Do-it-yourself calculation and calendar plan. Introduction Yenir definition

  • 23.02.2023

To the question How to calculate the norms of time according to ENiR? given by the author Alexander Shtifanov the best answer is Uniform norms and prices for construction, installation and repair and construction work (ENiR) are approved by the USSR State Construction Committee, the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions for mandatory use in construction and installation, repair and construction and equivalent organizations, and also in subdivisions (brigades, sites) of production associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions engaged in construction and overhaul by economic means simultaneously with the introduction of new conditions for remuneration of workers in accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions "On improving the organization of wages and the introduction of new tariff rates and official salaries for workers in the production sectors of the national economy.
The period of validity of the approved Uniform Rates and Rates is five years, during which they are subject to mandatory verification and, if necessary, replaced with new ones, and as equipment, technology, organization of production and labor are improved, appropriate additions and changes are made to them.
The list of approved collections and issues of the ENiR is given in Appendix. 1.
2. For construction, installation and repair and construction work not covered by the ENiR, ministries and departments may develop departmental norms and prices (VNiR).
VNiR are approved by the head of the ministry or department in agreement with the relevant central or republican committee of the trade union and are mandatory for all organizations of this ministry or department.
Collections of VNiR are subject to mandatory registration with the Gosstroy of the USSR prior to their approval with the assignment of established indices and serial numbers.
VNiR can be extended for their mandatory application to the settings of another ministry or department only by order (instruction) of this ministry or department, agreed with the relevant central or republican committee of the trade union.
In the absence of such an order (instruction), the use of VNiR to pay workers in construction, installation and repair and construction organizations of another ministry or department is not allowed.
The list of collections and issues of VNiR registered in the Gosstroy of the USSR is given for information in App. 2.
3. For construction, installation and repair and construction works not covered by ENiR and VNiR (if VNiR are mandatory for use in construction, installation and repair and construction organizations of this ministry or department), local norms and prices are developed by methods of technical regulation, which are approved and are put into effect by the head of the construction and installation (repair and construction) organization or enterprise (organization, institution) that carries out construction in an economic way, in agreement with the trade union committee.
4. Uniform, departmental and local norms and prices are mainly intended for the development of enlarged and complex norms, the preparation of labor cost and wage calculations, as well as other similar regulatory documents for the remuneration of workers, taking into account progressive technology, mechanization, scientific organization of labor and advanced experience in the organization of construction, installation and repair and construction works.
Enlarged and complex norms are developed, approved and put into effect by ministries and departments. The use of uniform, departmental and local norms and rates directly for the remuneration of workers, as a rule, should not take place.
5. Prices in the ENiR collections, except where otherwise specified, are calculated according to the following hourly tariff rates established for workers employed in construction and repair and construction works (in construction and installation works and in ancillary industries), with a seven-hour working day * :

  • 14 .. Purpose and composition of the PPR
  • 15.. Technological maps
  • 16.. Variant design
  • 17.. Technical regulation of labor in construction
  • 19 .. Norm of time, ngorma of machine time, norm of production. Material consumption rates
  • 20.. Uniform norms and prices (eNiR). The content of the paragraph eNiR.
  • 21 .. Labor productivity in construction, methods for measuring it
  • 22. Tariff regulation of labor. Tariff scale, tariff coefficient, tariff rate.
  • 23 .. Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide (etks). National classifier of the Republic of Belarus “Profession of workers and positions of employees (okpd).
  • 24.. Remuneration of workers, forms of remuneration
  • 25 .. Determination of piecework earnings and its distribution among members of the brigade link.
  • 29.. Development and equipment of the construction site
  • 34.. Technological properties of soils
  • 35.. Vertical layout of the construction site. Determination of black marks of the vertices of squares and triangles by the graphic-analytical method.
  • 36.. Determination of the average planning mark
  • 37.. Determination of red and working marks when planning a site for the NB and for a given mark.
  • 38 .. Construction of a line of zero work and a line of slopes.
  • 39.. 40.. Determination of partial volumes of entire squares and triangles (not intersected by l.I.R.)
  • 41.. Determination of slope volumes
  • 42.. Drawing up a consolidated balance sheet.
  • 43.. Finding reduced volumes of cut and fill points
  • 44.. Determining the centers of gravity of cut and fill points
  • 45 .. Methods for determining the average distance of movement of earth masses. Method of static moments.
  • 46.. Determination of the average distance of soil movement lav
  • 47.. Compilation of labor and wage costing
  • 48.. Construction of a calendar schedule for the production of works
  • 49 .. The composition of the main and auxiliary works in the construction of excavations and embankments.
  • 50.. Cutting the vegetation layer
  • 53. Methods of soil development and machines used.
  • 62.. Determination of the replaceable operational performance of the bulldozer and ways to improve it.
  • 63.. Development of soil by graders.
  • 64.. Laying and compaction of soil masses.
  • 65.. Development of soil by jet installations.
  • 66.. Development of soil by suction dredgers.
  • 67.. Ways of alluvial embankments.
  • 68.. Mechanical methods of drilling soils.
  • 69.. Physical methods of drilling soils.
  • 70.. Development of soil by explosion.
  • 71.. Scope of trenchless sp-s excavation. Shield penetration.
  • 72.. Laying of underground communications by puncture method.
  • 73.. Laying of underground communications by punching.
  • 74.. Laying of underground communications by horizontal drilling.
  • 76. Types of masonry. Materials for the production of stone works.
  • 77. Rules for cutting masonry.
  • 78.. Techniques for laying stones in an array of masonry.
  • 79.. Systems for dressing seams in masonry.
  • 80.. Brickwork on flexible connections.
  • 81.. Masonry of irregularly shaped stones.
  • 82.. Organization of a complex process for the joint production of stone and installation works.
  • 83.. Calculation of the composition of the brigade of masons, the size of the patches and plots.
  • 55.. Development of soil by excavators straight shovel.
  • 20.. Uniform norms and prices (eNiR). The content of the paragraph eNiR.

