Geodetic survey of the land. Geodetic works during land surveying: what is it? Consultation on geodetic survey of a land plot

  • 23.02.2023

Reading time: 7 minutes

The owner can fully manage his own land only if he has complete information about this property. Get it allows geodetic survey of the land. The result of its implementation is a map depicting the territory, its relief and the objects located on it. The received data can be seen by everyone who needs it due to official necessity. Let us consider in more detail how a topographic survey is carried out, how much it costs and what it is for.

What is geodetic survey

To begin with, it is worthwhile to find out what geodesy of a land plot is. This is a set of measures that are carried out to accurately determine the characteristics of a particular area of ​​the earth's surface.

Such activities include:

  • clarification of the location of the site and the objects placed on it;
  • survey of the territory;
  • card making;
  • definition of relief and surface features.

Geodesy can be carried out at any stage of construction work, and sometimes after its completion. One of the main stages of the process is the topographic survey of the territory, which is also called geodetic or executive.

Geosurvey of a land plot - actions to create a plan of the territory, including the collection of information about the site and the creation of a topographic map based on the data obtained.

To create a ground plan, you need to obtain information about the height, angles and distance between objects.

Most often, such work is carried out before the construction of buildings to determine the structure of the area and the accurate preparation of a construction plan.

Purposes of geosurvey

Obtaining data on the terrain, green spaces and other objects is not all that geodesy of the land is needed for. Topographic survey is carried out in the following cases:

  • updating information about the allotment in case of any changes in the territory;
  • creation of design drawings preceding construction;
  • planning of transport and communication lines;
  • obtaining a logging ticket;
  • preparation of a master plan for the development of the site;
  • determination of the scope of land works;
  • planning of works on improvement of the earth or landscaping.
  • What is the difference between cadastral survey and geodetic survey?

    Cadastral survey of the area allows you to get the most complete and reliable information about the allotment. The result of its implementation is a certificate of land registration for cadastral registration. After receiving this document, you can make transactions with the site.

    The difference between a cadastral survey and a topographic survey is as follows:

  1. A cadastral survey can be carried out by one specialist who has the appropriate permission, while a geodetic survey is carried out by a group of people in several stages.
  2. Cadastral survey does not require special equipment, unlike geodesic.
  3. Topographic works are more difficult and require higher qualification of performers.

Topographic survey features include:

  • its content;
  • execution methods;
  • tasks to be solved.

Purposes of cadastral survey

The main tasks of cadastral surveying include:

  1. Determination of the boundaries of the site, boundary points and delimitation from neighboring allotments.
  2. Finding out the coordinates of built-up areas, as well as determining their area.
  3. Obtaining information about landscaped areas with an indication of their area.
  4. Finding out the characteristics of objects on the ground.

Varieties and methods of geosurvey

There are several ways to survey the territory and obtain geodata of the land plot. Their choice is influenced by the features of the terrain, the characteristics of the available equipment, as well as the purpose of the conduct.

There are 5 main types of photography:

  1. Topographic. Most often used. Gives general information about the subject and communications on the territory.
  2. Executive. Allows you to detect errors and non-compliance with the project during construction.
  3. Front. It is used in the construction, reconstruction or dismantling of objects. Helps to create a structure model, which displays even minor details.
  4. Vertical. Designed to collect information about the vertical slice of an object.
  5. Horizontal. Allows you to get a horizontal slice of the area or subject.
  6. Each of these methods uses its own equipment and certain shooting methods, for example:

    1. Ground. Conducted from the earth's surface. This method allows you to refine the details of images obtained using aerial photography.
    2. Aerial photography. It is produced from aircraft, and the resulting images are processed on special devices for measuring the coordinates and height of objects.
    3. Space. It is carried out from spacecraft equipped with powerful equipment that provides good resolution of the earth's surface.
    4. Hydrographic. It is used for the needs of sailors, marine builders and geologists.
    5. On the shelf. It is carried out with the help of special equipment installed on ships.

    How much does a survey cost

    The cost of surveying a land plot depends on several factors that determine the volume and complexity of the work of specialists:

    1. The area of ​​the land. The larger the area where the work is carried out, the higher the cost.
    2. Building density. The presence of buildings complicates the procedure, sometimes it becomes necessary to combine several methods.
    3. Object type.

    Taking into account the above criteria, the timing of the work varies (it takes 2-3 days for a simple geodesy of the site) and the price of the service. As practice shows, geo-survey in large cities is more expensive.

