The installation of the road arch of the Kerch bridge has begun. Bridge to the Crimea: installation of the road arch of the Kerch bridge. All details Road arch of the Crimean bridge October 11

  • 23.02.2023

In the Kerch region, the final work on the installation of the road arch of the Kerch bridge began. As we know very well from the expert opinions of Ukrainian specialists, this is just as impossible as the installation of a railway arch.

The arch floats to the blazing zrada on the horizon.

Https://trainfanat.livejournal... - more details at the link.

Associate Professor Medovar is in touch - https://trainfanat.livejournal...

In addition, on the topic of "impossible" and "erroneous":

1. Arch sets off - https://trainfanat.livejournal...
2. Kerch railway tunnel - https://trainfanat.livejournal...
3. Installation of the railway span of the Kerch bridge on regular supports - https://trainfanat.livejournal...

The floating system with an automobile arched span of the Crimean Bridge reached the fairway of the Kerch-Yenikal Canal (Kerch Strait). This was announced today by the information center "Crimean Bridge".
“In the Kerch Strait, the road arch of the Crimean bridge is being transported. The floating supports left the "ladle" at the Kerch technological site early in the morning and are now on the fairway of the Kerch-Yenikal Canal," the report says.
The information center noted that the arch had about 300 meters left to overcome the alignment of the supports and the sailors were preparing the floating system for the next many-hour stage - the plant of the floating support with an arched span in the alignment between the fairway supports of the Crimean bridge.
According to the builders, the offshore operation to install the arch in the design position will take up to three days. “Having completed the transportation, lifting and installation on the supporting parts of the railway arch span in August, we gained some experience. Therefore, in the interval between the first and second alloys, a lot of engineering work was carried out, a step-by-step analysis of all the operations that were carried out. After all, the installation of the second arch is a no less complicated process that requires extreme concentration from all participants,” said Dmitry Kondakov, Deputy General Director of the SGM-Most company.
The road span is an arch, the lower part of which is connected to the arched vault by flexible suspensions - ropes 6 cm thick. They will be dismantled after the arch takes its design position on the fairway,” the information center explained.
The power of the head tug, carrying out the movement of the structure with a total weight of more than 5 thousand tons, is over 3 thousand horsepower. Pusher tugs are also involved in the transportation. The process is managed by more than 100 people.
The operation to install the road arch of the Crimean bridge began this morning. In connection with the maritime operation, the movement of ships through the Kerch Strait was suspended until October 14.

In addition, the timing of the start of car traffic on the Crimean bridge was announced.

The opening of road traffic in working mode and the start of temporary operation of auto-approaches to the Crimean bridge from Kerch should occur before May 30, 2018. This is stated in an addendum to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2017 No. 2164-r, the text of which is available to Kryminform.
“The opening of automobile traffic in the operating mode and the beginning of the temporary operation of the constructed facility (car approaches) - May 30, 2018. The commissioning of the facility is December 30, 2018, ”the document says.
It follows from the document that the marginal cost of building auto-approaches to the Crimean bridge from Kerch is 6.9 billion rubles. Financing is carried out at the expense of the federal target program for the development of the Crimea.
The VAD company began construction of auto-approaches to the Crimean bridge from Kerch in January of this year. The first piles for the road junction at the entrance to Kerch were driven on February 22. The length of the main course of auto-approaches will be 8.6 km. The Minister of Transport of Russia Maxim Sokolov stated that the construction of approaches along both banks of the Kerch Strait and the Crimean bridge is fully synchronized with each other.

Http:// - zinc

There is a non-zero chance that the first car with a special passenger (guess who) will cross the bridge as early as March. All this has already happened in the case of the energy bridge.

Plus videos on the progress of the construction of the federal highway "Tavrida" (late September - early October)

In Crimea, this is the largest road project since

11.10.2017 09:00

The transportation of the road arch of the bridge across the Kerch Strait to the fairway has begun, the Crimean Bridge information center reports.

