Evaluation of the presentation of the oge. Concise presentation in oge in Russian

  • 17.02.2022

Spring is a hot time for graduates of grades 9 and 11, because they have to take exams. Ninth-graders take the OGE - the Main State Exam, in order to move to the senior classes. 11th graders take the Unified State Examination (USE) in order to enter a university and get a higher education.

Passing the OGE by ninth-graders also makes it possible to enter technical schools and colleges, as it also serves as an entrance exam to institutions of secondary vocational education.

The main state exam is held to control the knowledge gained by students over 9 years of schooling. At the end of grade 9, students take the OGE in four subjects, 2 of them are compulsory and 2 more are optional. Mandatory OGEs are established in the subjects of the Russian language and mathematics.

For choice, such subjects as social science, physics, chemistry, biology, history, literature, computer science, geography, English, French, German, Spanish are provided.

The OGE takes place in 3 periods. The early period is one of the first. A certain category of students is allowed to it, these are athletes who will soon leave for competitions, students who have taken part in olympiads and other competitions, students who are sent for treatment, as well as those who travel abroad for study, or those who studied abroad.

The main period is the passing of the OGE by students of grade 9 who are not included in the list according to the criteria for passing in the early period.

An additional period is held for those who, for a good reason, could not attend the OGE in the main one, as well as for those who studied abroad and for students who did not pass the OGE in previous periods.

OGE how many points are given for an essay: criteria for evaluating an exam in the Russian language

For each of the subjects for which the OGE is taken, its own maximum score is set. For the Russian language, the maximum is 39 points. A special scale is used to convert points into 5-point assessment.

So, if the examinee scored in the Russian language from 0 to 14 points, this is 2, 15-24 points - 3rd, 25-33 points with the definition of literacy criteria and actual speech accuracy of 4 points, will bring 4-ku. In order to get a 5-ku in the OGE in the Russian language, you need to score from 34 to 39 points, with a literacy criteria of 6 points.

The essay in the exam is an important part of it, without the essay the exam will be considered a failure. Writing an essay refers to the 3rd part of the OGE and is performed in several versions. This is either writing an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic, or expressing one's opinion or answering one of the proposed questions.

Evaluation of the essay is carried out according to the criteria of literacy and the actual accuracy of speech. For it, you can get 9 points as much as possible, plus an additional 10 points for parts 1 and 3, taking into account literacy and accuracy of speech.

The assessment includes:

Availability of a reasonable answer;

The presence of examples of arguments;

Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of the composition;

The compositional harmony of the work.

These criteria include a theoretical reflection written without errors or a maximum of 1, giving reasoned examples with the designation of their role, the speech coherence of the text and the sequence of its presentation with established paragraphs, orderliness and logical ending of the presentation.

- a concise presentation of the text, which is heard twice in the audio recording. You will have to not only “turn on” the memory, but also demonstrate the ability to process the information received, highlighting the most important and essential in it.

What is a summary?

concise statement - the text is abbreviated, without small details and secondary information. This is something like a well-written abstract (very good, by the way, if you were taught to write notes correctly in literature, history or geography classes).

Compressed text is considered to be abbreviated by 1/3. However, the requirements for the OGE are somewhat different. In the demo version of the OGE 2015, there are 152 words in the listening text, and the required amount of presentation is from 70 words (this is a little more than a third of the original text).

The optimal number of words in the presentation of the OGE is 70-90 (functional words and interjections are also included in the calculation). Many expert teachers believe that the presentation of a larger volume is no longer concise and mercilessly reduce points for works where there are too many words. So play it safe - write 70 to 90 words, no more and no less.

How to write a concise summary in the OGE format?

It is necessary to write a presentation in accordance with the approved criteria, since it is by them that experts evaluate the work. Evaluation criteria for a condensed presentation can be found in the demo on the FIPI website, and read about how and who checks the exam papers.

Let's deal with each criterion separately.

Criterion 1. Content.

You are required to state the main content of the text you have listened to. Try not to miss anything, adding something "from yourself" is also not worth it. The expert looks at whether you managed to reflect the main micro-themes of the text - and sets the appropriate score.

