash receipts in the form of the unused balance of the cash currency previously received by them may be credited to the current currency accounts of foreign economic activity participants in authorized banks without limitation.

No interest is accrued on the currency funds available on the transit account. Banks accrue and pay interest on foreign currency held in current foreign currency accounts only in those currencies for which they receive income from their placement on the international foreign exchange market.

Thus, foreign economic activity is carried out at the level of production structures (firms, organizations, enterprises, associations) with complete independence in choosing a foreign market and a foreign partner. FEA is based on the principle of commercial calculation on the basis of economic and financial independence and self-sufficiency, taking into account its own monetary, financial and material and technical capabilities.

Types and forms of foreign economic activity.

FEA refers to one of the areas of international business based on the production of products (performance of work and provision of services intended for foreign markets).

In Russian practice, this concept has been actively used since the late 80s of the last century in connection with the beginning of the economic reform (1086-1987), the essence of which was the decentralization of state foreign trade and the transition from a system of intergovernmental foreign economic relations to the independent implementation of foreign economic activity at the level enterprises. - manufacturers of export products.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1991 No. 213 “On the liberalization of foreign economic activity on the territory of the RSFSR” established that “all enterprises, organizations and associations registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of their form of ownership, are allowed to carry out foreign economic activity without special registration” . Any Russian person whose constituent documents provide for the conduct of foreign economic activity has the right to import or export goods in accordance with the concluded contract.

As a result of the reform of the WES in Russia, two concepts “WES” and “VED” have developed, the last of which changed the content of the previously used category of WES, its meaning and nature. At the same time, foreign economic activity and foreign economic activity should not be considered as two separate foreign economic spheres of functioning and state regulation in the Russian economy. Because one of the priority aspects of foreign economic activity is that the foreign economic strategy of individual export-oriented enterprises, as well as the sectoral ministries and departments that they belong to, largely determines the directions and principles of the state's foreign economic policy.

Foreign economic relations. - one of the forms of interstate relations in the field of scientific, military-technical, industrial and trade-economic cooperation and monetary and financial interaction.

The content of the FEA consists in the unconditional fulfillment in the state interests of Russia of export deliveries (and import purchases for federal needs) arising from the bilateral intergovernmental trade and economic agreements reached, as a rule, of a mutual nature within the framework of international specialization and cooperation, as well as in the fulfillment of financial and credit obligations .

Planning of volumes and determination of the commodity nomenclature of export-import products and services within the framework of the FEA is carried out by federal structures, i.e. at the government level for strategically important positions through the state order system and at the expense of the state budget.

The state order, in fact, acts as a directive plan for ensuring the production of export products for specialized enterprises selected as a contractor. Under the formed order, the government allocates limits for centralized logistics and monetary and financial resources.

By transferring the state order to the executing enterprises, the federal structures responsible for the implementation of foreign economic agreements undertake the obligation to pay it in full on time within the stipulated period.

Foreign economic activity belongs to the market sphere of relations, is based on the criteria of entrepreneurial activity, structural connection with production processes and is distinguished by legal and economic autonomy, as well as legal independence from industry departmental guardianship.

Foreign economic activity is carried out at the level of enterprises in partially or fully ensuring the production of export products and their sale on the foreign market. Such enterprises, companies, firms are export-oriented enterprises.

FEA is based on complete independence in the development of an export strategy, in the choice of an export product, its nomenclature and composition of assortment items based on production and technological capabilities, as well as the external market, a foreign partner, the basic and financial and economic conditions of foreign trade transactions, in determining the export price and the cost of the contract, the timing of delivery of products and methods of transportation.

Factors of development of foreign economic activity.

Foreign trade began to develop rapidly under the capitalist mode of production and reached its greatest development when a number of the world's largest countries (USA, Japan, Germany, France, etc.) entered the world market economic system.

The most significant factor that influenced the rapid development of foreign trade between countries in the 19th century was the development of sea and rail transport. In the XX century. the possibility of a broad development of foreign trade has increased due to the constant improvement of all modes of transport.

The intensive development of various types of machine production makes it important to increase foreign trade exchange operations, since new types of raw materials, fuel, materials, as well as scientific developments are needed.

The following groups of factors also influence the development of foreign economic activity:

1. Economic factors. Throughout history, there has been an uneven economic development of various countries of the world. Each country has its own structure of industries, its own level of development of industry, agriculture, transport, communications, and its own specialization in the economy.

2. Political relationships. The presence of friendly political relations between countries contributes to the strengthening of foreign economic activity.

