Where to find "Lucky Calendar" by Alexander Litvin! Alexander and Alena Litvin: “Harmony in the family is the foundation of success in life Psychic Alexander Litvin: reviews

  • 23.02.2023

The writer, researcher and winner of the show "The Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin, especially for Woman's Day, compiled an action plan for the new year, following which you will attract good luck and success.

Each new year has its own character of speed. 2017 will seem very long, it will contain a huge number of events, upon careful examination of which we will see a lack of movement. There will be many words, but much less deeds. Learning from one's own mistakes, the tactics of focusing on trifles and the desire to pull a huge log out of the interlocutor's eye will take on a wide scope - however, at the same time, your own will interfere no less.

2017 is the year of knowledge. However, knowledge is different, sometimes it is a misconception, masquerading as knowledge: it all depends on the teacher. You can learn both bad and good, but, fortunately, each of us has a choice in the definition of a teacher, and therefore this school, whatever one may say, is fair, as life itself is fair. Every month will be a lesson, and don't expect holidays this school year. There will not even be a big change, the change of items will occur almost instantly, have time to react!


A lesson in family values.

No matter how much you want to visit exotic countries for the holidays, I remind you: those who were born in Russia cannot move to southern latitudes in January. Yes, it's great, it's warm, it's unusual, but when you return to khoroda a week later, the body is under stress. Get ready for 2017, which comes into its own in February. January is family time, and it is worth spending it with your loved ones, and there are more than enough reasons - New Year, Christmas, and even our exclusive holiday - Old New Year.

Homework: often gather with the whole family at the festive table.


A lesson in intuition.

The academic year starts in February, part of which will be the exam for 2016. The first subject is intuition, on which we will learn to feel each other and nature. The most outstanding works in the world are created by the most intuitive people, and only weapons of mass destruction are created by logicians. In February, you need to say everything you think, even if you are silent for diplomatic reasons. February reticences are the detonator of an explosion that destroys any relationship.

Homework: learn to listen to your heart and speak only the truth (Bulgakov believed that this was easy and pleasant to do).


A lesson in creativity and fantasy.

In the first month of spring, we will study creative aspects, develop our attitude to the beauty of this world, to nature, and develop artistic skills both in words and deeds. Someone will benefit from this lesson, while someone will ignore it and remain without beauty. Beauty does not have any clear reference to a specific type of human activity. There is beauty in everything: in thoughts and in clothes, and even in table setting. The time spent in March on aesthetics will not be wasted.

Homework: go to theaters, museums, galleries; do something to decorate the house, experiment with the image.


Anthropology lesson.

We will understand that there are people who are created to manage processes, and there are people who carry out these processes. This hierarchy is necessary because there must be order in the class. Inwardly, we are ready for power, but as soon as we receive it, it turns out that our readiness was only theoretical. The reverse side is when a person really owns power, but there are few command positions, and the person plays the role of a subordinate. In April it is easy to understand who you are. Condescension is the best style of behavior in dealing with people.

Homework: Smile around. Ask your loved ones what they like about you and what they don't.

A lesson in logic and planning.

The May lessons will focus on learning logic, understanding the connections between events and the impact of our words. The theme of the classes is strategic planning based on logical interpretations. This is a very complex topic, and we will get tired of solving logical problems. May is the longest month in 2017, it requires maximum peace and quiet. Oriental wisdom and fluidity of body and mind - that's what you need! The logic of May does not tolerate noise. Even an increase in wind can become an obstacle to work.

Homework: be quiet and don't rush anyone.


Physical education lesson.

There will be no change between May and June lessons, and therefore in June we all go to the gym to train physical endurance and excellent immunity. After all, in order to study well, you need to have a good strong body! June is also the best time to start dieting. But it must be remembered that we are all different, and the rejection of food of animal origin can be just as dangerous as the rejection of plant foods.

Homework: choose the appropriate exercise and diet.


Charm lesson.

In the middle of summer, we will ease the load, but we continue to learn the art of pleasing people. Only when they like us, they meet us halfway and open the doors. It's a difficult subject to please the majority. And although there is a saying that “everyone has their own taste,” the July school allows this taste to be changed in their favor. This is not about manipulating consciousness, but about childish immediacy and even some naivety.

Homework: Be children! Praise loved ones not for deeds, but for thoughts, evaluate fiction and creativity.