    The estimated cost of the work will be:

    In addition, cadastral specialists, if necessary, are ready to carry out other specialized work. To determine how much each additional service costs, you need to take into account the volume of tasks and their complexity in each case.

    Reconciliation of the actual boundaries of the site with the actual fencing of the territoryUp to 1,000 rubles
    Coordination of the drawing with geodetic informationDepends on scope and location of work
    Shooting with the determination of the exact coordinates of each tree in forests and forest plantationsfrom 12 000 rubles
    Accurate determination of the boundaries of the sitefrom 8 000 rubles

    Land surveying and geodetic works

    It is worth mentioning how geodesy of a land plot is done to draw boundaries between neighboring allotments. The results of surveying and research of the territory with the help of technical and measuring instruments are reflected on the maps. It is on the basis of these maps that cadastral engineers carry out land surveying.

    Land surveying is a method of determining the boundaries of a site, requiring work to establish and fix the boundaries of the territory, determine the location of the boundaries, the area of ​​the site and display the data obtained.

    In the process of land surveying, the following stages can be distinguished:

    1. Determination of the expected scope of work.
    2. Signing an agreement between the customer and the contractor on the conduct of boundary works.
    3. Measurement of a land plot by a cadastral engineer.
    4. Coordination of boundaries with the owners of plots located in the neighborhood.
    5. Establishing the coordinates of geodetic signs.
    6. Drawing up a survey plan.

    The land surveying procedure is very time-consuming, since it requires detailed collection of information about the land and objects on it, reconciliation with the available data and documentation of the results obtained.

    The specific dimensions of the territory help to determine the characteristic points of the boundaries of the land, which serve as landmarks. They will also come in handy in coordination with the owners of neighboring allotments.

    The completed survey plan should contain the following information:

  • cadastral number of the plot;
  • its size;
  • territory boundaries;
  • description of neighbor boundaries;
  • location of landmarks;
  • coordinate network;
  • scale;
  • if necessary, turning points.

It is far from always possible to draw a line of boundary between sections in a straight line; it can be interrupted and bent on the ground. In such cases, it is necessary to determine the turning points, which will be the reference points for changing the direction of such a line. If the boundary of the plot is heterogeneous, the boundary plan should include a description of the turning points of the boundaries of the land.

What is included in geodetic work

Geodesy is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. Preparation, which consists in the collection and analysis of documentation characterizing the land plot.
  2. Inspection of the allotment on the ground, determination of the type and methods of work.
  3. Drawing up a project for the execution of works.
  4. Shooting.
  5. Determination of boundaries and their coordination with the owners of neighboring plots.
  6. Establishment of the area of ​​the studied land plot.
  7. Drawing up a drawing of the territory.
  8. Legal registration and registration of the results of the work performed.
  9. Carrying out cadastral surveys and entering information into the land cadastre.

Ordinary inhabitants rarely can correctly answer the question, land surveying and geodesy - what is the difference. To many, these concepts mistakenly seem to be synonymous.

The purpose of geodesy is the compilation and refinement of maps, the study of the deformation of objects, and other engineering work, which requires knowledge of the characteristics and topography of a particular area.

When surveying in the horizontal plane, the binding occurs in the form:

  • establishing the exact location of the territory;
  • definition of boundaries and area;
  • detection and indication of the coordinates of buildings and other objects.

It is impossible to carry out these procedures without special knowledge and equipment.

According to some, knowing where to get the catalog of coordinates of the turning points of the boundaries of the land plot, you can independently conduct a survey of the site without the help of professionals. However, access to such data is not easy. They are stored in the land cadastre database and in the electronic catalog of boundary marks and restrictions.

Only a certain circle of people has access to the catalog. This makes it possible to exclude the possibility of unauthorized changes in the territories of allotments and to prevent fraud with the land.

Geosurvey of the site

Geodetic survey is carried out in the following order:

  1. Studying the results of surveys already carried out.
  2. Formation of a plan for new work.
  3. Obtaining a special permit for filming.
  4. Inspection of the site on the ground and the establishment of geodetic networks.
  5. Shooting of all buildings and objects located on the site.
  6. Research and verification of the data obtained.
  7. Compilation of a report.

As you can see, in order to conduct a high-quality geodetic survey, you need an analysis of the available documents provided by the landowner, and a wide range of work carried out by a cadastral specialist.