    The development of norms is carried out by regulatory research stations. Technical norms are approved by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers for Construction and Architecture and are uniform and mandatory for general application. ENiR - Uniform norms and prices.

    ENiRs take into account not only operational labor costs for the performance of work, but also include a reasonable amount of expenses for rest, preparatory and final work (study of drawings, preparation and cleaning of the workplace, etc.) necessary for normal work during the shift.

    Each paragraph of the ENiR contains:

      a brief description of the machines used;

      instructions for the application of the standards;

      scope of work (list of operations);

      the composition of the link of workers by profession and category;

      the norm of time and the price per unit of measurement of this product.

    The content of the ENiR paragraph may vary depending on the work for which the norms are given. If the conditions for the production of work deviate from the norms provided for in the paragraph, correction factors and other additional information are given in the annexes to them. In addition, in the general part, coefficients for norms and prices are given for all UNiRs, taking into account in which temperature zone the construction site is located and to which group of works the work performed is assigned.

    When new works appear that are not covered by the ENiR, departmental and local time standards (VNiR, MNIR) are drawn up.

    21 .. Labor productivity in construction, methods for measuring it

    Labor productivity is the ability of specific labor to create a certain amount of output per unit of time, that is, it characterizes the level of fulfillment of production standards or time standards and is expressed in%.

    Labor productivity in construction is measured by three main methods: cost, natural and normative.

    cost method– production (its quantity) is taken into account at the estimated cost or contract price.

    natural method allows you to determine the output in physical terms (m 3 of masonry, tons of structures, etc.) or in units of measurement of the final product (m 2 of living space, etc.).

    Normative method shows the ratio of actual labor costs to labor costs relying on the norm.

    Labor intensity- the amount of working time required to perform a given amount of work.

    , Where: - the amount of work in units of measurement for which given

    22. Tariff regulation of labor. Tariff scale, tariff coefficient, tariff rate.

    The tariff system and one of the most important elements - the Unified Tariff Scale (UTS) for employees of the Republic of Belarus (introduced on January 1, 1998) - is the main tool in the hands of the state in the implementation of a unified wage policy in the country. It reflects such wage differentiation factors as labor qualifications, working conditions, and the importance of the sector of the economy.

    Tariff rates and salaries calculated on the basis of the tariff rate of the first category, established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, and UTS tariff coefficients, form the republican wage rates.

    Tariff system- a set of economic instruments and regulatory materials, which evaluate the quality of work.

    The main elements of the tariff system are:

    - tariff scale;

    - tariff rates;

    – National classifier of the Republic of Belarus "Professions of workers and positions of employees" (OKPD);

    Tariff rationing- this is a qualitative assessment of labor to regulate its payment.

    Tariff scale- this is a scale consisting of a certain number of tariff categories and their corresponding tariff coefficients. When calculating prices for the ENiR, they are based on a six-digit tariff scale adopted in 1987.

