What should a cashier controller do? Rules for safe working conditions at the cash register. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

  • 06.03.2023

Induction training

Cashier Responsibilities:

  • 1. Check the serviceability of the blocking devices, fill in the receipt and control tape.
  • 2. Turn on the machine in the mains and after receiving a zero check, check the machine's performance.
  • 3. Print 2-3 checks without indicating the amount (zero), in order to check the legibility of printing details for the correct setting of the date and number of the check.
  • 4. Attach zero checks at the end of the day to the cash report.
  • 5. Place the inventory necessary for work (calculator).
  • 6. Carry out the operations of entering the amount in accordance with the manual for the cash registers given by them.
  • 7. For one buyer, determine the total amount of the purchase, services using the indication of the KKM indicator and name it to the buyer.
  • 8. Receive money from buyers for goods or services rendered, according to the scheme:
    • clearly state the amount of money received and receive this money;
    • separately, in front of the buyer to print a check;
    • name the amount of change and give it to the buyer along with the check (at the same time, paper bills and small change are given out at the same time).

It is forbidden:

  • 1. The cashier-operator does not have the right to take meter readings without the permission of the administration.
  • 2. Do not issue a cash receipt to the buyer.
  • 3. Work without a control tape or glue it in places of breakage.
  • 4. Do not allow unauthorized persons into the premises of the cash desk, to the cash machine, except for the director of the enterprise, his deputy, accountant, administrator on duty and, with their permission, a technical specialist or controlling person to check the cash desk.
  • 5. Leave the cash machine without turning it off, without informing the administration about your departure. If you need to leave the cash machine, you must first block it, all the keys to the cash machine and the cash drawer must be with the cashier.
  • 6. Independently make changes to the operating program of the cash terminal (for which the latter must be protected from unauthorized access).
  • 7. Should not have personal money and money unaccounted for through the cash machine (except for money issued before starting work).

Creation of favorable conditions for work and ensuring the safety of inventory items, providing a bargaining chip, inventory.

Additional instructions for cashiers:

1. The trainee cashier must order a pass from the personnel department and request uniforms from the senior cashiers. Everyone needs to have a medical book.

The cashier should know well what the cash desk consists of (scales, conveyor, scanner, keyboard, screen, printer, buttons to turn on the light, ribbons).

2. You can not punch a check to relatives or friends, as well as talk to them during work.

You can not give advice to buyers about products, especially when you do not have the correct information.

  • 3. If the product is not scanned, you should type its barcode manually. In the case when the barcode still does not go through the checkout, you need to politely ask the buyer to wait and find out the barcode and the price in the information desk.
  • 4. Working with credit cards requires special care. During the day, the cashier saves all slips from the terminal, as they serve as a report for money.
  • 5. After yourself, you should always leave the cash register in perfect order: completely ready for work and clean.
  • 6. At the end of the shift, the cashier takes to the bureau: cash, a report from the terminal, slips from the terminal, returns certificates, a control tape accumulated during the day, check-points. Remove the packages from the cash register into a box, turn off the light, put a brick and put carts in both aisles. When leaving for lunch or tea, bags should be put in a box, as buyers take them apart.
  • 7. You can not take money from the buyer in advance without breaking the check. In no case should you approach the buyer with suspicion of theft. You must immediately report this to the senior cashier. Forgotten items should be returned to the information department. No need to shout loudly: "Who forgot things?".
  • 8. The cashier must be polite, attentive, friendly with customers, always ready to help.
  • 9. The appearance of the cashier must be impeccable, as not only customers, but also employees look at you all day long.

To study the rights and obligations of the cashier-controller and fill in the table.


Each employee has their own responsibilities. And what is included in the list of duties of the controller-cashier in the store? What is this profession anyway? Is it the same cashier or not? Let's find out.

Let's start with a simpler one: what kind of profession is a controller-cashier? You can answer this question very simply, because we see cashiers every day when entering the store. It is these smiling people who accept money from us in exchange for goods.

The prefix "controller" slightly expands the list of job responsibilities of a cashier in a store, but in general this is still the same position. And like all professions that deal with money and people, this one requires increased care and patience.

In his work, the cashier controller must adhere to accepted modern standards of customer service. He must be affable and friendly and be able to communicate with the client.

Key Responsibilities of a Cashier

Let us consider in more detail and in detail what duties of a cashier controller in a store are spelled out in a standard job description.

The duties of a cashier controller in a grocery supermarket and a household appliance store can vary significantly, you need to keep this in mind. If your choice is the profession of a cashier controller, you need to think about where it would be most comfortable for you to work.