Characteristic features of the geodetic plan

Geodetic plan of a land plot - a detailed map-scheme, which depicts the allotment, as well as its technical and metric parameters.

The document indicates the distinctive features of the territory and objects:

  1. Relief displaying heights and lowlands.
  2. Water bodies with indication of the name, approximate depth and direction of flow.
  3. Communication lines: roads, power grids, gas pipes, communication lines.
  4. Boundary lines and turning points.
  5. Green spaces.
  6. Buildings and fences.

What is topographic survey

Topographic survey - work on the study of a land plot to create maps of the area, the construction of buildings and engineering networks. After they are carried out, calculations are carried out that make it possible to draw up a topographic plan of the territory in the form of a diagram with applications that contain textual explanations for the map.

Topography is regulated by a number of legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law "On Cadastral Activities" No. 221-FZ of July 24, 2007
  2. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of guidelines for the development and implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation" No. 582 of September 16, 2016
  3. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for clarifying the location of the boundaries of a land plot” No. 518 dated February 22, 2013.

Topographic survey is carried out in the following situations:

  1. Drawing up a project for land surveying during the construction of an allotment. The document indicates buildings, boundary lines and other objects. At the same time, it is important to correctly set the points on the land plot, along which the border between neighboring plots will pass.
  2. Laying of engineering networks. Before this procedure, you should draw up a situational plan for various types of networks. It is developed on the basis of the customer's request in compliance with the safety of their installation.
  3. Legal registration of additions to the land plot in the amount of not more than 10%.
  4. Site reorganization. Most often, this is the division of one allotment or the combination of several plots into one.

Ways to find out the coordinates of the allotment by the cadastral number

To save money, many land users figure out how to determine the boundaries of the land plot by coordinates themselves. It is extremely difficult for a person without the appropriate knowledge and equipment to do this, so it is better to turn to professionals.

It is not worth trying to draw conclusions based on the analysis of available documents, because this way you can make mistakes that will lead to problems in using the land allotment.

If you have any information about the site, you can try to get the necessary data online using the special Rosreestr service. It allows you to find out the boundaries of the site by cadastral number and coordinates.

The first method is used if, when allocating a plot, a person was informed only of his cadastral number. The recipient cannot study the allotment in kind, because not everyone knows how to find out the coordinates of the points of the land plot by the cadastral number. Meanwhile, such a possibility exists.

The coordinates are the latitude and longitude of each of its turning points. Knowing them, you can designate the allotment on the Public map of Rosreestr.

To find out the coordinates of the site, you must:

  1. Visit the map site and click on the search bar. By default, it searches for plots of land, since the public cadastral map is most often used to search for plots.
  2. Enter the cadastral number and click on the "find" button. The program will find the desired area and mark it in yellow.
  3. Zoom in to the maximum size so that it is fully displayed on the screen to reduce the error. You can do this using the "+" sign in the lower right corner of the screen.
  4. Click the cursor on the right corner of the site. Numbers will appear in the search line, which will be the coordinates of the site.

Determining the boundaries of the site in x and y coordinates is a difficult procedure for a non-professional. In the usual definition of a site on the ground, people are guided by some characteristic signs: poles, trees, and so on. However, when surveying the land, the engineer clearly determines the coordinates of the allotment and puts them on the cadastral register. In this case, the accuracy of coordinates for a certain .


Geodetic surveys are designed to accurately establish the boundaries of land and the presence of various objects on them. This information allows you to keep records of territories in the Russian Federation. On its basis, development plans are developed, the possibility of laying communication lines is determined, the relief and terrain features are studied in order to plan the most rational use of the territory. Any changes in the plots take into account the data of the geodetic plan.

Master of Laws in the direction of "Civil and Family Law". In 2005 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University, in 2012 - the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Financial Analytics. After receiving a second higher education, he founded an independent appraisal company. I specialize in valuation of real estate, land and other property.

equipment and further data processing

Preparatory stage

1. Before starting a geodetic survey, the following is required: terms of reference for the performance of work, drawn up on the basis of a preliminary desk survey of the cartographic material of the survey area (with priority scopes of work performed in a specified period of time). Based on this, the issue of obtaining cartographic material of the optimal scale of -1: 10000 (“DSP”) (necessary for direct plotting of survey objects) is being solved; a review of cartographic material of the scale of -1: 100.000 (necessary for preliminary preparation of the quantitative volume of survey), the layout of GGS points, OMS, OMZ located in the areas of survey (coinciding with the received map material).