    Table 14.1. Tariff scale 1987

    Tariff coefficients

    Hourly tariff rates, rub.

    Tariff coefficient shows how many times the time worked by a worker of this category is paid higher compared to the first category.

    The tariff rate of each category is determined by multiplying the tariff rate of the first category by the corresponding tariff coefficient according to the tariff scale:

    For example: the tariff rate of the 5th category is equal to

    Ch 5 \u003d 0.59 1.542 \u003d 0.91 rubles / hour.

    Tariff rate- this is the amount of remuneration for the work performed, expressed in monetary terms, depending on its complexity and the qualifications of the worker per unit of working time. Rates are hourly, daily, monthly (salaries) and express the amount of wages.

    The unified tariff scale, adopted in 1998, contains 28 tariff categories, including 23 in the manufacturing sectors.

    Eight, from the first to the eighth, was recognized as the optimal number of digits for the billing of workers. The billing of employees by position is placed on 19 categories of the ETC - from 5 to 23.

    In the production of construction and installation and repair and construction works, a multiplying coefficient is applied to the tariff rates of workers of the corresponding categories of the ETS equal to 1.2.

    ENiRs are given (usually in tabular form, but not always) two or three digits. For manual work - two figures (labor costs, man-hours; rate, rub.-kop.). Some ENiRs do not take into account the work of some machines and machine operators on them. For example, take § E9-2-1.

    In paragraphs containing both the summarized and the rates and prices that make up them, the composition of the links for the summarized rates and prices is not given. In the ENiRs, the labor intensity of ordinary workers and the “additionally” labor intensity of machinists are given. Yes, even ... In the norms (ENiR and GESN), the matter is presented in such a way that the norm of time is equal to the labor intensity per unit of measurement of something. And that's it. And do not confuse with production standards.

    Just so as not to confuse what (to whom) this time refers. 3. Labor costs are given per link. Take, for example, the price of § E2-1-25 "Development and movement of soil by a trailed grader."

    Calculation and calendar

    In this, ENiRs differ from HPSs, where labor costs relate only to construction workers (without machine operators). Hello. Tell me, maybe someone has ENIRs in electronic form, I can’t find it anywhere, but I really need it. And how to use them correctly.

    When developing a project, it is necessary to make a calculation of labor costs and wages. It determines the complexity of the planned work and their cost. In the absence of such an order (instruction), the use of VNiR to pay workers in construction, installation and repair and construction organizations of another ministry or department is not allowed.

    The performance of work by workers of different professions and categories, which are indicated in the paragraphs of ENiR and VNiR, cannot serve as a basis for any changes in the approved norms and prices.

    In cases where work is performed under a combination of production conditions specified in subparagraphs "a" - "e", only one of the coefficients provided for in these subparagraphs can be established.

    Breaks in the work of the hammer or vibrator, as well as the time of installation and removal of the tailstock, are not included in the measurement of the pile driving time. Machine intensity - well, in relation to time, this is the same as labor intensity. The norm of production and the norm of time - they should be taken literally.

    Rather, apparently in the ENiRs, time standards are given, which are designed in such a way that in this case they are equal to labor input. For example, per 1 ton of steel or per 1 m2 of area, etc. That is, with regard to norms, there is a difference between the norms of time and labor intensity. That is, how many hours it takes one person to perform such and such work. No need to drag in any other "financial indicators", "machine intensity" and so on.

    1. General Provisions

    But if you need to dig 10m3 of soil: Let's say 1 worker digs out 0.1m3 in 1 hour (although not "let's say", but take it from ENIR). Suppose four workers were foolishly stuffed into the link of diggers (although the composition of the link, depending on the work, seems to be also determined by ENIR, and not by managers).

    Instructions for using the laser rangefinder

    The answer to the question was given in post # 1 and expanded in post # 10, everything else is fun, flooding and outright nonsense. The table shows that the labor costs are exactly twice as much as the machine time costs. When laying pipes with a diameter of 1200 mm, labor costs are given for the work of 6 people. installers of external pipelines.

    For industrial buildings, this ratio is approximately 4-6%, for civil buildings - 6-8%. In the same ratios, the need for machine shifts in the operation of large mechanisms is also determined. The complexity of specialized work (sanitary, electrical, installation of technological equipment and other installation work) in the course project is taken into account on an enlarged basis.

