Workforce flow chart in excel. The schedule of the movement of labor in construction is an example. Building master plan

  • 23.02.2023

1. When developing a calendar plan, it is necessary to strictly observe the technological sequence and organizational interconnection of work based on progressive methods of work production and the use of modern equipment, fixtures and tools.

2. Between the performance of individual works, it is necessary to provide for organizational and technological breaks (hardening of concrete when sealing joints, drying plaster, etc.).

3. It is necessary to ensure the continuity of the performance of certain types of work on the basis of the correct selection of the qualification and quantitative composition of the teams.

4. The performance of special works (sanitary, electrical, etc.) must be organizationally and technologically linked to the performance of general construction work. The deadlines for performing special work are determined based on the calculated labor intensity of their implementation (Table 4). Dividing the labor intensity of work by their duration, determine the required number of workers employed daily in the performance of each type of special work.

All works to be performed are grouped into complexes with the obligatory condition that they will be carried out by one team (for example, frame installation, finishing work, etc.). You cannot combine work performed by different organizations (for example, plumbing and electrical). After determining the main work packages, an initial table is compiled to determine the network schedule (Table 5).

The duration of individual processes carried out with the help of large construction machines (mounting cranes, bulldozers, excavators, scrapers) is determined by the productivity of the machines when working in two shifts.

The duration of all other technological processes is determined by the optimal number of workers who can be assigned to perform this work, taking into account the technology and composition of the links recommended by the ENiR when working in one shift.

Table 5

Distribution of the number of people by type of work

No. p / p Name of works Labor intensity, man-days Number of workers, people Number of shifts Duration, days
I Excavation 8,85
II Foundations 13,55
III Brickwork of walls, partitions, installation of lintels, window sills 83,09
IV Installation of floor slabs and coatings 9,73
V Filling openings 8,19
VI Roof device 25,49
VII floors 14,19
VIII Interior decoration 83,48
IX Other unrecorded works 49,31
X Internal plumbing 24,65
XI Internal electrical 12,33
XII On-site, landscaping, preparation for the commissioning of the facility 28,35

We take the number of workers from the ENiRs for construction and installation work.

Schedule of movement of workers on the site

The schedule of the movement of workers around the facility is built in the form of a diagram of the movement of human resources with the definition of the daily need for labor resources.

The plot is drawn with two lines:

Solid - the required number of labor resources per shift;

Dash-dotted line - the required number of labor resources per day.

The diagram of the movement of human resources on the object is drawn based on the link to the calendar for the execution of work at an early date.

The diagram should be uniform without obvious "dips" and "tops", the periods should be clearly visible on it:

Construction deployment;

steady construction;

Construction collapse.

The dotted line on the diagram shows the average number of workers.

Technical and economic indicators

line graph

Table 6

No. p / p The name of indicators Count formula Unit rev. Meaning of indicators
Estimated cost of the object With SS rub.
Structural volume of the building V m 3 951,32
The total complexity of the construction of the object Q OVR man-days 360,55
Duration of construction: a) normative b) actual T NORM T FACT days days
Maximum number of workers: a) per shift b) per day R MAX, cm R MAX , days people people
Average number of workers R SR \u003d Q total / T NORM people
Coefficient of uneven movement of workers α \u003d R SR / R MAX, days. 0,83

PART 2. Development of an object construction master plan

Stroygenplan(SGP) is called the master plan of the site, which shows the arrangement of the main assembly and lifting mechanisms, temporary buildings, structures and installations erected and used during the construction period, as well as on-site roads, temporary engineering networks.

There are two types of building plans:

A) general site construction plan- is developed by a design organization for a complex of buildings or structures;

b) object building plan- is developed by a construction organization at a separately constructed facility.

In the course project, an object construction plan is being developed.

The initial data for the development of an object building plan in the course project are:

1) the calendar plan for the construction of the facility, developed in part 1 of the course project;

2) the schedule for the receipt of building structures and materials at the facility;

3) specification of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, basic building materials and structures;

4) the schedule of movement of the main construction machines;

5) safety solutions;

6) selection of work methods and basic construction machines.