3. Scientific and technical development of the country. The formation of foreign economic activity is facilitated by the exchange between countries, researchers, teachers, students; conducting joint research, experiments, fulfillment of contracts for design, research and development work.

4. Features of the geographical location, natural and climatic conditions.

5. Resource factors. The difference in human, raw material and financial resources also creates the basis for exchange relations.

After the Second World War, when the world was dominated by countries with a closed economy, the view was widespread that every state should succeed in all areas of the economy. This trend was due to the desire to ensure the country's self-sufficiency, as well as the opinion that reaching the modern level involves the development of manufacturing industries, and not a concentration on those areas where the country has achieved the greatest success. However, world experience showed that a deeper integration of the country into the world economy, which allows obtaining new technologies and know-how, as well as increasing the role of competition, has become a prerequisite for successful development.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

Fokin Sergey Sergeevich. Development of foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises in the context of globalization: dissertation... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.14 / Fokin Sergey Sergeevich; [Place of protection: Kuban. state un-t].- Krasnodar, 2010.- 209 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 10-8/1250


1 Theoretical foundations of the management of foreign economic activity of an enterprise in the context of globalization 12

1.1 The essence and trends in the development of foreign economic activity of economic entities at the present stage of globalization of world economic relations 12

1.2 Organization of foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise: a strategic aspect 34

1.3. The influence of the globalization process on the development of market strategies in the process of managing foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise 57

2 Organizational and methodological aspects of the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises and forms of penetration into foreign markets 78

2.1 The main stages of planning the international activities of an enterprise: a marketing approach 78

2.2 Key components of the foreign trade environment of an enterprise and the choice of export markets 102

3 Formation of the strategy of Russian enterprises focused on foreign economic activity based on the marketing approach 121

3.1 Factors and conditions for the development of foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises: features and the role of marketing as a management function 121

3.2 The main directions for developing a marketing strategy in the context of expanding the activities of domestic enterprises in foreign markets 152

Conclusion 191

List of references 197

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic. The current stage of development of the world market is characterized by high competitiveness, primarily in the globalizing business. Globalization is represented by the systemic integration of world markets and regional economies, all spheres of human activity, resulting in accelerated economic growth, acceleration of the introduction of modern technologies and management methods. Increasing interdependence of national economies, activation of integration processes leads to the objective need to use a global approach to doing business. Under these conditions, foreign economic relations are becoming an increasingly prominent part of the economic activity of enterprises and organizations. There is a growing interest in participating in economic, industrial, scientific and technical cooperation with partners from foreign countries. The sphere of economic activity of an enterprise associated with international industrial and scientific and technical cooperation, export and import of products, the entry of an enterprise into a foreign market is defined as its foreign economic activity (FEA).

Further intensification of competition in world markets, the complication and diversification of both technological and organizational models of production, information richness and communication of foreign economic activity are closely related to the goals and methods of using economic instruments. So, on the basis of marketing decisions, the choice of promising areas and types of activity of the enterprise is carried out, the search for the most beneficial ways and conditions for the enterprise to meet the needs of domestic and international markets, based on the existing internal potential.

The implementation of the goals of foreign economic activity in the context of globalization implies a strategic level of activity management, including, among other things, decisions related to determining the possibility and form of entering foreign markets, choosing target segments, ways to penetrate them, understanding the requirements of consumers in other countries, etc. The international aspects of marketing are significantly updated due to the further internationalization of the world economy, the expansion of international trade, a more dynamic and massive movement of capital

fishing and labor. Underestimation of the advantages and possibilities of international marketing as a function of managing the activities of a modern enterprise in tactical and strategic aspects leads to the low efficiency of its foreign economic activity.

The study and generalization of the theoretical and methodological foundations of foreign economic activity based on international marketing is an important scientific and practical problem for Russian enterprises - participants in foreign economic activity, and indicates the high relevance of the chosen research problem.

The degree of development of the problem. The works of domestic and foreign researchers present a comprehensive analysis of the problems of the development of foreign economic activity at the enterprise level, its determining factors, forms and problems of state regulation of foreign economic activity. Among them: I.T. Balabanov, O.V. Bodyagin, A.S. Bulatov, O.N. Voronkova, I.N. Gerchikova, V.V. Polyakov, T.N. Popova, V.V. Pokrovskaya, M. Porter, E.P. Puzakova, B.M. Smitienko, L.E. Strovsky, R.K. Shchenin, J. Sachs, J. Stiglitz, P. Romer, I.L. Faminsky, P. Fischer and others.