Strategy lesson.

The month requires maximum concentration, because there are several tasks to be solved simultaneously. August 2017 will concentrate time in a short rapid period, it will be necessary to single out a strategic goal, otherwise there is a risk of getting bogged down in trifles and not fulfilling the main thing. Put yourself in the place of another person, turn into an actor who has got used to the role, and feel the depth of other people's emotions. It is important to learn the lesson of tolerance for other people's shortcomings.

Homework: learn to distinguish between high-priority tasks and unimportant ones.


A lesson in tactics and rhetoric.

You will gain knowledge about the foundation of life - the smallest details from which the world is created, we will be able to consider its shortcomings and even find ways to eliminate them, but remember: this is just a tactic that should work in tandem with the May strategy. The lessons of rhetoric will benefit everyone, because only in a dispute is truth born. At the beginning of autumn, many will understand who was chosen as a teacher and whether this teacher is the right one. The progress of September depends only on the student, that is, on you, and everyone will have more than enough teachers.

Homework: observe others and draw conclusions - with whom to continue communication, and from whom it is better to stay away.

By the end of the year, we will have to learn how to receive information from alternative sources, from prophetic dreams and fragments of phrases. We will learn how to turn off May logic lessons and dive into the world of dreams, remove September pettiness and October conservatism, in December we will find answers to questions and generate ideas worthy of the exclamation “Eureka!”. But in order to bring all this to life, work is needed - daily and hourly, sometimes seven days a week, sometimes tedious and uninteresting, but necessary. But the result is worth it: we will pass the February exams in 2018 at the end of the year and pass with excellent marks.

Homework: write down your dreams - they may turn out to be prophetic.

Alexander Litvin, a psychic known to the Russian viewer, came to the casting of the famous TV project to test his abilities. However, it turned out that the 2008 season opened an incredibly strong clairvoyant.

Alexander's victory was a pattern. The psychic passed the tests quite easily and practically did not make mistakes. It is not surprising that in the final part of the Battle of the Psychics, most of the fans of the show voted for the customs officer. Alexander himself believes that psychic qualities developed in him thanks to his work on the ambulance. After completing the TV project, Mr. Litvin decided to continue the practice of extrasensory perception and closely cooperates with law enforcement agencies, helping to solve especially serious crimes. Of course, well-known politicians and artists turn to the services of a psychic. But Alexander is tactfully silent about this area of ​​his work.

In addition to providing assistance in private, the psychic sees his task in conveying a simple truth to the population. Each person is constantly influenced by a complex of spiritual and physical forces. You can ensure your own success by listening to the voice of nature. To facilitate this task, a special calendar by Alexander Litvin was created. Using this development, a person significantly increases the chance of finding happiness and harmony. Often, in the turmoil of modern life, a person loses something important. Therefore, discord in family life, career failures begin. It seems that every day more and more moves away from the cherished dream. Many in such a situation prefer to succumb to the negative current. Few people are able to resist negative trends and turn their lives around dramatically, reversing the seemingly inevitable downward trend.

In fact, there is a simple solution to the problem - Alexander Litvin's happy calendar. There will be no need to waste time looking for information on what business each day of the year is favorable for.

How does Alexander Litvin make life easier for a person? The calendar shows in detail which day is best for business, leisure, family matters or medical treatment. Incredibly, it turns out that there is a correct time for each specific activity. Just look at the calendar to understand what things are more convenient to do, for example, tomorrow. I must say that for a successful life, you will have to slightly change your habits, listening to the recommendations of a psychic. The calendar not only shows the time favorable for certain types of activities, but also indicates under what nuances things will really be successful.

According to Alexander Litvin, the “Happy Life Calendar” is a set of pictograms that are very convenient to use. Symbols suggest what should be limited today, and what, on the contrary, should be given more attention. Restrictions are determined in accordance with the energy of the day. This is a kind of tool for optimal planning of the events of your life, merging into the natural flow of energy and not wasting energy on unnecessary struggle.

Opponents of this installation have repeatedly stated that Alexander Litvin's calendar for 2013 cannot be objectively suitable for each individual person. It is not possible to calculate every day, so that any user can benefit from it. The psychic believes that, despite the individuality of an individual, anyone is dependent on general processes, and, therefore, they affect each person.