So, the list of what a controller-cashier should know and be able to include:

  • selection and picking of goods - he must know the basic methods;
  • assortment, characteristics, purpose, classification of goods sold in the store, current retail prices for them;
  • warranty periods of operation, rules for the delivery and exchange of goods;
  • methods for determining the quality of goods, types of marriage and rejection rules, drawing up acts for registration of marriage;
  • principles of arrangement and design of retail space;
  • procedure for compiling commodity reports;
  • ability to read labels, knowledge of article numbers;
  • requirements of standards for the quality and labeling of goods and containers;
  • knowledge of the size scale of products, the ability to determine the size;
  • the procedure for performing an inventory;
  • registration of acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets;

The controller-cashier must know the device of the cash register equipment and the rules for its operation.

Responsibilities of the cashier controller in the store include the following functions:

Merchandising. The controller prepares the goods for sale - unpacks, inspects and wipes if necessary. Forms kits and lays out goods by type, type and grade, while taking into account which product is in greatest demand and how to arrange it most conveniently for work.

He must inform the store administration if a product has arrived that does not correspond to the delivery note. Monitors the availability of price tags - enters current prices and attaches price tags to the product. Removes unsold products and containers. Controls the presence of the product range in the trading floor. Gets acquainted with the assortment in the warehouse and participates in the acceptance.

settlement operations. Carrying out payments for goods with customers, accounting for money and their delivery in the proper manner. This includes calculating the total cost of the purchase, receiving banknotes, printing a check, issuing change to the buyer, and paying off the check. At the end of the day, the cashier calculates the proceeds at the cash desk and hands it over to the collector.

The profession of a cashier controller involves working with a cash register - its maintenance, elimination of minor malfunctions, timely replenishment of the apparatus with control and receipt tapes. The cashier sets the current date and translates the numerator to zero, writes down the meter readings.

Also, the cashier-controller controls the correct operation and safety of cash registers, participates in the inventory, checks the quantity, weight, pairing, footage, the presence of a label or seal. Compiles commodity reports, activates shortages, marriage, regrading. Checks the amount of sales with the readings of cash counters.

Non-obvious duties of the seller-cashier in the store

In addition to such obvious cases, the terms of reference also include advising buyers if they have questions about the properties, purpose, quality, prices of the goods presented. Resolves disputes and conflicts with visitors if representatives of the administration are absent. Supervises subordinate controllers-cashiers with lower qualifications. Offers related products to customers and even does some demand research.

Responsibility of the controller of the cashier. He is responsible for causing material damage, for committing an offense in the course of work, for failure to fulfill his official duties, approved by the job description, within the framework determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As you can see, the job responsibilities of a cashier controller in a store are very diverse and are not limited to punching checks. This is not to say that this work is easy, although it does not require special education. The flow of visitors to the store can be large, it is not so easy to cope with all this list, subject to constant time pressure and pressure. But a job well done, however, will always bring joy.

I. General provisions

1.1. The controller-cashier belongs to the category of technical

performers. Hired and fired from her order

director of the enterprise on the presentation of _________________________________.

1.2. The controller-cashier reports directly to __________________


1.3. During the absence of the controller-cashier (business trip, vacation,

illness, etc.) performs his duties in the prescribed manner

appointed deputy who is solely responsible for

proper performance of the duties entrusted to him.

1.4. In his activities, the controller-cashier is guided by:

— regulatory documents and methodological materials on issues

work performed

- company charter

- internal labor regulations

- orders and orders of the director of the enterprise and

immediate supervisor

- this job description.

1.5. The controller-cashier must know:

- assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods

- rules for decoding the article and marking

- retail prices

- methods of selection, picking of goods

- product size scales and rules for their determination

- the main types of raw materials and materials used for the manufacture of goods and

ways to recognize them

— basic requirements of standards and specifications,

imposed on the quality of goods, packaging and labeling

- types of marriage and marriage rules

– methods for determining the quality of goods

– warranty periods for the use of goods and the rules for their exchange

– device and operating rules of the cash register

– the basic principles of the construction of commercial and technical equipment

— principles of interior design of shop windows

- the procedure for conducting an inventory, compiling and processing

commodity reports, marriage certificates, sorting of goods and acceptance certificates

acts in the transfer of material values

— progressive forms and methods of customer service.