In modern economic literature, the issues of theory and practice of strategic management of the international activities of an enterprise, including within the framework of the marketing approach, as well as methodological aspects of the formation and implementation of an international marketing strategy for economic entities - participants in foreign economic activity, have been developed in the scientific works of such domestic researchers as: O. Andreeva, G.L. Bagiev, E.P. Golubkov, V. Kudenko, G.D. Krylova, P. Kubakhov, N. Moiseeva, R.B. Nozdreva, A. Panibratov, T.P. Popova, I. Semenov, V.E. Khrutsky, R. Fatkhutdinov, R.K. Shchenin, as well as foreign scientists: J.-J. Lamben, B. Berman, F. Kotler, D.V. Crevens, M. Porter, A. Thompson, A. Chandler and others.

Despite numerous studies of the theory and practice of foreign economic activity of modern enterprises, the tools and factors that determine it within the framework of strategic areas of activity, however, the problems of international marketing in foreign economic activity of enterprises have not found wide application in the works of domestic scientists - from the theoretical substantiation of the role of marketing as a management function in stimulating FEA until the creation of specific methodological and practical recommendations in the direction of developing and implementing a marketing strategy for the development of an enterprise - a participant in foreign economic activity. In addition, one should take into account the fact that most management decisions on strategic marketing represent

described in foreign literature do not take into account the specifics of the external and internal environment of the functioning of Russian enterprises and therefore need to be understood and adapted to the practice of internationalization of Russian business.

The relevance of the problem under consideration, the practical significance of studying the issues of planning foreign economic activity based on the marketing approach determined the choice of the topic, goals and objectives of the dissertation research.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation is to develop theoretical approaches and practical recommendations aimed at planning and developing the foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises based on the formation of a marketing strategy in the context of globalization.

Realization of the set goal led to the solution of the following tasks:

explore the essence of the concept of foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise in the context of globalization of world economic relations;

determine the components and key stages of the process of strategic planning of foreign economic activity of the enterprise;

to characterize the main stages of planning the international activities of an enterprise based on the use of modern economic instruments;

determine the role and functions of international marketing in the development of foreign economic activity and increase the competitiveness of a modern enterprise in the context of globalization;

identify the main elements and features of strategic planning and marketing management in the foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises;

substantiate approaches to improving the efficiency of foreign economic activity of an enterprise in the global space based on the development of an international marketing strategy;

propose the main directions for the development and implementation of an international marketing strategy for domestic enterprises focused on foreign economic activity.

Object of study is the foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises in the context of the internationalization of Russian business.

Subject of research is a complex of organizational and economic relations that develop between economic entities -

participants of foreign economic activity in the process of developing and implementing market strategies.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study. The dissertation work is based on the research of various theoretical schools and directions presented in the works of leading domestic and foreign scientists in the field of planning foreign economic activity of economic entities, the logic and stages of strategic management of this process in an enterprise, and approaches to the formation of an international marketing strategy. The substantiation of the provisions and conclusions of the dissertation research was carried out on the basis of a critical understanding of scientific provisions on the theory of strategic planning of foreign economic activity of an enterprise, methods of system-functional, comparative analysis, as well as methods of scientific abstraction, induction and deduction, economic and statistical methods of collecting and processing information.

information-empirical The basis of the dissertation was statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, analytical reviews of Russian and foreign organizations (Expert RA, World Economic Forum, American Marketing Association), materials from the US, UK, France periodicals (“Economist”, “Harvard Business Review”, etc.). .), regulations of the legislative and executive authorities, the results of research by Russian and foreign economists, presented in publications, the Internet.

Dissertation Research Hypothesis consists in the assumption of the leading role of marketing in planning the foreign economic activity of an enterprise based on the formation of long-term competitive advantages. At the same time, international marketing within the framework of the strategic process of managing and planning foreign economic activity of an enterprise is considered as a system that brings the internal environment to the requirements of the international one in accordance with the strategic guidelines for the activities of an economic entity.

Provisions of the dissertation submitted for defense.

1 . Modern trends in the development of the economy make it possible to formulate a number of requirements for the organization of foreign economic activity of an enterprise that seeks to become a competitive player in the global economic space:

reduction of competitive advantage, including in the direction of finding the optimal ratio of price and quality that suits buyers; building the most effective sales channels; differentiation of products or services, creation of a new product or service; optimal degree of vertical integration; a combination of competition and cooperation in business, attracting a large number of consumers or suppliers. At the same time, the success of the implementation of foreign economic activity means the need for enterprises to implement activities aimed at creating consumer value and providing them with the opportunity to compete in new (national and foreign) markets.

