Workforce movement chart in project. Construction of the schedule of movement of construction machines and mechanisms. Distribution of the number of people by type of work

  • 23.02.2023

1. When developing a calendar plan, it is necessary to strictly observe the technological sequence and organizational interconnection of work based on progressive methods of work production and the use of modern equipment, fixtures and tools.

2. Between the performance of individual works, it is necessary to provide for organizational and technological breaks (hardening of concrete when sealing joints, drying plaster, etc.).

3. It is necessary to ensure the continuity of the performance of certain types of work on the basis of the correct selection of the qualification and quantitative composition of the teams.

4. The performance of special works (sanitary, electrical, etc.) must be organizationally and technologically linked to the performance of general construction work. The deadlines for performing special work are determined based on the calculated labor intensity of their implementation (Table 4). Dividing the labor intensity of work by their duration, determine the required number of workers employed daily in the performance of each type of special work.

All works to be performed are grouped into complexes with the obligatory condition that they will be carried out by one team (for example, frame installation, finishing work, etc.). You cannot combine work performed by different organizations (for example, plumbing and electrical). After determining the main work packages, an initial table is compiled to determine the network schedule (Table 5).

The duration of individual processes carried out with the help of large construction machines (mounting cranes, bulldozers, excavators, scrapers) is determined by the productivity of the machines when working in two shifts.

The duration of all other technological processes is determined by the optimal number of workers who can be assigned to perform this work, taking into account the technology and composition of the links recommended by the ENiR when working in one shift.

Table 5

Distribution of the number of people by type of work

No. p / p Name of works Labor intensity, man-days Number of workers, people Number of shifts Duration, days
I Excavation 8,85
II Foundations 13,55
III Brickwork of walls, partitions, installation of lintels, window sills 83,09
IV Installation of floor slabs and coatings 9,73
V Filling openings 8,19
VI Roof device 25,49
VII floors 14,19
VIII Interior decoration 83,48
IX Other unrecorded works 49,31
X Internal plumbing 24,65
XI Internal electrical 12,33
XII On-site, landscaping, preparation for the commissioning of the facility 28,35

We take the number of workers from the ENiRs for construction and installation work.

Schedule of movement of workers on the site

The schedule of the movement of workers around the facility is built in the form of a diagram of the movement of human resources with the definition of the daily need for labor resources.

The plot is drawn with two lines:

Solid - the required number of labor resources per shift;

Dash-dotted line - the required number of labor resources per day.

The diagram of the movement of human resources on the object is drawn based on the link to the calendar for the execution of work at an early date.

The diagram should be uniform without obvious "dips" and "tops", the periods should be clearly visible on it:

Construction deployment;

steady construction;

Construction collapse.

The dotted line on the diagram shows the average number of workers.

Technical and economic indicators

line graph

Table 6

No. p / p The name of indicators Count formula Unit rev. Meaning of indicators
Estimated cost of the object With SS rub.
Structural volume of the building V m 3 951,32
The total complexity of the construction of the object Q OVR man-days 360,55
Duration of construction: a) normative b) actual T NORM T FACT days days
Maximum number of workers: a) per shift b) per day R MAX, cm R MAX , days people people
Average number of workers R SR \u003d Q total / T NORM people
Coefficient of uneven movement of workers α \u003d R SR / R MAX, days. 0,83

PART 2. Development of an object construction master plan

Stroygenplan(SGP) is called the master plan of the site, which shows the arrangement of the main assembly and lifting mechanisms, temporary buildings, structures and installations erected and used during the construction period, as well as on-site roads, temporary engineering networks.

There are two types of building plans:

A) general site construction plan- is developed by a design organization for a complex of buildings or structures;

b) object building plan- is developed by a construction organization at a separately constructed facility.

In the course project, an object construction plan is being developed.