Development order

object building plan

The initial data in the development of the construction plan in the PPR are:

Stroygenplan as part of the POS;

A calendar plan for the production of work on an object or a comprehensive network schedule;

The need for labor resources and the schedule for the movement of workers around the facility;

Schedule of receipt of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the facility;

Schedule of movement of the main construction machines around the facility;

Safety solutions;

Solutions for the arrangement of temporary engineering networks with their power sources;

The need for energy resources;

List of inventory buildings, structures, installations and temporary devices with the calculation of the need and linking them to the sections of the construction site;

Fire fighting measures.

The graphic part of the building plan is performed in the following sequence:

1. Draw the construction area (scale 1:200 or 1:500), show the building under construction on it, indicating the installation area and temporary fencing of the construction site (see Fig. 9).

The construction site is fenced along the perimeter at a distance of at least 2 m from the edge of the carriageway, temporary buildings and structures, warehouses. A gate with the inscriptions "Entry" and "Departure" is installed in the fence.

2. Mounting cranes are tied with an indication of the area of ​​​​the crane, the zone of dispersion of the load.

3. Design temporary roads and storage areas for materials, products, structures and equipment.

4. Outside the cargo dispersion zone, design the location of temporary inventory buildings and structures, taking into account fire safety requirements, closed warehouses, sheds.

5. Indicate the location of temporary electrical networks and temporary water supply networks with their binding to power sources.

6. On the building plan indicate all the dimensions of permanent and temporary buildings and structures, storage areas, roads, areas of operation of cranes, communications and their binding.

7. Calculate and draw the technical and economic indicators of the construction plan.

Choice of erection crane

According to technical specifications

When choosing cranes according to technical parameters, it is recommended to use books:

Boom self-propelled cranes: Ref. / HE. Krasavina et al. Ivanovo, 1996;

Tower construction cranes: Ref. / HE. Krasavina et al. Ivanovo, 2001.

The initial data for the selection of a mounting crane are:

Dimensions and space-planning solution of buildings and structures;

Parameters and working position of mounted loads;

Method and technology of installation; working conditions.

When determining the technical parameters of cranes (load capacity, boom reach and lifting height), basic models and their modifications with various types of interchangeable equipment are considered:

Boom, caterpillar with various jibs (for buildings 1-5 floors high);

Tower with beam and lifting arrows (for buildings with a height of more than 5 floors).

Mounting mechanism selection

Boom and crawler crane option

The choice of a crane is made in the following sequence:

1) determine the weight of the heaviest element for the erected building or structure;

2) determine the required working reach of the boom while maintaining the carrying capacity;

3) determine the required lifting height of the load;

4) a cross-section of a building or structure is drawn strictly on a scale, indicating the necessary parameters for selecting a crane
(see Fig. 2).

5) according to the technical characteristics given in App. 19–21, satisfying the calculated data, select the brand of the crane.

On fig. 1 the following designations are indicated:

H P - the required height of the element;

Lktr - the required reach of the boom;

h 1 - the height of the building being mounted from the base of the crane;

h 2 - the distance from the top mark of the building to the mounted load;

h 3 - the height of the mounted element;

h 4 - the height of the lifting devices (2 ÷ 4.5 m in the general case or
6.5 ÷ 9.5 m for traverses during the installation of trusses, beams and multi-tier suspension of slabs);

R P.P. - the radius of the crane turntable, determined by the crane passport (for example, for the MKG-16M crane - 3650 mm, for the SKG-40/63 crane - 4000 mm, for KB-100.OS - 3500 mm, KB-160.2 - 3800 mm);

l WITHOUT. - safe distance to the protruding part of the building (l WITHOUT. \u003d 0.7 - with a height of the protruding part up to 2 m; l WITHOUT. \u003d 0.4 - with a height of the protruding part more than 2 m);

In ZD. - the width of the designed building or structure;

L is the maximum working reach of the crane boom.