    In the context of globalization, the development of foreign economic activity of economic entities based on market strategies involves highlighting the importance of modern management tools. Enterprises that are actively engaged in production or other activities using the principles of marketing manage to significantly expand the range of products, increase the number of employees working to promote goods to foreign markets, and ensure the growth of export deliveries. The essence of international marketing is understood as a market concept of management, which is based on the principles of organizing the production and commercial activities of an enterprise - a subject of foreign economic activity according to a single program, which is formed taking into account the existing and future needs of foreign markets in order to create long-term competitive advantages.

    The management of foreign economic activity of an enterprise in the context of globalization involves the analysis, research and definition of international markets, the development and implementation of product positioning strategies aimed at meeting the needs of consumers in target markets. The complex of strategic decisions in the activities of an enterprise - a subject of foreign economic activity includes, among other things, the solution of a number of issues: the choice of the scope of the enterprise, the search for new guidelines and prospects for the development of enterprise initiatives, its preparation for changes taking place in the international environment. These issues are considered as a rule within the framework of the marketing approach to the management of the enterprise's foreign economic activity. At the same time, the main task of marketing as a management function is to find the most profitable ways and conditions for the enterprise to meet the needs of the market, based on the existing

internal potential, and tayuke formulating the directions of development of the latter in accordance with the predicted changes in the external environment.

    The development of world economic relations at the present stage actualizes the need to form a system of strategies for the functioning of economic entities in a highly competitive environment. The generalized process of making strategic decisions regarding the choice of international markets for enterprises planning foreign economic activity includes a number of successive stages: analysis of factors of the external (global) environment; development of a system of criteria and, on their basis, determination of potential markets for the company's foreign economic activity, as well as building a model for entering target markets (market); formation of an international marketing strategy. At the same time, the task of choosing a target market becomes much more complicated when it comes to intensive and regular export of products.

    The globalization of the economy, the internationalization of business presupposes the ever-increasing use of telecommunications, information and computer support. In the context of the development of information technologies, virtual procedures are an effective tool for implementing market strategies of an economic entity in the foreign market, taking into account the specifics of the modern management process. Such management procedures require the availability of not only special machinery and equipment, but also the organization of relationships between subjects of foreign economic activity at various levels in the short, medium and long term. When building electronic models of business organization on the Internet (Intranet), it is necessary to take into account the quality of information support that serves the production and economic activities of the enterprise both at the national and international levels.

    At the heart of the market strategies of an enterprise - a participant in foreign economic activity, aimed at consumer satisfaction and gaining benefits, is a conceptual approach to the formation of long-term competitive advantages of an economic entity due to the optimal combination of price and quality of the product produced, the ability of the enterprise itself to adequately perceive the processes of change (signals of the external environment) that open up for it has ample opportunities to occupy new "niches" (segments, areas, areas) in the international (global) markets for goods, works, services. Marketing strategy of an enterprise - a subject of foreign economic activity

involves a sequence of actions and procedures, including the setting of targets for the marketing activities of the enterprise; definition of the target market (markets) and its comprehensive analysis; identification of possible alternatives for entering foreign (foreign) markets, etc. Such a strategy of a foreign trade entity is aimed not at realizing random export opportunities, but at systematic planned work to study foreign markets and select the most profitable of them.

Scientific novelty of the research results in general, is to develop promising directions for the development of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises based on the use of modern market strategies and is as follows:

The key function of foreign economic activity at the micro level, the content side
which is a set of tools that ensure the harmonization
interaction of structural divisions of the enterprise, which consists in real
positioning the competitive advantages of the enterprise in the commodity markets, ensuring
its active participation in the system of world economic relations through the use
key competencies and allowing to form an exceptional consumer
the value of the company's products, as well as to increase the effectiveness of its
functioning as a subject of international trade;

An author's approach to the process of strategic planning of foreign economic activity of an enterprise has been developed based on the allocation of internal (determined by the internal environment), national (determining the activities of the company within the home country) and environmental factors of the global economic space (determining the conditions for the activity of the enterprise in the market (markets) of another country, as well as related to the movement of goods and services between countries), and including the adoption of strategic decisions regarding the advisability of the enterprise to enter foreign markets, the formation of the vision and goals of the enterprise's foreign economic activity, the analysis of its capabilities in accordance with the needs of the foreign target market, the generation of strategic alternatives and the most optimal solution;