The initial data for the development of an object building plan in the course project are:

1) the calendar plan for the construction of the facility, developed in part 1 of the course project;

2) the schedule for the receipt of building structures and materials at the facility;

3) specification of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, basic building materials and structures;

4) the schedule of movement of the main construction machines;

5) safety solutions;

6) selection of work methods and basic construction machines.

Development order

object building plan

The initial data in the development of the construction plan in the PPR are:

Stroygenplan as part of the POS;

A calendar plan for the production of work on an object or a comprehensive network schedule;

The need for labor resources and the schedule for the movement of workers around the facility;

Schedule of receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the facility;

Schedule of movement of the main construction machines around the facility;

Safety solutions;

Solutions for the arrangement of temporary engineering networks with their power sources;

The need for energy resources;

List of inventory buildings, structures, installations and temporary devices with the calculation of the need and linking them to the sections of the construction site;

Fire fighting measures.

The graphic part of the building plan is performed in the following sequence:

1. Draw the construction area (scale 1:200 or 1:500), show the building under construction on it, indicating the installation area and temporary fencing of the construction site (see Fig. 9).

The construction site is fenced along the perimeter at a distance of at least 2 m from the edge of the carriageway, temporary buildings and structures, warehouses. A gate with the inscriptions "Entry" and "Departure" is installed in the fence.

2. Mounting cranes are tied with an indication of the area of ​​​​the crane, the zone of dispersion of the load.

3. Design temporary roads and storage areas for materials, products, structures and equipment.

4. Outside the cargo dispersion zone, design the location of temporary inventory buildings and structures, taking into account fire safety requirements, closed warehouses, sheds.

5. Indicate the location of temporary electrical networks and temporary water supply networks with their binding to power sources.

6. On the building plan indicate all the dimensions of permanent and temporary buildings and structures, storage areas, roads, areas of operation of cranes, communications and their binding.

7. Calculate and draw the technical and economic indicators of the construction plan.

Choice of erection crane

According to technical specifications

When choosing cranes according to technical parameters, it is recommended to use books:

Boom self-propelled cranes: Ref. / HE. Krasavina et al. Ivanovo, 1996;

Tower construction cranes: Ref. / HE. Krasavina et al. Ivanovo, 2001.

The initial data for the selection of a mounting crane are:

Dimensions and space-planning solution of buildings and structures;

Parameters and working position of mounted loads;

Method and technology of installation; working conditions.

When determining the technical parameters of cranes (load capacity, boom reach and lifting height), basic models and their modifications with various types of interchangeable equipment are considered:

Boom, caterpillar with various jibs (for buildings 1-5 floors high);

Tower with beam and lifting arrows (for buildings with a height of more than 5 floors).

Mounting mechanism selection

Boom and crawler crane option

The choice of a crane is made in the following sequence:

1) determine the weight of the heaviest element for the erected building or structure;

2) determine the required working reach of the boom while maintaining the carrying capacity;

3) determine the required lifting height of the load;

4) a cross-section of a building or structure is drawn strictly on a scale, indicating the necessary parameters for selecting a crane
(see Fig. 2).

5) according to the technical characteristics given in App. 19–21, satisfying the calculated data, select the brand of the crane.

On fig. 1 the following designations are indicated:

H P - the required height of the element;

Lktr - the required reach of the boom;

h 1 - the height of the building being mounted from the base of the crane;

h 2 - the distance from the top mark of the building to the mounted load;

h 3 - the height of the mounted element;

h 4 - the height of the lifting devices (2 ÷ 4.5 m in the general case or
6.5 ÷ 9.5 m for traverses during the installation of trusses, beams and multi-tier suspension of slabs);

R P.P. - the radius of the crane turntable, determined by the crane passport (for example, for the MKG-16M crane - 3650 mm, for the SKG-40/63 crane - 4000 mm, for KB-100.OS - 3500 mm, KB-160.2 - 3800 mm);

l WITHOUT. - safe distance to the protruding part of the building (l WITHOUT. \u003d 0.7 - with a height of the protruding part up to 2 m; l WITHOUT. \u003d 0.4 - with a height of the protruding part more than 2 m);

In ZD. - the width of the designed building or structure;

L is the maximum working reach of the crane boom.