2. A site visit is carried out to determine on the ground the actually existing points of the GGS, OMS and OMZ (since the points can be destroyed) and select from them the most convenient objects for surveying.

3. Before surveying the object, it is necessary to coordinate the point to place the GPS base station, which is done as follows (the use of 3 receivers is optimal, which allows you to immediately receive closed figures):

Receiver No. 1 is installed at the point selected for the GPS base

Receiver No. 2 is sequentially installed at least 5 GGS points.

Receiver No. 1 and No. 2 are sequentially installed at the points of the GGS to link these points with each other.

The time spent at each point is 1 hour.

    The location requirements for the GPS Base Station are as follows:

At a distance of no more than 20 kilometers from the subject

Preferably on the roof of the building, taking into account its predominance over adjacent buildings and the absence of tall trees.

The constant presence of one employee to ensure the protection and control of the continuous operation of the GPS base station.


Figure 59 - installing a pole with an external antenna andGPS-receiver at the filming picket

1 - satellite dish, 2 - milestone, 3 - controller

procedure for performing geodetic surveyGPSequipment in the field

1. GPS surveying is carried out with at least 2 receivers in the WGS-84 coordinate system.

2. The day before departure, plan the time of the survey (as there is a constant time shift of the maximum of satellites) by selecting the time period with the largest number of satellites or the period of their increase starting from 6 satellites.

3. The GPS base station is installed (centered) on a point with known coordinates (GGS, OMS, OMZ points or a point previously coordinated during the preparatory stage). To ensure the protection and control of the continuous operation of the GPS base station, the constant presence of one employee is necessary.

4. Shooting of a linear object is carried out using a mobile GPS receiver, in accordance with the instructions for topographic survey.

5. If the linear object is underground, then the first surveyor moves along the object with a pipe and cable detector and controls the position of the pipe underground.

6. The second surveyor follows him with a mobile GPS receiver and coordinates the exit points to the surface of this object (gate valves, cathodic protection exits, etc.), points of intersection with this object (roads, railway crossings, rivers, borders (regions , cities, towns, allied areas, etc.), forest belts, pipeline turning points, etc. To achieve geodetic accuracy, GGS, OMS, OMZ points, which are located in close proximity to a linear object or at a distance of up to 2 km, are subject to coordination from it Standing time on one removed point should be not less than 3 minutes.


1. GPS survey data is processed in the Trimble Geomatics Office (hereinafter referred to as TGO) software product for this from the base and mobile GPS receiver via COM or USB ports data is downloaded to a personal computer (data transfer when connected via USB is 10 times faster).

2. For the timely detection of random errors (failure in satellite signal reception, signal reflection, poor location of satellites (in line), when working in forested areas), the primary data processing must be performed at the end of the working day on a laptop (for this, the team must have at least one person who can work in TGO).

3. GPS survey data is processed in TGO in the WGS-84 coordinate system (submeter accuracy is obtained), then these data are adjusted (transformed) in SK-42 or SK-63 (which achieves centimeter accuracy) and subsequently the data can be adjusted (transformed) to the local coordinate system (for submission to the Cadastral Chamber). This requires the initial data of the GGS, OMS, OMZ in the coordinate system SK-42 (secret), SK-63 (secret) and the local coordinate system (LCS). The department should have a permanent specialist who will process data on the territory of the enterprise.

4. For subsequent work (output of graphic material), data from the TGO software product is transferred as an export file or a catalog of coordinates to one of the following programs Credo, Map Info, ObjectLand, AutoCad. To work with graphics, you need a separate specialist with the skill to work in these programs.

Modern construction is impossible without accurate measurements of the terrain. This is what geodesy is for: marking the site for design, setting coordinates and determining all heights. Geodesy is the science of "dividing" the earth.

In a technical sense, this science that provides branches of human activity, such as construction, cartography, mining, cadastre precise location coordinates. With the help of this science, we can get measurements on the surface of the earth, the image on topographic plans and maps.

In this article, we will pay attention to engineering geodesy, which serves to solve engineering problems. It arose relatively recently (in the 19th century) during the industrial revolution. In connection with the growing pace of construction of buildings and structures, it became necessary to put these objects on the plans.