The interrelation of the main elements of the system of international maritime
keting of an enterprise - a subject of foreign economic activity, by highlighting a strategic (time
development of an international marketing strategy, monitoring of the external environment,
substantiation of the main competitive advantages of the enterprise and its products,

selection and analysis of foreign markets) and tactical level (clarification of the details of strategic market goals, development of plans for managing the components of the marketing complex, distribution of resources by functional areas, scheduling, etc.), as well as the functions and structural diagram of the marketing research unit, forming the information environment of foreign economic activity;

The necessity of using virtual procedures in the system is substantiated
strategic management of foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise, the application of which
is directly related to the receipt and processing of a significant amount of information about
trends in the development of the world and national economies, conducted by international
marketing research, conjuncture of foreign and domestic
markets and aimed at revenue growth by identifying customers who are prone to
purchase of new (certain) goods or services via the Internet, which will lead to
to increase the efficiency of sales in the conditions of functioning in the international
nominal level;

The basic problems and objective limitations of the strategic approach in planning and organizing foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises in the context of a changing global economic environment are identified, including the development of a strategy based on the analysis of internal resources and opportunities without taking into account the dynamics of their change in the future, the lack of an integrated approach to strategic planning of foreign economic activity (using individual elements of the marketing strategy), the integration of independent plans for the development of foreign economic activity of economic entities, as well as their relationship with the plans of the state; lack of resources devoted to the study of marketing development; imperfection of the legislative base;

The author's classification of international marketing strategies in the system
topic of strategic management of foreign economic activity, the fundamental difference between which and the existing
The main one is to substantiate the need to identify levels and determine
the sequence of strategic decision-making by the enterprise, orient
bathrooms for foreign economic activity, and allowing in a highly competitive environment to increase
the effectiveness of promoting goods to the international market based on the development
key competencies of an economic entity.

Theoretical and practical significance of the work. The theoretical significance of the study is determined by the relevance of the tasks set and their compliance with the needs of expanding the foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises. A number of provisions of the dissertation can serve as a theoretical basis for further research on the problems of strategic planning of foreign economic activity of enterprises from the point of view of the marketing approach, factors of the international marketing environment.

The provisions of the dissertation research can provide practical assistance in the development of evidence-based approaches in the process of implementing management strategies in order to increase the efficiency of the commercial activities of Russian enterprises in foreign markets. The obtained results of the research can be included in the subjects of academic disciplines: "Fundamentals of the foreign economic activity of a company (enterprise)", "Management of the foreign economic activity of an enterprise", "World Economy", "Strategic management of the marketing activities of an enterprise", special courses devoted to the problems of strategic management of foreign economic activity of an enterprise .

Approbation of the research results. The main results of the dissertation research were reported at international, Russian, regional and interuniversity scientific and practical conferences in Krasnodar, Volgograd, Sochi, Moscow, Cherkessk. The theoretical and methodological approaches formulated in the work are used by the Department of World Economy of KubSU in the process of teaching the academic disciplines "Foreign economic activity of an enterprise", "International economic relations", "International marketing".

Separate provisions and conclusions of the dissertation were used in the practical activities of the enterprise OJSC "Uspensky Sugar Plant".

The main provisions of the work were reflected in 9 printed works, with a total volume of 2.7 pp, including author's - 1.85 pp.

Structure and scope of work are determined by the logic of the study and consistently reveal the designated goals and objectives of the study. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, including 7 paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references of 198 titles. The work is accompanied by 21 tables, 27 figures.

Essence and trends in the development of foreign economic activity of economic entities at the present stage of globalization of world economic relations

A number of works of foreign and domestic authors are devoted to the issue of globalization of world economic relations. An example is the research of V. Medvedev, V. Obolensky, David Dollar, Art Kline and many others. They analyze various aspects and patterns of globalization, trends in the development of world markets, the activities of companies and other subjects of economic life in the globalizing world economy. Despite the huge amount of research in this area, opinions about globalization in the world community are very ambiguous, and sometimes even completely opposite. In journalism, there is a trend of absolutization and unjustifiably extended interpretation of globalization, the inclusion in this concept of almost all changes in modern society. It should be assumed that the main impulses of globalization come from the economy. Without taking into account the economic component, the main argument is lost, confirming the objective nature of globalization as an inevitable and fundamentally progressive process. A number of researchers consider globalization as a serious threat to the world economic system, while others see it as a means of further development and prosperity1. Absolutely everyone agrees on one thing: it is necessary to study this process, determine the opportunities and benefits, the manifestation of positive and negative consequences that arise in the process of globalization.