For example, with the onset of winter, everyone experiences a cold. However, you can protect yourself from bad weather by taking care of a set of warm clothes in advance. So the calendar created by the psychic takes into account the general factors of energy influence.

To make it really convenient to use the development, Alexander Litvin releases the 2013 calendar in two formats: wall and desktop. The first version contains 16 cards, the second consists of a block with 12 pages. Each package contains a number of clear recommendations. It takes into account what color clothes you need to wear every day. Color absorbs special information and serves as a filter of energy. If the color palette of clothes corresponds to the energy charge of the day, it attracts the attention of others, filling every minute with positive. In the absence of a harmonious combination, a conflict situation is likely to arise: the perception of the surrounding people may shift in a negative direction. The same thing happens with nutrition. A number of products are simply undesirable to use at certain times.

Naturally, it should be borne in mind that all recommendations are of a general nature. So, if green color prevails today, it does not mean that all clothes should be dyed in greenish tones. The presence of at least one detail of the desired color is enough. It is not necessary to follow verbatim recommendations for actions. The calendar indicates, for example, the best day to travel. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to make a journey, obeying the advice. But, it is advisable to listen to the recommendations that explain what actions on a given day will be undesirable. Currently, many Internet sites offer calendars for sale, allegedly compiled by a famous psychic. To avoid fake, you should purchase goods on the official website of Alexander.

The psychic is open to communication. On his website, he provides information about himself and his work, answers numerous questions and helps all who suffer to find harmony.

Alexander Litvin: When they ask me what I do, I say: "I try to harmonize a person and explain to him his task." The bulk of people are untuned instruments. When I work, I feel it and try to "adjust" them.

The Earth is a spaceship, and each person comes here with his specific task, his role. There are not so many of these roles - an instructor, a doctor, a psychologist, a builder, an architect, an aggressor, a defender, a communicator. If the intuition is good, the person will find his way and be successful. Intuition allows a person to make the right choice and apply himself to his tasks.

Elena: The key events of our life - a meeting with an important person, the birth of a child - is it an accident or predestination?

Alexander Litvin: A person can be given to us as a reward, or it can be an obstacle that we must overcome, a person is an educator who makes us stronger, more powerful. There is a person who destroys us, and you just need to run away from him! In this case, if there is no intuition, you are lost.

« Earth is a spaceship, and each person comes here with his own specific task, his own role.»

Elena: Does that mean everything in our life is not accidental?

Alexander Litvin: Yes, there is a certain plan, and it depends not only on you, but also on your ancestors. If you are lucky enough to be born into a family where several generations of ancestors were well regarded by their contemporaries, you will have a good level of intuition to find the missing link in your system. Then there is an opportunity to choose a person who will improve and strengthen you: will become a catalyst for your forward movement, your success, will show your charisma, increase your degree of freedom.

It seems to us here and now that everything is a matter of chance, or, on the contrary, we are the masters of our own destiny, but in fact everything is programmed in the past. And in this sense, there is nothing accidental. But we always have a choice, there are several options for the development of events. One will be extremely unpleasant, the other neutral, the third just great, but which option you choose depends on your intuition, which, in turn, depends on your family history.

I always focus on the connection between generations. Many consider their success to be their own merit. But it's not. Successful people are fueled by information and energy from the past. If energy is not enough, your clan will give it to you. But it happens that a person breaks away from his clan, and this is quite dangerous. You need to stop, think, change your attitude towards people, be more attentive. We, who live here and now, have a colossal responsibility to the past and to the future. When, in a difficult period of life, a person asks: why is this all for me, I answer - this is not for you, but for the one who created you, and your task is to do some work to improve the situation, to create favorable conditions for those who is following you, in fact, this is the “cleansing” of the family.

Elena: How do you perceive your unique abilities - as a gift or as a test?

Alexander Litvin: I don't think so at all. What I can do, other people could do if they had good intuition, but they were just not lucky. I owe the development of my intuition to my grandmother. She did not teach us on purpose - she simply told fairy tales and stories from her life. She talked a lot about our ancestors. She had a phenomenal memory. And she was a great cook too.

Elena: You say "us". Did the family have many children?

Alexander Litvin: We have very strong ties in the clan. There were many of us - cousins ​​and second cousins. We grew up together. And they were very close.