The floating supports left the "bucket" at the Kerch technological site and moved to the fairway of the Kerch-Yenikal canal. The floating system will pass along the planned route for almost five kilometers, RIA Novosti reports.

The movement of floating supports provides a fleet of lead pulling tugs, pusher tugs, as well as supporting auxiliary and shunting vessels, work boats for communication and coordination. More than 100 specialists of various profiles manage the process and control each stage.

“The road arch weighing almost 5.5 thousand tons is one of the largest elements of the Crimean bridge. Two football fields, or 227 meters - the length of the arch, 45 meters - the height from the bottom to the highest point, ”the message explains. It is noted that the operation to install such overall structures in the sea area is carried out for the first time in the practice of domestic bridge building.

“Having completed the transportation, lifting and installation on the supporting parts of the railway arch span in August, we have gained tremendous experience. Therefore, in the interval between the first and second alloys, a lot of engineering work was carried out, a step-by-step analysis of all the operations that were carried out, ”said Dmitry Kondakov, Deputy General Director of the SGM-Most company.

The installation of the road arch of the Crimean bridge in the design position after its installation on the fairway supports will take a month, the Crimean Bridge information center reports.

“Installation of the arch in the design position, [that is] the final installation of the arch spans on the fairway supports, will require about a month. During this time, builders mount the end elements of the arch, attach the transverse support beams. The span is fixed on auxiliary stops on the crossbars of the supports. Then the lifting control system is turned on again, the arched span is lowered onto the supporting parts, ”the report says.

Recall that due to transportation and lifting to the fairway supports of the road arch of the Kerch Bridge, the movement of ships in the Kerch Strait from October 11 to October 14 will be limited, the Crimean Bridge information center reported earlier.

On August 29, the builders of the Crimean bridge raised the railway arch to the fairway supports - to a design height of 35 meters above sea level.

On October 11, 2017, an operation began to transport and install the automobile arch of the Crimean bridge on the fairway supports.

Three days

The fact that the operation was given a "green light" became clear after the publication of the order of the captain of the seaport of Kerch to ban navigation in the area of ​​construction of a transport passage through the Kerch Strait from 06:00 on October 11 to 06:00 on October 14.

Three days - such a time interval is allotted for specialists to transport, lift and fix the arch on the supports. During the operation with the arch of the railway bridge, sailors, workers and engineers not only met the deadline, but even finished the work earlier.

Around 06:00 on October 11, the last ships passed through the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal before the temporary closure of navigation.

By this time, the tugboats involved in the operation to transport the arch of the Crimean bridge, lined up in marching order.

The caravan left at 6:35

At 6:35 Moscow time, the caravan began to move. The floating supports left the "bucket" at the Kerch technological site into the fairway of the Kerch-Yenikal canal.

One of the federal TV channels on the morning of October 11 assured its viewers that it would take three days to overcome 5 kilometers to the fairway supports near the caravan with the arch. This, to put it mildly, is not entirely true.

Already by 11 o'clock Moscow time, the caravan approached the alignment between the fairway supports of the Crimean bridge at a distance of several hundred meters. From this moment, a new stage of the operation begins - the last 300 meters of the floating system will be “pulled up” with the help of pile anchors, anchor cables and other specialized equipment. The floating system is launched between the fairway supports with a maximum total clearance of up to 65 cm and is fixed with anchor cables.

"Installing an arch requires extreme concentration"

The road arch weighing almost 5.5 thousand tons is one of the largest elements of the Crimean bridge. Two football fields, or 227 meters - the length of the arch, 45 meters - the height from the bottom to the highest top point.

The operation to install such large-sized structures as the arches of the Crimean bridge in the sea area is carried out for the first time in the practice of domestic bridge building. Experience similar in scale, climatic and hydrological conditions, the Soviet and Russian bridge builders have not yet had.