The characteristic signs of globalization are manifested in the growing economic openness of countries, the liberalization of national trade regimes and financial flows, the formation of a global financial market and a worldwide information network. In the scientific literature, there are various interpretations of the concept of globalization, but there is no generally accepted interpretation of this concept. In general, the globalization of the economy is manifested in such processes as: the growing interconnectedness and interdependence of modern international economic relations, the growth of their scale; convention of borders between intranational and international economic relations; active inclusion of almost all countries in the global system of international relations.

In the definition of Utkin A.I. “globalization is the merging of national economies into a single, global system based on the new “ease” of capital movement, the openness of the world, on the technological revolution, on the commitment of developed industrial countries to the liberalization of the movement of goods and capital, on the basis of communication rapprochement, planetary scientific revolution, interethnic social movements, new types of transport, implementation of telecommunication technologies, international education2”. A. Volodin and G. Shirokov understand globalization as “the gradual transformation of the world space into a single zone, where capital, goods, services move freely, where ideas spread freely and their carriers move, stimulating the development of modern institutions and polishing the mechanisms of their interaction” .

In contrast to the above definitions, other authors believe that in addition to the interdependence of markets and the increase in the movement of goods, capital and services, globalization also consists in the development of international business, the unification of management methods, and the spread of the same living standards4. The famous Russian scientist V.P. Obolensky interprets globalization through the interdependence of countries and the increase in the volume and diversity of world economic relations.

Many researchers come to the conclusion that globalization is developing in three directions: international trade in goods, services and intellectual property; international financial transactions (currency, credit, securities and derivatives); international movement of factors of production (capital, labor, technology).

In the context of globalization, it acquires special significance in the long-term socio-economic development of the country, its regions, individual enterprises - foreign economic activity (FEA). Through the implementation of various forms of foreign economic activity, the integration of the national and global economies takes place, which makes it possible to exchange goods and production factors in a bilateral and mutually beneficial direction.

Thus, countries, regions and individual enterprises, integrating into the world economy, are involved in the process of globalization and experience its impact through various forms of foreign economic activity.

Organization of foreign economic activity of a modern enterprise: a strategic aspect

The current stage of development of the world market is characterized by the growth of dynamics, instability and, above all, the globalization of business. The conditions for the development of the economic sphere of society's life are characterized by a further aggravation of competition in world markets, more and more complex and diversified both technological and organizational models of production, extreme information richness and communication. Under these conditions, foreign economic relations are becoming an increasingly prominent part of the economic activity of enterprises and organizations. There is a growing interest in participating in economic, industrial, scientific and technical cooperation with partners from foreign countries. Most of the national enterprises would prefer to work for a sufficiently large domestic market, since in this case doing business would be easier and safer. However, the influence of a number of factors pushes enterprises to enter the international market. Among these factors are traditionally distinguished: 1) competition in the domestic market. Global companies can also enter the domestic market, offering quality or cheaper products; 2) certain foreign markets may provide an opportunity to receive higher income; 3) the need to expand the market in order to achieve economies of scale in production; 4) reducing dependence on one market and thereby reducing the risks associated with the main activity. 5) the need to search for new markets for the sale of products. Thus, foreign economic activity allows enterprises to strengthen their financial system, increase profitability, profitability of entrepreneurial activity; receive convertible currency for the sale of their products on international markets, which is necessary both for the purchase of new technologies, as well as components and raw materials for export production; gain a foothold in international markets; constantly improve our own production and foreign trade equipment, participating in competition in world markets. FEA, like any other production and economic activity, is a set of certain functions performed by enterprises and organizations in the process of foreign trade operations. Usually, the following are distinguished as the main, complex, functions: - production or production and economic functions associated with the choice of an export strategy and technology for the process of creating and selling export products; - organizational and economic, related to the organization of foreign economic activity and economic support for its implementation; - operational and commercial functions related to the operational implementation of specific commercial operations31. These functions are interrelated and interdependent. Insufficient attention to one of them inevitably leads to a decrease in the efficiency of foreign economic activity as a whole. Moreover, these functions form a system where each of the listed functions is equally important in the implementation of the enterprise's foreign economic activity. So, for example, giving preference to the technological processes of creating competitive products (a really important condition for foreign economic activity) and losing sight of the organizational, economic and operational-commercial functions for its implementation, there is a rather objective threat not only not to enter the world market, but also to be squeezed out. foreign enterprises in domestic markets. The practice of developing domestic enterprises in recent decades clearly demonstrates how attempts to solve isolated management tasks in the development of foreign economic activity lead to the inefficiency of all foreign economic activity of economic entities. When deciding to enter a foreign market, an enterprise inevitably faces a number of risks: misunderstanding of the preferences of foreign consumers, offering uncompetitive, unattractive products; foreign business culture; ignorance of the rules of business regulation abroad; lack of managers with international experience; the threat of expropriation of the property of foreign firms (changes in trade laws, currency devaluation). The presence of competitive advantages within the country and the high risks of international activities delay the entry of the enterprise into foreign markets. However, the need to find new markets to sell their products, as well as a domestic exporter, a foreign importer, or a foreign government, may push an enterprise to export products or develop other forms of foreign economic activity. In this case, the main role of FEA at the micro level is seen in the "development of links" between the national enterprise and international markets. At the same time, it is obvious that since competition is a necessary element of the foundations of the functioning of any economic entity, both at the national and international levels, then foreign economic activity is a continuation of such functioning in a special form. Enterprises produce a limited number of product types, faced with the problem of limited resources. In addition, enterprises differ significantly from each other in their production capabilities.