    The movement of materials over distances in excess of the norms taken into account in the collections should be normalized and regarded especially according to § 20 of the collection 1 ENiR Intra-construction transport work "

    Do not use the instrument in damp weather, in dusty or smoky conditions, or under any other unfavorable conditions. Operating under such conditions may damage the internal components and impair the accuracy of the instrument. Surfaces with an anti-reflective coating refract the laser beam and therefore errors in measurement may occur.

    I write off everything for the New Year And now the correct answer is: 1. The time spent in the ENiR is given in the form of: a) man-hours; b) machine hours. 16. In paragraphs ENiR and VNiR for mechanized processes, in addition to the norms of time for workers, they are given in brackets without indicating the name of the time norm for machines in machine hours.



    Uniform norms and prices for construction, installation

    and repair and construction works

    a common part

    Information data

    APPROVED by the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the USSR, the State Committee of the USSR on Labor and Social Affairs and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 5, 1986 No. 43/512/29-50 for mandatory use in construction, installation and repair and construction works

    DEVELOPED by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards in Construction (TsBNTS) at the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor in Construction of the Gosstroy of the USSR.

    1. General Provisions

    1. Uniform norms and prices for construction, installation and repair and construction work (ENiR) are approved by the USSR State Construction Committee, the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions for mandatory use in construction and installation, repair and construction and equivalent organizations , as well as in subdivisions (brigades, sections) of production associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions engaged in construction and overhaul in an economic way simultaneously with the introduction of new conditions for remuneration of workers in accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions "On improving the organization wages and the introduction of new tariff rates and official salaries of workers in the production sectors of the national economy.

    The period of validity of the approved Uniform Rates and Rates is five years, during which they are subject to mandatory verification and, if necessary, replaced with new ones, and as equipment, technology, organization of production and labor are improved, appropriate additions and changes are made to them.

    The list of approved collections and issues of the ENiR is given in Appendix. 1.

    2. For construction, installation and repair and construction work not covered by the ENiR, ministries and departments may develop departmental norms and prices (VNiR).

    VNiR are approved by the head of the ministry or department in agreement with the relevant central or republican committee of the trade union and are mandatory for all organizations of this ministry or department.

    Collections of VNiR are subject to mandatory registration with the Gosstroy of the USSR prior to their approval with the assignment of established indices and serial numbers.

    VNiR can be extended for their mandatory application to the settings of another ministry or department only by order (instruction) of this ministry or department, agreed with the relevant central or republican committee of the trade union.

    In the absence of such an order (instruction), the use of VNiR to pay workers in construction, installation and repair and construction organizations of another ministry or department is not allowed.

    The list of collections and issues of VNiR registered in the Gosstroy of the USSR is given for information in App. 2.

    3. For construction, installation and repair and construction work not covered by ENiR and VNiR (if VNiR are mandatory for use in construction, installation and repair and construction organizations of this ministry or department), local norms and prices are developed by technical regulation methods, which are approved and are put into effect by the head of a construction and installation (repair and construction) organization or an enterprise (organization, institution) that carries out construction in an economic way, in agreement with the trade union committee.

    4. Uniform, departmental and local norms and prices are mainly intended for the development of enlarged and complex norms, the preparation of labor cost and wage calculations, as well as other similar regulatory documents for the remuneration of workers, taking into account progressive technology, mechanization, scientific organization of labor and advanced experience in the organization of construction, installation and repair and construction works.

    Enlarged and complex norms are developed, approved and put into effect by ministries and departments. The use of uniform, departmental and local norms and rates directly for the remuneration of workers, as a rule, should not take place.

    5. Prices in the ENiR collections, except where otherwise specified, are calculated according to the following hourly tariff rates established for workers employed in construction and repair and construction works (in construction and installation works and in ancillary industries), with a seven-hour working day * :

    (in kopecks)

    For workers employed in construction and repair and construction work, in steeplejack work** and in work on sinking mountain slopes, the following hourly wage rates are established for a seven-hour working day:


    *For a six-day work week or a five-day work week with two days off.

    ** In accordance with SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in construction", climbing is considered to be work performed at a height of more than 5 m from the ground, ceiling or working platform, on which work is carried out directly from structures during their installation or repair. In this case, the main means of protecting against falls from a height is a safety belt.

    (in kopecks)

    The hourly wage rates of workers employed in construction and repair and construction work with difficult and harmful working conditions, as well as steeplejack work with harmful working conditions, are increased to 12 percent, for jobs with especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions - up to 24%. percent on the list of works approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 1, 1986 No. 374 / 22-60 (Appendix 4).