“Having completed the transportation, lifting and installation on the supporting parts of the railway arch span in August, we have gained some experience. Therefore, in the interval between the first and second alloys, a lot of engineering work was carried out, a step-by-step analysis of all the operations that were carried out. After all, the installation of the second arch is a no less complicated process that requires extreme concentration from all participants, ”said Deputy General Director of SGM-Most Dmitry Kondakov.

Photo: information center "Crimean bridge"

The arch of the railway bridge was installed in August

The operation to install the railway bridge arch took place in August. On August 29, 2017, the railway arch span of the bridge to the Crimea reached an estimated height of 35 meters. The bridge builders announced the completion of this stage of the operation at 9:30 am.

The structure weighing more than 6,000 tons was lifted with the help of lifting equipment under the supervision of the leading engineers of the project. The process of raising the arch to the design height took about 12 hours.

The arch was raised on 700 cables with powerful jacks fixed on supports. For the installation of the overall structure, 16 devices were required, each with a carrying capacity of 650 tons. This made it possible to increase the margin of safety for lifting mechanisms by 40%.

After the completion of the operation to install the arch of the railway bridge, there were many rumors that now the Kerch Strait would not be able to pass large ships. It was also said that supposedly the supports under the weight of the arch are rapidly sinking. This information was readily replicated by the Ukrainian media, but did not find confirmation.

“Even with an earthquake, nothing bad will happen to the arch”

The road bridge arch had to wait quite a long time to be able to join the "sister". The weather created problems - we had to patiently wait out the storm wind, which did not calm down in any way. But no one was going to rush and jeopardize a complex operation. In order to avoid the slightest risk, the "window" for the operation was extended until November. And now, finally, the weather conditions have become favorable.

“The road arch span is interesting primarily for its location. The seismicity of the construction site reaches 8-9 points. But even with an earthquake, nothing bad will happen to the arch, because the structures are designed with good margins. Two powerful shear stops will protect the superstructure from being thrown into the water during an earthquake. The region is also famous for its strong winds, especially during storms. They reach 35 meters per second and above. To combat this phenomenon, we have provided in the design of puffs - fairings that disperse wind currents and reduce wind pressure on the side surfaces of the arch elements, ”said Sergey Lyuty, Chief Project Engineer of CJSC Giprostroymost Institute - St. Petersburg.

Photo: information center "Crimean bridge"

The road bridge is waiting for the last supports and is being asphalted

The installation of arch spans is one of the most difficult technological stages in the construction of a bridge to the Crimea. After the arch of the automobile bridge takes its place, it will be possible to say that the construction has entered a new stage.

As of October 10, more than 400 supports out of 595 provided for by the bridge project are ready, more than 105 thousand tons of metal structures of span structures have been assembled out of more than 260 thousand tons of design ones. It should be noted here that we are talking about the total indicators of road and railway bridges.

The readiness of the road bridge, which should come into operation a year earlier than the railway "colleague", is much higher. According to Kairat Tursunbenov, deputy head of FKU Uprdor "Taman", pile foundations on the road bridge are 100% ready, supports are 85% ready, only 18 supports remain. The span structures are 85% assembled. Of the almost 17 km of superstructures, 14.5 km have been assembled and installed to date. On the road bridge, the bridge deck is already being installed, that is, the lower and upper layers of the coating are being arranged. About 3 km were completed in the direction of the Crimea along the lower layer and one and a half kilometers in the direction of Taman.

“They are ahead of schedule, and well ahead”

According to the plan, traffic on the automobile Crimean bridge should be opened in December 2018. At the same time, the first stage of the new federal highway P260 "Tavrida" Kerch - Simferopol - Sevastopol should be launched.

At the end of September Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Georgy Muradov in an interview with the radio station “Moscow speaking”, he expressed the hope that traffic on the bridge would be opened ahead of schedule: “We would very much like the flow across the bridge to begin by the height of our tourist season. I rely on how the construction is going. They are ahead of schedule, and well ahead. They work very fast. We ask for it, we are interested in it. We are positively answered: we will try.”