II. Functions

The following functions are assigned to the controller-cashier:

2.1. Settlement with buyers for goods and services.

2.2. Control over the replenishment of the assortment of goods in the trading floor.

2.3. Preparing goods for sale.

2.4. Counting money and handing them over in the prescribed manner.

III. Job Responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the controller-cashier must:

3.1. Supervise the timely replenishment of the assortment

goods on the trading floor and their safety, serviceability and correct

operating a cash register.

3.2. To check the quantity, weight, footage, pairing,

labels, seals, prices and quality of goods.

3.3. Make settlements with customers for goods and services

the cost of the purchase, receiving money, punching a check, issuing change,

redemption of a check.

3.4. Troubleshoot minor malfunctions of the cash register,

fill it with control and receipt tapes, record readings

counters, transfer the numerator to zeros and set the date.

3.5. Prepare goods for sale: unpacking, inspecting the external

type, wiping, picking and laying out goods by groups, types and

varieties, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of use.

3.6. Fill out and attach price tags.

3.7. Count money and deliver them in the prescribed manner.

3.8. Clean up unsold goods and containers.

3.9. Familiarize yourself with the range of goods in stock and participate in

receiving them.

3.10. Notify the administration of the receipt of goods, not

corresponding to the marking (consignment note).

3.11. Design in-store and window showcases, implement

control over their condition.

3.12. Advise buyers about the purpose, properties, quality

goods and their prices.

3.13. Offer customers new interchangeable products and products

related range.

3.14. Study customer demand.

3.15. Draw up commodity reports, acts on marriage, shortage,

sorting and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material values.

3.16. Reconcile sales amounts with cash receipts


3.17. Resolve disputes with customers in the absence


3.18. Participate in inventory taking.

3.19. Supervise cashier controllers at a lower level


3.20. _____________________________________________________________.

The controller-cashier has the right:

4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management

regarding its activities.

4.2. Submit proposals for consideration by management

improvement of the work related to the duties stipulated

this instruction.

4.3. Receive from the heads of structural divisions,

specialists information and documents on issues included in its


4.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in

performance of their duties and rights.

V. Responsibility

The controller-cashier is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official

duties set out in this job description

within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For those committed in the course of carrying out their activities

offenses - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and

civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined

labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Duties of a cashier

The controller-cashier must know:

1. The range and quality of goods sold in the store, suppliers, terms of use, shelf life.

2. Types of modern cash registers.

3. Signs of the solvency of banknotes.

4. Rules for keeping money at the cash desk, rules for documenting cash transactions, depositing money at the main cash desk.

5. Details of checks and reporting documents.

6. Safety requirement when working on a cash register.

Cashier must be able to:

1. Prepare a workplace and a cash register for work.

2. Receive a bargaining chip and place it in a cash drawer.

3. Serve customers well

4. Receive financial reports and hand over the proceeds to the main cash desk.

The controller-cashier does not have the right:

1. Keep personal money and things in the cashier.

2. Allow unauthorized persons to enter the cash desk, except for the director, chief accountant, senior cashier or head of department.

3. To issue cash from the cash desk without a written order from the store director.

The controller-cashier has the right:

1. Require normal working conditions, i.e. the presence of heating, ventilation, changing rooms, rooms for eating.

2. Request days off, lunch breaks, rest breaks, vacations and paid sick leave.

3. Call the administrator to resolve conflicts.

Rules for safe working conditions at the cash register

When working on a cash register, the following rules for safe working conditions must be observed:

1. The workplace of a cashier must be equipped in such a way that the possibility of contact of the worker with current-carrying devices, grounding buses, radiators, water pipes is excluded.

2. Connect the machine to the network through a special socket, which must be grounded.

3. It is not allowed to use fuses that are not rated for the current provided by the technical characteristics of this machine, and connect the machine to the network without a fuse.

4. Before turning on the machine in the electrical network, it is necessary to inspect the plug, cord, socket, and make sure that they are in good condition.

5. It should be remembered that in a machine with automatic opening of the cash drawer during the issuance of the first check, the cash drawer is pushed out under the action of springs by at least 1/3 of its length.

6. It is not allowed to interfere with the operation of the machine after it has been started until the end of the working cycle.

7. When stopping the machine for an unknown reason, as well as in case of sudden stop, it is necessary to disconnect it from the power supply.

8. It is forbidden to carry out maintenance on the machine connected to the power supply.

9. After finishing work on the machine, it is necessary to turn off the power supply by removing the plug from the socket.