In the mornings, grandma would ask us what anyone had dreamed about. We told our dreams and she explained them. And I absorbed everything, all her signs, words. She taught me little by little, saying: "A crow just doesn't croak like that." And I remembered everything that she drew my attention to. She taught me to listen to the world around me. And now I often hear snippets of phrases from the conversation of people passing by and suddenly I understand: this is said for me. There comes a moment when I remember these phrases, and I am already on the right track.

Elena: This is what most of us perceive as white noise.

Alexander Litvin: Yes, but it's not white noise, it's information. I was taught to listen. What I can do is an atavism, a vestige, an ability lost by many. Ancient people possessed this gift to perfection. Intuition helped them survive! With the development of technology, almost all of us have lost this gift. Women managed to retain the ability to anticipate and foresee to a greater extent.

« The prediction said that my husband would be 15 years older than me, with two children. I was 20, and such a difference in age seemed then simply impossible, and even more so two children!»

Elena: Should there be a distribution of roles in the family?

Alexander Litvin: Certainly. The family is also a small spaceship. And the roles are the same. And if an architect and a bricklayer meet, everything is perfect. What if there are two invaders?

Elena: Won't survive?

Alexander Litvin: They can survive if there is a unifying idea. For example, travel is also the seizure of territories. And this is aggression, because curiosity is always a risk. People with the energy of the invader should work in pairs.

There is a rare type of people - rulers. They are meant to govern. These people cannot be ordered, they can only be obeyed. But rulers are always indulgent to requests. And if the partner has enough intuition and he feels it, then such a union will be happy. If not, the marriage is doomed.

Elena: How about in your family?

Alexander Litvin: I know too much, so it's okay. (Laughs.) And Alena knows what is needed for a happy marriage. Knows my habits. I don't need to explain anything to her.

Elena: And yet, how are the roles distributed in your family?

Alexander Litvin: I don't have any explicit role. I have a childish curiosity, but there is a lot of aggressor in me. However, I don't have the ability to multitask. I am a person who is fond of ... Right now I am talking to you and I am tuned only to you. If I am distracted at this moment, for example, start taking pictures, I will lose the thread of the conversation, and the photo will not work. This is not a very good feature. And Alena in this regard greatly complements me, compensates for my shortcomings. She can do five things at the same time.

Elena: When you first met, did you immediately feel that this was your destiny?

Alexander Litvin: 2 weeks after our first meeting, I told Alena that I would marry her.

Alyona: True, he did not say when. (Smiling.)

Elena: What did you feel then? Were you ready for the fact that this is serious, did you think about the family?

Alyona: No, I wasn't ready at all. I was building a career, I thought it was important to be independent, not to depend on anyone. In the past, I had rather unsuccessful relationships, after which I decided that the family is probably not for me at all, that everyone has their own path, and it seems easier for me to be alone. In addition, at that time my mother was seriously ill. And I was not at all up to my personal life.

Although then I remembered that once in my early youth, a fortuneteller accurately predicted my future. The prediction said that my husband would be 15 years older than me, with two children. I was 20, and such a difference in age seemed then simply impossible, and even more so two children! Therefore, I did not attach any importance to this.

Elena: But the prediction came true.

Alexander Litvin: It happened when no one expected it.

Elena: Were you ready for the arrival of your youngest son?

Alexander Litvin: I was more ready than Alyona.

Eugene: It was good news for all of us.

Alexander Litvin: A man with the energy of power has appeared in our family - this has not happened for many years.

Elena: Were you present at the birth?

Alyona: Of course he was with me because we are a team.

Elena: Panic?

Alexander Litvin: I couldn't panic, and besides, I knew that everything would be fine.

Elena: Does having children change a person?

Alexander Litvin: Yes, sure. We change each other more than we think. With the birth of Eugene, I became more diplomatic, with the birth of Albert, I became tougher. With the advent of Vovka, a lot will also change. Everyone has their own energy, their own influence. And this is the energy that allows you to move forward.

« Alena knows what is needed for a happy marriage. Knows my habits. I don't need to explain anything to her»

Elena: What do you do if you feel that your loved ones are in danger and you need to stop them?

Alexander Litvin: I write them a message: do not go out, do nothing.

Elena: It often happens that there is no prophet in his own country. Sometimes it is difficult to believe in a warning, to change your plans.

Albert: It's not difficult for us. We are used to living next to a person with unusual abilities, and we know that it works.

Eugene: Every person has days when he is in the greatest danger. The father feels it. And we know it's serious.