When choosing mounting cranes, it is necessary to determine the required mounting characteristics for each of the mounted elements:

mounting weight Q m;

Required hook reach L ktr;

· the required lifting height of the hook H ktr;

The choice of the crane is made according to the heaviest mounting element. This is the foundation slab FP1 - 3.168 tons.

The smallest boom reach and the required lifting height of the load will be determined graphically (Fig. 2). A cross-section of the building is drawn strictly on a scale, indicating the necessary parameters for selecting a crane. On fig. 2 shows the highest mounted structure - the roof slab.

Required mounting specifications:

Q m \u003d 3.168 t;

H ktr \u003d 11.62 m;

L ktr \u003d 12.5 m.

According to technical and economic indicators, a crawler crane of the RDK 160-2 brand was selected:

Arrow - 18 m;

Load capacity 10 t.

Rice. 1. Crawler crane

Rice. 2. Crane RDK 160-2

The schedule of the movement of workers is placed under the graphic part of the calendar plan on an appropriate scale (for example, 1 cm - 5 people).

The number of workers for all processes is added up on each working day, the schedule has a stepped form. Due to a sharp fluctuation in the number of workers, drops and peaks appear. Optimally, when these fluctuations are insignificant.

Equalization of the need for workers is achieved by redistributing the start and end dates of work, without violating the technological sequence.

The schedule for the movement of workers is estimated by the coefficient of uneven movement of workers K n, which should be less than or equal to 1.5.

where N max is the maximum number of workers per day employed in construction, people;

N cf - the average number of workers, people.

where W is the total labor costs of performing work, man-shifts;

P f - the actual duration of construction, days.

Technical and economic indicators of the calendar plan

The calculation is performed in the explanatory note in order to evaluate the decisions made in the development of the schedule.

1 Duration of construction:

Regulatory (P n) according to SNiP 1.04.03-85 "Standards for the duration of construction";

Actual (P f) according to the calendar plan.

2 Construction time factor K pr

3 Labor intensity of civil works, man-days.

4 Labor intensity per 1 m 3 of the building, man-days, is determined by the ratio of the total labor intensity to the construction volume of the building.

5 The coefficient of uneven movement of workers, K lane £ 1.5.

6 The coefficient of combination of construction processes in time, K s

K c => 1 (8)

where P pos - the duration of work on the object (the sum of column 7 in the calendar plan)

P fak - the actual duration of work according to the calendar plan

Graphic design of the calendar plan and explanatory note

The calendar plan for the construction of the facility is drawn up on a sheet of drawing paper in A1 format. First, it is necessary to determine the normative construction period according to SNiP 1.04.03-85 * "Construction duration standards".

After the statement of calculation of labor intensity and the cost of machine time, they begin to design a schedule.

The layout of the graphic material on the "Calendar Plan" sheet is shown in Figure 3.

The size of the columns of table 6 of the calendar plan is arbitrary, but it must be remembered that column 11 occupies most of the sheet and depends on the duration of construction according to the standard (two, three, etc. months). After filling in the calculated part of the plan, draw the graphic part.

Design experience has shown that this document is the most time-consuming to execute, so it is important to rationally distribute your work so as not to disrupt the timely defense of the course project.

The explanatory note of this document begins with the definition of the standard duration of construction. The following is a statement of the calculation of the volume of work (earth, stone, installation, etc.) with intermediate calculations.

Figure 3. - Scheme of placement of graphic material on the sheet "Calendar plan"

A statement of labor costs and machine time is also given in the explanatory note.

The choice of production methods contains a brief description of the technology of the processes performed, from preparatory work to landscaping. The construction process considered in the technological map is not subject to description, just a reference to it is sufficient.

The calculation of TEP completes the explanatory note to the calendar plan.