10. Persons who are not familiar with the rules of work and safety should not be allowed to work on the machine.

We see them almost every day, but we look past them. Usually on a tape with goods near the checkout or in your wallet. A cashier controller is considered a non-prestigious profession, but few people know that this position can be a good start, regardless of work experience and even age. Ekaterina Shchipakina, Dixy controller-cashier, talks about how it works in a large grocery chain and what kind of career can be built from scratch.

Ekaterina Shchipakina. Controller-cashier at Dixie

As a child, I dreamed of being a cook on a steamboat. And then I wanted to travel around Baikal. And Baikal is still my dream. And maybe it will come true.

I was born in Arzamas, graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Trade College and after a while I got my own business. I have been selling cosmetics and perfumes for almost 15 years. But more and more large networks began to appear in the city, and I could not stand the competition: the store had to be closed. I am an optimist by nature, so I decided to go to Moscow to seek happiness. In the capital, she rented an apartment and got a job as a seller to a private trader, in a small grocery store. At the same time, I went to learn how to work with cash registers - there are free courses at the training center in Ochakovo. I didn’t like the job: I had an agreed salary, but the owner could pay less under various pretexts. There is no social package, but, meanwhile, you need to think about pensions in advance. One of my friends worked at Dixie, she advised me to apply for a job there. I did just that - I went to the store closest to my house.

In a new place

I was interviewed by the store manager. In Dixy, the applicant does not need to go to the head office - employment issues are resolved at each point independently. I applied for the position of cashier. My job responsibilities include more than just cashiering.

We do not have a division into “yours-mine” work at all. We all know how to deal with the cash register, and we know how products should be presented on the shelves, we all help to receive goods and monitor their expiration dates, and we all help customers.

The first three working days are considered an internship. More experienced employees brought me up to date and after two days I began to work fully. With my experience, I did not have to learn anything fundamentally new. The only thing that was completely new was the work with stock items. The cashier must offer each customer a promotional product at a discount. For each position sold, he receives a small increase in salary. And right away I want to debunk the myth that promotional products expire. No. Goods for the promotion at the checkout are selected fresh - this is a marketing ploy to increase sales. Each week, three products are selected specifically for this promotion.

There are also promotions from partners, the store manager tells employees about all such events at daily five-minute meetings at the beginning of the shift.

The trial period for newcomers is three months. During this time in the store you can remember everything and master the cash register. Many come here with absolutely no experience in trading, and they are helped in every possible way to figure it out.

During the trial period, the controller-cashier receives a fixed salary of 27,500 rubles and a small bonus part. Registration takes place according to the work book, the social package includes all payments: both for sick leave, and vacation pay, and for child care, and for the duration of training. During the shift, employees have a lunch break and two tea breaks. Dixy does not pay for lunches, but each store has a mini-kitchen for employees. The form is also provided to employees by the employer.

How much can you earn

On average, after the probationary period, the controller-cashier receives about 40 thousand rubles. This is if he works 15 shifts (shifts of 12 hours) and the store fulfills the sales plan well.

The salary of the controller-cashier consists of several parts: a fixed salary, income from sales of promotional goods at the checkout and a bonus part. You can earn more if you take more shifts, night shifts are more expensive. Theoretically, if you work seven days a week, you can earn 100 thousand rubles. But in practice, working without days off will not work - this is a violation of the labor code, and here this is strictly monitored.

There are almost no penalties in Dixy. Only if the cashier had a shortage when returning the cash register. But this happens extremely rarely: we check any suspicious bill on special equipment and say all manipulations with money out loud: “Your 500 rubles, change 125.” This is both a requirement of Rospotrebnadzor and additional insurance for the cashier.

If a store employee accidentally breaks or spoils something, then this is written off as a general expense. Personally, he is not financially responsible for this, but the store is reducing the amount of funds for bonuses.


Career prospects at Dixy depend only on the desire of the employee. For example, my immediate supervisor at the age of 45 came to the position of a merchandiser. Now she is 57, she is a store manager and she is called for the position of regional manager.

Each new career step involves obtaining special knowledge at the Dixy training center. After training - exams.

I worked for only seven months and was sent to study for the position of assistant store manager. ZUM is the next career step. He also sits at the checkout and works in the hall, and also helps newcomers or becomes a senior cashier who makes reports on the cash registers. You can go to a vacancy in any store in the network, but I'm waiting for it to be vacant in mine.

Each controller-cashier can grow to managerial positions. It all depends on the person and their goals. Often people who are not interested in career growth come to this position. Of course, no one is forcing them. What is wrong with the fact that a person chooses to simply do his job well where he is comfortable?

By the way, in "Dixie" pensioners are also taken to the position of the controller-cashier.