The engineering geodesy- a set of works aimed at studying the characteristics of the area, site, its natural features and building materials. The presence of water supply in the territory is also determined. This science is applied, since its main tasks are:

  1. (engineering and geodetic survey) of various sites and types of terrain to collect accurate characteristics.
  2. Engineering and geodetic design - changing the terrain, transforming the territory for all types of construction work.
  3. Application of the project to the area. Breakdown of precise axes.
  4. Alignment of structures and construction equipment in place (all heights are taken into account, vertical marking is made.
  5. Measurements of deformations of structures.

The basis of a geodetic map is a grid of reference points defined in a single system of geodetic coordinates for all. Such networks are divided into planned and high-altitude ones, which are built by the method of trigonometric leveling (determination of elevations using a pair of graduated rails).

This process is called leveling.- creation of reference points of high-altitude levels of the terrain. For areas with steep slopes, a theodolite is used for this task. Thanks to it, reference high-altitude points are also determined, but this device requires accurate measurements of the distances between 2 points.

Planned points are also found using a theodolite. In this case, directions, distances and angles between planned points are indicated. The network of planned control points is determined by the triangulation method (a system of adjacent triangles with 1 base side and precisely measured angles).

Cadastral survey and its differences from geodetic

Cadastral survey is used to determine and restore the boundaries of territorial areas. This type of survey is closely related to geodesy, since geodetic measurements are necessary. The difference is that cadastral survey includes the entire range of measures for assigning boundaries for a given site.

So for this type of shooting, coordination with adjacent owners is necessary.

Tasks of cadastral survey:

  • delimitation of the territory of a particular land plot (geodetic work);
  • coordination of sizes with all owners of the site and land users;
  • restoration of the boundaries of the land area in the territory;
  • establishment of restrictions and rules for the use of parts of the site and natural resources;
  • creation of a cadastral plan.

The main difference between geodetic and cadastral surveys is the focus of these types of surveys.

If geodetic survey is a more general type of site measurements that can be relied upon for further types of work, then cadastral survey uses geodetic survey for more specific purposes (a list of plot areas, their natural resources, documentation and cadastral registration of plots).

Geodetic survey is an extensive set of works, starting with determining the geographic location of the future object. The economic and technical feasibility of the location is taken into account. The composition and quality of soils, the possibility of their use as a building resource are determined.

Besides that measurements of the area under construction are essential for all types of designers, also after carrying out a full range of geodetic works, we get an accurate plan of the site along with all buildings, structures and technological lines.

Such a plan is called a geo-baseline and is performed on a single scale of 1:500. The geo-substantiation is valid for 4 years. During this period, all relevant design work on this land plot must be completed.

As a result of the geodetic survey, we obtain large-scale plans of the land plot with all dimensional characteristics, references to existing objects and data for all sections of the design of a building or structure.

  1. Development of a geodetic base. This type of work includes the layout of the area on the plan (in paper and electronic form) and the application of control marks and axes to the area, the designation of linear networks and highways.
  2. Stakeout of linear objects on the site
  3. Stakeout network of structures relative to the installation horizon.
  4. Control of measurements of building parameters, work with deformations of an existing object
  5. Engineering control object during operation, monitoring of deformations.

Geodetic work begins immediately after the preparation of the construction site. At the first stage, stakeout (transfer of axes to the terrain) and survey work (marking the territory according to elevation and planned marks) are carried out. The following work is tracing (breaking down the route of the terrain into sections of 100 meters and diameters).

For tracing, pickets are used, fixed with stakes (the beginning of the PK0 route is the zero picket). The trace results in a stationed log. After that, as-built surveys are made, with the help of which deviations from the project and the accuracy of construction work are determined.

The allowed inconsistencies of the object in kind are noted with project documentation. Due to the performance survey at the stage of installation of structures, errors and deviations can be identified that can be corrected.

The purpose of these surveys is to control the quality of the construction being carried out.

From the beginning of all work to its completion, surveyors measure the deformation of structures for possible adjustments to the construction process.

All stages of geodetic work are necessary and mandatory, strictly following the construction plan, they are an important part of construction and installation work.

Topographic survey of a land plot is one of the types of geodetic surveys aimed at obtaining a topographic map (plan) of the area. A geodesist engineer measures distances, angles and heights of a certain area using special measuring instruments.

Also, such a survey can be carried out with the help of aircraft (aerial and space surveys). There are several stages of topographic survey:

  • field measurements;
  • office work;
  • preparation of reporting documentation.

It is worth noting that the reporting documentation must pass the bodies of architectural and urban planning control, after which the topographic survey has the right to serve for the development of further project documentation.