    The ministries and departments carrying out construction approve, in agreement with the relevant Central Committee of the trade union, the sectoral list of works with difficult and harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions for construction and installation, repair and construction and equivalent organizations, as well as for departments (teams, plots), production associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions engaged in construction and overhaul in an economic way, including the work provided for in the List approved by the specified resolution, as well as the work contained in the Model lists of works of other sectors of the national economy performed by these organizations and divisions.

    Organizations, enterprises, associations and institutions, on the basis of sectoral lists and attestation of jobs, in agreement with the trade union committee, approve the increase in hourly wage rates for specific jobs.

    These lists of jobs are included in the collective agreement and are updated annually in connection with the implementation of measures to rationalize jobs, mechanize manual labor, improve its organization and conditions.

    With the improvement of working conditions, the size of the increase in hourly wage rates is reduced or canceled completely.

    For certain professions of workers of the VI category, engaged in the management of powerful and especially complex construction machines and mechanisms, their repair and maintenance, the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated December 15, 1986 No. 524 / 30-44 establishes hourly tariff rates of up to 140 kopecks . (app. 5).

    Hourly tariff rates for workers who, in accordance with the current legislation, have a six-hour working day, are calculated by multiplying the relevant tariff rates given in this paragraph by the average working time in hours per month with a seven-hour working day (173.1 hours) and dividing the result by the average working time per month in hours with a six-hour working day (152.5 hours).

    Rates in the VNiR collections and for work covered by local standards are also calculated at the tariff rates given above, with the exception of cases when remuneration in accordance with the current legislation is made at the tariff rates established for workers in the relevant sectors of the national economy (mining capital works, motor transport, railway transport, etc.).

    6. The billing of works in the collections of ENiR and VNiR is made in accordance with the ETCS of works and professions of workers: issue. 3, sec. "Construction, installation and repair and construction works", and for works not provided for by this section - according to the relevant sections and issues of the ETKS.

    The performance of work by workers of different professions and categories, which are indicated in the paragraphs of ENiR and VNiR, cannot serve as a basis for any changes in the approved norms and prices.

    7. For the incorrect application of the existing norms and prices, as well as for the incorrect calculation of the volume of construction, installation or repair and construction work performed, the perpetrators must be held accountable in accordance with the current legislation.

    8. If a more advanced organization or production technology, new more efficient materials and structures, more productive machines or equipment than provided for by ENiR and VNiR are used at a construction site, it is prohibited to use these standards.

    In these cases, prior to the development of new ENiR and VNiR, local technically justified, respectively reduced time standards and prices should be established, approved and put into effect by the head of the construction and installation (repair and construction) organization or enterprise (organization, institution) that carries out construction in an economic way, in agreement with the trade union committee.

    In accordance with article 106 of the Labor Code of the RSFSR and similar articles of the Labor Code of the union republics, the current norms and prices remain:

    for workers who have made rationalization proposals, as a result of which output is increased - within 6 months;

    for workers who assisted the innovator in the implementation of his proposal - within 3 months.

    The heads of construction and installation and repair and construction organizations, as well as enterprises (organizations, institutions) engaged in economic construction, have been granted the right, in agreement with the relevant trade union committee, to establish young workers - graduates of vocational schools, as well as young workers of certain leading professions, graduates of general education schools with on-the-job training, short-term courses or individual-team training directly at the workplace, reduced production rates, but not more than 40 percent during the first three months of their independent work and not more than 20 percent over the next three months .

    Lists of certain leading professions for which young workers who have graduated from general education schools with industrial training, short-term courses, or who have completed individual brigade training directly at the workplace can be given reduced output rates are approved by the ministries and departments of the USSR, the Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics, Glavmosstroy, Glavmosoblstroy and Glavleningradstroy in agreement with the State Construction Committee of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

    9. The heads of construction and installation (repair and construction) organizations, enterprises (organizations, institutions) engaged in economic construction are obliged, in agreement with the trade union committee, to revise local standards as they are introduced into production and the efficiency of technical, economic and organizational measures that ensure growth in labor productivity.

    Local standards for work, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of measures that ensure a general improvement in the organization of production and labor at the site, should be reviewed at a time at the time and in the amount established by the head of the relevant organization (enterprise, institution) in agreement with the trade union committee.