Elena: Is it easier to help strangers than your loved ones?

Alexander Litvin: Yes, it is extremely difficult when it comes to loved ones, and often there is simply not enough time. Alena sometimes says to me: “maybe I should make an appointment with you to talk?” (Smiling.)

But seriously, my relatives turn to me only on the most important issues. These strangers can pull on trifles. I do not take offense at them - people are weak. They do not understand that this is hard work, because I am responsible for my words.

Eugene: Father teaches us to trust ourselves more, to develop our intuition, to analyze the situation. Do not become dependent on advisers, think, try to feel this world. But in difficult life situations, of course, I always consult with him. Especially in business.

Elena: Is closeness with your sons just as important to you?

Alexander Litvin: Certainly. My appearance in the project "Battle of Psychics" was not an accident. Here it was necessary not only to decide to participate, but also to set ourselves the strategic task of winning this project. In addition, I had to leave my job - and I had been the head of the customs department for many years. But then the same childish curiosity turned on - you need to try to realize your abilities. I hate the word "psychic", I would call it an instructor, adviser and even a probability analyst. But there was no battle of advisers, and I went to the battle of psychics. It was the only platform where I could express myself. After all, this is not taught anywhere, you can’t make a career in it, there is no hierarchy, this is not science today with us. Here at the University of Edinburgh there is a department of parapsychology, but our society is not yet ready for this. And so I faced a dilemma: continue to live as before, or give up a prestigious, well-paid job and take risks for the sake of self-realization. I told Zhenya (eldest son) about my doubts. At the age of 48, it was not easy to decide to radically change my life, to turn everything upside down. My son unconditionally supported me. And that was the deciding factor.

« Father teaches us to trust ourselves more, to develop our intuition, to analyze the situation. Do not become dependent on advisers, think, try to feel this world»

Elena: Is there a person in your clan who harmonizes and strengthens the family?

Alexander Litvin: In our family, this is my father. He is already many years old, but he is a very whole person with principles, with a keen sense of justice - he is the core for our entire family. And our family is very large, the geography is huge, but the ties are very strong.

Elena: Agree, this is quite a rarity today.

Alexander Litvin: This is true. And that's bad. The strength of family ties has a huge impact on the life of every person. When women who cannot start a family or give birth to a child come to me, I tell them - invite guests to the house, gather relatives and close people around the table. Relationships need to be built and maintained. After all, each of us is a branch on the family tree, and it cannot bloom without a connection with the roots. This is hard work, but it should not be neglected.

Alyona: I read the stories of the richest families in the world. And they all had one thing in common - people connected by family ties continued the family business, all members of the clan were somehow involved in family affairs and as a result created huge empires. This is now explaining to us that an MBA is necessary in order to work even more successfully ... "for an uncle." Note that truly influential families give children a decent education, but only so that in the future the children will promote the family business and family, and not waste their time and life on being hired managers in someone else's business.

Alexander Litvin: The family is the same crew. And if one of the crew members falls out, there is no one to replace him, the rest begins to feverish.

Elena: Do you know your family history?

Alexander Litvin: My ancestors lived in Western Ukraine (my relatives still live there), in Poland, on the banks of the Oder, in Kazan, in Kabardino-Balkaria. Genetics are powerful. There were different people in the family. My paternal great-grandmother had a very strong energy. My relative on my mother's side made a round-the-world trip with Admiral Makarov. He was a very famous healer in the South Urals. Prayer healed epilepsy. One of my grandfathers was a clerk who recorded the interrogation of Admiral Kolchak. Another built houses in Austria-Hungary and knew five languages ​​- Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Jewish. My great-grandfather on my mother’s side was a shoemaker, before the revolution he had his own production, and I remember how I found whole deposits of old shoe lasts in the barn. One of his sons fought in the army of Kappel, the other in the army of Blucher. Relics remained in the family - a White Guard overcoat and Budyonovka.

Elena: What gives a person this feeling of belonging to a large family clan?

Albert: Confidence. You know that you are not alone, you will always be supported in difficult times.

Eugene: And very pleasant communication. We have a lot of bright, interesting, well-educated people in our family.

Elena: How is this closeness maintained?

Eugene: I think these are traditions that the older generation passes on to the younger. This is the story of a family that everyone knows, communication. And, of course, love and support.

Elena: You all travel a lot. Do you have favorite places?