Topographic survey includes a situational plan of the area, which displays the relief, underground and surface structures (for communications), their characteristics.

Significant differences between topographic surveys are:

  • scale (1:200, 1:500, 1:1000);
  • relief section height;
  • coordinate systems.

Such a survey is necessary when buying out and privatizing a land plot and.

Shooting for gasification and cost

Also, before conducting gas networks, a topographic survey is necessary. In this case, it is needed for optimization and safety of gasification.

This is a crucial stage, during which the approximate location of the gas supply network, the features of existing communications, the ecological state of the area, road forks, the presence of vegetation on the site and the location of groundwater are determined. It is important to determine at the initial stage of the survey the desired result and the accuracy of the survey. This will help you get it right.

It is impossible to get high-quality topographic survey without the necessary equipment. It will be especially difficult to build a plan for underground utilities, which is a prerequisite for gasification of a land plot. It is also hardly possible to bind the site to geographic coordinates with your own hands (this procedure is performed using satellites).

When thinking about where to order a topographic survey service, be aware that it can be ordered from specialized companies involved in geodetic surveys.

Or directly in the company that will design the future object. How much is it?

The cost of such work depends on the size of the site, the coordinate system in which the plan is being developed, the availability of hydrography and the detail of the relief section, as well as the number of existing objects on the site. On the websites of some companies you can find calculators that allow you to determine the approximate cost of the service. How the planning organization of the construction site is being made - you can find out.


Geodetic survey of the land plot is an important stage at the beginning of construction. Any design is fully based on the final survey reports. Especially when carrying out communications, an accurate plan and marking of the territory will greatly facilitate the life of builders and installers.

Topographic avoid unpleasant surprises during construction, which are simply inevitable without preliminary engineering surveys. Accurate and well-composed geodetic survey will allow you to have no problems with urban planning authorities in the future.

Design and construction of buildings and roads, privatization or delimitation of a land plot - all these tasks are solved on the basis of topographic survey data.

Without information from geodetic surveys, carried out using various instruments and methods, it is impossible to do geodetic work, geological surveys and to engage in laying routes in air and sea navigation.

The main task

Geodetic survey is a generic name for the work that is carried out for further geodetic activities and consists in collecting and documenting the necessary information, as well as creating special engineering documents.

The documents worked out in the process of completing the task indicate the location of objects, buildings and communication systems on the ground.

The method of carrying out activities, the reliability of information and their accuracy are reflected in the final document (drawings or diagrams) and depend on the conditions put forward by the customer.

The main task of geodetic survey is the collection and documentation of information that makes it possible to draw up three-dimensional layouts, plans, drawings or diagrams with detailed information on the relief, located buildings, communication systems and existing structures.

Types of work and methods used

In accordance with the methods of implementation, geodetic survey is classified into the following types:

  • ground
  • aerial
  • space
  • hydrographic
  • shelf.

Ground-based surveys are divided into types, divided according to the measurement method.

Aerial, made with the help of aerial photography, serves to compile small-scale maps, and also allows you to collect and refine information for detailed ground surveys.

Now this method is being replaced by satellite imagery, which is carried out using cameras with high linear expansion of satellites.

The information obtained to ensure navigation, necessary for offshore construction and geology, is obtained using hydrographic surveys, which are made from navigation satellites. Offshore surveys are carried out from the boards of special marine vessels with geodetic support carried out from points located on the shore.

Each method of work involves the use of high-precision special devices that make it possible to obtain accurate information and convenient coding of information. Special programs for processing research results allow you to provide the customer with all the necessary material: both on paper and in electronic form.

ground view

The view carried out on the ground differs in the type of application during the operation of the instruments.

The main types are:

  • the use of a horizontal method that allows you to get a large-scale plan of a site without displaying its relief;
  • carrying out work using tacheometry;
  • vertical, making it possible to reflect the relief of the site without a local plan;
  • topographic;
  • special, solving a specific range of problems.

Geodetic survey during construction

When erecting objects, shooting of facade and executive methods is used. In addition, to solve narrow, specific problems, methods belonging to the category of special ones are used.

The facade method allows you to measure the facade in order to display the plan of a vertical surface in the form of graphics and a digital image. This technique makes it possible to assess the condition of the building and make a decision on the construction, restoration or repair work. The ongoing work will allow modeling the facade with all its elements.