When choosing mounting cranes, it is necessary to determine the required mounting characteristics for each of the mounted elements:

mounting weight Q m;

Required hook reach L ktr;

· the required lifting height of the hook H ktr;

The choice of the crane is made according to the heaviest mounting element. This is the foundation slab FP1 - 3.168 tons.

The smallest boom reach and the required lifting height of the load will be determined graphically (Fig. 2). A cross-section of the building is drawn strictly on a scale, indicating the necessary parameters for selecting a crane. On fig. 2 shows the highest mounted structure - the roof slab.

Required mounting specifications:

Q m \u003d 3.168 t;

H ktr \u003d 11.62 m;

L ktr \u003d 12.5 m.

According to technical and economic indicators, a crawler crane of the RDK 160-2 brand was selected:

Arrow - 18 m;

Load capacity 10 t.

Rice. 1. Crawler crane

Rice. 2. Crane RDK 160-2

Labor movement schedule

Rice. 4.2. Reducing the duration of in-line editing

Reducing labor costs for installation work- the total reduction for the entire unit and the specific reduction for the installation of one ton of equipment are taken into account. The total actual labor costs for the installation of one unit or several units are compared with the total labor costs established by the current standards,. Labor savings are defined in physical terms. man-days, and in %:

, (4.7)

The savings in terms of specific labor costs for the installation of one ton of equipment are also determined:


Where q f- actual specific labor costs for installation, man-days / 1 ton;

q n- standard specific labor costs for installation, man-days / 1 ton.

The rhythm of the production of installation work- the release of products in uniform volumes at the same time intervals is one of the basic provisions for the organization of in-line assembly. The degree of rhythm is the most important quality indicator of the work of the assembly site. The rhythm of installation has a direct impact on the timely implementation of planned targets in accordance with the work schedule, the rational use of labor, the reduction of labor costs, the increase in labor productivity and the timely commissioning of energy capacities.

Of particular importance in energy construction is the timely commissioning of energy units at power plants, which is planned every year on a quarterly basis.

For this reason, when installing equipment at power plants, it is better to determine the rhythm by physical indicators of the amount of work, and not by cost.

Rhythm of installation work depends primarily on the uniform commissioning of power units during the entire installation period at a given power plant. Rhythm coefficient of commissioning of power units


where is the total capacity of power units put into operation, MW;

N 1 , N 2 etc. – individual capacity of these units commissioned in one quarter of the year;

n is the total number of aggregates in the flow, pcs.

With the correct organization of in-line installation (quarterly planning of commissioning of units, timely delivery of equipment for units, readiness of the work front in accordance with the schedule), the coefficient should be equal to 1.0. If , then this means that the above requirements are not met in the flow, that the flow is uneven and causes additional labor costs for the installation personnel.

In contrast to the schedules for the movement of labor for the installation of individual power units, which have a convex curve, for in-line installation, the schedule has the shape of a trapezoid with a constant composition of workers.

When installing energy units in a continuous flow for scheduling, it is necessary to determine the most advantageous duration and, most importantly, the least number of workers.

The calculations are based on the total labor costs of the installation of power units involved in the flow.

In continuous construction, the number of workers in the period of steady flow is determined by the formula


Where T is the duration of the stream. days;

Qtot– total labor intensity at all objects of this flow, man-days;

j- coefficient denoting periods of time through which the number of workers increases on average by one.

It is important to note that for the construction of thermal power plants, the coefficient j ranges from 0.12 to 0.18, for the installation of equipment 0.14-0.16 should be taken.

The period of increase in the number of employees T = jР, days.

The economic effect of the introduction of in-line and high-speed installation of power units consists of two parts:

Savings received by the installation organization by reducing the duration of work, reducing the cost of the basic wages of workers, reducing the labor intensity of work;

A one-time economic effect in the field of operation from the operation of facilities for the period of early water units.


At thermal power plants, where a large number of boiler and turbine units of the same type are installed, there are great opportunities for organizing in-line installation of units and all auxiliary equipment.

In the organization and implementation of in-line installation of equipment at thermal power plants, several periods can be distinguished associated with an increase in steam parameters, an increase in the power of power units and an improvement in methods of in-line installation.