The main stages of planning the international activities of an enterprise: a marketing approach

Enterprises developing foreign economic activity pursue a number of goals determined both by the internal environment of the enterprise and its development strategy in foreign markets. The most common goals that do not depend on the specifics of the enterprise's activities include the following: increase in sales, production; search for more favorable competitive conditions; extension of the life cycle of goods; business diversification in order to be protected from competition. As rightly emphasized by Krevens D., the marketing function is so fundamental that it cannot be considered outside the context of the entire economic activity of an enterprise (i.e., as a separate function like production or personnel management)1. Of course, the implementation of this function involves the performance of certain actions and is characterized by a certain focus, but it is decisive in terms of the purpose of the enterprise. The expediency of the existence of an enterprise can be assessed by the results of its work, i.e. from the point of view of the consumer. In accordance with the current stage of marketing development, enterprises strive not only to meet the current needs of consumers, but to predict future needs and find ways to meet them. According to J.-J. Lambena, the concept of marketing is "a translation of the principle of buyer priority underlying the market economy into the operational language of means and methods of management." Thus, the concept of marketing allows companies to produce what the consumer needs, combining customer satisfaction with profit. Consideration of international marketing as a function of managing the foreign economic activity of an enterprise, in our opinion, should be based on its presentation as a system. In the framework of this work, under the international marketing system we will understand the enterprise management subsystem - the subject of foreign economic activity, which brings the processes of the internal environment in accordance with the target plans or action programs of the enterprise in relation to the external environment. At the same time, the external environment of such an enterprise is determined both by the national conditions of its functioning and by the conditions of foreign markets with which its activities are directly or indirectly connected; regulation by the international marketing system is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the reactions of the internal and external environment. The main elements of the international marketing system are the following: 1) a set of strategic decisions related to the external environment of the enterprise - a participant in foreign economic activity, the development of an international marketing strategy; 2) the area of ​​operational management of foreign economic activity of the enterprise based on the marketing approach; 3) marketing research, evaluation and selection of foreign markets; 4) the structure and functions of the enterprise marketing service. Let's consider the presented elements in more detail. At the same time, based on the goals and objectives of the dissertation research, we will give priority attention to the first element of the international marketing system. 1. The marketing function involves analysis, development of a marketing strategy and implementation of the following marketing activities: 1) comprehensive study of markets of interest to the company, identification of target markets; 2) setting tactical goals, developing and implementing product positioning strategies aimed at meeting the needs of consumers of previously defined target markets, as well as managing these strategies. The effectiveness of the impact of the external economic component on the growth rate of an enterprise involves the use of a strategic approach that provides for the proactive nature of regulatory influences, foresight and prevention of adverse developments in the situation. In this case, the main role is assigned to the development and implementation of an international marketing strategy in order to stimulate foreign economic activity of an economic entity. Such a strategy is intended to become one of the most important means of forming internal sources of accumulation. Its task is to maintain such relationships between the enterprise and its environment that allow you to achieve your goals, correspond to internal capabilities and external requirements. It should be noted that often the concept of marketing strategy is identified with market strategy. The author of the dissertation research adheres to the point of view according to which the market strategy is an integral part of the philosophy of strategic marketing. In general, the system of marketing strategies is much broader than market ones, since in addition to market strategies aimed at achieving market goals, it includes at least strategies about the nature of the activity and ensuring its economic results. In the first case, we are talking about ensuring the image of the enterprise, its social responsibility to society, in the second - ensuring the necessary level of income that guarantees the operation of the enterprise on a profitable basis. In modern conditions, the problem of priority between market goals and economic results is resolved in favor of market goals, and, consequently, market strategies in the marketing system. The ability to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage largely depends on the effectiveness of an enterprise's marketing strategy, which is determined by the strategy's focus on creating exceptional customer value, its ability to enhance the enterprise's core competencies, responsiveness to changing market needs, focus on developing new products, and recognition of the global nature of economic competition. According to D. Kre-vens, in this case we are talking about a strategy of market orientation. A sign of the market orientation of the marketing strategy of an enterprise is the orientation to the needs of the market of the corporate culture and internal processes of the company. The main characteristic of such a strategy is the recognition of the fact that the competitive advantage of an enterprise is based on its desire to create exceptional customer value.