What is a microtheme?

The sentences of the text are united by one common topic (recall, the topic is what the text says). A large topic, as a rule, is revealed through several small sub-topics - micro-topics. It is no coincidence that the text is usually divided into several parts - paragraphs. It can be said that micro-theme is the main idea of ​​the paragraph . (Do not confuse the terms "paragraph" and "micro-topic" - these are different concepts, and another criterion for evaluating the presentation is devoted to paragraph division).

The logic of the expert is as follows: if you have reflected in the work all the important micro-themes of the text, then the content of the text is conveyed correctly, which means that you can put the highest score on the first criterion.

Need a specific example? There is such an example in one of the articles on our website - by clicking on the link, you can.

To highlight the main information in the text, you need to understand it correctly. Try to understand what the text says already at the first listening.

Criterion 2. Text compression.

When checking the presentation, the experts count the number of words (there should be at least 70 words, as we have already said). However, the main thing that is paid attention to when evaluating the work according to the second criterion is the use of compression techniques.

What are text compression techniques?

When compressing the text, processing of the information contained in it will be required. This information is "filtered" - you leave the main thing and cut off the secondary.

The text is abbreviated according to the rules. One of them is the use of certain actions, which are called compression techniques (they are also called language methods of text compression). If you own these techniques, it will not be difficult for you to present the content of the text in a concise and understandable form.

But remember: no matter how you “compress” the text you listened to, try not to “lose” the main information that it contains.

Basic text compression techniques:

1. Exception.

This technique is associated with the exclusion, "deletion" of secondary information, and some students consider it the easiest. Indeed, is it difficult to cross out some words or even sentences in the text?

However, not all so simple. In no case should you exclude the main information - you risk losing points. Only secondary information is cut off!

What can be excluded from the text in its concise presentation?

We exclude repetitions. Example: Need to educate conscience in children need to educate in children the capacity for compassion.It is necessary to educate in children conscientiousness, the ability to compassion.

You can exclude synonyms (one or more) . Example: boy eyes shone, sparkled, sparkled. The boy's eyes shone.

We exclude clarifications, explanations: My sister lived nearby on nearby street. My sister lived nearby.

maybe exclusion of parts of a sentence or even a few sentences, containing irrelevant information. Here it is important not to confuse secondary information with the main one, essential for the disclosure of the topic.

2. Generalization.

We replace homogeneous terms with a generalizing word or a phrase. Example: We narwhal daisies, bluebells, cornflowers. - We got it colors(different colors).

Summarizing information by replacing a piece of text synonymous (similar in meaning) expression. Example: A person learns correct behavior from the very age when the first steps are taken, the first habits are laid, the first words are spoken. - A person learns the right behavior since the early childhood.

3. Simplification.

This compression technique consists in the structural simplification of a text fragment. For this you can combine multiple sentences in one. Example: The years go by. The writer goes further and further into history, only his works do not age. - Years go by, but the writer's books do not age (in this example, along with simplification, an exception is also used).

Possible replacing a complex sentence with a simple one : aircraft models, which have electric motors participate in sports competitions. - Aircraft models, equipped with electric motors participate in sports competitions.

direct speech better in a nutshell replace indirect . This is another kind of simplification. Example: The driver said: « I'll take you to the station in fifteen minutes". - The driver said that will take us to the station in fifteen minutes.

The biggest excitement among ninth graders is caused by the first exams in their life. The main state exam is a test of knowledge of students for the course of the basic school, after which the question is decided: is it worth continuing education in grades 10 and 11 or entering a secondary vocational institution. One of the main compulsory subjects in the 9th grade (along with mathematics) is the Russian language. The OGE in the Russian language of the 2019 academic year will have to be taken by all graduates of the current 2018-2019 academic year. In order to successfully cope with this exam, we must now sit down at the textbooks and start preparing.

News about the OGE in the Russian language

The developers of the test materials for the Russian language exam have not made any changes to the structure and content for the past few years.

oral part

The only innovation that arose in the 2017-2018 academic year is. Last year, this type of exam was an approbation and did not affect the admission of ninth-graders to the rest of the exams.