5.3 Composition, content and procedure for the development of the technological map.

The practical implementation of the building project is carried out with the obligatory observance of a certain technological sequence for the construction of an engineering structure, which, with the maximum technological development of construction processes, is set out in technological maps (TC).

Technological maps are a technically and technologically regulated document that provides rational solutions for the organization and technology of construction production and a high level of quality.

Technological maps are developed according to a single scheme recommended by the instructions of the Central Research Institute for Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance in Construction (TsNIIOMTP). According to the "Guidelines for the development of technological maps in construction" the technological map consists of 6 sections:

Section 1. Scope

The section provides:

Name of the technological process, structural element or part of the building;

Nomenclature (composition) of types of work covered by the map;

Name of building materials;

Dimensions and weight of elements;

Characteristics of the conditions and features of the production of work, adopted in the map.

Section 2. Technology and organization of work performed

The section contains:

Requirements for the completion of preparatory and previous work;

Requirements for the technology of work with an indication of the composition, sequence and methods of performing technological processes;

Instructions on the organization of workplaces;

Breakdown of the building into sections and tiers;

Technological schemes for the production of work in the form of a plan and a section of the structural part of the building on which the work provided for by the Labor Code will be performed.

The diagram should indicate the arrangement of machines, mechanisms and equipment, scaffolding, storage and reception areas for concrete (mortar), access roads, hazardous work zones.

Section 3. Requirements for the quality and acceptance of work

The section provides:

Requirements for the quality of supplied materials and products, a list of tools and devices for quality control of structures and materials;

Operational quality control schemes;

The list of technological processes to be controlled, indicating the subject of control, the method and tool of control, the time of the control, responsible for control;

The form of control can be supplemented with an axonometric diagram of the object of control indicating the places where deviations are measured.

Section 4. Safety and labor protection

The section provides the following information:

Occupational health and safety solutions;

Schemes indicating the fencing (boundaries) of hazardous areas, warning labels and signs;

Rules for safe work when performing work processes;

Scaffolding and personal protective equipment.

Section 5. Need for resources

The section provides:

List of machines, mechanisms and equipment indicating technical characteristics, types, brands, quantity per link;

List of technological equipment, tools, inventory and fixtures indicating GOST, TU, etc.

A statement of the need for materials, products and structures to perform the envisaged scope of work (the range and quantity of materials, products is determined by the building project); the consumption of materials necessary to obtain a meter for the final product is determined on the basis of the general production norms for the consumption of materials in construction (“Collections of elemental estimated norms”).

Section 6. Technical and economic indicators

The section provides:

Duration of work (in shifts, days);

Normative labor costs of workers (labor intensity) (man-days) and machine time (machine-shifts);

Calculation of labor costs and machine time, in which the amount of work is determined by the accepted measure of the final product (m 3, m 2, pcs). Work processes are given in technological sequence.

A work schedule drawn up for an accepted end product meter using costing data. The schedule is drawn up for the construction process, based on an eight-hour working day.

The technological map is developed in the following sequence:

Studying the working drawings of the object;

Choose a method of production of work with an analysis of options;

Plan the correct technological sequence of work and perform explanatory drawings and diagrams;

Perform the calculation of the volume of work for a given construction process;

Determine the complexity of this type of work;

Draw up a work schedule;

Determine the need for material and technical resources;

Develop measures for a safe method of performing work;

On the basis of the calendar plan for the production of work on the object, graphs are drawn up for changes in the required number of workers over time, both for individual professions, and general or consolidated for all professions.

The schedule of the movement of workers in a particular profession characterizes the uniformity of the workload of workers of this profession at the facility. Let us assume that the schedule for the movement of workers in a given profession, drawn up on the basis of a calendar plan, has the form shown in Fig. 12, a. The unequal number of workers in this profession, employed at different periods of time, will lead to the need to transfer part of the workers for some time from one site to another, and then to their return, which will cause loss of working time. In this case, it is necessary to redraw the calendar plan for the production of work at the facility, achieving a uniform movement of workers in this profession, as shown in Fig. 12b.