First period– from 1941 to 1960. Equipment for pressure up to 100 kgf/cm 2 , turbines with a capacity of up to 100 MW and boiler units with a capacity of up to 230 t/h were successfully installed by the in-line method. Of the most important constructions, the following can be noted.

During the Great Patriotic War (1942-1944 ᴦ.ᴦ.) at the construction of the Chelyabinsk CHPP, seven boiler units (No. The boiler units were mounted in large blocks with a gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 70 tons (Fig. 4.3)

At the construction of the South Ural State District Power Plant since 1955 ᴦ. in 11 months, four boiler units with a capacity of 230 t/h, equipped with shaft mills, were installed. Two overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons were used as basic assembly mechanisms.

The schedule of the movement of labor - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Workforce movement schedule" 2017, 2018.

To the question of ENGINEERS !!! how to build a workforce movement schedule? given by the author stripe the best answer is workforce movement schedule
The calendar plan is a document that lists all types of work in their technological sequence, the timing of each type of work with mutual linking, the total construction period of the facility.
Based on the calendar plan, the need for labor, construction
mechanisms and transport.
The calendar plan is drawn up in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01.-85 "Organization of construction production". The construction calendar plan is developed in order to establish the composition and objects of construction and installation works at the facility, the sequence, sequence and timing of each work.
The initial data for drawing up the calendar plan are:
- working drawings of the architectural and construction part of the ASG
- a statement of the calculation of the scope of work for the following structural elements and types of work
The calendar plan is divided into 5 cycles:
I. Zero cycle: 15 days
II. Above ground: 17 days
III. Roofing: 5 days
IV. Sex cycle: 12 days
V. Finishing work: 30 days
VI. Special work: 53 days
Within each cycle, such a sequence is established that aims to reduce construction time and speed up the commissioning of facilities under construction for installation, provides for the maximum combination of work in time, but with strict adherence to the correct technology, high quality work, safety and labor protection requirements.
The work of the zero cycle begins with excerpts of the excavation in a mechanized way. In parallel, the soil is being moved by a bulldozer.
Before the start of the zero cycle, the whole range of preparatory work is carried out:
- engineering preparation of territories,
- a complex of geodetic works,
- arrangement of the construction site.
The term for the completion of work (the preparatory period) is taken according to the VSN "Civil buildings" and SNiP 1.04.03-85 "Standards for the duration of construction".
Cleaning the bottom of an earth structure manually according to the rules of SNiP 3.02.01 - 87 “Earth structures. Foundations and Foundations". The rules for the production and acceptance of work are carried out only under the foundations, immediately before their installation.
The main leading process in the zero cycle is the installation of building structures, in parallel, work is underway on the input and output of underground utilities
- plumbing.
- sewerage,
- heating network,
- electrical network,
- low-voltage networks.
Next, they arrange waterproofing, preparation for floors.
After the end of the backfilling of the external sinuses, a blind area is arranged around the building.
The installation of the above-ground part begins only after careful quality control and drawing up an act for the work of the zero cycle.
In parallel with the installation, work is underway to install window and door openings.
In addition to the work sequence schedule, a workforce movement schedule is drawn up. The graph shows how much labor should be employed daily at work, on which day workers of different specialties should be sent to the facility and released. Numerically, the flow is characterized by the coefficient of non-uniformity of the labor force αn, which is calculated by the formula:
Rav. = -------= 717.5/60 = 12 people; αн = ------= 18/12=1.5;
T Rav
where: Rmax - maximum number of workers = 18 people.
Rcp. - average number of workers = 12 people.
ΣQ - total labor input = 717.5 h-days.
T - construction period = 60 days

where is the total (total) labor intensity for the entire range of work recorded in the identification card;

The total time for the production of works for the entire facility, coinciding with the length of the critical path.

Principles of optimization

Optimization of network and linear models can be carried out according to various parameters.

Time optimization is carried out in the event that the length of the critical path exceeds the standards or the directive period for the construction of an object or complex decreases by the amount of exceeding the work of the critical path:

By increasing the number of workers or machines;

Organization of work in 2 or 3 shifts;

Application of progressive technological processes;

The use of more productive machines.