For an oral answer, the graduate is given 15 minutes, during which he must have time to complete 4 tasks:

  1. Expressively read the proposed text about any outstanding person of the Russian Federation.
  2. Retell this text and include a quote in it appropriately.
  3. Choose one of the tasks and create a text constructed as one of the types of speech (description of a photograph, a story about a life event, a discussion on a topic given in a ticket).
  4. Engage in dialogue with the teacher-examiners and answer the questions posed by them.

In the current 2019, the guys should try and successfully cope with a new type of certification for them. Moreover, there are stages of retake:

  1. On the second working Wednesday of March.
  2. First working Monday in May.

The total number of points for completing the entire work is 19.

The examinee receives a credit if he scored 10 or more points for the performance of the work. Evaluation criteria are included with the demo.

The structure of the OGE in the Russian language

The structure of the tickets provides for tasks covering the testing of all types of language skills:

  • first, the student will need to write a presentation based on the audio text;
  • then solve another 13 tasks, giving a short answer;
  • in the last part, as in the first, there is only one task - an essay, for which you need to choose one topic from the three proposed in the ticket.

However, ninth-graders have the opportunity to write answers as correctly as possible - they will be given spelling dictionaries.

concise statement

The children will be asked to listen to the audio text 2 times with a five-minute break to write a concise presentation.

Tips for ninth graders.

  1. When writing text in a draft, make large indents between the lines so that later there is room for entering the rest of the text.
  2. When listening to the text for the first time, try to write down the main ideas of each paragraph. Shorten words to the point of comprehensibility.
  3. In the interval between listening, restore more fully those thoughts that you managed to write down.
  4. At the second listening, write down the missing thoughts in the draft to help create a coherent text.
  5. Read what you got and copy the text on another sheet.
  6. Check if all three paragraphs are logically related.
  7. Reread the text for spelling errors.
  8. Check your presentation for spelling errors.
  9. Check punctuation and grammar.
  10. Once again, re-read the result and only then proceed to copying it into a clean copy - into a form.

Do not forget that you are allowed to use a spelling dictionary on the exam.!

test part

There are 13 test tasks in the Russian language. It consists of tasks in the following sections of the Russian language:

job number Topic
2 Ability to extract information from a read text
3 Expressive means of language
4 Spelling prefixes
5 Spelling of suffixes
6 Replacing a colloquial word with a stylistically neutral synonym
7 Replacing a phrase of one type of connection with another
8 and 11 Working with the grammatical basis of a sentence
9 Separate members of the sentence
10 Appeals and introductory words
12 Coordinating and subordinating connection in a complex sentence
13 Types of subordination of subordinate clauses in a complex sentence
14 Types of complex sentences with different types of communication

Composition on the OGE

Creative work involves writing a short essay. The volume is at least 70 words.

The student will be asked to choose one type of task:

  • 1 - linguistic essay.
  • 2 - an essay requiring to reveal the meaning of the quote.
  • 3 - work in which it is necessary to answer a moral question.

Evaluation of work

The maximum score for the entire work is 39.

This includes points for tests (1 point for each correct answer).

Points for presentation and essay are summed up. This includes assessment for the content of the work and their literacy.

  • "3" can be obtained by scoring 15 - 24 points;
  • "4" - 25 - 33 points (provided that the graduate scored at least 4 points for the criteria of GK1-GK4, that is, for literacy);
  • "5" - 34 - 39 points (provided that the graduate scored at least 6 points for the criteria of GK1-GK4, that is, for literacy).

How to prepare for the OGE in Russian?

Success comes to those who work! And systematically and systematically. Therefore, the student must:

  1. Check out the exam demo.
  2. On the FIPI website in the "OBZ" section - an open bank of tasks - listen to audio recordings and practice writing a concise presentation.
  3. There you can also find examples of tasks of a test nature, from which the tasks on the real exam are added.
  4. Write essays on the chosen topic.
  5. You can prepare both independently and with a tutor if you need real help in the subject.

Collections of I.P. Tsybulko - head of the federal subject commission on the Russian language.