    10. Uniform and departmental norms and prices, except for specially stipulated cases, take into account and do not separately pay for the time spent by workers on preparatory and final operations, including preparing the workplace and putting it in order at the end of the shift, receiving materials from on-site storerooms, for receiving and bringing to the place of work tools and small devices with their delivery after completion of work, for transitions within the same object associated with changing jobs, for refueling and pointing tools in the process of work, for keeping devices and machines in order , as well as to receive assignments and hand over the work performed to the foreman or foreman.

    11. Uniform and departmental norms and prices provide for the performance of work in compliance with the established safety regulations (SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in construction"), and also take into account the time required for periodic rest of workers during the work shift.

    12. Uniform and departmental norms and prices take into account the time spent on moving materials only at distances indicated in the relevant introductory or technical parts of collections and chapters or texts of paragraphs. The movement of materials over distances in excess of the norms taken into account in the collections should be normalized and regarded especially according to § 20 of the collection 1 of the ENiR “Internal transport work”. Travel distances that are not multiples of 10 m are rounded up to the full 10 m. For example, a 14 m carry should be rated as a 20 m carry.

    13. In the production of construction, installation and repair and construction work in winter conditions in the open air and in unheated rooms, the average coefficients given in appendix should be applied to the uniform and departmental time standards and prices. 3.

    14. When performing work in more difficult production conditions compared to those provided for in the ENiR and VNiR (during reconstruction, technical re-equipment, expansion and overhaul of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures, in the aftermath of accidents, natural disasters, etc.), as a result of which the labor productivity of workers decreases, it is allowed to establish coefficients in the following sizes for the norms of time and prices for the corresponding work:

    a) at operating enterprises (in workshops, buildings, at production sites) if there is operating technological equipment (machines, installations, furnaces, cranes, conveyors, pouring ladles, etc.) in the production area, or an extensive network of engineering communications, or dustiness of the air, or the movement of technological transport along intrashop and intraplant routes - from 1.1 to 1.20, and at enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical industries - from 1.1 to 1.25;

    b) at enterprises (in workshops, buildings, at production sites) stopped for construction and installation and repair and construction works, as well as in buildings and structures for all purposes if there are objects cluttering up the premises (machines, installations, apparatus) in the work area , operational and laboratory equipment, office equipment, furniture, etc.) - from 1.1 to 1.15;

    c) when performing work in greenhouses -1.1;

    d) when performing work in the security zone of overhead power lines, in places where power supply communications pass, in existing electrical installations, near structures and objects under voltage (in cases where complete removal of voltage due to production conditions is impossible), if this is due to the restriction of actions workers with special safety requirements - from 1.1 to 1.2;

    e) when the air temperature at the workplace is more than 40 ° in the premises - from 1.15 to 1.25;

    f) when performing work in closed structures and premises (collectors, reservoirs, bunkers, chambers, etc.), the upper mark of which is below 3 m from the ground - 1.1;

    g) when working in existing workshops of enterprises with harmful working conditions (in which workers of an industrial enterprise have a reduced working day) - 1.15, and if there are production conditions specified in subparagraph "a", in addition, one of the coefficients provided for by this subparagraph.

    If workers performing construction, installation and repair and construction work in existing workshops with harmful working conditions are transferred to a shorter working day, then the rates are recalculated based on the hourly tariff rates calculated in the manner specified in clause 5 of the General Part, and the coefficient provided for in subparagraph "g", does not apply. In this case, as well as in cases where the prices in the ENiR and VNiR collections are determined from a shortened working day, one of the coefficients provided for in this subparagraph can be applied to the time standards and prices in the presence of the production conditions specified in subparagraph "a".

    In cases where work is performed under a combination of production conditions specified in subparagraphs "a" - "e", only one of the coefficients provided for in these subparagraphs can be established.

    The presence of conditions for the production of work that reduce the productivity of workers, the specific value of the coefficient, as well as the amount of work normalized and paid for at higher rates of time and rates, taking into account this coefficient, are established in each individual case by an act approved by the head of the construction and installation or repair and construction organization , an enterprise (organization, institution) carrying out construction in an economic way, in agreement with the trade union committee

    15. In the paragraphs of ENiR and VNiR, as a rule, are given:

    a) a brief description of the machines (for mechanized processes);

    b) instructions on the application of standards for individual complex construction processes or new types of work (if necessary);

    c) the scope of work of the normalized process (listing the main operations provided for by the norms);

    d) the estimated composition of the links (name of professions and the ratio of workers by category);

    e) norms of time (N.v.) and rates (Rate) in the form of a fraction (above the line - N.v., under the line - Rt.) or separately in two adjacent columns.