Optimization of the diagram of the movement of workers is carried out if there are "peaks" and "troughs" or the calculated coefficient goes beyond the normalized limits. This operation is performed by:

Movement of work within the time reserves to reduce the peak values ​​of the schedule of movement of workers;

Reducing the number of workers in individual jobs through the use of time reserves and lengthening the working time.


Stroygenplan is an obligatory part of project documentation and is developed at the design stages of POS (general site stroygenplan) and PPR (objective stroygenplan). The following initial data are used to develop the construction plan:

a) master plan with existing structures, roads and engineering networks;

b) schedule (network schedule) of construction and installation works;

c) schedule of movement of workers;

d) the schedule of receipt and consumption of the main building structures and materials;

e) a list of required construction machines, small-scale mechanization;

e) symbols (Appendix 1).

When performing a course project, the development of a building plan is carried out by students on the basis of a task in accordance with the basic provisions.

When developing a building plan, the following principles should be followed:

1) the construction must be provided with all the necessary buildings and structures to serve the production, the needs of workers and engineers in accordance with the requirements of labor protection and industrial sanitation;

2) temporary construction on the site should be minimal, the number of temporary buildings and structures and their volumes are determined by calculation, if possible, nearby existing buildings and structures should be used;

3) use only standard buildings and structures with the possibility of repeated use at other construction sites;

4) strictly comply with the requirements of environmental protection.

The development of the construction plan is carried out in a certain sequence:

1. Apply existing structures, buildings under construction. Routes of permanent roads and engineering networks.

2. Place construction cranes and hoists, ways of their movement. as well as production facilities. Determine the areas of operation of cranes and hazardous areas.

3. Place warehouses of building structures, materials and pre-assembly sites.

4. Determine the vehicles and the ways of their movement to the places of storage.

5. They have inventory administrative, cultural and household and industrial premises. Indicate the ways of entrance and approach to them.

6. Apply the routes of temporary intra-construction roads, driveways and passages.

7. Determine the boundaries of the territory of the construction site.

8. Apply networks of temporary power supply, water supply, temporary sewerage and telephone communications.

9. Show the installation sites of the transformer substation, electrical switchboards and floodlight masts, the places for receiving mortar and concrete.

10. Develop measures for the safe production of work, fire prevention measures and environmental protection measures.

11. Produce a feasibility study of the decisions made.

When performing a building plan on a sheet, graphic material is drawn up using scales from 1:200 to 1:2000, depending on the size of the object being constructed. When drawing a building plan, uniform conventional graphic symbols should be used (see Appendix 1). All inventory structures and storage areas located on the construction site plan must have dimensions and reference to the facility under construction. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the width of the roads, the radii of curvature, the direction of movement of vehicles, fire breaks between buildings and structures, the passages of assembly cranes, danger zones for finding people, the binding of all engineering networks, and so on.

Dimensions are affixed in the same units of measurement on the entire sheet of the drawing (in centimeters or millimeters). For greater clarity, it is recommended to use color hillshading (permanent and temporary communications).

In the explanatory note, the section of the construction plan begins with the determination of the total number of employees on the site.