Rice. 12. Schedules of the movement of workers for individual professions

a - initial; b - adjusted

The uniformity of the movement of workers in the master schedule ensures the continuous and uniform use of work teams and creates conditions for reducing the cost of economic and administrative services for workers.

On fig. 13 shows the summary charts of the movement of workers of different professions. The schedule (see Fig. 13, a), which provides for an increase in the number of workers, and the schedule that reflects their decrease for a short period of time (see Fig. 13, b), are unacceptable.

Worker service facilities - dressing rooms, showers, etc. - are calculated according to the maximum number of workers, although they will be fully used only for a relatively short period of time, and this increases the cost of construction.

The recommended view of the summary schedule of the movement of workers is shown in fig. 13, e. The longer the time interval on the graph with a constant number of employed workers (in relation to the total duration of work), the more correct the summary schedule should be considered.

An objective indicator of the quality of the consolidated schedule of movement of workers is the coefficient of uneven movement of workers K, which is characterized by the ratio of the maximum number of workers Amax to the average number of workers Aavern for the entire construction period (Fig. 13, c):

To determine the average number of workers, it is necessary to know the total number of man-days spent on the construction of the facility, as well as the construction period T:

The value of K should be as small as possible; in practice, when erecting individual objects and with a correctly drawn up calendar plan, its value should not be more than 1.5. With a larger value of K, the schedule of the object must be reviewed and an opportunity should be found to reduce the value of this coefficient.

Correction of work schedules at the facility

Correction of the calendar plans for the production of works at the facilities is carried out:

    in the process of its preparation, when the original plan does not meet the existing restrictions on available production resources, time and other parameters;

    in the course of the process of erecting buildings and structures, when there are deviations in the implementation of the schedule for various reasons.

One of the indicators characterizing the quality of the prepared schedule for the production of work at the facility is the uniformity of the need for workers. To do this, draw up a schedule for the need for workers for the entire period of construction according to Fig.3.

The calendar plan for the production of works is recognized as satisfactory if the coefficient of uneven use of workers, equal to the ratio of their number in the period of maximum demand to the average number for the entire period of construction, is less than 1.4 ... 1.5.

The average number of workers on the object is determined by dividing the total labor intensity of the work on the object by the duration of its construction according to the calendar plan. If the coefficient of uneven demand for workers is more than 1.5, then the work schedule is revised towards a more even use of workers throughout the entire construction period.

Other circumstances that make it necessary to adjust the calendar plan for the production of work at the facility during its development may be restrictions on the supply of building structures, products and materials, restrictions on the availability or possibility of leasing or hiring the relevant construction machines, lack of workers in general and relevant specialties, non-compliance with the contract or planned construction period, etc. Adjustment of the calendar plan in this case consists in changing and searching for an acceptable variant of the calendar schedule of work that satisfies the indicated restrictions.

The reasons for adjusting the calendar plan for the production of works in the process of erecting buildings and structures, as a rule, are deviations in its implementation over time due to various reasons, including the reasons for the failure of the planned deadlines for the supply of building structures, products and materials to the construction site, the occurrence of significant unforeseen works, etc. When adjusting the schedule, in this case, they reduce and change the deadlines for performing work, and introduce new work into the schedule.

Fig.3. Schedule options for the required number of workers: a, b - initial; c - improved

Building a schedule for the movement of labor

When building a network schedule, it is necessary to provide for a uniform use of the workforce. To do this, under the network graph, we draw a graph of the change in the number of workers (the graph of the movement of labor) for each day by summing the number of workers employed in all jobs in the first shift in the vertical direction at different time intervals. According to the schedule of movement of the labor force, they judge the optimality of drawing up a calendar plan for the production of work.