Factors and conditions for the development of foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises: features and the role of marketing as a management function

The foreign economic activity of Russian entrepreneurship abroad is an important factor in increasing the country's economic potential by expanding exports, transferring income from abroad, and including Russian enterprises in global value chains. The key directions for the development of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises at the present stage are: - increasing the scale and improving the sectoral structure of Russia's foreign economic presence in foreign markets, with an increase in the share of companies in the manufacturing sector and services; - prevention of counterproductive competition in foreign markets between Russian companies producing similar products, conclusion of strategic agreements between them on the joint implementation of international expansion projects; - formation of strategic associations of Russian and foreign enterprises for joint activities in foreign markets in order to develop, manufacture and sell competitive products. Strategic planning of the foreign economic activity strategy of an enterprise involves the analysis of factors of both the internal and external environment of the functioning of an economic entity. In this regard, we will analyze the key macroeconomic indicators that have a direct impact on the activities of Russian enterprises. At present, the development of foreign economic activity in Russia as a whole follows in line with globalization trends. According to a number of domestic and foreign experts, the modern Russian economy is an open economy. And if in the early 90s. the problem of developing foreign economic activity was to increase the degree of openness of the economy, its integration into the world economy, now the emphasis is shifting to the “qualitative aspect” of such integration, since an open economy largely depends on changes in foreign markets, global processes taking place on them and is forced to constantly balance between the observance of their interests and the objective need to follow global development trends. In general, the integration of the Russian economy into the external environment is determined by the balance of multidirectional trends and factors. On the one hand, the enormous size of the country, the uneven development of its regions, a number of unresolved problems and bottlenecks in the Russian economic system slow down the process of effective integration of the country into the world economy149. On the other hand, the development of foreign economic activity, its individual forms, allowed many domestic exporting enterprises to survive during periods of market reforms, and, in general, to stabilize supply and demand in the domestic market through the development of import operations. The effect of the country's participation in the international exchange of goods, services, capital and labor plays a very significant role in the development of the domestic economy. For example, the export of goods provides, according to various estimates, from /3 to /3 of Russia's GDP growth. About 11-14% of the added value produced in Russia is absorbed in foreign markets. Foreign direct investment in recent years provided Russia with more than 16% of all capital investments in fixed assets. Almost half of the resources of retail trade is formed by imports. Among the various forms of foreign economic activity for the Russian economy, the most important and decisive are foreign trade and the international movement of capital. Currently, approximately 40% of the country's GDP is formed through export operations. For many sectors of the national economy, foreign trade is the main form of foreign economic activity. At the same time, as the ruble strengthens and effective demand grows against the backdrop of low competitiveness of domestic producers focused on covering domestic demand, since 2002 there has been an acceleration in the growth of imports, primarily of means of production and consumer goods. Following the general world trend, the turnover of Russia's foreign trade in recent years has grown much faster than its GDP and industrial production. If the coefficient of advancing foreign trade of GDP growth in the world for 1995-2007. amounted to 1.5 times, then in Russia - 2.6 times. During this period, Russian exports increased almost 4.5 times, imports - 4.3 times, and the country's share in world trade - from 1.5 to 2.6%. These trends in the dynamics of exports and imports as a whole persisted in 2008. At the same time, the financial crisis and the fall in prices for Russia's main export commodity, oil, somewhat corrected these trends. According to customs statistics, in 2008 Russia's foreign trade turnover amounted to 735.0 billion dollars. USA and increased by 33.2% compared to 2007, including with non-CIS countries - 628.5 billion dollars (an increase of 34.0%), with CIS countries - 106.5 billion dollars.