Alexander Litvin: In general, the trip always depends on the time of year. And in general from a year. In 2010, the movements to the west were very successful. 2012-2013 - northern energy. In 2014-2015, you need to go east. If your travels coincide with the energy of the planet, the rest will be good. And the place is a favorite.

And I like to go where there is a lot of water. I'm always happy with water. The energy of water is intuition. I work on this energy. And water and movement are very important to me. Lying on the beach is not for me. I need a change of places and impressions.

« I like to go where there is a lot of water. I'm always happy with water. The energy of water is intuition. I work on this energy. And water and movement are very important to me.»

Elena: Do children share your values?

Alexander Litvin: I could not instill in them a love of fishing. (Laughs.)

Elena: Do you need moments of solitude, when you need to be alone with yourself, with the world?

Alexander Litvin: Of course I need it. But sometimes half an hour is enough to recover.

Elena: You can influence people and that is a huge responsibility.

Alexander Litvin: It's hard work, and you can't go wrong here. There are people with whom I don't work at all. There are situations that I have no right to change.

Elena: Can you help someone get what they want?

Alexander Litvin: To do this, he must know exactly what he wants. The more accurate the request to the Universe, the more accurate the result. The emotional experience is very important. It is difficult for an unhappy person to get what they want. One must be able to show the Universe a true emotion of happiness from a still hypothetical event, that is, from an already fulfilled desire. In general, you need only one thing - freedom. Not money, not a car, not gold and diamonds, but an increase in the degree of freedom.

Elena: And the degree of freedom is not connected with money?

Alexander Litvin: Partly yes, but not for strong personalities. We have reason, we have intuition, we have choice, we have will.

Elena: What is love?

Alexander Litvin: True love is altruism in its purest form, it is a feeling without expectation of reciprocal actions. “I will love you if….” - This is a ground option. Many people do not have time to find their man, as their feelings are obscured by logic, calculation. There are many of them, since today “success”, the assessment of society, is at the forefront. But society does not care if a person is happy or not. Society is measured by more understandable categories: the carat of diamonds or the length of boats.

Elena: And as a result, many lonely, unhappy people ...

Alexander Litvin: Unfortunately yes. But there are also many happy people.

Interviewed by Elena Bystrova

The winner of the 6th season of the "Battle of Psychics" does not consider himself a magician and a fortune teller. He admits that he is learning to unravel, explaining that everyone has abilities, but not everyone can develop them. One of the most popular contestants on the show warns that he just has good intuition, passed down to him from relatives. A lot has been written about him in the press, and the finalist of the mystical TV show himself publishes books about superpowers. It's time to get to know him better!

A gift from above

Psychic Alexander Litvin, born in 1960, already at the age of 7 realized that he was different from other children. In a family where women were engaged in healing, he did not try to specially develop his gift, saying that it turned out absolutely spontaneously. Feeling the world around him very clearly, he understood the interconnections between the phenomena that took place.

With age, the boy accumulated this invaluable experience, which was useful to him more than once. He recalls how, in his student days, he predicted grades for his friends at the sessions, and working as a military doctor, the young man relieved the pain of patients.

Unique abilities

Psychic Alexander Litvin, who has a special flair, used non-traditional methods of treatment, but did not tell anyone about it. It was fraught to advertise about ongoing corrections of the energy causes of various diseases in Soviet times. At 34 (after leaving military service for customs), Alexander used his extraordinary abilities to catch criminals. He says that in any personnel decisions he relied on his own way of determining the type of personality.

Litvin took into account all possible factors in order to assemble energetically suitable people into a single team. And if the team is well-coordinated, then everyone goes to the service with pleasure, and the return on work is much higher.

Considering that he did everything he wanted, Alexander quits the customs service, and he begins a new life stage - working with people and direct assistance to those in need. For those who cannot come and talk in person, he created a website where everyone can get help.

Project Winner

In 2008, when Litvin was still working at customs, he tried his hand at the Battle of Psychics project, the first releases of which he watched with interest with his wife Natasha, who convinced him to come to the TV show. A man with unique abilities successfully passed the casting and coped with the first test. Self-confident psychic Alexander Litvin recalls how he modeled the situation for presenting him with the main prize and achieved it.