    Time standards are indicated in man-hours, and prices are in rubles and kopecks for the meter adopted in the paragraph.

    The rates are calculated by multiplying the hourly rate of a worker of the corresponding category (for construction processes performed individually) or the average hourly rate of a link (for link processes) by the time norm. To simplify payroll calculations, prices have been rounded.

    The production rates, as a rule, are not given in the ENiR and VNiR paragraphs and, if necessary, can be calculated by dividing the established shift duration by the time rate and multiplying the result obtained by the number of workers engaged in the performance of the relevant work.

    16. In paragraphs ENiR and VNiR for mechanized processes, in addition to the norms of time for workers, they are given in brackets without indicating the name of the time norm for machines in machine hours. When a set of machines is operating as a single unit, the time norms of the unit as a whole are given in brackets. In some paragraphs, the norms of the time of machines (in machine hours) are indicated in a separate line (column).

    The time standards of machines that occasionally participate in production processes are, as a rule, not given in the collections.

    17. In a number of ENiR and VNiR collections, along with the norms and prices for individual construction or installation processes, the summarized norms and prices for the complex process as a whole are given in one table without rounding the total values. In paragraphs containing both the summarized and the rates and prices that make up them, the composition of the links for the summarized rates and prices is not given.

    18. The quality of the work performed by the workers must meet the requirements of SNiP and other current technical conditions for the production and acceptance of the relevant types of work. Works performed in violation of the requirements of SNiP and technical specifications are considered defective and are not subject to payment at current rates.

    19. Uniform and departmental norms and prices for the manufacture of building structures and parts are mandatory for use in auxiliary industries that are on the construction balance of construction and installation and repair and construction organizations, if in these industries wages in accordance with the current provisions are made according to the conditions established for construction workers.

    20. If necessary, according to the conditions of production, the simultaneous application to the time norms (rate) of several coefficients provided for in the General Part and in the relevant collections of ENiR and VNiR, the final norm of time and the price for this particular case is determined by multiplying the time norm and the price by the product of all applied coefficients .

    Example. In note. 1 to table. 3 § 1 Sat. 3 "Stone work" provides that when laying rubble foundations in trenches at a depth of more than 1.2 m N.v. and Rass. should be multiplied by 1.15. In note. 2 to the same table, it is provided that, if there is a thrust N.vr. in the trenches. and Rass. should be multiplied by 1.1. In the case when the laying of rubble foundations is carried out in a trench with spacers at a depth of more than 1.2 m, the corresponding N.v. and Rass. should be multiplied by 1.15 1.1 = 1.265.

    21. Each paragraph of those collections of ENiR and VNiR that are not divided into issues is indicated by two numbers (cipher), of which the first corresponds to the number of the collection, and the second to the paragraph within this collection, for example, “§ E25-7” means § 7 sb . E-25 "Rigging". In cases where the collection is divided into separate issues, the paragraph code is indicated by three digits, of which the first corresponds to the number of the collection, the second to the issue of this collection and the third to the paragraph within the issue, for example, "§ E2-3-5" denotes § 5 issue . 3 "Drilling and blasting" Sat. E2 "Earthworks".

    22. The limits of numerical indicators given in the ENiR and VNiR collections (length, section, diameter, mass, load capacity, capacity, etc.), in which “to” is indicated, should be understood inclusive.

    23. When developing and applying local norms and prices, one should be guided by the provisions of the General Part of the ENiR (except for paragraphs 12, 13 and 14).

    24. Full or partial reprinting of ENiR and VNiR, inclusion of ENiR and VNiR in other collections of norms and prices, as well as their processing (changing meters, table forms, constructing paragraphs, including or excluding any information, etc.) without permission bodies that approved ENiR or VNiR is prohibited.