A video about essay 15.3 in the OGE in Russian can be viewed here:

Since we published the criteria for presentation and composition in the relevant sections, it remains to publish here only the criteria for assessing literacy and notes from the demonstration version of the OGE 2016.

Literacy Assessment Criteria

Criteria for assessing the literacy and actual accuracy of the examinee's speech Points
GK1 Compliance with spelling rules
There are no spelling mistakes or no more than one error was made. 2
Two or three mistakes were made. 1
Four or more errors were made. 0
GK2 Compliance with punctuation rules
There are no punctuation errors, or no more than two errors were made. 2
Three or four mistakes were made. 1
Five or more errors were made. 0
GK3 Compliance with grammar rules
There are no grammatical errors or one mistake was made. 2
Made two mistakes. 1
Three or more errors were made. 0
GK4 Compliance with speech norms
There are no speech errors, or no more than two errors were made. 2
Three or four mistakes were made. 1
Five or more errors were made 0
FC1 The actual accuracy of written speech
There are no factual errors in the presentation of the material, as well as in the understanding and use of terms. 2
One mistake was made in the presentation of the material or the use of terms. 1
Two or more errors were made in the presentation of the material or the use of terms. 0
The maximum number of points for an essay and presentation according to the criteria of FC1, GC1–GC4 10


When assessing literacy (GC1-GC4), the volume of presentation and essay should be taken into account.
The standards indicated in the table are used to check and evaluate the presentation and essay, the total volume of which is 140 or more words.
If the total volume of the essay and presentation is 70–139 words, then for each of the criteria GC1–GC4 no more than 1 point is given:
GK1 - 1 point is given if there are no spelling errors or one minor mistake is made;
GK2 - 1 point is given if there are no punctuation errors or one minor mistake is made;
GK3 - 1 point is given if there are no grammatical errors;
GK4 - 1 point is given if there are no speech errors.
If the presentation and the essay as a whole have less than 70 words, then such a work is evaluated by zero points according to the criteria of GK1-GK4. If the student has completed only one type of creative work (or
presentation, or essay), then the assessment according to the criteria of GK1-GK4 is also carried out in accordance with the amount of work:
- if the work has at least 140 words, then literacy is assessed according to the above table;
- if the work contains 70–139 words, then for each of the criteria GK1–GK4 no more than 1 point is given (see above);
- if the paper contains less than 70 words, then such work is evaluated by zero points according to the criteria of GK1-GK4.
Maximum Points, which can be received by the examinee for the completion of the entire examination work, - 39 .

In accordance with the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394 was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 03, 2014 No. 31206) “48. Exam papers are checked by two experts. According to the results of the check, the experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the examination paper ... In case of a significant discrepancy in the points given by the two experts, a third check is assigned. Significant discrepancy in scores
defined in the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject. The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the subject committee from among the experts who have not previously checked the examination paper. The third expert is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the student's examination work. The points given by the third expert are final.
A discrepancy of 10 or more points given by two experts for completing tasks 1 and 15 is considered significant (scores for all positions (criteria) for assessing the task are summed up).
each expert: SG1-SG3, S1K1-S1K4, S2K1-S2K4, S3K1-S3K4, GK1-GK4, FK1). In this case, the third expert rechecks tasks 1 and 15 for all assessment positions. For the performance of the examination paper, a mark is given on a five-point scale.
The mark "2" is set if the student scored no more than 14 points (from 0 to 14) for completing all parts of the examination paper.
The mark "3" is set if the student scored at least 15 and not more than 24 points (from 15 to 24) for completing all parts of the examination paper.
A mark of "4" is given if the student scored at least 25 and not more than 33 points (from 25 to 33) for completing all parts of the examination paper. In this case, the student must score at least 4 points for literacy (criteria GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, the student scored less than 4 points, the mark "3" is set.
A mark of "5" is given if the student scored at least 34 and not more than 39 points (from 34 to 39) for completing all parts of the examination paper. In this case, the student must score at least 6 points for literacy (criteria GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, the student scored less than 6 points, the mark "4" is set.