He says that he did not know anything in advance about the trials that he would undergo. Cell phones were taken away, and one by one the psychics went to shoot, but no one came back, that is, there was no information about the next test of superpowers. Litvin, who often worked with his eyes closed, was very tired of the bright spotlights, but there was no getting around this.

He shared that it was difficult to get away from human grief and suffering, therefore, after all the hardships of trials, he put himself into a trance state. Having proven himself not only a good connoisseur of human souls, but also proving in practice that he is worthy of victory, Alexander Litvin takes the main prize. The “Battle of Psychics” becomes for him that very new stage in which he helps people thanks to his exceptional abilities. I must say that the winner himself after the project radically changed his life: he not only quit his job, but also settled in a huge house, got married and became a father of many children.

personal drama

No one knew until a certain moment that in the midst of the filming of the program, the wife of the future owner of the statuette in the form of a crystal hand died, with whom he raised two children. The biography of Alexander Litvin (psychic) ​​contains this difficult episode, after which he did not know whether he would return to the project or not. After burying his wife, a depressed Litvin returns to the shooting with a heavy heart, but for him it was the only solution, since he was simply afraid of being alone. His adult sons supported their father in the desire to continue participating in the struggle.

After the victory, the psychic plunges headlong into other people's problems in order to distract himself from his own. At the end of 2008, he receives a message asking for help for a sick mother from an unknown girl. Litvin recalls that he was very touched by this letter, and he gives advice that allows a woman to save her life. A few months later, the man meets a pretty stranger and proposes to her. Now the happy couple Alexander and Alena have two little heirs, to whom their father pays a lot of attention.

Psychic Alexander Litvin: predictions

Colleagues of Alexander speak respectfully of him, and many of his prophecies have come true. On the threshold of 2015, he accurately predicted a terrible tragedy - a plane crash near Donetsk. All experts claim that they take Litvin's words very seriously, he has clairvoyance, and his predictions often come true.

Unfortunately, the psychic's prediction for 2016 is drastically different from what we hear in the media. Alexander believes that the crisis, which is spoken of as a passing phenomenon, will return with renewed vigor. He argues that the time has come for serious changes in politics, society needs responsible people who put the interests of the country higher than their own.

He gives advice to everyone who is going to start their own business this year - not to be afraid of success. By taking non-standard steps to develop a business, you can achieve great heights. For everyone who wants to get acquainted with the predictions, psychic Alexander Litvin uploads a video on his website.

Everyone has their own purpose

The clairvoyant calls himself a "passportist", explaining that everyone who comes into this world has his own destiny. He only tells everything about a person by date of birth and gives the necessary advice. Alexander is often approached with problems of loneliness, and he believes that so many people are unsettled on a personal level because of feelings clouded by calculation.

Many today have a head full of success, because it is he who determines the viability in society, but the truth is that it does not matter to society whether this person who has achieved everything is happy or not. And many do not have time to find "their" partner in life, although there are actually not so many single people.

The question that will never be answered

The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin can predict how long the client who turned to him will live, but he will never do this. “This question is asked through one. Some live long and some leave early. What does a person live for? In order to correct all the mistakes of the past, and to the question about the problems that have piled up, I answer that you need not to turn sour, but to improve the situation in your family. All our roots are from the past, and if you break away from them, you will die, ”says the former customs officer.

Psychic Alexander Litvin: reviews

The incredibly popular winner of the show takes people in person and via Skype. On his website, you can make an appointment at which Litvin will answer all questions. This is a good business, because the cost of visiting a psychic significantly hits the wallet of an ordinary person. I must say that the reviews are very contradictory. He really helps many, explaining the hidden essence of the problem that has arisen, but he has the right to refuse admission if he understands that he cannot solve a complex problem.

He is recognized as a good expert in the field of human relations, giving many general recommendations. Someone considers his help illusory and leaves the psychic very disappointed, but his advice really helps many. Everyone who made an appointment with him talks about Litvin's special flair, which tunes in to the client like an antenna. Many respect him, cherishing his advice on doing business and building relationships. Alexander gives the person himself the opportunity to choose the path that he will follow, without giving an unambiguous answer and suggesting how to get out of a difficult situation with the least losses.

Litvin Alexander is a psychic who believes that a person creates his own destiny, and a developed intuition given to him from above saves his life. He recognizes that each generation is responsible both for itself and for the descendants who pay for sins. And if humanity lives without evil, doing good, then no one will have to correct any mistakes.