To assess the correctness of the use of labor at the facility, after constructing a schedule for the movement of labor, we use the coefficient of uneven movement of workers TO ndr during the entire period of construction and installation works, determined by the formula:

where, - respectively, the main and average number of workers at the facility per day for the entire period of construction. We find the main number of workers directly on the graph of the movement of the labor force, and it corresponds to the maximum value. The average number of workers employed at the facility per day is determined by the formula:

Where k nr- coefficient taking into account absenteeism of workers for good reasons (illness, vacation, etc.); accept k=1.1;

The complexity of the work that lies on the critical path of the network,

The total duration of the construction of the facility, corresponding to the duration of the critical path of the network,

Coefficient of uneven movement of workers TO ndr should not exceed 1,5 . But in this case, because of pre-made mistakes in the planning and management of construction production.

Drawing up a schedule for the movement of labor is required not only to adjust the network schedule for the construction of an object, but also to calculate the required areas of temporary buildings and structures at the construction site.

Construction of a schedule of movement of construction machines and mechanisms

The schedule of movement of construction machines and mechanisms is compiled on the basis of the data in Table. 5.1 (columns 12 and 13) and the network schedule for the production of construction and installation works at the facility (columns 7 and 8). We draw it under the schedule of the movement of the labor force with reference to the network schedule. On the graph, we show the movement of each machine at the facility in the form of a linear diagram, at the beginning of which we indicate the start date of the work of this machine at the facility, and at the end - the end date. The shift in the work of construction machines and mechanisms at the facility in the schedule of their movement is reflected in the number of parallel lines.


1. It is developed in order to obtain initial data for calculating the elements of the construction plan (temporary buildings, water supply are calculated according to the maximum number of workers per day or per shift);

2. Calculated to assess the quality of the schedule.

The schedule of the movement of workers (GDR) is built on the same time scale as the calendar plan (KP).

Fig.41. Worker movement schedule

The schedule of the movement of workers is built for work performed in one shift or per day.

Coefficient of uneven movement of workers:

Where N max - maximum number of workers;

N cp - the average number of workers.

If different jobs are performed in a different number of shifts per day, it is necessary to calculate two N cf:


On the graph of the movement of workers, "peaks" are undesirable, because:

1) they testify to the irrational use of temporary amenity premises;

2) they testify to the irrational use of work fronts.

From a theoretical point of view, there are several types of work schedules:

Fig.42. Example 1

"+": a gradual increase in workers at the facility contributes to a better organization of work, the provision of materials, equipment at the construction site.

"-": buildings and structures are irrationally used.

Fig.43. Example 2

"+": temporary buildings are not idle.

"-": it is difficult to ensure the workload of all workers at the same time.

Fig.44. Example 3

It is necessary to strive for this type of schedule, because. it is optimal. However, go is difficult to implement.

Optimization of the CP in order to reduce the coefficient of unevenness K n on the GDR can be carried out by:

1) changes in the intensity of work, i.e. increase or decrease in the number of workers in the team;

2) due to a conscious shift in the timing of the start of certain types of work;

3) adjustment is possible due to unaccounted for and other works.

Fig.45. GDR adjustment for unaccounted for and other work


Types of SGP:

1. As part of the POS, a general site SGP on a scale of 1:500.

2. If the elements of the construction industry are located outside the construction site, a situational plan (1:5000, 1:2000);

3. As part of the PPR, a object stroygenplan (1:200), as a rule, for the preparatory and main periods.

In general, SGP is a plan for the safe organization of a construction site, which shows existing buildings, structures, communications, roads (existing, designed, being built, temporary), storage facilities, electrical facilities and other elements of the construction site.

Principles for the development of the SGP:

1) SGP solutions must meet the requirements of the production of construction and installation works and provide for the domestic needs of builders;

2) The decisions of the SGP must be rational.

a) maximum use of inventory buildings, structures, devices;

b) the length of temporary roads, communications should be minimal;

c) provide for the possibility of using an auxiliary building and structure for construction needs;

d) use temporary roads along the route of permanent ones, etc.;

3) SGP solutions must meet the requirements of the standards (safety, industrial sanitation).