It is important to know: the use of facade photography will allow you to make calculations of the necessary material and obtain information about the compliance of the facade according to the project. The level of quality of further work will depend on the facade shooting.

An executive survey is necessary to determine the compliance of the constructed building with the design documentation. Performing an executive survey is a mandatory requirement upon completion of construction and handover of the facility to the customer.

Note: Executive survey is carried out at all stages of the construction of the facility.

Order of execution

Works related to geodetic (topographic) survey are carried out in three stages:

  1. Preparation of documentation, development of terms of reference and plan; obtaining permits and registration of works in the architectural and geodetic departments.
  2. Performing actions on the ground for the study and direct shooting.
  3. Processing of the obtained results with leaving plans and maps, coordination of communications on the topographic plan and delivery of finished topographic images to the archive of the architectural department.

Validity and cost

Topographic survey materials for further use are carefully studied, but they have their own validity period.

Due to the fact that changes in the area associated with technological processes or natural phenomena are possible, the validity period of such studies according to the regulatory framework is two years.

After this period, the data must be updated.

It's no secret that any construction begins with an assessment of the terrain. Geodetic survey is an important process that is carried out at the initial stage of designing any construction project. Before the start of the planning of the building, surveyors arrive at the site of the future construction site. Their task is a geodetic survey of the site and an assessment of the main parameters that may affect the construction and operation of a new facility.

Also, the main duties of surveyors include the laying of basic communications, a detailed study of the landscape of the area and its features, as well as the preparation of a construction plan. In addition, surveyors should check for abandoned utilities and other structures that may be located on the development site.

At the final stage, a control geodetic survey is carried out, as well as a detailed development plan for the selected land plot is drawn up, taking into account the necessary coordinates and scale of construction.

Thus, there are several procedures that accompany geodetic work:

  1. Project development.
  2. Survey of the selected area and design of the land plot.
  3. Examination of building objects.
  4. Construction and installation support.

Standard geodetic survey (topographic) is necessary during the construction or reconstruction of buildings of any complexity, as well as during the repair or construction of main communications. The task of specialists is to determine the exact coordinates of construction work and establish the features of the landscape and soil in the selected area.

Geodetic survey of the site

Topographic survey of the land plot is also carried out during the design and laying of the roadway. After that, surveyors provide the construction company with a topographic plan, taking into account the established scale of the area. In the future, this project will be included in the folder with the main documentation, which is necessary to start construction.

Today, leading experts use a variety of classic and latest tools to conduct high-quality topographic surveys.

Currently, professional geodetic equipment is widely used, operating with the help of special aerial cameras and GPS satellites.

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Vertical layout of the land

Executive geodetic survey has its own scale, which is determined by the goals and objectives of construction. The correct setting of the scale plays an important role especially when designing complex structures such as multi-storey residential buildings, industrial facilities, dams, basins, tunnels, pipelines, hydroelectric power stations, etc.

Depending on the equipment used during the design, certain types of geodetic surveys are used.

The result of a well-conducted topographic survey is a detailed plan and recommendations for the development of the selected land plot, which will be used as a construction site.

Competent geodetic survey of the area allows construction personnel to develop an accurate representation of the project and make appropriate decisions during the main works. The further fate of any construction object depends on the quality of geodetic survey, therefore only highly qualified specialists can be trusted with work of this level.

Geodetic survey during the construction of a private house

The scope of work in the construction of a private house and high-rise buildings, of course, is different. However, geodetic survey is needed in both cases. Just when building your own low-rise building with a height of one to three floors, you can limit yourself to only some services without ordering the entire range.
For the first time, the services of surveyors will have to be addressed even before the start of construction. When a land plot has been purchased, but work has not yet begun, it will be useful to check the accuracy and compliance of the boundaries, and at the same time find out if there are engineering networks on your site. This will allow both saving in the future on connecting to various communications, and avoiding problems associated with the possibility of damage to these networks during earthworks.

When the necessary measurements are made, and the plan of the land plot is documented, as well as the layout (if any) of pipelines, cables and other underground surprises, you can proceed to the next step - determining the volume of land masses.

This type of work is necessary for almost everyone who plans to build a private house or cottage on a deep foundation, arrange a basement floor, work related to landscape design or simply leveling the site.

At the initial stage, specialists, using instruments and further accurate calculations, determine the types of soils, the thickness and depth of the various layers, the mobility of the masses, the depth of freezing and the level of groundwater. After that, they draw up a diagram of the site indicating the elevation difference.