    Annex 1





    Code of the collection (issue)

    Name of collections and issues


    Intra-construction transport works




    Issue. 1. Mechanized and manual earthworks


    Issue. 2. Hydraulic earthworks


    Issue. 3. Drilling and blasting


    Issue. 4. Earthworks in permafrost conditions


    stone work


    Installation of prefabricated and installation of monolithic reinforced concrete structures



    Issue. 2. Port and coast protection facilities


    Issue. 3. Bridges and pipes


    Installation of metal structures


    Issue. 1. Buildings and industrial facilities


    Issue. 2. Tanks and gas holders


    Issue. 3. Bridges and pipes


    Carpentry and joinery work in buildings and structures




    Finishing coatings of building structures


    Issue. 1. Finishing work


    Issue. 2. Facing with natural stone


    Issue. 3. Finishing with industrial products


    Construction of heat supply, water supply, gas supply and sewerage systems


    Issue. 1. Sanitary equipment of buildings and structures


    Issue. 2. External networks and facilities


    Construction of ventilation, air conditioning, pneumatic transport and aspiration systems


    Insulation work


    Pile work


    Clearing the route of linear structures from the forest


    Water well drilling


    Laying of industrial furnaces and erection of chimneys


    Construction of the superstructure of broad gauge railway tracks


    Road construction


    Green building


    Floor arrangement


    Repair Work


    Issue. 1. Buildings and industrial facilities


    Issue. 2. Highways and artificial structures


    Installation of equipment for storage and industrial processing of grain




    Issue. 1. Structures of buildings and industrial facilities


    Issue. 2. Pipelines


    Electric installation work


    Issue. 1. Electric lighting and high current wiring


    Issue. 2. Overhead power lines and complete transformer substations with voltage up to 20 kV


    Issue. 3. Overhead power lines and building structures of open switchgears with a voltage of 35 kV and above


    Issue. 4. Cable power lines


    Issue. 5. Distribution devices with a voltage of 35 kV and above


    Issue. 6. Closed switchgear with voltage up to 35 kV


    Issue. 7. Distribution and control gear


    Issue. 8. Electrical machines


    Issue. 9. Busbars and trolleys


    Installation of communication facilities


    Issue. 1. Cable communication lines


    Issue. 2. Air lines of communication


    Rigging work


    Installation of technological pipelines


    Acid-resistant and anti-corrosion works


    Installation of handling equipment


    Issue. 1. Continuous equipment


    Issue. 2. Intermittent equipment


    Issue. 3. Cable cars


    Installation of equipment for agricultural water supply


    Installation of equipment for livestock and poultry farms


    Installation of boiler plants and auxiliary equipment


    Installation of instrumentation and automation equipment


    Installation of equipment for gas purification


    Installation of compressors, pumps and fans


    Assembly and dismantling of construction machines


    Mining works


    Issue. 1. Construction of coal mines and quarries


    Issue. 2. Construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes


    Installation of mining equipment


    Issue. 1. Installation of technological and tunneling equipment on the surface


    Issue. 2. Installation of mining equipment and rigging in underground conditions


    Issue. 3. Electrical work in underground conditions


    Construction of electrified urban transport lines


    Issue. 1. Arrangement of tram tracks


    Issue. 2. Installation of tram and trolleybus contact networks


    Underwater technical work


    Manufacture of building structures and parts


    Issue. 1. Blacksmith and metalwork


    Issue. 2. Metal structures


    Issue. 3. Wooden structures and details


    Issue. 4. Parts and assemblies for sanitary systems


    Issue. 5. Parts and assemblies for technological pipelines


    Issue. 6. Parts and assemblies for ventilation and pneumatic transport systems

    Appendix 2



    When developing a project, it is necessary to calculation of labor costs and wages. It determines the complexity of the planned work and their cost. The latter is less important for us, since these figures are not presented in the calculation in modern prices.

    The most important thing is the norm of time and, accordingly, the laboriousness of the work. The latter is necessary when compiling a cost estimate for the economy (wages are calculated on its basis), as well as when calculating the calendar plan.

    the desired lesson, I will provide you with links to published video lessons in a convenient form:

    The first step in creating a cost estimate- determination of the forthcoming works on the construction of the facility. This stage includes work from cutting the vegetation layer to the installation of a blind area. It is important to determine the type of building - frame or not, what ceilings, floors, coatings, etc. It is of great help ready-made cost estimates, from which you will learn what needs to be included in the cost estimate. Pay attention to the example of construction costing.

    Next, you need to calculate the amount of work. Write down all costing calculations, do not do triple work. Recording calculations is necessary when compiling a table in the explanatory note “calculation of the amount of work”. Of course, you won’t calculate everything exactly, but in general the results should converge. When calculating, it is important to remember about the unit of measurement, for example, if it is 100m2, and in total it is necessary to do 1000m2, then the number of works is 1000/100=10. This value is consistently multiplied by the time rate and the rate.