The rules for constructing network graphs are as follows: All events have a beginning and an end. Only the arrows may not go to the first event, and only from the last one they do not exit. All events, without exception, must be connected by successive works. The graph is built strictly from left to right in sequential order. Only one job can connect two events. You can not put two arrows; if you need to perform two jobs, then a fictitious one with a new event is introduced. There must be no deadlocks in the network. The situation indicated in Figure 3 must not be allowed. The formation of cycles and closed loops must not be allowed. Building a network graph. Example Let's go back to our original example and try to draw a network graph using all the data we specified earlier. Let's start with the first event. Two come out of it - the second and the third, which unite in the fourth. Then everything goes sequentially until the seventh event. Three works come out of it: the eighth, ninth and tenth. Let's try to display everything: Critical values ​​This is not all about building a network graph. The example continues. Next, you need to calculate the critical moments. The critical path is the longest time it takes to complete a task. In order to calculate it, you need to add up all the largest values ​​​​of successive actions. In our case, these are works 1-2, 2-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-11. Let's summarize: 30+2+2+5+7+20+1 = 67 days Thus, the critical path is 67 days. If such time for the project does not suit the management, it must be optimized according to the requirements. Automating the process Today, few project managers manually draw diagrams. A network diagramming program is a simple and convenient way to quickly calculate the time spent, determine the order of work and assign performers. Let's take a brief look at the most common programs: Microsoft Project 2002 is an office product in which it is very convenient to draw diagrams. But doing the calculations is a little inconvenient. In order to perform even the simplest action, you need a considerable amount of knowledge. When downloading the program, take care of purchasing the user manual for it. SPU v2.2. Very common free software. Or rather, not even a program, but a file in an archive that does not require installation to use. It was originally designed for a student's graduation work, but it turned out to be so useful that the author posted it online. NetGraf is another development of a domestic specialist from Krasnodar. It is very easy, easy to use, does not require installation and a huge amount of knowledge on how to manage it. The advantage is that it supports importing information from other text editors. You can often find such an instance here - Borghiz. Little is known about the developer, how and how to use the program. But by the primitive method of "poke" it can be mastered. The main thing is that it works.

On the basis of the calendar plan and accepted methods of work, a schedule for the movement of labor is built. The graph is shown in the form of a diagram that clearly shows the use of labor consumption over time - the vertically reflects the amount of labor resources (persons), and horizontally - the time of use. A schedule of changes in the number of workers is built for each day, which is important for assessing the uniformity of the use of work teams.

The daily total number of workers is obtained by summing the number of all workers working on that day in all construction processes, and for workers of one profession - by summing the number of workers in this profession. Efforts should be made to keep the number of workers in a given occupation at the facility as constant as possible.

At the same time, the coefficient of uneven consumption of labor resources is defined as the ratio of their maximum () to the average ( R Wed), should not exceed 2, i.e.:

45 people

R cp =Z tr /(Т×n)= 937.1/(95)=10 people (4.1);

where З tr - labor costs;

T is the number of working days;

n is the number of shifts.

Then the coefficient of unevenness of the workforce movement schedule:

Technical and economic indicators

Normative labor costs of workers, man-hour 937.1

Normative costs of machine time, machine hours 22.4

Duration of work, days 17

Output per worker per shift, m 3 1.4

4.2 Network diagram and its optimization

The network construction model is presented on sheet 10 of the graphic part of the project.

The calculation of the network diagram was carried out by a graphical method, the critical path was identified. T cr = 338 days. Since the duration of construction along the critical path does not exceed the standard construction period (T n \u003d 349 days), optimization of the network schedule in time is not required.

Under the network graph, a line diagram and a graph of the movement of the labor force are built. The criterion for the satisfaction of the organization of work is the condition K p > 0.6 (K p is the coefficient of uneven movement of the workforce).

K p \u003d N cf (day) / N max (day) (7.1)

where N cf(day) = ΣQ man-cm / T cr(day), where N cf(day) is the average daily composition of workers, N max(day) is the maximum number of workers taken from the workforce movement schedule, ΣQ is the total labor intensity in man-shifts.

Before optimization K p = 28.8 / 49 = 0.58 - it is necessary to optimize the graph. We optimize the network schedule by moving in time activities that do not lie on the critical path (due to private time reserves). Schedule optimization is shown in the graphic part of the project (sheet 10).

After optimization, K p = 28.8 / 45 = 0.64.

4.3 Building master plan

Stroygenplan (SGP) is the general layout of the site, which shows: the location of the building under construction, the arrangement of the main assembly and lifting mechanisms, temporary structures (foreman's room, changing room for workers, toilet, etc.) and installations erected and used during the construction period, places for storing materials and structures, the location of permanent and temporary roads, engineering networks.

The solutions adopted by the SGP meet the requirements of safety, fire safety and environmental protection conditions.